Journal by José Luis Hernández Huerta
Space and Time are two variables which, to a large extent, determine reality, make a mark on all ... more Space and Time are two variables which, to a large extent, determine reality, make a mark on all its aspects, condition the opportunities and paths of people and societies, as well as those of thought, science, technology and many other manifestations of Reason, Freedom and Utopia. Education, a genuinely human phenomenon, is no stranger to such influences: it is both a past and a present factor which is both conditioning and conditioned over the course of history and the present.
Espacio, Tiempo y Educación was conceived as a forum in which Education, in all its forms and modes, in any and all points in Space and Time, could be examined.
Espacio, Tiempo y Educación is an open-access journal on the History of Education, subject to blind peer review, open and independent, which accepts original work in a variety of languages: Spanish, English, Italian, Portuguese and French.
Espacio, Tiempo y Educación has been an annual volume and consists of two (2) issues. Each volume is generally divided into four sections: monograph, studies and interview.
Foro de Educación is an open-access scientific journal published by FahrenHouse (Salamanca, Spain... more Foro de Educación is an open-access scientific journal published by FahrenHouse (Salamanca, Spain), devoted to educational research and writing, irrespective of their time, space, field of study or speciality, exclusively under blind-peer review, completely open and independent, and introducing original essays in a wide range of languages, including Spanish, English, Italian, Portuguese and French.
Foro de Educación was born as a meeting point for Science and intellectual thinking, as a main square for bringing educational research to life, as well as its current political, cultural and social ingredients. Inaddition, it is equally conceived to become a place for reflection upon education and culture, where criticism, reasoning and study intermingle as an attempt to improve education and society, making them, if possible, freer, fairer and more supportive.
Foro de Educación is mainly aimed at researchers, scholars and university teachers committed to any aspect regarding Education Science, whatever time, space, approach, viewpoint or methodology, as well as to any others concerned about society, culture and education and bound to share and contrast their own opinions.
Papers by José Luis Hernández Huerta
Cadernos de História da Educação, 2019
This article highlights the social nature of the Freinet movement in Spain during the period of t... more This article highlights the social nature of the Freinet movement in Spain during the period of the Second Republic (1931-1936) and the Civil War (1936-1939), and investigates the community-based aspect of its schooling practices. To begin with, we examine a number of aspects of Spain’s Freinet movement which help to see it as a social movement as well as a pedagogical one. Then, we study a) the main strategies employed by teachers to facilitate the social building of democracy through the schooling system, and b) the most significant extensions of the school into the local community, which helped break down the physical and symbolic barriers separating schooling institutions from the framework of ordinary citizens’ daily existence.
Los movimientos estudiantiles que a escala planetaria se desarrollaron durante el ’68 tuvieron un... more Los movimientos estudiantiles que a escala planetaria se desarrollaron durante el ’68 tuvieron un considerable impacto en Brasil, donde ser revelaron como uno de los grupos sociales a la vanguardia de la resistencia cívica frente a la dictadura y de la modernización del sistema universitario. En este artículo se estudian las representaciones en la esfera pública de los estudiantes universitarios brasileiros en acción construidas y diseminadas por la prensa diaria. Se presta atención a (1) las motivaciones, los reclamos y las aspiraciones de la juventud universitaria, (2) su capacidad de movilización social, integración de actores políticos alternativos y negociación con el Estado, (3) los espacios, tiempos e intensidades de sus acciones, y (4) las narrativas generadas por la prensa diaria a partir de los testimonios, opiniones e intereses de sí, de sus protagonistas y del resto de actores sociales implicados en la cuestión estudiantil. El recorte temporal seleccionado está delimitado por la Misa del Séptimo Día, que marcó el final de los sucesos de Calabouço, y la Passeata dos Cem Mil, que puede considerarse el horizonte de sucesos que derivaron en el AI-5. La fuente principal ha sido Correio do Povo, representativo de los sectores liberal-conservadores del sur de Brasil.
The student movements which took place worldwide during 1968 had a considerable impact in Brazil, where they emerged as one of the social groups at the forefront of civic resistance to the dictatorship and modernisation of the university system. This article discusses the representations of Brazilian students in action, constructed and disseminated in the public sphere by the daily press. Particular attention is paid to (1) the motives, demands and aspirations of the activist student youth, (2) their capacity for social mobilisation, integration of alternative political figures and negotiation with the State, (3) the places, times and intensities of their actions, and (4) the narratives constructed by the daily newspapers on the basis of the testimonies, opinions and interests of the journalists, the protagonists of the movement and the rest of the social actors involved in the student issues of the day. The period of time selected for examination runs from the Seventh-Day Mass (marking the end of the events surrounding the death of Edson Luís de Lima Souto at the Calabouço Restaurant), and the Passeata dos Cem Mil (March of the One Hundred Thousand), which can be considered the turning point in the events which led to the passing of AI-5 – the repressive military executive order. The main source used for this study is the newspaper Correio do Povo, representative of the liberal-conservative sectors in southern Brazil.
