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A set of simulations using a validated and realistic parameterization of a numerical model was conducted for the south and southwest Portuguese regions as an attempt to understand larval dispersal patterns in the Norway lobster (Nephrops... more
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Background: The role of wildlife as a brucellosis reservoir for humans and domestic livestock remains to be properly established. The aim of this work was to determine the aetiology, apparent prevalence, spatial distribution and risk... more
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      MicrobiologyGeographyMedical MicrobiologySpain
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Del Word-of-mouth al Marketing viral: aspectos claves de la comunicación a través de redes sociales Comunicacion y Hombre, núm. 5, 2009, pp. 41-51 Universidad Francisco de Vitoria España ¿Cómo citar? Número completo Más información del... more
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Dos rectas en R 3 se llaman oblicuas o cruzadas si son no paralelas y no se intersectan. El objetivo de esta nota es encontrar los dos puntos de dos rectas oblicuas que minimizan la distancia entre dos puntos arbitrarios de las rectas, es... more
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Background-Inspired CO 2 is a potent ventilatory stimulant exhibiting a paradoxical inhibitory eVect on breathing at high concentrations. Severe respiratory depression as a result of CO 2 rebreathing during sleep has been implicated as a... more
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      Carbon DioxideHeart rateInfantRespiration
Background: Salt-sensitive normotensive men exhibit an enhanced pressor and heart rate (HR) response to mental stress. Stress-induced HR acceleration may result from sympathetic activation or vagal withdrawal. We studied the importance of... more
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      StressElectrocardiographyAutonomic Nervous SystemHeart rate variability
The previous publications of this series described the expected grain distributions around model radioactive structures in EM autoradiographs as a function of the specimen resolution. This family of expected distributions was called the... more
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      MathematicsElectron MicroscopyCell BiologyBiological Sciences
Background: WR1065 is the free-thiol metabolite of the cytoprotective aminothiol amifostine, which is used clinically at very high doses to protect patients against toxicity induced by radiation and chemotherapy. In an earlier study we... more
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      BioinformaticsImmunologyLife SciencesCell Cycle
The class III histone deacetylase (HDAC) SIRT1 plays a role in the metabolism, aging, and carcinogenesis of organisms and regulates senescence and apoptosis in cells. Recent reports revealed that SIRT1 also deacetylates several DNA... more
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      GenomicsCell CycleDNA repairStability
The GO/Gj to S transition in quiescent BALB/c 3T3 cells stimulated by serum growth factors can be specifically blocked by the administration ofinterferon (IFN) to the system. In the present communication, we studied whether IFN inhibits... more
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      Gene regulationRegulationGene expressionMultidisciplinary
Splanchnic and systemic arteriolar vasodilationplays an important role in ascites formation incirrhosis. Octreotide produces splanchnicvasoconstriction, but the effects on systemichemodynamics and renal function are controversial. This... more
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      KidneyLiver CirrhosisGlucagonHemodynamics
Splanchnic and systemic arteriolar vasodilationplays an important role in ascites formation incirrhosis. Octreotide produces splanchnicvasoconstriction, but the effects on systemichemodynamics and renal function are controversial. This... more
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      KidneyLiver CirrhosisGlucagonHemodynamics
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      EpidermisClinical SciencesFluorescent Antibody TechniquePrimary Culture
Osservatorio Innovazione Sifo web mail [email protected] SCHEDA PRODOTTO con valutazione economica semplificata I dati originali riportati nella scheda sono proprietà del Laboratorio SIFO di... more
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      Treatment OutcomeCanadaEuropeClinical
mediators with the capacity to recruit marrow-derived stromal cells. To test this, primary murine tracheal epithelial cells (MTEC) were cultured on a supported semi-permeable membrane (Transwell) under air-liquid interface conditions.... more
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      PharmacologyTechnologyConfocal MicroscopyBiological Sciences