Gunung Wingko is one of the Bronze Age sites located in Bantul Regency or approximately 25 km sou... more Gunung Wingko is one of the Bronze Age sites located in Bantul Regency or approximately 25 km south from Yogyakarta city and 1.5 km from Indian Ocean coastline. This site became known in 1972, and since then an intensive research had been conducted there, surveys as well as excavations. Information related to the Gunung Wingko community life reconstruction has been obtained from the research. However, nowadays the site seemed to be forgotten within the contexts of historical reconstruction, in particular by the community of Yogyakarta and its nearby surrounding. The fast change of land use has caused damage to the site research has provided some culture information but in the other hand the management and utilization of the research results are still minimal. In this paper will be discussed how to utilize result in Gunung Wingko site based on conservation efforts. The Results of this paper are expected to be used as a reference to managing the site.
Semedo is a site with archaeological potential of animal vertebrate fossils and stone tools. Huma... more Semedo is a site with archaeological potential of animal vertebrate fossils and stone tools. Human fossils as cultural actors on the site until now has not been found. In early January 2011, people found the order of human skeleton on this site. This research was conducted with the objective of identifying the human species and its relationship with the fossil vertebrates and stone tools available at this site. The method used in this study is a survey of observations and literature studies. This research is important given the results of this study will be used as a basis for policy making and management framework of the findings Semedo Site.
So far prehistoric archeological research on small islands has exclusively been carried out in th... more So far prehistoric archeological research on small islands has exclusively been carried out in the Wallacea region. The research yielded a lot of knowledge related migration and cultural development. While similar research in other areas such as small islands in northern Java has not been explored much yet. This is because of the view that the condition of the islands is considered to be the same as that of Java. The islands were geochronologically separated from Java at least since the beginning of the Holocene and culturally different. This paper attempts to present the results of the latest research on Kangean Island as one of the small islands in northern Java and seeks to position the data in the context of prehistoric archaeology in Indonesia. The data used in this paper come from the results of a recent research conducted in 2018 and 2019 (primary data) and literature studies (secondary data) to obtain an archaeological picture of Indonesian prehistory. The chronological and ...
Sejauh ini penelitian arkeologi prasejarah di pulau kecil banyak dilakukan di wilayah Wallacea. P... more Sejauh ini penelitian arkeologi prasejarah di pulau kecil banyak dilakukan di wilayah Wallacea. Penelitian tersebut menghasilkan banyak pengetahuan yang berkaitan dengan tema migrasi, perkembangan budaya. Sementara penelitian sejenis di wilayah lain seperti pulau-pulau kecil di utara Jawa belum banyak dilakukan. Hal ini dimunginkan karena pandangan bahwa kondisi pulau-pulau tersebut dianggap sama dengan Jawa. Padahal pada kenyataanya pulau-pulau tersebut secara geokronologis telah terpisah dengan Jawa setidaknya sejak awal holosen dan secara budaya memiliki keragaman yang berbeda pula.Tulisan ini berupaya menyajikan hasil penelitian terbaru di Pulau Kangean dan beberapa pulau lain sebagai salah satu pulau kecil di utara Jawa, dan berupaya untuk mendudukan data tersebut dalam konteks arkeologi prasejarah di Indonesia. Data yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini berasal dari hasil penelitian terbaru yang dilakukan tahun 2018 dan 2019 (data primer) dan studi pustaka (data sekunder) untuk mem...
Gunung Wingko is one of the Bronze Age sites located in Bantul Regency or approximately 25 km sou... more Gunung Wingko is one of the Bronze Age sites located in Bantul Regency or approximately 25 km south from Yogyakarta city and 1.5 km from Indian Ocean coastline. This site became known in 1972, and since then an intensive research had been conducted there, surveys as well as excavations. Information related to the Gunung Wingko community life reconstruction has been obtained from the research. However, nowadays the site seemed to be forgotten within the contexts of historical reconstruction, in particular by the community of Yogyakarta and its nearby surrounding. The fast change of land use has caused damage to the site research has provided some culture information but in the other hand the management and utilization of the research results are still minimal. In this paper will be discussed how to utilize result in Gunung Wingko site based on conservation efforts. The Results of this paper are expected to be used as a reference to managing the site.
Wuru cave which located in Jetis, Saptosari Gunung Kidul, is one of the horizontal caves that con... more Wuru cave which located in Jetis, Saptosari Gunung Kidul, is one of the horizontal caves that contain archaeological data. This cave have a relatively small room, elongated and curved, but in this cave has many ecofact, some of which indicate the presence of human treatments (burned and trimmed). In the quality of the bone ecofact most have begun to experience the process of fossilization. In addition there is also finded shells, pottery, hazelnut and coal. These findings show evidence that the Wuru cave has potential as a cave who ever used in the past. But what kind of use or functionality of this cave in the surrounding area of Gunung Sewu western part is still unknown. This paper seeks to uncover the environmental approach, the method used is the analysis of artifacts, ecofact, and ecology around the area of the cave.