La nueva realidad política de España tras la muerte de Francisco Franco obligó a acometer cambios... more La nueva realidad política de España tras la muerte de Francisco Franco obligó a acometer cambios que afectarían a las diferentes esferas social, cultural, económica y, por supuesto y de forma directa, educativa. Tras la celebración de las primeras elecciones democráticas en junio de 1977 se iniciaba el trabajo para la elaboración del texto constitucional. Dentro del terreno de la educación, una de las cuestiones que revestiría mayor debate parlamentario sería la relacionada con la libertad de enseñanza. En este artículo pretendemos acercarnos, tomando como referencia la bibliografía disponible al respecto, al amplio concepto de la libertad de enseñanza desde la perspectiva de la opinión pública, inserta ésta en el marco más amplio de la nueva historia política y la historia de las ideas. Una de las formas a través de las cuales podemos tomar el pulso a ese debate en torno a la libertad de enseñanza es mediante la consulta de prensa diaria. Este medio de comunicación nos ayudará a rastrear el debate público generado, el posicionamiento de distintos grupos poblacionales, así como las ideas propagadas hacia la sociedad sobre una cuestión particular que todavía hoy se encuentra sujeta al debate público. En concreto, este trabajo toma como fuentes de investigación los periódicos El País y ABC y todas aquellas noticias, editoriales, artículos de opinión, secciones o columnas fijas, entrevistas y reportajes cuyo motivo principal fuera la libertad de enseñanza durante el periodo de noviembre de 1977, con la primera filtración en Cuadernos para el diálogo del borrador del anteproyecto constitucional, y el 6 de diciembre de 1978, con la ratificación en referéndum de la Constitución española.
This article examines and reflects on metaphors used to speak of the daily press, which offer up ... more This article examines and reflects on metaphors used to speak of the daily press, which offer up new prospects for analysis of the way of which society’s views of education were formed. The metaphors “public looking-glass” – with the variants of Alice and The White Queen – and “self-replicating event horizon” are looked at, in association with the following key concepts: “public sphere” (Arendt), “collective memory” (Halbwachs; Ricœur), “social imagination” (Taylor), “imagined communities” (Anderson), “temporal strata” and “prognosis” (Koselleck). Also, by way of introduction, the article offers an overview of the topics discussed in the monograph entitled Representations of university in the social imaginations of Mediterranean Europe and Latin America during periods of change (1968-1998). * * * En este artículo se ofrecen reflexiones y metáforas sobre la prensa diaria que pueden aportar otras perspectivas de análisis sobre la construcción de imaginarios sociales de la educación. Para esto se utilizan las metáforas del “espejo público” –con las variantes de Alicia y la Dama Blanca– y del “horizonte de sucesos auto-replicantes”, asociadas a las siguientes claves de pensamiento: “esfera pública” (Arendt), “memoria colectiva” (Halbwachs; Ricoeur), “imaginario social” (Taylor), “comunidades imaginadas” (Anderson), “estratos del tiempo” y “prognosis” (Koselleck). También se ofrece, a modo de presentación, una panorámica de los temas que se tratan en el monográfico titulado Representaciones de la Universidad en los imaginarios sociales de la Europa Mediterránea e Iberoamérica en tiempo de cambio (1968-1998).
The global phenomenon of the student movements carried out during the long year of ’68 had very p... more The global phenomenon of the student movements carried out during the long year of ’68 had very particular characteristics in Brazil. Amongst other things, this sector of the university population – which had been embroiled in an intensifying process of politicisation since the beginning of the decade, especially since the beginning of the military dictatorship (1964) – emerged as a social, cultural and political group at the very forefront of the resistance to the dictatorship, capable of ample mobilisation, and of influencing the country’s general policies. This article investigates the social ideologies and the imagined communities painted by the daily press in Brazil about the student mobilisations carried out during the first trimester of 1968, focusing on the events in the Calabouço restaurant, the shockwave caused by them and the Seventh Day Mass. The objective is to analyse the discourse produced about these events in the public sphere, the students’ motivations and demands, the spaces, times and intensities of their actions, and the streams of public opinion generated by the press’s publication choices.
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O fenómeno global dos movimentos estudantis desenvolvidos durante o longo ano de 1968 assumiu contornos particulares no Brasil. Entre outros, este setor da comunidade universitária, em crescente processo de politização desde princípios da década, especialmente a partir da ditadura militar (1964), revelou-se um grupo social, cultural e político na vanguarda da resistência à mesma, capaz de amplas motivações e de incidir na política geral do país. Neste artigo aprofundam-se os imaginários sociais e as comunidades imaginadas construídos pela imprensa diária brasileira em torno das mobilizações estudantis desenvolvidas durante o primeiro trimestre de 1968, centrando a atenção nos sucessos de Calabouço, a sua onda expansiva e a Missa do Sétimo Dia. O objetivo é analisar os discursos construídos à volta destes eventos na esfera pública, as motivações e as reivindicações dos estudantes, os espaços, tempos e as intensidades das suas ações, assim como as correntes de opinião pública geradas pelas linhas editoriais da imprensa.
