Showing posts with label Specter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Specter. Show all posts

Thursday, February 12, 2009

No Longer OUR Congress...

The 647 pages of HR1 was revised first by the Senate to a staggering 1500 pages and then reduced and revised (in little more than a day) by the Conference Committee with more alterations made. According to FOX News, both Houses of Congress were promised 48 hours to review this document before their crucial votes. But, yesterday they were told they must vote today. As of last evening, a GOP senator reported members had not even received a copy of the final legislation to review! Is the US Congress now reduced to little more than terrorized automatons who fear speaking out more than marching to the Obama Camp's dirge?

Note: Even though the pressure is on to make this bundle of radical and frivolous "laws" a done deal, a wave of protest for REVISION of HR1 remains critical. I would urge one and all to continue contacting representatives, Olympia Snow and Susan Collins of Maine, and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, in particular, as they are three GOP representatives that claim to be supporting the nefarious and misleading load of pork contained in HR1.

W.A.M. is still conducting the HR1 REVISION PETITION DRIVE - so please go to the Wake Up America site and sign it or check in at the WAM Vision Board. United We Stand, so stand up for America, her Constitution and her Bill of Rights!