Mount Wingko site is one of the sites which is rich in artifacts and ecofacts findings. This rese... more Mount Wingko site is one of the sites which is rich in artifacts and ecofacts findings. This research aims to understand how production and distribution activities occur in the community at Gunung Wingko site. This research applied economic archaeology approach with tray pottery artifacts as primary data supported by other findings. Based on the analysis, it is found that there are two activities at Mount Wingko site that is salt production and cattle raising. Formerly, distribution activity was done by exchange, then it was developed into trading. Situs Gunung Wingko merupakan salah satu situs yang kaya akan temuan artefak dan ekofak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami bagaimana kegiatan produksi dan distribusi yang terjadi pada masyarakat di situs Gunug Wingko. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah arkeologi ekonomi dengan data utama yang dipakai dalah artefak gerabah tampah dan didukung oleh temuan lain. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan diketahui bahwa, di situs Gunung Wingko ...
Wuru cave which located in Jetis, Saptosari Gunung Kidul, is one of the horizontal caves that con... more Wuru cave which located in Jetis, Saptosari Gunung Kidul, is one of the horizontal caves that contain archaeological data. This cave have a relatively small room, elongated and curved, but in this cave has many ecofact, some of which indicate the presence of human treatments (burned and trimmed). In the quality of the bone ecofact most have begun to experience the process of fossilization. In addition there is also finded shells, pottery, hazelnut and coal.These findings show evidence that the Wuru cave has potential as a cave who ever used in the past. But what kind of use or functionality of this cave in the surrounding area of Gunung Sewu western part is still unknown. This paper seeks to uncover the environmental approach, the method used is the analysis of artifacts, ecofact, and ecology around the area of the cave.
Painted rock art occurs throughout the islands of the Western Pacific and has previously been arg... more Painted rock art occurs throughout the islands of the Western Pacific and has previously been argued to have motif and design elements in common, indicating that it was created within the context of a shared symbolic system. Here we report five new painted rock-art sites from Kisar Island in eastern Indonesia and investigate the commonalities between this art and the painted art corpus in Timor-Leste, the independent nation that forms the eastern part of the neighbouring island of Timor. We examine the motifs in the Kisar art and suggest that, rather than being Neolithic in age, some of the figurative motifs more likely have a Metal Age origin, which in this region places them within the last 2500 years.
As a part of a palace building, a fortress is one of the building components that must exist. A f... more As a part of a palace building, a fortress is one of the building components that must exist. A fortress is also found at Pleret Palace. The historical data obtained form Dutch records and chronicles mention that the Palace is equipped with a square-shaped fortress with a shield shape frontage. Then how the suitability of these data with archaeological evidence found at this site. This paper describes the historical data relating to the Pleret Palace fortress as well as archaeological data that have been found. Both data are compared to reveal the form, components, layout, and materials of the Pleret Palace fortress.
Buku ini berisi tentang wilayah alternatif di Kabupaten Bantul, DIY dengan potensi peninggalan ar... more Buku ini berisi tentang wilayah alternatif di Kabupaten Bantul, DIY dengan potensi peninggalan arkeologi pada masa Mataram Islam pasca-Kotagede
As a part of a palace building, a fortress is one of the building components that must exist. A f... more As a part of a palace building, a fortress is one of the building components that must exist. A fortress is also found at Pleret Palace. The historical data obtained form Dutch records and chronicles mention that the Palace is equipped with a square-shaped fortress with a shield shape frontage. Then how the suitability of these data with archaeological evidence found at this site. This paper describes the historical data relating to the Pleret Palace fortress as well as archaeological data that have been found. Both data are compared to reveal the form, components, layout, and materials of the Pleret Palace fortress.
The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 2018
The occupation of small islands presents particular challenges for people largely related to limi... more The occupation of small islands presents particular challenges for people largely related to limited terrestrial resources and susceptibility to natural disasters. Nevertheless, the challenges and risks inherent in maintaining stable populations on small islands can be offset or overcome through the use of maritime technologies and exchange networks. The archaeology of Here Sorot Entapa rockshelter (HSE) on Kisar Island in the Wallacean Archipelago provides an unparalleled record for examining these issues in Southeast Asia. Kisar is the smallest of the Wallacean islands known to have a Pleistocene occupation record, and one of the smallest permanently inhabited today. Our results indicate that Here Sorot Entapa was first occupied in the terminal Pleistocene by people with advanced maritime technology who made extensive use of local marine resources and engaged in social connections with other islands through an obsidian exchange network. As a result, populations appear to have been maintained on the island for approximately 6,000 years. In the early Holocene occupation at HSE ceased for unknown reasons, and the site was not reoccupied until the mid-Holocene, during which time a major change in the lithic resources can be observed and the exchange network appears to have ceased.
