As four of us drove back to NY Tuesday night, getting election results from my friend Joe's Blackberry, several things occurred to me. I was glad to be in the company of friends as the reports came in; I wondered about the degree and type of Change we are facing; and I was comforted by the thought that, regardless of the path our country will now take, nothing and no one can alter the fact that, if nothing else, we are blessed with friends and family. One of the greatest gifts one can have is the gift of humanity, the caring of friends, and the reminder that we are not alone and my work in this election cycle has brought that home to me in a big way, as never before. Never have I met and worked with so many dedicated, energetic, bright, courageous individuals from such diverse backgrounds. Never have I been more proud to be an American, or cared so much for its people. Having traveled a bit, I have seen different places and people and loved them all. At times I have even been a bit reluctant to admit that I am an American but I found that people are the same the world over. Most do not hold the American people responsible for the acts of their government. They are philosophical about government in general, and realize that there is a difference between a People and their leader. In times like these, it is good to remember that. Leaders will come and go, but a People and their humanity is there forever. Just ask those who, living in Alsace-Lorraine, were faced with mandates resulting from the change in their borders. They persevered and survived, no matter who was in charge.
In the meantime, we watch with baited breath. Biden has warned that our novice president will invite forays to prove his mettle; all manner of doom and gloom have been filling my mailbox, not all of it inconceivable. It remains to be seen. Lillian Hellman wrote of the travails of the McCarthy era, reminding us that governments, and people in them, can take a low road. She spoke of fear run rampant, and unjust government, dishonest politicians and fear driven witnesses, informants, of Nixon and the infamous Attorney General's List in which names with ties to certain organizations appeared. This was among the worst of times and yet, in time, America survived, McCarthy brought himself to ground, and life went on.,M1
In the days to come, it is possible that our fears of Truth Squads, universal public service mandates, the return of the draft, a national police force, higher taxes, and other attacks on our soil may come to pass. It is also possible that they won't. All we can do is watch and wait, and continue our activism with the resolve to educate ourselves and each other, to reform media and the tattered shreds of what was once our proud democracy, and believe that our democracy will somehow survive.
Showing posts with label Democracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democracy. Show all posts
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Nuts To ACORN: The Meat of the Matter
FOX News's documentary on Hannity's America last night was chilling; although the information contained there was scary enough, it was not so much the information it contained as it was the fact that no other mainstream media outlet has covered it! Having been researching him for a long time, I can tell you that Fox was mild and decorous in their presentation, compared to the wealth of substantive information that exists about not only Obama's character and associations, but about his resume. No one can find any of his written work; no one can actually figure out what, exactly, it is that he has DONE since reaching the age of majority, except mingle with a seemingly endless stream of miscreants on at least three continents. And no one can prove that he is a natural born American citizen. In fact, the deeper they dig, the less likely it seems that he is even qualified to BE POTUS. Sigh.
But we must never stop fighting: for free and fair elections, transparency in government, and honesty and accountability in media. As Heidi Li stated today, Obama's absence of integrity does NOT have to be ours.
But we must never stop fighting: for free and fair elections, transparency in government, and honesty and accountability in media. As Heidi Li stated today, Obama's absence of integrity does NOT have to be ours.
ACORN: The Poisonous NUT That Ended Democracy in America
Crosspost by Cristi Adkins,
Within its shell, ACORN contains all the makings of an intriguing government political conspiracy movie: drama, injustice, organized crime, election fraud, intimidation, violence, money, lies, extortion and a presidential candidate.[1]
If you are a patriotic, middle class American who spends most of your time working for your family and enjoying your FREEDOM, you have probably not been bothered by the sounds of an ACORN dropping before now. But, while you were sleeping peacefully at night, the roots of Socialism have broadened their reach undeterred right into the foundation of the White House.[2]Allow me to enlighten you to the ways of a radical community action group that could change your way of life forever.
ACORN is an acronym that stands for Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. Its mere definition contains hints of Socialism as it claims to be a group advocating for low- and moderate-income families that addresses housing, schools, neighborhood safety, health care, job conditions, and other social issues.[3]
Beneath that surface lie violence, intimidation, threats, race baiting and direct physical attacks on property, people and the legal establishment.
Without going into myriad details, many ACORN policy proposals are widely considered to be in line with the far left wing of the Democratic Party.[4] If you are asking yourself what could possibly be so ‘bad' with a group that in theory advocates for low income families, then you've just given yourself the reason this group has been allowed to thrive in America with little scrutiny and under the radar of main street observation until now.[5]
In truth, ACORN is the most virulent, organized crime group in this decade...and it is funded by YOU.
