University of Massachusetts, Boston
Latin American and Iberian Studies
This paper analyzes Roberto Bolaño’s Amuleto (1999), and in particular its interest in the contemporary limits of political resistance. The essay subsequently juxtaposes the novel’s depiction of the massacre at Tlateloco with Carlos... more
This chapter examines the dynamics of nation, family, and memory in Fernando León de Aranoa’s films and in relation to the neoliberalization of Spain that marked the 1990s and early 2000s. In Léon de Aranoa’s films and screenplays, the... more
Encrucijadas Globales is a timely collection of essays that explores redefinitions of Spain in the global era from an interdisciplinary perspective, drawing on globalization studies, postcolonialism, new historicism, discussion of... more
This chapter maintains that Alicia Scherson’s film offers a keen sense of what the interface between aesthetics and politics looks like within cinema today. I analyze Scherson’s Play (2004), the first digital film produced in Chile for... more
The Blurred Image: The Aesthetics of Impunity in Pablo Larraín’s No and El Club This chapter analyzes two works by the Chilean filmmaker Pablo Larraín, No (2012) and El club (2015), in relation to what can be described as his aesthetics... more
96 pp. ISBN 978- 84-7923-440-5. 8,00 €
Número 33 de la Biblioteca Crítica
Número 33 de la Biblioteca Crítica
Literary texts are social artifacts embedded in a web of dynamic relations, which are subjected to the vagaries of history. These include, but are not limited to, the manifold relations established between the author, the text, the... more
Always preserved in a genre are undying elemeuUI of the archaic. True, these archaic clenlo!w are P~lVed in it only th.anh to their collBtlDl renewal, which il to say, their cOol.emporizaLion. (M .BakhLin)
Resumen Este ensayo propone que ciertas variaciones y discontinuidades que la crítica aprecia en la picaresca pueden entenderse a la luz de las luchas políticas habidas en la Castilla de la primera modernidad en torno al control de la... more
Si pensamos en la picaresca y en la historia de la literatura castellana más allá de sí mismas, como parte de una historia de la cultura y de la sociedad, resulta que en los anaqueles olvidados por historiógra- fos pero cuidadosamente... more
Este trabajo combina el uso de herramientas digitales y tradicionales para el tratamiento de problemas en los campos de los estudios textuales, la historia de la literatura, los estudios de censura, la historia del libro y la sociología... more
En este volumen se recopila una serie de artículos e investigaciones de distintos autores y de diversas áreas en torno al Lazarillo de Tormes y sus continuadores, analizando desde varias perspectivas la obra y sus ramificaciones, tanto en... more
As I write these lines, it is not clear who is in charge of the US government... This opinion piece was published by Commonwealth Magazine on January 12, 2021... more