Showing posts with label Debate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Debate. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Don't Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Blows

Esteemed words of the inimitable Bob Dylan, first uttered in his prophetic 1965 hit, "Subterranean Homesick Blues", a full read of which I highly recommend. In fact, I was tempted to simply post just those lyrics today, as they just about say it all. However, as always, "currency is currency" in today's fast paced world, and thus at approximately 3:19 PM, FOX issued a Breaking News report that ACORN's Las Vegas headquarters has been raided by Nevada authorities looking for evidence of voter fraud. Sigh. And so once again, we are reminded that Some Things Never Change:

Both the Weathermen and Bob Dylan are still going strong, as is the wide reaching ACORN organization and its ongoing, systematic initiative of voter fraud. The only thing that HAS changed in those 40 years is Main Stream Media, who have gone from a somewhat passable, if semisolid, reporting record to one so substandard as to be totally off-the-chart, seriously unrateable, leftwing biased, completely and blatantly-in-the-tank-for-Obama. Even Google and Yahoo have been caught trying to weight the scales in their hinky little hanky panky with bloggers who don't favor Obama. Just yesterday we received notice from someone who had paid for advertising unfavorable to Obama and, after having had her payment in the account for a week, was finally told that her "content was objectionable." This ad, by the way, contained absolutely NO inflammatory or vulgar language; it simply raised some very serious questions about Obama's qualifications and ability to rule, I mean govern.

Having given pass after pass to every single one of Obama's gaffes, lies, highly questionable affiliations, associations, and history, it is left to FOX, the once-maligned right-biased network, to report, finally, THE most Fair and Balanced news.

Over the last week, grim news of our economic woes, strongly affected by the actions [or non-action?] of the likes of ACORN, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, Franklin Raines, Jim Johnson, Barney Frank and members of the Democratic Black Caucus, has nearly trumped campaign news. Sarah Palin, however, acquitted herself well in the vice presidential debate and has gone on to attract huge crowds everywhere--and has not shirked her duty to raise questions about the Obama-Ayers-ACORN-Annenberg-Woods connections that go to the issue of Character. While the Obama camp and, apparently, Main Stream Media no longer seem to see the need and importance of having character high in integrity, compassion and integrity, those attributes are still the basic requirements for good leadership. One can only hope that, among the many things that have not changed, tonight's debate will find John McCain continuing to be himself, championing these fine traits with which he has been blessed and represent the moderate maverick that he is, because at this point, he is our only hope of escape from the long list of lies, bus-trampled bodies and totalitarian tactics long exhibited by the Obama camp, the DNC and the corporatocracy he so loyally represents. In fact, in view of his track record, the corporatocracy may be the ONLY thing to which he will remain loyal, thanks to that 60% financing he has received from the likes of Wall Street and his co-conspirators.

However, I digress. In fact, no one could express the lamentable state of main stream media more succinctly than Grail Guardian at Insight Analytical. I strongly suggest clicking on the link and reading Guardian's piece on Insight.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them

Obama: The New OJ? Exactly thirteen years from the day he was acquitted for the brutal stabbing murder of his ex wife, Nicole and her friend Ron Goldman, O.J. Simpson was convicted on 12 counts of armed robbery and kidnapping, with mandatory sentence of 15 years to life. Simpson was once one of America's favorite sports personalities, enjoying luxury and status in his position of friendly, smiling pro athlete and ad spokesman until the murders, when his dark side was revealed to the public. The world was shocked: how could EVERYONE have been so taken in by this sociopathic personality, so adept at charming others while being capable of such brutal violence that even seasoned homicide detectives paled at the crime scene.

Unfortunately, this syndrome is not unusual. Before their crimes were discovered, some of the most violent criminals in history appeared to be charming, mild mannered and bright. This is not to say that Senator Obama is an axe murderer, but his endless trail of broken promises, individuals and principles thrown under the bus would lead anyone of sound mind to question his integrity. One can only hope that a lot fewer than 13 years will have to pass before the world learns just who he really is. His myriad campaign violations, to which, thus far, the FEC has turned a blind eye ; his countless associations with known felons such as Tony Rezko and Bill Ayers, questionable foreign entities [Nadhmi Auchi, Rail Odinga and Rashid Khalid], and corrupt public officials [Jim Johnson, Franklin Raines] are legion and represent just a few of the horrors that main stream media has yet to cover. One of the few exceptions is Hannity of FOX, whose show on the ACORN Obama connection is due to air Sunday night at 9 PM EST.

The tangled web grows, and with it the confusion and ignorance of the American public as both flourish with the help of main stream media and the Obama camp. From youth groups instructed to tell parents to vote for him, Axelrod's astroturf productions of singing children created by high end professionals, to doubtful American citizenship,, this package shows all indications of blowing up in our faces. The only question is how long will it take to detonate.

Add to this Joe Biden's long list of whoppers uttered in the vice presidential debate with Sarah Palin, including but not limited to his pronouncement that "we drove Hezbollah out of Lebanon" [--just ask the folks in Beirut how that's working out for them--in May the city burned, forcing government to give in to terrorists]; his statement that Obama never said he would meet with leaders like Ahmadinejad, [who stated that Israel and the U.S. should be destroyed] was an out and out lie--millions of viewers heard Obama state categorically that he would, indeed meet with any leader without prior conditions in a debate that included Hillary Clinton earlier this year.

And so it goes...tick...tick...tick...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

"This is really getting out of control." MOHAMED OSMAN ADEN, Somali diplomat, after pirates took ship full of military weaponry

Ah, the beauty of the understatment!

My temptation is to let the day pass with tribute to Paul Newman
resting at the top of the heap, but news continues to pile up so fast that the currency of currency trumps even hero worship. Besides, it is my firm belief that Paul would prefer seeing our efforts at restoring democracy to the singing of his many praises.

1st Debate: How utterly predictable and even amusing that the first comment Obamameister Plouffe could muster in his after action con call was the fact that McCain didn't say, "middle class." It brings to mind the ancient child's game, "Giant Steps," wherein if a player forgot to say, "Mother, May I?", they were penalized.
But this is not a childhood game, and the Obama camp's desperation is clearly mounting as McCain swept last night's debate across the board with witty civility, solid solutions and concrete answers to Obama's dithering, hedging digressions ['Yeah...what HE said', from I-Agree-With-You-John Obama].

This, by the way, was no surprise; Obama's inability to function beyond reading the words "Hope" and "Change" off a teleprompter has become legend, as has his failure to ennunciate any real solutions to anything, perhaps out of fear he will be held accountable when he waffles on a vote he can't avoid.
But worst of all is the fact that he is tied, lock stock and barrel with Bill Ayres & Co. to ACORN,
the entity that has received so much attention for voter registration fraud, and which is now marked for a $140 Billion allocation in the proposed bailout; and with his first choice for VP, Jim Johnson of Fannie May, Goldman Sachs & Lehman fame, Franklin Raines of Fannie Mae and Lehman Bros, who resigned due to "accounting irregularities", from all of whom Obama accepted 49 times more money than Mccain. [Pick of the Week:]

Who else is betting he'll show up for THAT vote and, for that Change he loves to tout, instead of his customary "Present" vote, will push the button for Bailouts-R-US, while McCain toils steadily in Washington this weekend, working for something other than a plan to aggrandize corrupt "nonprofits" and Wall Street alike.