Papers by Daniel Vallès Muñío
Mirades. Recerques a l'Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya, 2024
Revista Jurídica de Catalunya, 2023
Revista Llengua i Dret, 2023
En aquest treball s'explica la primera docència del dret en llengua catalana. Es fa a partir del ... more En aquest treball s'explica la primera docència del dret en llengua catalana. Es fa a partir del buidatge del contingut de la revista dels Estudis Universitaris Catalans. La docència del dret en català tingué un temari extens i adaptable als estudis ordinaris de la Universitat de Barcelona; fins i tot, en algun punt fou més innovador. A més, es feia servir de manera reiterada l'aprenentatge pel mètode del cas. També s'expliquen els continguts dels articles jurídics publicats a la revista i es conclou que va tenir una visió historicista marcada, molt influenciada per l'Escola Històrica del Dret i també pel catolicisme social. Paraules clau: llengua catalana; dret; història del dret.
Revista Sociología del Trabajo, 2021
dicha organización en el centro del reformismo español. El tema central del trabajo trata sobre l... more dicha organización en el centro del reformismo español. El tema central del trabajo trata sobre la sección española de la AIPLT como una institución de intercambio de información jurídico-social entre las demás secciones nacionales y la central de Berna, para conseguir una cierta unificación normativa entre los países participantes en la AIPLT. Este intercambio informativo era de dos direcciones: se concretaba en la remisión de información desde la AIPLT sobre las novedades legislativas de los demás países con sección nacional, pero también por la información que remitía la sección española a sus asociados sobre las políticas sociales del país. A partir de diversos ejemplos de este intercambio informativo, constatamos que la información remitida por la sección española iba más allá de la simple recopilación legislativa e incluía aspectos sociales relevantes; por otro lado, a partir de dichos ejemplos, apuntamos la influencia que la información remitida desde la central de Berna pudo tener en el desarrollo del reformismo español. Palabras clave: derecho laboral, internacionalización, Asociación Internacional para la Protección Legal de los Trabajadores, historia social, historia contemporánea. [en] The Spanish section of the International Association for the Legal Protection of Labor. Its publications and its influence.
Revista de Dret Històric Català, 2020
The analysis of the privileges contained in the book Privilegis de la vila de Sabadell has allowe... more The analysis of the privileges contained in the book Privilegis de la vila de Sabadell has allowed us to consider a model of the
development and consolidation of municipal institutions in Catalonia. These are unique provisions, granted by sovereigns or jurisdictional lords in favour of a person, town or entities, with an exceptional or specialist nature, and with the aim of regulating specific aspects of the legal status of the person or institution and also of local or municipal life. Sometimes they comprise the exemption of tax charges or the donation, as a favour or grace of various powers, markets or immunities. They may also have contents of private, criminal or procedural law. Within the Catalan legislation of the late Middle Ages, the privilege is assimilated to the hierarchy of law.
Revista Catalana de Dret Públic, 2020
This article discusses the use of Francoist monetary policy as a weapon in the Spanish Civil War,... more This article discusses the use of Francoist monetary policy as a weapon in the Spanish Civil War, and the unlawful confiscation of Republican funds by the Francoist state. The confiscation must be understood as damage suffered by private persons. This real damage has never been compensated by the Spanish democratic state in the framework of Spain's transitional justice. As evidence of this non-compensation, we will examine Supreme Court Judgement no. 1470/2017, which dismissed the judicial claim for damages. One of the grounds of the judgement is the lack of financial liability by the State qua legislature for the omission of legislation that would regulate such reparations. This article puts forth a possible channel for claims; specifically, the arguments contained in the Report by the UN Special Rapporteur on Transitional Justice, supported by the new stance of the Supreme Court regarding the mandatory nature of international committee recommendations, found in Supreme Court Judgement no. 1263/2018, which is the first acknowledgement of the binding nature of such recommendations for the Spanish State. Resum Aquest treball vol recordar l'ús de la política monetària franquista com a arma a la Guerra Civil Espanyola i la confiscació il·legítima dels diners republicans per part de l'Estat franquista. Aquesta confiscació cal entendre-la com un dany patit per ciutadans particulars, dany efectiu que no ha estat reparat per l'Estat democràtic espanyol dins la justícia transicional espanyola. Dins d'aquesta manca de reparació, comentem la Sentència del Tribunal Suprem núm. 1470/2017, que desestima la reclamació judicial d'aquest dany; un dels fonaments de la Sentència és la manca de responsabilitat patrimonial de l'Estat legislador per l'omissió legislativa que reguli aquella reparació. En aquest treball plantegem una possible via de reclamació, que seria basar-nos en l'Informe del relator especial de l'ONU sobre justícia transicional, a l'empara del nou posicionament del Tribunal Suprem sobre l'obligatorietat de les recomanacions dels comitès internacionals, sobre la base de la Sentència del Tribunal Suprem núm. 1263/2018, que per primera vegada en reconeix la vinculatorietat per a l'Estat espanyol. Recommended citation: Vallès Muñío, Daniel. (2020). Restitution of funds confiscated by the Francoist government, and the mandatory nature of recommendations made by international human rights committees. A possible path to compensation.