In the last 35 years Indonesia has seen a substantial increase in the number of dated, cave and r... more In the last 35 years Indonesia has seen a substantial increase in the number of dated, cave and rockshelter sites, from 10 to 99. Here we review the published records of cave and rockshelter sites across the country to compile a complete list of dates for initial occupation at each site. All radiocarbon dates are calibrated here for standardization, many of them for the first time in publication. Our results indicate a clear disparity in the distribution of dated archaeological sites across Indonesia, which seem to be mostly influenced by ease of access, international collaboration focus, and the history of prior research success in a region. In addition, our review of the literature revealed a clear lack of standardization in the presentation of radiocarbon dates and their usage in publications. Despite the impressive increase in dating across Indonesia, our review of the literature suggests numerous excavated prehistoric sites in Indonesia remain undated at this time. Studies such...
Environmental issues in archaeology have become a very interesting theme to be researches. Those ... more Environmental issues in archaeology have become a very interesting theme to be researches. Those theme relates to landscapes, environmental changes, site formation and human adaptation processes. Faunal ecofact and artifact are commonly used as research data nowdays. Analysis of plants residu are less common because of the scarcity of those remains in the archaeological sites,especially prehistory. This paper attempts to explain some possible uses of microscopic plant residua analysis in the form of phytolith and starch for environmental studies. The method used in this paper is literature study on microbotani as well as imitation experiments by combining several methods ever undertaken by previous researchers. This study shows that the plants remains , especially the microbotany form of phytolith and starch provide significant information about the types of plants in the pass, environmental changes and their utilization by humans.
Kerto, as one of the government’s centers of Mataram Islamic Kingdom within Sultan Agung era, oft... more Kerto, as one of the government’s centers of Mataram Islamic Kingdom within Sultan Agung era, often dismissed in historical reconstruction due to the minimity of archaeological as wall as historical data obtain from Kerto. It is often assumed that Kerto is not a center of kingdom but it is just a temporary rest house. This paper attempts to bring evidence of archaeological data and historical data of Kerto Palace to uncover the role of Kerto as a center of a kingdom, both in the political, economic social, cultural or religious.
Kerto, as one of the government’s centers of Mataram Islamic Kingdom within Sultan Agung era, oft... more Kerto, as one of the government’s centers of Mataram Islamic Kingdom within Sultan Agung era, often dismissed in historical reconstruction due to the minimity of archaeological as wall as historical data obtain from Kerto. It is often assumed that Kerto is not a center of kingdom but it is just a temporary rest house. This paper attempts to bring evidence of archaeological data and historical data of Kerto Palace to uncover the role of Kerto as a center of a kingdom, both in the political, economic social, cultural or religious.
In the last 35 years Indonesia has seen a substantial increase in the number of dated, cave and r... more In the last 35 years Indonesia has seen a substantial increase in the number of dated, cave and rockshelter sites, from 10 to 99. Here we review the published records of cave and rockshelter sites across the country to compile a complete list of dates for initial occupation at each site. All radiocarbon dates are calibrated here for standardization, many of them for the first time in publication. Our results indicate a clear disparity in the distribution of dated archaeological sites across Indonesia, which seem to be mostly influenced by ease of access, international collaboration focus, and the history of prior research success in a region. In addition, our review of the literature revealed a clear lack of standardization in the presentation of radiocarbon dates and their usage in publications. Despite the impressive increase in dating across Indonesia, our review of the literature suggests numerous excavated prehistoric sites in Indonesia remain undated at this time. Studies such as this, and possible others focused on Indonesia's other archaeological sites, are useful for providing researchers with a dataset for investigations of some of the bigger questions in archaeology in the region. ABSTRAK Sejak 35 tahun terakhir, Indonesia mengalami peningkatan dalam usaha pertanggalan situs gua dan ceruk dari 10 ke 99. Di sini, kami meninjau ulang data gua dan ceruk yang telah dipublikasikan untuk menghimpun daftar yang lengkap terkait jejak hunian tertua di setiap si-tus. Kami melakukan kalibrasi terhadap setiap pertanggalan radiocarbon sebagai bentuk standardisasi. Beberapa di antaranya belum pernah dilakukan kalibrasi sebelumnya. Temuan kami mengindikasikan disparitas yang jelas pada distribusi situs yang telah dipertanggali di seluruh Indonesia, yang sebagian besar kemungkinan dipengaruhi oleh kemudahan akses, fokus kolaborasi internasional, dan kesuksesan penelitian sebelumnya di area yang bersangkutan. Sebagai tambahan, tinjauan pustaka kami menemukan kurangnya standardisasi dalam mempresentasikan dan cara menggunakan data pertanggalan dalam publikasi. Meski terdapat peningkatan yang sangat mengesankan dalam jumlah pertanggalan di Indonesia, masih banyak situs yang sudah diekskavasi namun belum dipertanggali hingga saat ini. Studi seperti ini, dan beberapa yang lebih berfokus pada situs-situs arkeologi di Indonesia lainnya, sangat bermanfaat untuk menyediakan data yang lengkap demi menjawab pertanyaan yang lebih besar.
