University of California, Los Angeles
UCLA and Pomona College * We are grateful to our Luganda consultants, Phoebe Kajubi, Harunah Ntege, and Lillian Young, for providing the data. We also thank Larry Hyman, Michael Marlo, the audience at ACAL 39, and an anonymous reviewer... more
En este artículo examinamos la actuación de locativos de partes (es decir, locativos basados en partes del cuerpo o de cualquier otro objeto) en el zapoteco del Valle de Tlacolula y en el chickasaw y especificamos su categorización... more
Chickasaw is a Muskogean language spoken in south-central Oklahoma. Published descriptions of Chickasaw phonetics include Munro & Willmond (1994), Munro (to appear), and Gordon et al. (2000). The following description is a summary of the... more
En este artículo examinamos la actuación de locativos de partes (es decir, locativos basados en partes del cuerpo o de cualquier otro objeto) en el zapoteco del Valle de Tlacolula y en el chickasaw y especificamos su categorización... more
The Zapotecs are the third largest indigenous ethnic group in Mexico (after the Nahuatls and Mayas), numbering over 400,000 in the 1990 census. Since the 1970s a great number of Zapotec people have immigrated from rural communities in... more
Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society (1976), pp. 308-318
- by Pamela Munro
Zapotec languages indicate tense, aspect, and modality with "aspect" prefixes on verbs. The most widely used of these prefixes mark Habitual, Perfective (or Completive), and Irrealis (or Potential), but a number of languages have... more
- by Pamela Munro
This paper provides a quantitative phonetic study of Chickasaw, a Muskogean language spoken in Oklahoma. Basic properties such as vowel quality, voice onset time, and consonant closure duration are examined and compared with the... more
Some items are especially difficult to put into a dictionary, either because it is hard to decide what form of the word or phrase to enter or because it is hard to decide how to translate the chosen entry and to explain or illustrate its... more
This article provides a quantitative phonetic study of Chickasaw, a Muskogean language spoken in Oklahoma. Basic properties such as vowel quality, voice onset time, and consonant closure duration are examined and compared with the... more
En este artículo, colaboran lingüistas e historiadores en la transcripción, traducción y análisis de un texto escrito en zapoteco del Valle de Oaxaca en 1614, hallado en el ramo de Tierras del Archivo General de la Nación. El documento... more