Papers by Maruzzella Valdivia

Calidad en la Educación, 2020
Las políticas de mejoramiento de la calidad ocupan un lugar central en la educación superior y re... more Las políticas de mejoramiento de la calidad ocupan un lugar central en la educación superior y representan requisitos importantes para las instituciones educativas en una economía globalizada, en tanto que la legitimidad de los procesos relacionados con la calidad se ve reforzada por la participación de la comunidad académica. En consecuencia, el propósito de este estudio es desarrollar y validar una escala en castellano destinada a evaluar las percepciones sobre el proceso de acreditación y la gestión de la calidad en las Instituciones de Educación Superior. En base a hallazgos anteriores, y utilizando un diseño transversal en un solo momento en el tiempo, se encuestaron 339 académicos en cuatro ciudades académicas importantes de Chile. Utilizando el modelado de ecuaciones estructurales, se encontraron dos soluciones con índices de ajuste adecuados: una solución de cuatro factores que incluye Relevancia institucional de la Acreditación, Objetividad de la evaluación de acreditación,...
Investigación Bibliotecológica: Archivonomía, Bibliotecología e Información, 2016
This paper reports the research results of the Claraboya project, which through the implementatio... more This paper reports the research results of the Claraboya project, which through the implementation of attitudinal changes in teachers regarding reading suggestions, is focused on improving student academic performance and student satisfaction with the resources available in the campus library. The research methodology entails a comparison of pre-test result of seven indicators of satisfaction of 373 students against two random samples of students who responded to the 2013 Service Quality Survey. The research found that in six of seven variables students participating in the

Revista chilena de neuro-psiquiatría, 2016
Background: Intimate partner violence is a serious public health problem, with a prevalence reach... more Background: Intimate partner violence is a serious public health problem, with a prevalence reaches 49% for psychological violence and 13% physical violence. Aim: To compare the levels of aggression between a sample of men referred for domestic violence therapy (n = 34) and a nonclinical sample (N = 40), assessed by the Chilean version of the AQ scale. Method: Comparative analytical observational cross-sectional study. Results: Statistically significant differences in favor of the group of perpetrators was found, in overall AQ scores (p = 0.013), physical aggression subscale (p = 0.005), anger subscale (p = 0.005) and hostility subscale (p = 0.000). No statistically significant differences were found in verbal aggression subscale (p = 0.705), despite being the clinical group scores higher than the control group. Conclusions: Results are partially consistent with findings from previous research. Results are discussed from an empirical and sociological perspective.

Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2018
This study compares attitudes toward teen relationship (or dating) violence (TRV) between early a... more This study compares attitudes toward teen relationship (or dating) violence (TRV) between early and late adolescents in the province of Concepción, Chile. The sample consisted of 770 adolescents, aged between 11 and 19 with an average age of 14.8 years old, of which 389 were female (50.5%) and 381 were male (49.5%). An adapted version of the Scale of Attitudes Towards Intimate Violence was used. Results found greater justifying attitudes toward violence in early adolescents than in late adolescents, in 6 of 12 items of the scale, with a statistical significance of p ≤ .001 in 4 items and in the overall score, and p ≤ .05 in 2 items. In the comparison according to sex, male adolescents tended to justify violence more than female adolescents did in one item ( p ≤ .001). In dating/no dating comparison, statistically significant differences were found in just 2 items, in favor of those who are not in a relationship ( p ≤ .05). These results are analyzed and discussed in relation to prev...
Revista de Psicología, 2014
La presente revisión bibliográfica actualiza evidencia en torno a la violencia de pareja en relac... more La presente revisión bibliográfica actualiza evidencia en torno a la violencia de pareja en relaciones de noviazgo, mostrándolo como un fenómeno particular, enfatizando aspectos como la prevalencia, para ambos sexos, que según lo expuesto en los distintos estudios revisados puede oscilar desde un 0.8% para la violencia sexual hasta un 98% para la agresión psicológica; factores asociados como abuso o iniciación sexual precoz, extensión temporal de la relación, rol de los padres y de los pares, entre otros y las consecuencias tales como: deserción esco- lar, embarazo precoz, trastornos alimentarios, victimización y expresión de rabia esto último fundamentalmente en los hombres. Se demuestra cómo el fenómeno presenta ciertas singularidades que justifican investigación más focalizada en particular durante la adolescencia.
Perfiles Latinoamericanos, 2019
El presente artículo analiza la violencia en el noviazgo mediante el estudio de sus tasas de prev... more El presente artículo analiza la violencia en el noviazgo mediante el estudio de sus tasas de prevalencia en Latinoamérica y Chile en las dos últimas décadas, comparándolas con los datos procedentes de otros países. Se constata la relevancia del problema en este último país, donde se llega al 51% en violencia psicológica y al 25% en la física. Se exponen además posibles causas de la poca relevancia y difusión de este problema en las políticas públicas, comparando metodologías e instrumentos de evaluación utilizados.