The influence and reception of the educational thinking and schoolroom innovations of Célestin Fr... more The influence and reception of the educational thinking and schoolroom innovations of Célestin Freinet in Spain is a field of investigation which has been being exploited for over three-and-a-half decades. At the end of the 1970s, when the Freinet movement in Spain was making its way back to the forefront amongst the Movements for Pedagogical Renewal (MPR), the first scientific publication about the first era of the Freinet movement, during the 1920s and 1930s, appeared. Since then, a little over 100 academic publications have been produced, though they are distinct in genre, solidarity and weight. The result is a historiographical labyrinth whose multiple paths lead to successful outlets, blind alleyways and, on occasion, false access points which simply lead to paths we have already covered. The objective of this paper is to present an overview of the trajectory of the historiographical study of the presence of Freinet’s («Freinetian») ideas and practices in Spain during the Second Republic, the Civil War and the Transition to Democracy; to draw a critical balance regarding the current state of the issue; to offer a number of possible ways out of the maze of historiography; and present a broad range of specialised bibliographical sources, which will be helpful in undertaking subsequent research. In addition, this study demonstrates that the Spanish Freinet movement continues to be a field of investigation which draws the attention of the scientific community, given the wide-ranging possibilities it offers; furthermore, it is considered necessary to modify certain analytical perspectives and emphasise others which, to a greater or lesser extent, are already present in works of research.
In the mid-1960s, the Freinet movement took on new life-first with the name Association for Corre... more In the mid-1960s, the Freinet movement took on new life-first with the name Association for Correspondence and the School Printing Press-Acies-, and later as the Popular School Cooperative Movement-MCEP. In a short space of time, the organisation grew to contain over a hundred members and supporters, who, along with the process of the Transition to democracy, laid the foundations for many of Acies/MCEP's projects-both pedagogical and political projects. Of greatest importance amongst these were conferences, teacher-training seminars and the bulletin Colaboración (1976-1985), which was the organ of expression and communication for Spanish teachers following Freinet's principles. During the period of political transition to democracy, Acies/MCEP was one of the most active and dynamic Educational Renewal Movements in Spain. The present article explores the contributions of the Freinet movement to the democratisation of education in Spain-in particular, the political-pedagogical discussion on the principles and purposes of public education, how to understand it, the problems posed by the existence of privately-subsidised education, and the role of the school as a tool for community development and an arena for civic participation. For these reasons, as a documentary source to be explored in depth, the bulletin Colaboración has been chosen; it offers an example of the pedagogical press for teachers in the Spain of 1970s and 1980s, as it helped shape the educational mindset in place during this period and in the following years.
In mid-1982, after several years of military dictatorship, Argentina began the transition to demo... more In mid-1982, after several years of military dictatorship, Argentina began the transition to democracy, leading to the return of constitutional and parliamentary normality, and bringing also substantial changes in every sphere of life. Education was not spared such considerations; on the contrary, it appeared as one of the key parts of the process, both medium and long term, so that very soon, the democratization process, the standardization and modernization of educational institutions were undertaken, from primary schools to universities, not forgetting popular education and other means of training and care towards the most vulnerable and disadvantaged population. Part of public opinion echoed the most urgent challenges in education and contributed significantly to configuring the pedagogical imaginary interiorized by the common citizen, ideas that lasted during the period of consolidation of democracy, and the governments of Raúl Alfonsín. The study presented here aims to deepen the analysis about the representations of collective imaginations about civic education in Argentina, the idea of citizenship and democracy and the role school could play in strengthening and sustaining it. The basic sources for the research consist of editorials, opinion articles, interviews and reports on civic education published in Argentina in major national newspapers – such as «Clarín», «La Nación» and «La Prensa» – during the period of transition.
The debate concerning the standards of quality related to scientific journals deals with director... more The debate concerning the standards of quality related to scientific journals deals with directors and researchers in every fields, because success for both depends on it. In this article three issues will be addressed: first, a critical analysis of the publishing management currently used; secondly, a view on journals of History of Education published in America, Europa and Oceania is provided; finally the journal «Espacio, Tiempo y Educación» is analized, both for the ideas on which it was created, giving meaning to its editorial project, and for the achievements, purposes and challenges that it will face in the medium term.
