Andre Parente
André Parente is a researcher and artist. In 1987 he obtained his PhD from the University Paris 8 under the guidance of Gilles Deleuze. Full Professor at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro where, in 1991, he founded the Nucleus of Image Technology (N-Imagem). Since 1977 he has been producing several videos, films and installations in which predominate a conceptual and experimental approach. His works have been exhibited in Brazil and abroad (Germany, France, Spain, Sweden, Mexico, Canada, Argentina, Colombia, China, Portugal, among others). He is the author of the books: Imagem-máquina (1993), Sobre o cinema do simulacro (1998), O virtual e o hipertextual (1999), Narrativa e modernidade (2000), Tramas da rede (2004), Cinema et narrativité (L’Harmattan, 2005), Preparações e tarefas (2007), Cinema em trânsito (2012), Cinemáticos (2013), Cinema/Deleuze (2013), Passagens entre Fotografia e Cinema na Arte Brasileira (2015), among others.
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Papers by Andre Parente