Abstrack As Sultan Agung's reign in the teritory of Islamic Mataram Kingdom occured Pajang's peop... more Abstrack As Sultan Agung's reign in the teritory of Islamic Mataram Kingdom occured Pajang's people mobilization at the centre of the royal government. The presence of Pajang's people in the Islamic Mataram Kingdom can be seen from politic and economic side. The Pajang Kingdom which is master in early, became gradually fell after the death of Hadiwijaya, and turned into a vassal state of Islamic Mataram Kingdom. This political condition's change coused pros and contras among the Pajang's people theirself. This article tries to reveal the history and background of the existence of Pajang's people at their new place, in the centre of Islamic Mataram Kingdom government. Pendahuluan Setelah runtuhnya Kerajaan Majapahit, munculah beberapa kerajaan Islam di Pulau Jawa. Pertama adalah kerajaan Demak yang didirikan oleh Raden Patah yang masih memiliki hubungan kerabat dengan Raja Majapahit. Raden Patah merupakan anak dari Brawijaya V yang kemudian belajar agama Islam kepada Sunan Ampel. Kerajaan Demak kemudian menjadi awal munculnya kerajaan-kerajaan Islam di Pulau Jawa. Kerajaan Demak berpusat di daerah Bintoro yang berada di sebelah timur dari Kota Semarang. Kemunculan Kerajaan Demak Budha. Pada saat kerajaan Demak mengalami kemunduran yang disebabkan oleh perebutan kekuasaan munculah tokoh yang bernama Jaka Tingkir (Ricklefs, 1978, dalam Inajati, 2000:109). Tokoh inilah yang kemudian memindahkan Pusat pemerintahan ke daerah pedalaman yang dinamakan Pajang dan berkuasa di daerah tersebut dengan gelar Sultan Hadiwijaya. Kerajaan Pajang memiliki daerah kekuasaan yang cukup luas diantaranya adalah wilayah desa Mataram yang berada di wilayah hutan Mentaok atau sebelah barat Pajang. KAJIAN BANDINGAN
Semedo is a site with archaeological potential of animal vertebrate fossils and stone tools. Huma... more Semedo is a site with archaeological potential of animal vertebrate fossils and stone tools. Human fossils as cultural actors on the site until now has not been found. In early January 2011, people found the order of human skeleton on this site. This research was conducted with the objective of identifying the human species and its relationship with the fossil vertebrates and stone tools available at this site. The method used in this study is a survey of observations and literature studies. This research is important given the results of this study will be used as a basis for policy making and management framework of the findings Semedo Site. ABSTRAK Situs Semedo adalah situs dengan potensi arkeologis berupa fosil binatang vertebra dan alat batu. Fosil manusia sebagai pelaku budaya di situs sampai saat ini belum ditemukan. Pada awal Januari 2011, masyarakat menemukan rangka manusia di situs ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui jenis manusia dan hubungannya dengan temuan fosil vertebrata dan alat batu yang ada di situs ini. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survei berupa observasi dan studi literatur. Penelitian ini penting dilakukan mengingat hasil dari penelitian ini akan digunakan sebagai dasar pengambilan kebijakan terhadap temuan rangka maupun pengelolaan Situs Semedo. Kata kunci: Situs Semendo, dan Temuan rangka manusia PENDAHULUAN Situs Semedo terletak di sebelah timur Kota Slawi, tepatnya di Desa Semedo, Kecamatan Kedungbanteng, Kabupaten Tegal. Secara Astronomis situs ini terletak pada 06 0 57'21,6" LS, dan 109 0 17'10,9' BT hingga 06 0 57'55,2" LS dan 109 0 16'46.6" BT. 1 Lingkungan situs berupa perbukitan bergelombang yang berbatasan dengan daratan aluvial Pantai Utara Tegal dan merupakan lahan terbuka yang saat ini difungsikan sebagai hutan jati milik Perhutani. Situs Semedo merupakan sebuah situs baru yang ditemukan pada tahun 2005. Situs Semedo mulai dikenal sejak adanya temuan penduduk berupa beberapa fragmen tulang binatang verte-brata yang telah mengalami fosilisasi. Temuan tersebut berupa tulang panjang, tanduk, dan gigi binatang. Temuan-temuan tersebut kemudian dilaporkan ke Dinas Kebudayaan Tegal dan saat ini sebagian telah tersimpan di Museum Sekolah Slawi, Tegal. Secara geologis, situs ini merupakan bagian dari Jajaran Pegunungan Serayu Utara yang terdorong ke atas oleh gerakan geosinklinal Pulau Jawa bagian utara. 2 Wilayah Semedo kemungkinan besar merupakan batas Pulau Jawa bagian timur pada akhir Kala Pliosen ketika Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Barat masih berada di bawah
Gunung Wingko is one of the Bronze Age sites located in Bantul Regency or approximately 25 km sou... more Gunung Wingko is one of the Bronze Age sites located in Bantul Regency or approximately 25 km south from Yogyakarta city and 1.5 km from Indian Ocean coastline. This site became known in 1972, and since then an intensive research had been conducted there, surveys as well as excavations. Information related to the Gunung Wingko community life reconstruction has been obtained from the research. However, nowadays the site seemed to be forgotten within the contexts of historical reconstruction, in particular by the community of Yogyakarta and its nearby surrounding. The fast change of land use has caused damage to the site research has provided some culture information but in the other hand the management and utilization of the research results are still minimal. In this paper will be discussed how to utilize result in Gunung Wingko site based on conservation efforts. The Results of this paper are expected to be used as a reference to managing the site.