History of Education & Children’s Literature, 2014
In recent years, the Faculty of Education in the University of Salamanca (Department of Education... more In recent years, the Faculty of Education in the University of Salamanca (Department of Education History and Theory) has become the driving force behind a remarkable quantity of cultural events and initiatives. These include «pedagogical conferences» held with a view to analysing the numerous traces left among the rich heritage that the European nations have bequeathed to the Spanish and Latin-American education systems over the last hundred years. Held every one or two years, each of these conferences provides a forum for wide-reaching, in-depth discussion between scholars and university lecturers, and is accompanied by the publication of a large volume of the proceedings, edited by Professor J.M. Hernández Díaz. Of late, a particular focus of these proceedings has been the European influences on higher education, and the many repercussions of EC rulings, in accordance with the Bologna Process. Research interests have consequently shifted to the various European nations and their relations with the Spanish-speaking world, whether harmonious or characterized by criticism and debate, first France in 2008, then Germany in 2009, Great Britain in 2011, and, most recently, Italy in 2014. The aim of this paper is to sum up the recent conference on the Italian influences, to elucidate not only how and to what extent the pedagogical theories developed in Italy have altered the methodology and praxis of teaching in Spain, Latin-America and Africa, but also which concepts and authors have been better received than others.
In the middle of 1982, after several years of military dictatorship, Argentina began the transiti... more In the middle of 1982, after several years of military dictatorship, Argentina began the transition to democracy. This led, as well as the comeback to constitutional and parliamentary normality, to significant changes in all spheres of life. Education, regarded as one the key elements of this process in the medium and long term, played an active role in these changes. Thus, the process of democratisation, normalisation and modernisation of educational institutions started, ranging from elementary to university studies, including popular education and other means of training and attention were addressed to the most vulnerable and unprivileged population sectors. The study, which delves into the aforementioned issues, although from the perspective of the history of mentalities, is the result of a first phase of a broader research that aims to clarify the political, ideological and pedagogical views of public opinion with regard to education during the transition processes to democracy in Spain and Argentina. It also outlines the idea of education held by the average citizen, which was settled in the collective imaginations of these territories. This paper accurately defines and describes the documentary sources used (in this case editorials, opinion articles, fixed sections, interviews and articles on education published in Argentina in the most important national newspapers such as Clarín , La Nación and La Prensa , and during the period of transition. We also offer an approach to the profile of columnists and editorialists and an overview of issues relating to education on which daily press focused and that, somehow, centred public debate. The work is closed by which is perhaps the main contribution, a detailed account of documentary sources, still unexplored.
Innovación Educativa, 2013
Celestín Freinet’s efforts to assign an international nature to his Cooperative of Laic Education... more Celestín Freinet’s efforts to assign an international nature to his Cooperative of Laic Education, crossed the French frontiers. His ideas reached thus very early on many parts of Europe, as well as more distant regions such as America and the Far East.
Spain was not left out of this phenomenon and very quickly the educational ideas and the school techniques of the French Modern School were adopted by local teachers who followed the path of the French movement. As a result a Spanish movement emerged around the Spanish Cooperative of Freinet’s techniques, which consisted, at the last phase of its existence, of more than 200 members.
In this study I explore the Freinet school culture in Spain in the 1930s of the 20th century, the ideas that guided the Modern School, and the ways they were carried out by the Spanish Cooperative of Freinet’s techniques. I especially look at school notebooks, both inside and outside.
The postulates on education from Celestín Freinet, and his determination to provide to the Cooper... more The postulates on education from Celestín Freinet, and his determination to provide to the Cooperative of Lay Education (CLE) of an international character, came out soon the French borders. Spain was not foreign to such influence and, very soon, the Freinet’s educational offer had a good reception, even though, in the first moment, it had scanty diffusion and minor application. The winds of pedagogic renovation, propitiated by the Spanish Second Republic, gave impulse and encouraged the application of the new educational technologies from France. Thus, the incipient Freinet’s Spanish movement was taking shape and, in a little time, this had a «battalion» of «sniper» teachers, who wanted to apply those ideas, a solid organization and a promising future truncated by the beginning of the civil war.
This research is about the Spanish receipt from the Modern School, the advertising and diffusion of those ideas, the itinerary followed by the Spanish's Freynet movement during it expansion and Franco’s government. Likewise, this paper presents a profile of the Freynet’s teachers movement in Spain.
This article seeks to highlight the slow process of education that women suffered due to the cons... more This article seeks to highlight the slow process of education that women suffered due to the constraints of history. The study begins with the Public Education Act (1857) when the enrollment of girls in primary education becomes binding, and continuing achievements in education, through educational initiatives arising outside the school, from the Revolutionary Six-years period (1868-1874) to the Dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera (1923-1930). From the mid-30’s special attention is given to education in order to show two opposing schools models for women: the common school, public, secular pursued by the Second Republic and the national school, catholic and patriotic developed under Franco. After this last stage, the story gives way to the democratic school that allows female enrollment at all levels, and in equal opportunities. And the study concludes with a brief analysis of the education laws that were developed in subsequent years (1983-2006) to check the representation of women in the educational system.
The concern of the Catholic Church for the training of its ministers is consubstantial with it. S... more The concern of the Catholic Church for the training of its ministers is consubstantial with it. Since its origins is this. But it was not until the final stretch of the Council of Trent (1545-1563) when, after several proposals and attempts, such as John of Avila, Ignatius of Loyola and Reginaldo Pole, introduced a system of rationally oriented and with universal validity, required in each diocese, specifically designed to meet the academic and spiritual needs of future priests, under the principles of equal opportunity, merit, ability and quality. This action marked a milestone in the history of the Church, especially the one on Education identified the following four centuries of the course thereof.