Historia, Trabajo y Sociedad, 2020
(OIT) y desde 1907 tuvo una sección en España, la cual desarrolló una importante tarea editorial,... more (OIT) y desde 1907 tuvo una sección en España, la cual desarrolló una importante tarea editorial, entre la que se encuentra la edición de la revista España Social. A partir del contenido doctrinal de esta publicación queremos comprobar qué ideas sobre el trabajo tenían los autores que colaboraban con la revista y con la sección española, e intuir si existió alguna evolución en su pensamiento. Ello nos permitiría identificar cómo pensaban el trabajo los que fueron antecesores de la OIT en España.
IusLabor, 2020
A propósito del Centenario de la creación del Ministerio de Trabajo, en este trabajo proponemos q... more A propósito del Centenario de la creación del Ministerio de Trabajo, en este trabajo proponemos que otra mirada es posible de los primeros años de vida de la institución. Nacida en un tiempo de alta conflictividad social, la opinión de algunos de los laboralistas más relevantes era que el Ministerio, hasta Primo de Rivera, únicamente fue una institución 'organofágica', que se dedicaba a absorber otras instituciones ya creadas, aportando poca cosa al derecho sociolaboral de la época. Hemos examinado tres temas que nos sirven para poner en cuestión esa vieja visión de los primeros años del Ministerio de Trabajo: el desarrollo del corporativismo, la evolución de la normativa de casas baratas y el fortalecimiento de la inspección de trabajo. Regarding the Centenary of the Ministry of Labor's creation, in this work we propose that another look is possible from the first years of the institution's life. It was born in a time of high social conflict; the opinion of some of the most relevant labor law professionals was that the Ministry, up to Primo de Rivera, was only an 'organophagic' institution, dedicated to absorbing other already created institutions, contributing little to the socio-labor law of the time. We have examined three issues that serve to challenge this old vision of the early years of the Ministry of Labor: the development of corporatism, the evolution of the Spanish housing law and the strengthening of labor inspection. Title: The Ministry of Labor. 1920-1923: relevant normative initiatives. Corporatism, housing law and job inspection. Palabras clave: Ministerio de Trabajo, aniversario, corporativismo, casas baratas, inspección de trabajo
Revista Española de Derecho Militar, 2018
In this paper, we try to highlight some doubts about the expansion of
the jurisdiction of the mil... more In this paper, we try to highlight some doubts about the expansion of
the jurisdiction of the military jurisdiction in relation to the current Military Penal Code. This analysis is based on the Decaux Principles on the Administration of Justice by Military Courts.
Revista de Dret Històric Català, 2019
Historia Trabajo y Sociedad, nº 6, 2015
La docencia del Derecho en la sociedad digital., 2019
IusLabor, 2018
In this first part of the paper we analyze the Women and Children's Labor Act of 1900
and its par... more In this first part of the paper we analyze the Women and Children's Labor Act of 1900
and its parliamentary procedure. We also analyze the historical account of the Spanish
labor inspection, created on 1906, that is explained in its Annual Reports on the
fulfillment of the Women and Children's Labor Act of 1900. Analyzing its historical
account, we want to expose if this norm was fulfilled or not and, above all, how the
members of the labor inspection expressed that lack of fulfillment. In this first part of
the paper, we only examined the 1907 and 1908 Reports. The rest of the Reports and its
statistical data will be analyzed in the next parts of the paper
IusLabor, 2018
With this paper, we want to show the situation of wage discrimination in women in a sector at a s... more With this paper, we want to show the situation of wage discrimination in women in a sector at a specific time and in a particular institution in the commercial assistance of Barcelona between 1920 and 1930, and we will do so by using documents issued by an institution, the Comisión Mixta del Trabajo en el Comercio de Barcelona (hereinafter the Joint Committee or Comisión Mixta). By examining these documents, we will check whether such wage discrimination existed in the early-20s. We will examine the opinions of the components of the Comisión Mixta and see what arguments were used to justify such discrimination. Nevertheless, thanks to these documents we will see how the debate on the injustice of wage discrimination emerged and how, finally, some members of the Comisión Mixta chose to denounce it. Even so, such discrimination still appeared in recent documents reviewed by the Comisión Mixta in the late 20s, particularly in the determination of minimum wages in commerce. It should also be considered that the recommendations of the ILO advocated setting the principle of equal pay, as enshrined in the section on labour rights of the 1919 Versailles Treaty. With this, we want to show how fighting against gender pay discrimination was not effective or efficient in the trade sector in Barcelona between the years 1920 and 1930. In fact, it was minor. This will help us better interpret the situation of women's work in post-World War I Barcelona and its trade.