The present research analyzes psychological variables associated with Adolescent motherhood; comp... more The present research analyzes psychological variables associated with Adolescent motherhood; comparing young mothers under 15 years old, with mothers between 20 and 34 years old, and adolescents non mothers neither pregnant in a comparative descriptive transversal study. The adult mothers didn’t show significant higher levels of perceived social support than adolescent mothers under 15 years old (p=0.46), neither a significant higher intelectual level than adolescent mothers under 15 years old (p=0.23). Besides, it didn’t show a higher total self-steem level than adolescent mothers under 15 years old (p=0.5). Nevertheless, the adolescent mothers had a significant higher level of social self-steem than the adult mothers (p=0.036). The adolescents non mothers, didn’t show a higher level of perceived social support, than the adolescents mothers (p=0.45) and in the sub-scale, perceived social support from others; the adolescent mothers had higher levels of perceived social support than ...
Revista Electrónica Educare, 2015
Número publicado el 01 de mayo del 2015] Posibilidades para el uso del modelo de aceptación de la... more Número publicado el 01 de mayo del 2015] Posibilidades para el uso del modelo de aceptación de la tecnología (TAM) y de la teoría de los marcos tecnológicos para evaluar la aceptación de nuevas tecnologías para el aseguramiento de la calidad en la educación superior chilena Possibilities for Using TAM and Technology Frames Models to Assess the Acceptance of New Technologies in the Chilean Higher Education Quality Assurance

Revista de Psicología, 2011
La presente investigación analiza variables psicológicas asociadas a la maternidad de mujeres ado... more La presente investigación analiza variables psicológicas asociadas a la maternidad de mujeres adolescentes menores de 15 años, comparándolas con madres entre 20 y 34 años y adolescentes no madres ni embarazadas, en un estudio de tipo transversal descriptivo comparativo. Las madres adultas no presentan niveles de apoyo social percibido significativamente mayores que las madres adolescentes menores de 15 años (p=0.46), así como tampoco un nivel intelectual significativamente mayor que las madres adolescentes menores de 15 años (p= 0.23). Además, no se observó un nivel de autoestima total significativamente mayor que las madres adolescentes menores de 15 años (p= 0.5). No obstante, las adolescentes madres evidencian significativamentemayor nivel de autoestima social que las madres adultas (p=0,036).Lasadolescentes no madres no presentaban un nivel de apoyo social significativamente mayor que las adolescentes madres (p=0.49). Sin embargo, en la subescala amigos las adolescentes no madr...

Revista chilena de neuro-psiquiatría, 2016
Background: Intimate partner violence is a serious public health problem, with a prevalence reach... more Background: Intimate partner violence is a serious public health problem, with a prevalence reaches 49% for psychological violence and 13% physical violence. Aim: To compare the levels of aggression between a sample of men referred for domestic violence therapy (n = 34) and a nonclinical sample (N = 40), assessed by the Chilean version ofthe AQ scale. Method: Comparative analytical observational cross-sectional study Results: Statistically significant differences in favor of the group of perpetrators was found, in overall AQ scores (p = 0.013), physical aggression subscale (p = 0.005), anger subscale (p = 0.005) and hostility subscale (p = 0.000). No statistically significant differences were found in verbal aggression subscale (p = 0.705), despite being the clinical group scores higher than the control group. Conclusions: Results are partially consistent with findings from previous research. Results are discussed from an empirical and sociological perspective.
Perfiles Latinoamericanos, 2019
El presente artículo analiza la violencia en el noviazgo mediante el estudio de sus tasas de prev... more El presente artículo analiza la violencia en el noviazgo mediante el estudio de sus tasas de prevalencia en Latinoamérica y Chile en las dos últimas décadas, comparándolas con los datos procedentes de otros países. Se constata la relevancia del problema en este último país, donde se llega al 51% en violencia psicológica y al 25% en la física. Se exponen además posibles causas de la poca relevancia y difusión de este problema en las políticas públicas, comparando metodologías e instrumentos de evaluación utilizados.
Violence in dating: An update for adolescence
This literature review updates evidence about intim... more Violence in dating: An update for adolescence
This literature review updates evidence about intimate partner violence in dating relationships,
revealing a particular phenomenon, emphasizing issues such as the prevalence for both
sexes, which according to various reviewed studies may range from 0.8% for sexual violence
to 98% for psychological aggression. Factors associated with abuse or early sexual initiation,
temporal extent of the relationship, role of parents and peers, among others; and the consequences
as dropouts: teenage pregnancy, eating disorders, victimization and expression of
anger primarily in men, etc. are anayzed.This review demonstrates that this phenomenon
has certain peculiarities that justify a more targeted research particularly during adolescence.
Keywords: intimate partner violence, dating relationships, adolescence
Papers by Maruzzella Valdivia
This literature review updates evidence about intimate partner violence in dating relationships,
revealing a particular phenomenon, emphasizing issues such as the prevalence for both
sexes, which according to various reviewed studies may range from 0.8% for sexual violence
to 98% for psychological aggression. Factors associated with abuse or early sexual initiation,
temporal extent of the relationship, role of parents and peers, among others; and the consequences
as dropouts: teenage pregnancy, eating disorders, victimization and expression of
anger primarily in men, etc. are anayzed.This review demonstrates that this phenomenon
has certain peculiarities that justify a more targeted research particularly during adolescence.
Keywords: intimate partner violence, dating relationships, adolescence
This literature review updates evidence about intimate partner violence in dating relationships,
revealing a particular phenomenon, emphasizing issues such as the prevalence for both
sexes, which according to various reviewed studies may range from 0.8% for sexual violence
to 98% for psychological aggression. Factors associated with abuse or early sexual initiation,
temporal extent of the relationship, role of parents and peers, among others; and the consequences
as dropouts: teenage pregnancy, eating disorders, victimization and expression of
anger primarily in men, etc. are anayzed.This review demonstrates that this phenomenon
has certain peculiarities that justify a more targeted research particularly during adolescence.
Keywords: intimate partner violence, dating relationships, adolescence