This article has traced and analyzed in the light of the circumstances and in comparative perspective, the proposals that historically the Church has done for the training of its ministers, making emphasis in which directly influenced the formulation and subsequent promulgation of the decree Cum adolescentium aetas, which founded the diocesan seminaries.
Celestin Freinet’s influence in Spain during the 30s is a current line of investigation in the co... more Celestin Freinet’s influence in Spain during the 30s is a current line of investigation in the communities Spanish and Mexican of historians of the education. That is proved by more than seventy publications about this subject and the meaningful increase of those over the past five years, finding a place in national and international meetings and specialized forums. That’s the reason it’s needed to balance the situation. So, in order to provide an investigation guide about this matter, next study presents, first of all an annotated bibliography, after that, as a chronicle, the path followed by Freinet’s historiography over the past thirty years, and finally, the study named the different ways to proceed in future investigations. The document is completed by the appendix, in which it’s included on one hand several printed sources and on the other hand publications about the first period of the French Modern School Movement in Spain.
During and after the Spanish civil war, teachers of the first education were put under purge, wit... more During and after the Spanish civil war, teachers of the first education were put under purge, with the intention of eradicating opposite ideas and customs with the Francoism regime out of the classrooms. Spanish Freinet Movement, one of the more significant groups of school renovation in the decade of 1930, was not separated from such process, being a result itself the dismantling of the Spanish Cooperative of the Freinet technique and the point of the group of snipers freinetist’s followers who fed it. In this research it is investigated the Francoism repression of the members of that group, completing and clarifying the previous works published around this subject and contributing to an ample and rigorous quantitative study of the processes and results of such repression, as well as an updated relationship of members of the mentioned Movement, where are detailed the main data on the purge undertaken by the new Regime.
Journal by José Luis Hernández Huerta
Espacio, Tiempo y Educación was conceived as a forum in which Education, in all its forms and modes, in any and all points in Space and Time, could be examined.
Espacio, Tiempo y Educación is an open-access journal on the History of Education, subject to blind peer review, open and independent, which accepts original work in a variety of languages: Spanish, English, Italian, Portuguese and French.
Espacio, Tiempo y Educación has been an annual volume and consists of two (2) issues. Each volume is generally divided into four sections: monograph, studies and interview.
Foro de Educación was born as a meeting point for Science and intellectual thinking, as a main square for bringing educational research to life, as well as its current political, cultural and social ingredients. Inaddition, it is equally conceived to become a place for reflection upon education and culture, where criticism, reasoning and study intermingle as an attempt to improve education and society, making them, if possible, freer, fairer and more supportive.
Foro de Educación is mainly aimed at researchers, scholars and university teachers committed to any aspect regarding Education Science, whatever time, space, approach, viewpoint or methodology, as well as to any others concerned about society, culture and education and bound to share and contrast their own opinions.
Papers by José Luis Hernández Huerta
The student movements which took place worldwide during 1968 had a considerable impact in Brazil, where they emerged as one of the social groups at the forefront of civic resistance to the dictatorship and modernisation of the university system. This article discusses the representations of Brazilian students in action, constructed and disseminated in the public sphere by the daily press. Particular attention is paid to (1) the motives, demands and aspirations of the activist student youth, (2) their capacity for social mobilisation, integration of alternative political figures and negotiation with the State, (3) the places, times and intensities of their actions, and (4) the narratives constructed by the daily newspapers on the basis of the testimonies, opinions and interests of the journalists, the protagonists of the movement and the rest of the social actors involved in the student issues of the day. The period of time selected for examination runs from the Seventh-Day Mass (marking the end of the events surrounding the death of Edson Luís de Lima Souto at the Calabouço Restaurant), and the Passeata dos Cem Mil (March of the One Hundred Thousand), which can be considered the turning point in the events which led to the passing of AI-5 – the repressive military executive order. The main source used for this study is the newspaper Correio do Povo, representative of the liberal-conservative sectors in southern Brazil.
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O fenómeno global dos movimentos estudantis desenvolvidos durante o longo ano de 1968 assumiu contornos particulares no Brasil. Entre outros, este setor da comunidade universitária, em crescente processo de politização desde princípios da década, especialmente a partir da ditadura militar (1964), revelou-se um grupo social, cultural e político na vanguarda da resistência à mesma, capaz de amplas motivações e de incidir na política geral do país. Neste artigo aprofundam-se os imaginários sociais e as comunidades imaginadas construídos pela imprensa diária brasileira em torno das mobilizações estudantis desenvolvidas durante o primeiro trimestre de 1968, centrando a atenção nos sucessos de Calabouço, a sua onda expansiva e a Missa do Sétimo Dia. O objetivo é analisar os discursos construídos à volta destes eventos na esfera pública, as motivações e as reivindicações dos estudantes, os espaços, tempos e as intensidades das suas ações, assim como as correntes de opinião pública geradas pelas linhas editoriais da imprensa.