Polítiques de memòria, gènere i ciutat., 2017
IusLabor, 2017
The time in prison of political prisoners in the Francoism regime were recognized as registered w... more The time in prison of political prisoners in the Francoism regime were recognized as registered with the Social Security, by the Act nº 18/1984. The Francoism regime also repressed and imprisoned homosexual people, only due to their sexual orientation, but their time in prison has not been recognized as registered with the Social Security. We suggest that it is necessary that the rights of homosexual prisoners to be equal to the rights of political prisoners, in order to recognize their time in prison as registered with the Social Security. Title: The time in prison of homosexual prisoners in the Francoism regime and the right to recognize that time as registered with the Social Security.
La Sentencia nº 1950/2016 del Tribunal de Justicia del País Vasco establece que el tiempo que las... more La Sentencia nº 1950/2016 del Tribunal de Justicia del País Vasco establece que el tiempo que las mujeres prestaron el Servicio Social deben ser asimilado al alta de la Seguridad Social. Para ello, la Sentencia equipara el Servicio Social con una prestación sustitutoria del servicio militar de los hombres. Además, la Sentencia concluye que su postura también se basa en la prohibición constitucional de la discriminación por sexo. Pero señalamos que igualdad de trato de la Servicio Social y servicio militar ya se estableció en la normativa de 1976, previa a la Constitución de 1978, sorprendentemente, fue derogada por el Estatuto de los Trabajadores de 1980.
En este trabajo queremos aproximarnos a la figura del Tribuna Industrial de Barcelona. Lo hacemos... more En este trabajo queremos aproximarnos a la figura del Tribuna Industrial de Barcelona. Lo hacemos a partir de la necesidad de la creación de alguna nstitución para resolver los conflictos laborales, tanto colectivos como individuales. Para resolver estos últimos, la doctrina, a partir de la filosofía armonicista, optó por la creación de tribunales mixtos, compuestos por jurados obreros y patronos. Ello se concretó, después de un par de proyectos fallidos, en la Ley de Tribunales Industriales de 9 de mayo de 1908. Pero no fue hasta junio de 1910 cuando se pudo crear el Tribunal Industrial de Barcelona, debido a las dificultades prácticas para la aplicación de la Ley. Finalmente, analizamos sus resoluciones a partir de cuarenta de sus expedientes de 1910, encontrados en el Archivo del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Catalunya.
En este comentario exponemos el camino judicial que ha realizado la familia del catedrático de
de... more En este comentario exponemos el camino judicial que ha realizado la familia del catedrático de
derecho penal Mariano RUIZ-FUNES GARCÍA para intentar recuperar los bienes que le fueron
incautados por el régimen franquista o para conseguir una indemnización por dicha incautación.
Su devenir judicial acaba ante el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos (en adelante TEDH), el
cual no se cuestiona en ningún momento la corrección de la Ley de la Memoria Histórica (en
adelante, LMH). Ésta, evita la anulación de las sentencias franquistas y únicamente opta por la
declaración de su ilegitimidad. Siendo el concepto de ilegitimidad no adecuado para hablar sobre las
resoluciones y las sentencias judiciales, el TEDH ha dejado pasar una buena oportunidad, quizá la
mejor, para limar los errores que el legislador español asumió voluntariamente en la LMH, cuando
evitó declarar nulas las sentencias franquistas, supuestamente para evitar la indemnización que
deriva de dicha anulación. El TEDH podría haber otorgado a los perjudicados por dichas Sentencias
un derecho a ser efectivamente indemnizados, igual que lo ostentan los perjudicados por las
Sentencias efectivamente anuladas por los Tribunales, en aplicación del artículo 3 del Protocolo nº 7
de la Convención. De hecho, aún lo podría hacer.
In this paper we present the judicial steps made by the family of the Professor of Criminal Law, Dr.