Semedo is a site with archaeological potential of animal vertebrate fossils and stone tools. Huma... more Semedo is a site with archaeological potential of animal vertebrate fossils and stone tools. Human fossils as cultural actors on the site until now has not been found. In early January 2011, people found the order of human skeleton on this site. This research was conducted with the objective of identifying the human species and its relationship with the fossil vertebrates and stone tools available at this site. The method used in this study is a survey of observations and literature studies. This research is important given the results of this study will be used as a basis for policy making and management framework of the findings Semedo Site.
So far prehistoric archeological research on small islands has exclusively been carried out in th... more So far prehistoric archeological research on small islands has exclusively been carried out in the Wallacea region. The research yielded a lot of knowledge related migration and cultural development. While similar research in other areas such as small islands in northern Java has not been explored much yet. This is because of the view that the condition of the islands is considered to be the same as that of Java. The islands were geochronologically separated from Java at least since the beginning of the Holocene and culturally different. This paper attempts to present the results of the latest research on Kangean Island as one of the small islands in northern Java and seeks to position the data in the context of prehistoric archaeology in Indonesia. The data used in this paper come from the results of a recent research conducted in 2018 and 2019 (primary data) and literature studies (secondary data) to obtain an archaeological picture of Indonesian prehistory. The chronological and ...
Sejauh ini penelitian arkeologi prasejarah di pulau kecil banyak dilakukan di wilayah Wallacea. P... more Sejauh ini penelitian arkeologi prasejarah di pulau kecil banyak dilakukan di wilayah Wallacea. Penelitian tersebut menghasilkan banyak pengetahuan yang berkaitan dengan tema migrasi, perkembangan budaya. Sementara penelitian sejenis di wilayah lain seperti pulau-pulau kecil di utara Jawa belum banyak dilakukan. Hal ini dimunginkan karena pandangan bahwa kondisi pulau-pulau tersebut dianggap sama dengan Jawa. Padahal pada kenyataanya pulau-pulau tersebut secara geokronologis telah terpisah dengan Jawa setidaknya sejak awal holosen dan secara budaya memiliki keragaman yang berbeda pula.Tulisan ini berupaya menyajikan hasil penelitian terbaru di Pulau Kangean dan beberapa pulau lain sebagai salah satu pulau kecil di utara Jawa, dan berupaya untuk mendudukan data tersebut dalam konteks arkeologi prasejarah di Indonesia. Data yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini berasal dari hasil penelitian terbaru yang dilakukan tahun 2018 dan 2019 (data primer) dan studi pustaka (data sekunder) untuk mem...
Gunung Wingko is one of the Bronze Age sites located in Bantul Regency or approximately 25 km sou... more Gunung Wingko is one of the Bronze Age sites located in Bantul Regency or approximately 25 km south from Yogyakarta city and 1.5 km from Indian Ocean coastline. This site became known in 1972, and since then an intensive research had been conducted there, surveys as well as excavations. Information related to the Gunung Wingko community life reconstruction has been obtained from the research. However, nowadays the site seemed to be forgotten within the contexts of historical reconstruction, in particular by the community of Yogyakarta and its nearby surrounding. The fast change of land use has caused damage to the site research has provided some culture information but in the other hand the management and utilization of the research results are still minimal. In this paper will be discussed how to utilize result in Gunung Wingko site based on conservation efforts. The Results of this paper are expected to be used as a reference to managing the site.
Wuru cave which located in Jetis, Saptosari Gunung Kidul, is one of the horizontal caves that con... more Wuru cave which located in Jetis, Saptosari Gunung Kidul, is one of the horizontal caves that contain archaeological data. This cave have a relatively small room, elongated and curved, but in this cave has many ecofact, some of which indicate the presence of human treatments (burned and trimmed). In the quality of the bone ecofact most have begun to experience the process of fossilization. In addition there is also finded shells, pottery, hazelnut and coal. These findings show evidence that the Wuru cave has potential as a cave who ever used in the past. But what kind of use or functionality of this cave in the surrounding area of Gunung Sewu western part is still unknown. This paper seeks to uncover the environmental approach, the method used is the analysis of artifacts, ecofact, and ecology around the area of the cave.