Spain was not left out of this phenomenon and very quickly the educational ideas and the school techniques of the French Modern School were adopted by local teachers who followed the path of the French movement. As a result a Spanish movement emerged around the Spanish Cooperative of Freinet’s techniques, which consisted, at the last phase of its existence, of more than 200 members.
In this study I explore the Freinet school culture in Spain in the 1930s of the 20th century, the ideas that guided the Modern School, and the ways they were carried out by the Spanish Cooperative of Freinet’s techniques. I especially look at school notebooks, both inside and outside.
This research is about the Spanish receipt from the Modern School, the advertising and diffusion of those ideas, the itinerary followed by the Spanish's Freynet movement during it expansion and Franco’s government. Likewise, this paper presents a profile of the Freynet’s teachers movement in Spain.
This article has traced and analyzed in the light of the circumstances and in comparative perspective, the proposals that historically the Church has done for the training of its ministers, making emphasis in which directly influenced the formulation and subsequent promulgation of the decree Cum adolescentium aetas, which founded the diocesan seminaries.
Espacio, Tiempo y Educación was conceived as a forum in which Education, in all its forms and modes, in any and all points in Space and Time, could be examined.
Espacio, Tiempo y Educación is an open-access journal on the History of Education, subject to blind peer review, open and independent, which accepts original work in a variety of languages: Spanish, English, Italian, Portuguese and French.
Espacio, Tiempo y Educación has been an annual volume and consists of two (2) issues. Each volume is generally divided into four sections: monograph, studies and interview.
Foro de Educación was born as a meeting point for Science and intellectual thinking, as a main square for bringing educational research to life, as well as its current political, cultural and social ingredients. Inaddition, it is equally conceived to become a place for reflection upon education and culture, where criticism, reasoning and study intermingle as an attempt to improve education and society, making them, if possible, freer, fairer and more supportive.
Foro de Educación is mainly aimed at researchers, scholars and university teachers committed to any aspect regarding Education Science, whatever time, space, approach, viewpoint or methodology, as well as to any others concerned about society, culture and education and bound to share and contrast their own opinions.
The student movements which took place worldwide during 1968 had a considerable impact in Brazil, where they emerged as one of the social groups at the forefront of civic resistance to the dictatorship and modernisation of the university system. This article discusses the representations of Brazilian students in action, constructed and disseminated in the public sphere by the daily press. Particular attention is paid to (1) the motives, demands and aspirations of the activist student youth, (2) their capacity for social mobilisation, integration of alternative political figures and negotiation with the State, (3) the places, times and intensities of their actions, and (4) the narratives constructed by the daily newspapers on the basis of the testimonies, opinions and interests of the journalists, the protagonists of the movement and the rest of the social actors involved in the student issues of the day. The period of time selected for examination runs from the Seventh-Day Mass (marking the end of the events surrounding the death of Edson Luís de Lima Souto at the Calabouço Restaurant), and the Passeata dos Cem Mil (March of the One Hundred Thousand), which can be considered the turning point in the events which led to the passing of AI-5 – the repressive military executive order. The main source used for this study is the newspaper Correio do Povo, representative of the liberal-conservative sectors in southern Brazil.
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O fenómeno global dos movimentos estudantis desenvolvidos durante o longo ano de 1968 assumiu contornos particulares no Brasil. Entre outros, este setor da comunidade universitária, em crescente processo de politização desde princípios da década, especialmente a partir da ditadura militar (1964), revelou-se um grupo social, cultural e político na vanguarda da resistência à mesma, capaz de amplas motivações e de incidir na política geral do país. Neste artigo aprofundam-se os imaginários sociais e as comunidades imaginadas construídos pela imprensa diária brasileira em torno das mobilizações estudantis desenvolvidas durante o primeiro trimestre de 1968, centrando a atenção nos sucessos de Calabouço, a sua onda expansiva e a Missa do Sétimo Dia. O objetivo é analisar os discursos construídos à volta destes eventos na esfera pública, as motivações e as reivindicações dos estudantes, os espaços, tempos e as intensidades das suas ações, assim como as correntes de opinião pública geradas pelas linhas editoriais da imprensa.
Spain was not left out of this phenomenon and very quickly the educational ideas and the school techniques of the French Modern School were adopted by local teachers who followed the path of the French movement. As a result a Spanish movement emerged around the Spanish Cooperative of Freinet’s techniques, which consisted, at the last phase of its existence, of more than 200 members.
In this study I explore the Freinet school culture in Spain in the 1930s of the 20th century, the ideas that guided the Modern School, and the ways they were carried out by the Spanish Cooperative of Freinet’s techniques. I especially look at school notebooks, both inside and outside.
This research is about the Spanish receipt from the Modern School, the advertising and diffusion of those ideas, the itinerary followed by the Spanish's Freynet movement during it expansion and Franco’s government. Likewise, this paper presents a profile of the Freynet’s teachers movement in Spain.