Mariano Ruiz-Funes García, in order to recover the assets that were seized by the Franco’s regime or
to get compensation for the seizure.
This judicial path ended up before the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), which did not
question the correction of the Spanish Law of Historical Memory (LMH). The LMH prevents the
cancellation of the Francoist sentences and chooses only the statement of its illegitimacy. But we
suggest that the concept of illegitimacy is not suitable to be applied to decisions of the Francoist
courts. One of the reason of the Spanish legislator to avoid the nullity the sentences of the Francoist
courts was its intention to avoid the payment of the economic compensation derived from such
nullity. And the ECHR has missed a good opportunity in order to solve this kind of mistakes of the
LMH. The ECHR could grant to those affected by these statements a right to be effectively
compensated, pursuant to Article 3 of Protocol 7 of the Convention.
The thesis begins with a description of the phenomenon of transitional justice, exploring the dif... more The thesis begins with a description of the phenomenon of transitional justice, exploring the difference between retributive justice, institutional justice (lustrations) and reparative justice, which deals with the implementation of reparations of the victims of the previous authoritarian regime.
Within the transitional reparative justice, we analyze different measures of reparation to the victims of the Spanish Civil War taken by the democratic governments after the Spanish transition to democracy. Among these measures, we can observe the regulation of annuities in favor of familiar mutilated and dead in the Civil War, the recognition of rights in favor of republican military, aid for the period of detention, and restitution to favor unions and political parties outlawed under Franco regime. We also study the so-called Law of Historical Memory and we propose legal action to claim for damages suffered by imprisonment.
Papers by Daniel Vallès Muñío
development and consolidation of municipal institutions in Catalonia. These are unique provisions, granted by sovereigns or jurisdictional lords in favour of a person, town or entities, with an exceptional or specialist nature, and with the aim of regulating specific aspects of the legal status of the person or institution and also of local or municipal life. Sometimes they comprise the exemption of tax charges or the donation, as a favour or grace of various powers, markets or immunities. They may also have contents of private, criminal or procedural law. Within the Catalan legislation of the late Middle Ages, the privilege is assimilated to the hierarchy of law.
the jurisdiction of the military jurisdiction in relation to the current Military Penal Code. This analysis is based on the Decaux Principles on the Administration of Justice by Military Courts.
and its parliamentary procedure. We also analyze the historical account of the Spanish
labor inspection, created on 1906, that is explained in its Annual Reports on the
fulfillment of the Women and Children's Labor Act of 1900. Analyzing its historical
account, we want to expose if this norm was fulfilled or not and, above all, how the
members of the labor inspection expressed that lack of fulfillment. In this first part of
the paper, we only examined the 1907 and 1908 Reports. The rest of the Reports and its
statistical data will be analyzed in the next parts of the paper
derecho penal Mariano RUIZ-FUNES GARCÍA para intentar recuperar los bienes que le fueron
incautados por el régimen franquista o para conseguir una indemnización por dicha incautación.
Su devenir judicial acaba ante el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos (en adelante TEDH), el
cual no se cuestiona en ningún momento la corrección de la Ley de la Memoria Histórica (en
adelante, LMH). Ésta, evita la anulación de las sentencias franquistas y únicamente opta por la
declaración de su ilegitimidad. Siendo el concepto de ilegitimidad no adecuado para hablar sobre las
resoluciones y las sentencias judiciales, el TEDH ha dejado pasar una buena oportunidad, quizá la
mejor, para limar los errores que el legislador español asumió voluntariamente en la LMH, cuando
evitó declarar nulas las sentencias franquistas, supuestamente para evitar la indemnización que
deriva de dicha anulación. El TEDH podría haber otorgado a los perjudicados por dichas Sentencias
un derecho a ser efectivamente indemnizados, igual que lo ostentan los perjudicados por las
Sentencias efectivamente anuladas por los Tribunales, en aplicación del artículo 3 del Protocolo nº 7
de la Convención. De hecho, aún lo podría hacer.
In this paper we present the judicial steps made by the family of the Professor of Criminal Law, Dr.
Mariano Ruiz-Funes García, in order to recover the assets that were seized by the Franco’s regime or
to get compensation for the seizure.