Mount Wingko site is one of the sites which is rich in artifacts and ecofacts findings. This rese... more Mount Wingko site is one of the sites which is rich in artifacts and ecofacts findings. This research aims to understand how production and distribution activities occur in the community at Gunung Wingko site. This research applied economic archaeology approach with tray pottery artifacts as primary data supported by other findings. Based on the analysis, it is found that there are two activities at Mount Wingko site that is salt production and cattle raising. Formerly, distribution activity was done by exchange, then it was developed into trading. Situs Gunung Wingko merupakan salah satu situs yang kaya akan temuan artefak dan ekofak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami bagaimana kegiatan produksi dan distribusi yang terjadi pada masyarakat di situs Gunug Wingko. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah arkeologi ekonomi dengan data utama yang dipakai dalah artefak gerabah tampah dan didukung oleh temuan lain. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan diketahui bahwa, di situs Gunung Wingko ...
Wuru cave which located in Jetis, Saptosari Gunung Kidul, is one of the horizontal caves that con... more Wuru cave which located in Jetis, Saptosari Gunung Kidul, is one of the horizontal caves that contain archaeological data. This cave have a relatively small room, elongated and curved, but in this cave has many ecofact, some of which indicate the presence of human treatments (burned and trimmed). In the quality of the bone ecofact most have begun to experience the process of fossilization. In addition there is also finded shells, pottery, hazelnut and coal.These findings show evidence that the Wuru cave has potential as a cave who ever used in the past. But what kind of use or functionality of this cave in the surrounding area of Gunung Sewu western part is still unknown. This paper seeks to uncover the environmental approach, the method used is the analysis of artifacts, ecofact, and ecology around the area of the cave.
Painted rock art occurs throughout the islands of the Western Pacific and has previously been arg... more Painted rock art occurs throughout the islands of the Western Pacific and has previously been argued to have motif and design elements in common, indicating that it was created within the context of a shared symbolic system. Here we report five new painted rock-art sites from Kisar Island in eastern Indonesia and investigate the commonalities between this art and the painted art corpus in Timor-Leste, the independent nation that forms the eastern part of the neighbouring island of Timor. We examine the motifs in the Kisar art and suggest that, rather than being Neolithic in age, some of the figurative motifs more likely have a Metal Age origin, which in this region places them within the last 2500 years.
As a part of a palace building, a fortress is one of the building components that must exist. A f... more As a part of a palace building, a fortress is one of the building components that must exist. A fortress is also found at Pleret Palace. The historical data obtained form Dutch records and chronicles mention that the Palace is equipped with a square-shaped fortress with a shield shape frontage. Then how the suitability of these data with archaeological evidence found at this site. This paper describes the historical data relating to the Pleret Palace fortress as well as archaeological data that have been found. Both data are compared to reveal the form, components, layout, and materials of the Pleret Palace fortress.
Buku ini berisi tentang wilayah alternatif di Kabupaten Bantul, DIY dengan potensi peninggalan ar... more Buku ini berisi tentang wilayah alternatif di Kabupaten Bantul, DIY dengan potensi peninggalan arkeologi pada masa Mataram Islam pasca-Kotagede
As a part of a palace building, a fortress is one of the building components that must exist. A f... more As a part of a palace building, a fortress is one of the building components that must exist. A fortress is also found at Pleret Palace. The historical data obtained form Dutch records and chronicles mention that the Palace is equipped with a square-shaped fortress with a shield shape frontage. Then how the suitability of these data with archaeological evidence found at this site. This paper describes the historical data relating to the Pleret Palace fortress as well as archaeological data that have been found. Both data are compared to reveal the form, components, layout, and materials of the Pleret Palace fortress.
The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 2018
The occupation of small islands presents particular challenges for people largely related to limi... more The occupation of small islands presents particular challenges for people largely related to limited terrestrial resources and susceptibility to natural disasters. Nevertheless, the challenges and risks inherent in maintaining stable populations on small islands can be offset or overcome through the use of maritime technologies and exchange networks. The archaeology of Here Sorot Entapa rockshelter (HSE) on Kisar Island in the Wallacean Archipelago provides an unparalleled record for examining these issues in Southeast Asia. Kisar is the smallest of the Wallacean islands known to have a Pleistocene occupation record, and one of the smallest permanently inhabited today. Our results indicate that Here Sorot Entapa was first occupied in the terminal Pleistocene by people with advanced maritime technology who made extensive use of local marine resources and engaged in social connections with other islands through an obsidian exchange network. As a result, populations appear to have been maintained on the island for approximately 6,000 years. In the early Holocene occupation at HSE ceased for unknown reasons, and the site was not reoccupied until the mid-Holocene, during which time a major change in the lithic resources can be observed and the exchange network appears to have ceased.