This article has traced and analyzed in the light of the circumstances and in comparative perspective, the proposals that historically the Church has done for the training of its ministers, making emphasis in which directly influenced the formulation and subsequent promulgation of the decree Cum adolescentium aetas, which founded the diocesan seminaries.
who arose in 1870 from Fernando de Castro. That initiative evolved thanks to the collaboration of people who supported institutions, and their main aim was to promote the feminine education in Spain. The path of the Association, from 1870 until 1920, already has been exposed in some studies, but not its last stage. For this reason, after make references about some of the characteristics of the Association during its first years (1870-1920), this paper try to show up information about schools and plans of study applied in Spain during the period of time 1920-1936, before the Civil War.
With this volume, we want to continue advancing in the knowledge of the educational world of the second half of the 20th century. Great are the challenges of this world at the beginning of the 21st century and many of them were already evident in 1968. Others have materialized as a result of those events. To confront both of them, we must first identify and analyze them, as well as being aware of their magnitude. We hope that all this work can contribute to this aim.
The book presented here, entitled Connecting History of Education. Scientific Journals as International Tools for a Global World, represents the first result of an honest effort of international cooperation and communication between various publishing projects, and its value is double.
On the one hand, we like to emphasize its pragmatic nature as a useful tool for historians of education because the detailed description of twenty specialized publishing projects in different regions of the world will be easily found – Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, France, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Spain, United Kingdom, Venezuela – together with information about sixteen other scientific journals in various countries – Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Croacia, France, Italy, United Kingdom, United States. Such amount of information can help researchers to decide where to publish their scientific advances, depending on their interests and investigation, or owing to the specificity of the journal.
On the other hand, the book highlights the wealth, the many and varied publishing projects for the History of Education in force, each with its peculiarity and idiosyncrasies, largely depending on scientific traditions. However, some common traits can be detected, at least in management models. With few exceptions, scientific journals have assumed in their activities the international standards of good editorial practices, so their contents have become available online, which does not prevent some of them continuing to publish their numbers on paper. In some cases, for the publishing project this is not only a sign of undeniable identity that somehow gives some added value, but also shapes particular aspects of the strategy adopted by the editorial management. The frequency varies from case to case, ranging from one to six times a year, with predominance of the half-yearly. Ultimately, universities are the major organizations publishing – directly or indirectly – journals, followed by scientific societies, publishing house, and public institutions.
«El arte de lo imposible, pero necesario. Utopía y educación», por José Luis Hernández Huerta, Judith Quintano Nieto, Sonia Ortega Gaite
«Pedagogía: ¿arte o ciencia? Un viejo debate inacabado», por Julio Mateos Montero
«Ivan Illich y la crítica a las instituciones educativas: Historia y actualidad», por Jon Igelmo Zaldívar
«La pedagogía Waldorf: origen, consolidación internacional y principios educativos», por Patricia Quiroga Uceda
«El rescate de la utopía educativa: perspectivas de América Latina», por Guillermo Ruiz
«Política y sociedad en las aulas. Los movimientos de renovación pedagógica y su proyección educativa durante la transición española a la democracia», por Tamar Groves
«Las Reformas en la Formación Inicial del Profesorado. ¿Pero cuáles son los buenos saberes de las buenas maestras?», por Jaume Martínez Bonafé
«La educación de las mujeres en España (1900-1939). La Institución Libre de Enseñanza y la Residencia de Señoritas de Madrid», por Raquel Vázquez Ramil
«Mujeres Libres y el anarquismo español. Socialización, educación y libertad durante la Guerra Civil (1936-1939)», por Laura Sánchez Blanco
«La educación que acompaña: mujeres mayores, participación educativa y transformación», por Carmen Serdio Sánchez
«Espacios de participación. Escuelas de familias. Liga Palentina de la Educación y la Cultura Popular», por Ramiro Curieses
«Europa ante la ciudadanía y ante sí misma», por Alfonso Diestro Fernández
«Construir la identidad supranacional europea desde la ciudadanía y la educación», por Miriam García Blanco
En esta investigación se indaga en los orígenes, el desenvolvimiento y la represión franquista del movimiento freinetiano español de la década de 1930. También explora las realizaciones de mayor calado y más abundantes del movimiento, los cuadernos escolares, con especial énfasis en la cultura escolar a la que dieron lugar y en la formas de comunicación para la infancia que se pusieron en marcha.
The book presented here, entitled Connecting History of Education. Scientific Journals as International Tools for a Global World, represents the first result of an honest effort of international cooperation and communication between various publishing projects, and its value is double.
On the one hand, we like to emphasize its pragmatic nature as a useful tool for historians of education because the detailed description of twenty specialized publishing projects in different regions of the world will be easily found – Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, France, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Spain, United Kingdom, Venezuela – together with information about sixteen other scientific journals in various countries – Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Croacia, France, Italy, United Kingdom, United States. Such amount of information can help researchers to decide where to publish their scientific advances, depending on their interests and investigation, or owing to the specificity of the journal.