This judicial path ended up before the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), which did not
question the correction of the Spanish Law of Historical Memory (LMH). The LMH prevents the
cancellation of the Francoist sentences and chooses only the statement of its illegitimacy. But we
suggest that the concept of illegitimacy is not suitable to be applied to decisions of the Francoist
courts. One of the reason of the Spanish legislator to avoid the nullity the sentences of the Francoist
courts was its intention to avoid the payment of the economic compensation derived from such
nullity. And the ECHR has missed a good opportunity in order to solve this kind of mistakes of the
LMH. The ECHR could grant to those affected by these statements a right to be effectively
compensated, pursuant to Article 3 of Protocol 7 of the Convention.
Within the transitional reparative justice, we analyze different measures of reparation to the victims of the Spanish Civil War taken by the democratic governments after the Spanish transition to democracy. Among these measures, we can observe the regulation of annuities in favor of familiar mutilated and dead in the Civil War, the recognition of rights in favor of republican military, aid for the period of detention, and restitution to favor unions and political parties outlawed under Franco regime. We also study the so-called Law of Historical Memory and we propose legal action to claim for damages suffered by imprisonment.
development and consolidation of municipal institutions in Catalonia. These are unique provisions, granted by sovereigns or jurisdictional lords in favour of a person, town or entities, with an exceptional or specialist nature, and with the aim of regulating specific aspects of the legal status of the person or institution and also of local or municipal life. Sometimes they comprise the exemption of tax charges or the donation, as a favour or grace of various powers, markets or immunities. They may also have contents of private, criminal or procedural law. Within the Catalan legislation of the late Middle Ages, the privilege is assimilated to the hierarchy of law.
the jurisdiction of the military jurisdiction in relation to the current Military Penal Code. This analysis is based on the Decaux Principles on the Administration of Justice by Military Courts.
and its parliamentary procedure. We also analyze the historical account of the Spanish
labor inspection, created on 1906, that is explained in its Annual Reports on the
fulfillment of the Women and Children's Labor Act of 1900. Analyzing its historical
account, we want to expose if this norm was fulfilled or not and, above all, how the
members of the labor inspection expressed that lack of fulfillment. In this first part of
the paper, we only examined the 1907 and 1908 Reports. The rest of the Reports and its
statistical data will be analyzed in the next parts of the paper
derecho penal Mariano RUIZ-FUNES GARCÍA para intentar recuperar los bienes que le fueron
incautados por el régimen franquista o para conseguir una indemnización por dicha incautación.
Su devenir judicial acaba ante el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos (en adelante TEDH), el
cual no se cuestiona en ningún momento la corrección de la Ley de la Memoria Histórica (en
adelante, LMH). Ésta, evita la anulación de las sentencias franquistas y únicamente opta por la
declaración de su ilegitimidad. Siendo el concepto de ilegitimidad no adecuado para hablar sobre las
resoluciones y las sentencias judiciales, el TEDH ha dejado pasar una buena oportunidad, quizá la
mejor, para limar los errores que el legislador español asumió voluntariamente en la LMH, cuando
evitó declarar nulas las sentencias franquistas, supuestamente para evitar la indemnización que
deriva de dicha anulación. El TEDH podría haber otorgado a los perjudicados por dichas Sentencias
un derecho a ser efectivamente indemnizados, igual que lo ostentan los perjudicados por las
Sentencias efectivamente anuladas por los Tribunales, en aplicación del artículo 3 del Protocolo nº 7
de la Convención. De hecho, aún lo podría hacer.
In this paper we present the judicial steps made by the family of the Professor of Criminal Law, Dr.
Mariano Ruiz-Funes García, in order to recover the assets that were seized by the Franco’s regime or
to get compensation for the seizure.
This judicial path ended up before the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), which did not
question the correction of the Spanish Law of Historical Memory (LMH). The LMH prevents the
cancellation of the Francoist sentences and chooses only the statement of its illegitimacy. But we
suggest that the concept of illegitimacy is not suitable to be applied to decisions of the Francoist
courts. One of the reason of the Spanish legislator to avoid the nullity the sentences of the Francoist
courts was its intention to avoid the payment of the economic compensation derived from such
nullity. And the ECHR has missed a good opportunity in order to solve this kind of mistakes of the
LMH. The ECHR could grant to those affected by these statements a right to be effectively
compensated, pursuant to Article 3 of Protocol 7 of the Convention.
Within the transitional reparative justice, we analyze different measures of reparation to the victims of the Spanish Civil War taken by the democratic governments after the Spanish transition to democracy. Among these measures, we can observe the regulation of annuities in favor of familiar mutilated and dead in the Civil War, the recognition of rights in favor of republican military, aid for the period of detention, and restitution to favor unions and political parties outlawed under Franco regime. We also study the so-called Law of Historical Memory and we propose legal action to claim for damages suffered by imprisonment.