In the last 35 years Indonesia has seen a substantial increase in the number of dated, cave and r... more In the last 35 years Indonesia has seen a substantial increase in the number of dated, cave and rockshelter sites, from 10 to 99. Here we review the published records of cave and rockshelter sites across the country to compile a complete list of dates for initial occupation at each site. All radiocarbon dates are calibrated here for standardization, many of them for the first time in publication. Our results indicate a clear disparity in the distribution of dated archaeological sites across Indonesia, which seem to be mostly influenced by ease of access, international collaboration focus, and the history of prior research success in a region. In addition, our review of the literature revealed a clear lack of standardization in the presentation of radiocarbon dates and their usage in publications. Despite the impressive increase in dating across Indonesia, our review of the literature suggests numerous excavated prehistoric sites in Indonesia remain undated at this time. Studies such...
Environmental issues in archaeology have become a very interesting theme to be researches. Those ... more Environmental issues in archaeology have become a very interesting theme to be researches. Those theme relates to landscapes, environmental changes, site formation and human adaptation processes. Faunal ecofact and artifact are commonly used as research data nowdays. Analysis of plants residu are less common because of the scarcity of those remains in the archaeological sites,especially prehistory. This paper attempts to explain some possible uses of microscopic plant residua analysis in the form of phytolith and starch for environmental studies. The method used in this paper is literature study on microbotani as well as imitation experiments by combining several methods ever undertaken by previous researchers. This study shows that the plants remains , especially the microbotany form of phytolith and starch provide significant information about the types of plants in the pass, environmental changes and their utilization by humans.
Kerto, as one of the government’s centers of Mataram Islamic Kingdom within Sultan Agung era, oft... more Kerto, as one of the government’s centers of Mataram Islamic Kingdom within Sultan Agung era, often dismissed in historical reconstruction due to the minimity of archaeological as wall as historical data obtain from Kerto. It is often assumed that Kerto is not a center of kingdom but it is just a temporary rest house. This paper attempts to bring evidence of archaeological data and historical data of Kerto Palace to uncover the role of Kerto as a center of a kingdom, both in the political, economic social, cultural or religious.
Kerto, as one of the government’s centers of Mataram Islamic Kingdom within Sultan Agung era, oft... more Kerto, as one of the government’s centers of Mataram Islamic Kingdom within Sultan Agung era, often dismissed in historical reconstruction due to the minimity of archaeological as wall as historical data obtain from Kerto. It is often assumed that Kerto is not a center of kingdom but it is just a temporary rest house. This paper attempts to bring evidence of archaeological data and historical data of Kerto Palace to uncover the role of Kerto as a center of a kingdom, both in the political, economic social, cultural or religious.
In the last 35 years Indonesia has seen a substantial increase in the number of dated, cave and r... more In the last 35 years Indonesia has seen a substantial increase in the number of dated, cave and rockshelter sites, from 10 to 99. Here we review the published records of cave and rockshelter sites across the country to compile a complete list of dates for initial occupation at each site. All radiocarbon dates are calibrated here for standardization, many of them for the first time in publication. Our results indicate a clear disparity in the distribution of dated archaeological sites across Indonesia, which seem to be mostly influenced by ease of access, international collaboration focus, and the history of prior research success in a region. In addition, our review of the literature revealed a clear lack of standardization in the presentation of radiocarbon dates and their usage in publications. Despite the impressive increase in dating across Indonesia, our review of the literature suggests numerous excavated prehistoric sites in Indonesia remain undated at this time. Studies such as this, and possible others focused on Indonesia's other archaeological sites, are useful for providing researchers with a dataset for investigations of some of the bigger questions in archaeology in the region. ABSTRAK Sejak 35 tahun terakhir, Indonesia mengalami peningkatan dalam usaha pertanggalan situs gua dan ceruk dari 10 ke 99. Di sini, kami meninjau ulang data gua dan ceruk yang telah dipublikasikan untuk menghimpun daftar yang lengkap terkait jejak hunian tertua di setiap si-tus. Kami melakukan kalibrasi terhadap setiap pertanggalan radiocarbon sebagai bentuk standardisasi. Beberapa di antaranya belum pernah dilakukan kalibrasi sebelumnya. Temuan kami mengindikasikan disparitas yang jelas pada distribusi situs yang telah dipertanggali di seluruh Indonesia, yang sebagian besar kemungkinan dipengaruhi oleh kemudahan akses, fokus kolaborasi internasional, dan kesuksesan penelitian sebelumnya di area yang bersangkutan. Sebagai tambahan, tinjauan pustaka kami menemukan kurangnya standardisasi dalam mempresentasikan dan cara menggunakan data pertanggalan dalam publikasi. Meski terdapat peningkatan yang sangat mengesankan dalam jumlah pertanggalan di Indonesia, masih banyak situs yang sudah diekskavasi namun belum dipertanggali hingga saat ini. Studi seperti ini, dan beberapa yang lebih berfokus pada situs-situs arkeologi di Indonesia lainnya, sangat bermanfaat untuk menyediakan data yang lengkap demi menjawab pertanyaan yang lebih besar.