Put simply, ACORN is ripping off the taxpayer through Congressional hand outs.[6] In fact, ACORN was recently due to receive nearly $700 million of the $700 billion dollar bailout bill until Republicans in the Senate redlined it.[7] Allow that to sink in for a moment: $700 million from the US for an organized crime group.
Yes, ACORN has been receiving Obama campaign funding, but what's worse is that ACORN leaders are actively extorting money from banks, mortgage brokers and Congress. To add insult to injury, ACORN is costing Americans millions to investigate all of its criminal activities across America.
And then there's the end of the democratic process through valid elections.[8] Yes, ACORN is behind much of the rampant voter fraud.[9] ACORN has been involved with fraudulent voter registrations for years.[10] In fact, Missouri has 8 ACORN guilty pleas on record (for 2006 violations of federal voting laws) just this year. Many other states are investigating many hundreds of cases of voter fraud in their jurisdiction.[11] We have compelling evidence that ACORN has been involved in fraudulent voter registration since early in the 2007 launch of the Obama campaign.
But they don't stop at faulty funding and voter fraud. Obama's community organizational skills are synonymous with totalitarian tactics as its leaders use violence, intimidation, threats, racial baiting and direct physical attacks on property, persons and the legal establishment.[12] When you shed the shell, there is just no good to the group known as ACORN. It is corrupt and without any upside.
With a group like ACORN running rampant in government and shaking hands in Washington, why not legitimize the Bloods and The Crypts? They too are street gangs but they just happen to push drugs instead of bogus registrations drives and sub-prime mortgage deals.
Uncle Sam should be putting ACORN at the top of its list as internal terrorist groups, yet the red, white and blue sense of justice seems to be crumbling. Many numbed citizens just roll their eyes at groups like ACORN simply because America has unfortunately become deadened to the idea that politicians have ulterior motives, nameless agenda's and behave unscrupulously at times.
However, the rest of this American story is without filtering or fear.
The disturbing reason more ACORN activities go un-prosecuted is because the FEC as well as the FBI have refused to open investigations out of fear of rocking the Obama campaign.[13]
The MOST disturbing fact you need to know about ACORN is that its organizers have terrorized the Federal justice and law enforcement system into NON-action.
How can one group get away with so much? Because ACORN has many Democratic backers in Congress who work tirelessly for its perpetuation and the head ACORN nut is Senator Obama.[14] In fact, Senator Obama is so entwined in ACORN it has become a career and campaign double helix in his DNA.
If you're asking yourself what Obama has to do with ACORN, consider this:
Obama has served ACORN as its attorney, has been its direct action trainer, its mentor, its contractor, and its PRIMARY illegal campaign funder. ACORN is part of the ‘Community Organizing' experience his evil empire would like to bring into the White House.[15]
American men and American women should be recognizing that mother freedom is on the brink of extinction with one single NUT trampling all over liberty.
Who will be left sleeping peacefully at night as the ACORN marks the beginning of Socialism in America brought to you courtesy of Barack Obama?[16] With ACORN intact or worse, empowered in the White House, American Democracy will be a legend long gone. Socialism and criminality will be the rule.
[10] Michelle Malkin
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The Gibson Edit...and the Rest of the Story
The Constitution grants special protections to "the Press" because a free and open exchange of ideas is essential to our form of government. This also gives "the Press" the responsibility of being watchdog to the government.
When the press become politicized and biased toward a particular view, they stop objectively reporting, present only one side of the issue, and become merely an extension of and advocate for the side they favor rather than the independent reporter mandated by the Professional Journalists Code of Ethics, below:
- Test the accuracy of information from all sources and exercise care to avoid inadvertent error. Deliberate distortion is never permissible.
- Make certain that headlines, news teases and promotional material, photos, video, audio, graphics, sound bites and quotations do not misrepresent. They should not oversimplify or highlight incidents out of context.
- Never distort the content of news photos or video. Image enhancement for technical clarity is always permissible. Label montages and photo illustrations.
- Examine their own cultural values and avoid imposing those values on others.
- Support the open exchange of views, even views they find repugnant
- Distinguish between advocacy and news reporting. Analysis and commentary should be labeled and not misrepresent fact or context.
- Abide by the same high standards to which they hold others.
This sad substitution for journalism must stop. Journalists need to replace prompter readers and pundits who have no idea what they are talking about. But most of all, we need to replace propaganda mongers with objective reporters once again. Our Democracy depends on it.
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