University College London
Political Science
This article is framed within the current debate on emerging powers from a Latin American perspective. It tries to solve some of the theoretical problems of the mainstream rationalist approach in IR theory, proposing a model of change... more
"This article intends to describe the behaviour of weak states within a context of hegemonic expansion, assuming that, from the crisis and fall of the Soviet Union to the beginning of the Irak War, this is the situation that best... more
Recent Brazilian foreign policy and IR analysis has developed on the basis of a single unquestioned hypothesis stating that Brazilian rise in terms of its relative power explains its lower alignment with the United States -and even its so... more
O estudo da política externa do Brasil tem adquiridouma relevancia notável nos últimos anos. No amplo espectro de temas abordados por essa literatura, este artigo objetiva colocar em diálogo dois debates que, até o momento, têm se... more
"El presente trabajo pretende analizar, desde una perspectiva original, el pensamiento de Nicolás Maquiavelo, y en especial su concepción de la política. En un principio, nos propondremos discernir qué es la política para este autor,... more
"En este trabajo se intentará cuestionar la utilidad del concepto de “Estado” para interpretar determinados fenómenos de política internacional, considerando la centralidad que tiene el concepto en las teorías de las Relaciones... more
Au cours du XXI siècle, le Brésil est passé de l'indifférence à la notoriété, avant de décevoir l’opinion publique régionale et mondiale. Pourtant, les images de la récente publication par The Economist montrant un Christ Rédempteur... more
This article addresses the problem of cooperation and integration between Argentina and Brazil from 1979 to 2014. Unlike previous scholarly work, it tries to develop a single model to explain both moments of major cooperation, integration... more
Hoje em dia, a maior divisão nas RI dá-se entre racionalistas e reflexivistas, mas ambos os lados se comportam como se o ignorassem e pouco diálogo foi atingido até agora. Mesmo que esse debate seja também epistemológico, ético, e... more
Within the last 50 years, the Brazilian share of South American power has increased from one‐third to one‐half of the overall material capabilities in the region. Such a significant change in the regional power structure cannot have gone... more
Este artículo propone una crítica del concepto de State Sponsor of Terrorism, término que a partir de la práctica de la política exterior de los Estados Unidos se ha convertido en uno de los principales discursos para legitimar la guerra... more
Within the last fifty years, the Brazilian share of South American power has increased from one-third to one-half of the overall material capabilities in the region. Such a significant change in the regional power structure cannot have... more