I know I said I wasn't going to be on here until after the first of the year but I'm here to ask for prayers. My hubby must undergo another operation. This time on his lungs. A year ago they found a lesion and have been keeping an eye on it. Well it's still growing but they did a biopsy and it's benign. That was last year. Now they said they wanted to take it out because of it's growth pattern before it turns into something nasty.
I've probably used up all my prayer wishing time, but could you find it in your hearts this busy time of year to say a little prayer for him. We go to see the surgeon on the 3rd of January and then we'll find out when the surgery will be.
I want to thank all of you for the prayers you have said in the past for my DH and I thank you again for now.
Have a Blessed Christmas,