On the other hand, the book highlights the wealth, the many and varied publishing projects for the History of Education in force, each with its peculiarity and idiosyncrasies, largely depending on scientific traditions. However, some common traits can be detected, at least in management models. With few exceptions, scientific journals have assumed in their activities the international standards of good editorial practices, so their contents have become available online, which does not prevent some of them continuing to publish their numbers on paper. In some cases, for the publishing project this is not only a sign of undeniable identity that somehow gives some added value, but also shapes particular aspects of the strategy adopted by the editorial management. The frequency varies from case to case, ranging from one to six times a year, with predominance of the half-yearly. Ultimately, universities are the major organizations publishing – directly or indirectly – journals, followed by scientific societies, publishing house, and public institutions.
«El arte de lo imposible, pero necesario. Utopía y educación», por José Luis Hernández Huerta, Judith Quintano Nieto, Sonia Ortega Gaite
«Pedagogía: ¿arte o ciencia? Un viejo debate inacabado», por Julio Mateos Montero
«Ivan Illich y la crítica a las instituciones educativas: Historia y actualidad», por Jon Igelmo Zaldívar
«La pedagogía Waldorf: origen, consolidación internacional y principios educativos», por Patricia Quiroga Uceda
«El rescate de la utopía educativa: perspectivas de América Latina», por Guillermo Ruiz
«Política y sociedad en las aulas. Los movimientos de renovación pedagógica y su proyección educativa durante la transición española a la democracia», por Tamar Groves
«Las Reformas en la Formación Inicial del Profesorado. ¿Pero cuáles son los buenos saberes de las buenas maestras?», por Jaume Martínez Bonafé
«La educación de las mujeres en España (1900-1939). La Institución Libre de Enseñanza y la Residencia de Señoritas de Madrid», por Raquel Vázquez Ramil
«Mujeres Libres y el anarquismo español. Socialización, educación y libertad durante la Guerra Civil (1936-1939)», por Laura Sánchez Blanco
«La educación que acompaña: mujeres mayores, participación educativa y transformación», por Carmen Serdio Sánchez
«Espacios de participación. Escuelas de familias. Liga Palentina de la Educación y la Cultura Popular», por Ramiro Curieses
«Europa ante la ciudadanía y ante sí misma», por Alfonso Diestro Fernández
«Construir la identidad supranacional europea desde la ciudadanía y la educación», por Miriam García Blanco
Todo esto y más lo ha sido y sigue siendo la educación –particularmente la social-, especialmente en momentos de crisis, ya sea ésta económica, social, cultural o espiritual. Y, qué duda cabe, nuestro tiempo, los albores del siglo XXI, es un tiempo de crisis radical en todos los órdenes de la vida. Es evidente que la vertiente económica de aquélla ha sido -y sigue siendo- la más visible, mas tan sólo es la punta del iceberg, lo aparente de una de mayor calado, que afecta a lo más radical y genuino de ser humano, al pensamiento, la cultura y la sociedad y, por extensión, a la educación.
Conviene, pues, invertir algunas dosis de energía y empeñar algunos esfuerzos en extender las fronteras del pensamiento y la específica actividad de la educación social, vitalizar su discurso, enriquecer sus prácticas y ampliar sus horizontes profesionales, esto es, en definitiva, ahondar en lo que aquélla ha sido, es y, sobre todo, lo que puede llegar a ser. Tales son los principales propósitos de este libro colectivo, que lleva por título En torno a la Educación Social. Estudios, experiencias y reflexiones, en el que han colaborado una decena de investigadores, docentes y especialistas que dedican su actividad a la educación social, que han aprovechado estas páginas para publicitar sus indagaciones, reflexiones y experiencias más significativas.
La UE y el COE han definido un marco de competencias clave para un mundo cambiante en el que se determinan ocho de ellas, que todo ciudadano debería dominar, en mayor o menor medida, al finalizar su periodo de formación inicial. El objetivo es ofrecer garantías de éxito en una sociedad y un mercado de trabajo cada vez más globalizado y competitivo. Pero ¿son estas ocho competencias clave suficientes para la Europa del S. XXI? Es decir, ¿puede el ciudadano europeo vivir y formarse en Europa sin conocer su proyecto y, más aún, sin profesar una actitud constructiva y crítica ante el proceso emprendido hace ya más de 60 años por los países europeos? ¿Es posible hablar de una dimensión europea en la educación superior sin la integración de la competencia europeísta en ese marco de competencias clave como aspecto transversal? La pertinencia de esta idea viene avalada por el contexto socio-político europeo, que camina de manera efectiva hacia el futuro globalizado e interdependiente en una Europa unida en su diversidad. Por tanto, su preeminencia en la política educativa debe revitalizarse, porque no será posible construir una sociedad europea sobre la que pivote una universidad de calidad, más allá de la economía y las necesidades del mercado.