Abstrack As Sultan Agung's reign in the teritory of Islamic Mataram Kingdom occured Pajang's peop... more Abstrack As Sultan Agung's reign in the teritory of Islamic Mataram Kingdom occured Pajang's people mobilization at the centre of the royal government. The presence of Pajang's people in the Islamic Mataram Kingdom can be seen from politic and economic side. The Pajang Kingdom which is master in early, became gradually fell after the death of Hadiwijaya, and turned into a vassal state of Islamic Mataram Kingdom. This political condition's change coused pros and contras among the Pajang's people theirself. This article tries to reveal the history and background of the existence of Pajang's people at their new place, in the centre of Islamic Mataram Kingdom government. Pendahuluan Setelah runtuhnya Kerajaan Majapahit, munculah beberapa kerajaan Islam di Pulau Jawa. Pertama adalah kerajaan Demak yang didirikan oleh Raden Patah yang masih memiliki hubungan kerabat dengan Raja Majapahit. Raden Patah merupakan anak dari Brawijaya V yang kemudian belajar agama Islam kepada Sunan Ampel. Kerajaan Demak kemudian menjadi awal munculnya kerajaan-kerajaan Islam di Pulau Jawa. Kerajaan Demak berpusat di daerah Bintoro yang berada di sebelah timur dari Kota Semarang. Kemunculan Kerajaan Demak Budha. Pada saat kerajaan Demak mengalami kemunduran yang disebabkan oleh perebutan kekuasaan munculah tokoh yang bernama Jaka Tingkir (Ricklefs, 1978, dalam Inajati, 2000:109). Tokoh inilah yang kemudian memindahkan Pusat pemerintahan ke daerah pedalaman yang dinamakan Pajang dan berkuasa di daerah tersebut dengan gelar Sultan Hadiwijaya. Kerajaan Pajang memiliki daerah kekuasaan yang cukup luas diantaranya adalah wilayah desa Mataram yang berada di wilayah hutan Mentaok atau sebelah barat Pajang. KAJIAN BANDINGAN
Semedo is a site with archaeological potential of animal vertebrate fossils and stone tools. Huma... more Semedo is a site with archaeological potential of animal vertebrate fossils and stone tools. Human fossils as cultural actors on the site until now has not been found. In early January 2011, people found the order of human skeleton on this site. This research was conducted with the objective of identifying the human species and its relationship with the fossil vertebrates and stone tools available at this site. The method used in this study is a survey of observations and literature studies. This research is important given the results of this study will be used as a basis for policy making and management framework of the findings Semedo Site. ABSTRAK Situs Semedo adalah situs dengan potensi arkeologis berupa fosil binatang vertebra dan alat batu. Fosil manusia sebagai pelaku budaya di situs sampai saat ini belum ditemukan. Pada awal Januari 2011, masyarakat menemukan rangka manusia di situs ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui jenis manusia dan hubungannya dengan temuan fosil vertebrata dan alat batu yang ada di situs ini. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survei berupa observasi dan studi literatur. Penelitian ini penting dilakukan mengingat hasil dari penelitian ini akan digunakan sebagai dasar pengambilan kebijakan terhadap temuan rangka maupun pengelolaan Situs Semedo. Kata kunci: Situs Semendo, dan Temuan rangka manusia PENDAHULUAN Situs Semedo terletak di sebelah timur Kota Slawi, tepatnya di Desa Semedo, Kecamatan Kedungbanteng, Kabupaten Tegal. Secara Astronomis situs ini terletak pada 06 0 57'21,6" LS, dan 109 0 17'10,9' BT hingga 06 0 57'55,2" LS dan 109 0 16'46.6" BT. 1 Lingkungan situs berupa perbukitan bergelombang yang berbatasan dengan daratan aluvial Pantai Utara Tegal dan merupakan lahan terbuka yang saat ini difungsikan sebagai hutan jati milik Perhutani. Situs Semedo merupakan sebuah situs baru yang ditemukan pada tahun 2005. Situs Semedo mulai dikenal sejak adanya temuan penduduk berupa beberapa fragmen tulang binatang verte-brata yang telah mengalami fosilisasi. Temuan tersebut berupa tulang panjang, tanduk, dan gigi binatang. Temuan-temuan tersebut kemudian dilaporkan ke Dinas Kebudayaan Tegal dan saat ini sebagian telah tersimpan di Museum Sekolah Slawi, Tegal. Secara geologis, situs ini merupakan bagian dari Jajaran Pegunungan Serayu Utara yang terdorong ke atas oleh gerakan geosinklinal Pulau Jawa bagian utara. 2 Wilayah Semedo kemungkinan besar merupakan batas Pulau Jawa bagian timur pada akhir Kala Pliosen ketika Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Barat masih berada di bawah
Papers by Alifah Alifah