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      Soil ScienceSoil genesis and classificationUrban SoilsTechnosols
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      Clay MineralsBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesForest soil nutrition
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      GeomorphologySoil ScienceEcologyPoland
Zarys treści: Badania prowadzono w obrębie pola testowego o powierzchni 1 km 2 w okolicy Zbójna (Pojezierze Dobrzyńskie). Ich celem była analiza wpływu denudacji (naturalnej i antropogenicznej) na właściwości osadów zagłębień... more
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Paper provides information about culinary heritage and culinary tourism opportunities in Lithuania. Please cite as: Burneika D., Skorupskas R., Charzyński P., Świtoniak M., 2015. Cultural Tourism in Lithuania – Experiencing Culinary... more
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      Tourism StudiesCultural HeritageCultural TourismTourism
Paper provides information about culinary heritage and culinary tourism opportunities in SE Anatolia Province in Turkey. Please cite as: Charzyński P., Świtoniak M., Burneika D., Skorupskas R. 2015. Food tour in South-Eastern Turkey –... more
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      Tourism StudiesAnatolian StudiesCultural HeritageHeritage Tourism
Multidisciplinary research on the bottom sediments of a kettle-hole at the Retno site (the Brodnica Lake District, north-central Poland) provided some information about changes in hydroclimatic conditions in the Late Glacial and the... more
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This book was not reviewed. The authors of abstracts are responsible for their content.
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ABSTRACT Human-induced erosion is one of the key factors leading to the soil degradation. Agricultural, undulating or hilly morainic areas of North-Eastern Poland are exposed to this negative process. This paper elucidates the influence... more
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      GeologyCatenaSoil sciences
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      Soil ScienceCemeteryCemetery StudiesUrban Soils
The aim of the study was to assess the suitability of aerial photos for mapping the soils of dwindling lakes catchment areas. The study area is located in the North Poland, within the Brodnica Lakeland and it includes the direct catchment... more
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The aim of the study was to assess suitability of colour aerial photographs for mapping of soil cover transformed due to effect of anthropogenic denudation. The investigation was carried out in south-western part of the Brodnica Landscape... more
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The term deluvial is applied to a deposit formed as a result of geodynamic processes in hilly and undulating landscapes by natural and technogenic movement of topsoil or products of weathering down the slope and its accumulation. The... more
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      Soil SciencePolandSoil Survey and ClassificationSoil genesis and classification
The objective of this publication is presentation of taxonomy position of vertical texture-contrast soils developed from bottom moraine material covered by fluvioglacial or ablation sandy layers in young glacial landscapes. Studied soils... more
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