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HW Vir systems are rare evolved eclipsing binaries composed of a hot compact star and a low-mass main sequence star in a close orbit. These systems provide a direct way to measure the fundamental properties, e.g. masses and radii, of... more
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      Stellar AstrophysicsExoplanetsOptical SpectroscopyAstrophysics
The brightness variation of the stars is an object of study in astronomy and astrophysics for representing the rich inherent source of physical information. Launched in 2009, the Kepler spacecraft with the primary mission of identifying... more
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      Stellar AstrophysicsStatistical PhysicsTime series analysisDetrended Fluctuation Analysis
The matter Origin of Life is always applied at the basic school but quite transient, limited to describe assumptions and / or theories without exploring the scientific basis and the students' prior knowledge that would enable a meaningful... more
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      Teaching and LearningTeacher EducationScience EducationDidactics
We have carried out a campaign to characterize the hot Jupiters WASP-5b, WASP-44b and WASP-46b using multiband photometry collected at the Observat´orio do Pico Dos Dias in Brazil.We have determined the planetary physical properties and... more
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      AstrophysicsExoplanet detectionExoplanet Atmospheres
We report the detection of pulsations with an approximately 124 s period in V2116 Oph, the optical counterpart of the low-mass X-ray binary GX 1+4. The pulsations are sinusoidal with modulation amplitude of up to 4% in blue light and were... more
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      Neutron StarsAccretion DisksStellar PhysicsPhotometry
We report strong evidence for a »304 day periodicity in the spin history of the accretion-powered pulsar GX1+4 that is most probably associated with the orbital period of the system. We have used data from the Burst and Transient Source... more
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      X-ray BinariesPulsarsAccretion DisksLow Mass X-Ray Binaries
We have discovered that V729 Sgr, an object listed as a possible rapid irregular variable in the fourth edition of the General Catalogue of Variable Stars, is an eclipsing cataclysmic variable with an orbital period of 0.1734055 days and... more
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      Cataclysmic Variable StarsPhysics of dwarf novae
A balloon experiment conducted on December 20, 1994, in the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) region, detected events with increases in x-ray flux due to electron precipitation coincident with a mild substorm activity. For the first time in... more
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    • South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly
Optical and near infrared spectroscopy of the stars DQ Ser and DT Ser are presented. DQ Ser shows a late-type continuum (M3 - M5) with emission lines of Balmer series, HeI, HeII, [OIII], OI and CaII triplet while DT Ser presents a earlier... more
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      Symbiotic StarsCataclysmic Variables
As alternativas energéticas por meio de fontes renováveis de energia tornaram-se objeto de pesquisas no mundo inteiro, devido ao crescimento da população e das atividades industriais, que trazem como conseqüência a demanda, cada vez... more
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      Energías RenovablesDesenvolvimento sustentavelGestão De Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos
A criação de valor agregado aos produtos sem o comprometimento do atendimento das necessidades das gerações futuras tem sido uma preocupação de diversas organizações no mundo. Neste cenário a inovação sustentável torna-se um fator... more
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      BiogasDesenvolvimento sustentavelGestão De Resíduos Sólidos UrbanosEnergias Alternativas
A necessidade de introdução de conceitos de Física Moderna no ensino médio se faz hoje necessária diante dos muitos adventos tecnológicos associados com este tema. Nesta perspectiva, conteúdos que normalmente não eram abordados, tal... more
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      Ensino de FísicaAnálise De Livros DidáticosRelatividad General
Os Centros e Museus de Ciências se encontram em quase sua totalidade nas grandes cidades. Isto ocorre devido ao fato de que a maioria dos museus de ciência pertencerem às universidades, normalmente localizadas nas áreas metropolitanas... more
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      Divulgação CientíficaEducation science outreachAstronomiaPlanetarium
We study the behavior of the numbers in 412 light curves of cataclysmic variables, x-ray binary systems, galaxies, pulsars, supernovae remnants and other x-ray sources present in the public data collected by the instrument All Sky... more
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      Statistical Physics Of Complex SystemsTime series analysisTsallis Non-Extensive StatisticsNewcomb Benford Law
The colours of pulsed and non-pulsed light in V2116 Oph have been measured with the UBVRI photometer of the Laboratorio Nacional de Astroffsica, in Brazil. The symbiotic binary was in an optical bright state with V ~17. If the blue... more
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A stratospheric balloon experiment was conducted on December 20, 1994, with an X ray detector to measure fluxes of precipitation electrons in the South Atlantic anomaly (SAA) region of Brazil. For the first time in the SAA, this... more
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      Atmospheric ScienceSolar stormHigh-Energy Electrons
We study the temporal correlations in 412 light curves of X-ray sources present in the public data collected by the instrument All Sky Monitor on board of the satellite Rossi X-ray timing explorer. The temporal light curves were analyzed... more
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      X-ray BinariesTime series analysisDetrended Fluctuation Analysis
O Mestrado Profssional em Astronomia da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana (MPAstro-UEFS) teve sua aprovação na Capes em março de 2013 e suas atividades foram iniciadas em agosto do mesmo ano. A oferta é anual e, atualmente, são... more
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      EnsinoAstronomiaEnsino De Ciências
A inclusão social é um dos principais desafios da sociedade moderna. No que se refere à inclusão científica e tecnológica grande parte da população vive à margem do conhecimento inerente ao desenvolvimento das ciências e da tecnologia... more
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      Popularização da CiênciaAstronomiaEnsino De Ciências
Abstract. Observations of times of the planetary transit on front a host star is an usual technique to detect exoplanets. This technique can be used to detect other bodies disturbing the orbit of the planet in transit causing variations... more
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      ExoplanetsModeling and SimulationAstronomy