Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What I've been up to

I hope everyone has had a productive week so far and has gotten alot of those little x's done.  I've been working on a commissioned piece and I finally finished the stitching this evening.  I have two  more to make for this lady and then I have to do the finishing work.  Sometimes I enjoy the finishing work more than the stitching was certainly true on this one.  If you know me you know I absolutely hate back stitching and this little thing was loaded with it.
It's one of Mary Moo Moo's Christmas designs and it will be made into an ornament.  The lady I stitch these for always puts items in that pertain to that person.  See the little truck and red heart?  Well this year, this person bought a new red truck and calls it Ruby.  She also bought a piano (this is what I need the piano ribbon for) and it makes the ornament very personal.
Now about that stash diet.....I blew it big time.  I've been watching several people work on a french SAL and when I saw Nina's, I fell hard.  If you haven't seen hers, look here and prepare to drool.  I know Patty C. is also working on it and I just couldn't stand it anymore.  If you are interested in learning more, here is the french blog with the information.  Good luck in resisting.  
For you ladies who are going to join our SAL starting January 1, 2013, when you finish the cover of your book, please send either me or Jenn a picture so we can start showing people what they are missing out on.  I know Jenn has posted a picture of her book on her blog and she's still working on the cover but you can get the general idea of what her's will look like. 
That's all for to work on the next 2 ornaments and then I can start my January page for the SAL.  I have the one part picked out, but I can't make up my mind for the second part.
Blessings as always,

Friday, September 21, 2012

Say hello to my new friend

I received an early Christmas present today from my DH.  We were in Joann's and I've been looking for ribbon that looks like piano keys for a commissioned piece and DH and I stopped to look at the embroidery machines and this is the one I picked.  I have never owned an embroidery machine before and I've thought about getting one and they were having a sale that was hard to pass up.  This is a Husqvarna Viking Topaz and I'm in love.  I've always owned Viking sewing machines because I like the solid feel of them and this one is no exception.  I haven't had time to play with it much but I hope to get some play time next week and I'll show you what I've learned.  All of you that own embroidery machines understand what I mean about "play" time.  
Now for that very important question.....does this fall under the category of "stash"?  LOL
Blessings as always,

Monday, September 17, 2012

A SAL starting January 1, 2013

First off I'd like to thank all of you who wished me well after that dang flu shot last week.  I'm happy to report that I'm back feeling like my old self again.  And to all of you who also got sick, I hope you are feeling better also.

Now I have hinted about a SAL starting January 1, 2013 and Jenn and I have put our heads together and we think we've come up with something that is quite unusual.  Below you will see the beginning of it:

Needle Master Monthly SAL
Volume 1

Book can be any size you wish but must be large enough to encompass what you will stitch for that month.  One page = one month.


Fabric for front and back cover
Fabric for pages
Sewing machine or hand stitch if you wish
Lace, ribbons, etc., for what you might want to decorate the front cover with.


1.  Must be a follower of the Needlework Masters Monthly SAL blog
2.  Book measurements must be at least 8” x 8”.
3.  Each page = one month and must incorporate two or more designers or two different types of needlework.  This can be hardanger, crochet, knitting, cross stitch, tatting, embroidery, needlepoint, canvas work and quilting or anything else that involves a needle.
4.  Must complete each month to be eligible for drawing at the end of the year which will be a random drawing and believe me, it will knock your socks off. 

Now you ask what does this mean.....What it means is that everyone who joins in the SAL must start by making a book that will hold your monthly projects.  Below is mine all finished and waiting for that first piece to be added.  
This is the outside cover and it was done by taking two pieces of fabric with right sides together plus a piece of Warm and Natural sewn around and leaving an opening.  I then turned it right side out and pressed and slip stitched the opening closed.  
This is how it looks on the inside.  You will then add your pages.  Mine are wool felt and I cut them the size of the cover opened minus 1 inch.  I then layed them on the cover, inside faced up, and sewed right down the spine.

Every month you will then pick your own subjects, designers or type of needlework.  You will then attach them finished to one side of a page.  One side = 1 month.  You can add beads, buttons, charms, lace, anything you wish to enhance that months page.  Also, you might want to make your book dedicated to a certain designer you love but their designs won't fit, you can pick out portions of their designs and just stitch them.  For example:  You love Mirabilia but there's no way they will fit....what to do?....just stitch the head portion of the design.
When you are finished with your page of the month, you will then send a picture with designers names and title to Barbara at [email protected].  She will post them under the monthly page on the Needlework Masters Monthly SAL blog.  If you are interested in seeing how this blog is layed out, you can by clicking here.  One word of must complete each month to be eligible for the grand drawing at the end of the year.
If you are interested in this type of SAL, go ahead and join to follow the blog and post a comment under the "I Would Love To Join" post.  Please make sure you include your email address.  Also if you have any questions that I haven't answered here, please email me at [email protected] or Jenn at [email protected].
We hope to see you there,

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thought I'd warn you

Yesterday I went to my family doctor and while I was there, I got my flu and pheumonia shot.  Last nite, my left arm was hurting so bad I couldn't move it.  I had a knot the size of an egg there and it was hot to the touch.  I was dizzy and nauseous to my stomach.  This morning when I got up it was no better.  I called the doctor and I thought I was having a reaction to the pheumonia shot but it turns out it was the flu shot.  The nurse told me that alot of people are having reactions this year.  Hmmmmm.....I think it would of been nice for them to tell me this before the shot.  So if you are one to get the flu shot every year, beware that this year you might not enjoy it so much.
Have a blessed day,

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A surprise and a finish

When Vallie and I were taking our walk tonite, there was a wonderful breeze and you could tell that fall is just around the corner.  Now fall here in Florida has a different meaning than anywhere else.  Fall here means the highs are only in the 80's or if your lucky, the 70's.  We look forward to it every year because it just feels so darn good. :o)

 I do have a confession to make.  When Ma Teakettle placed her sales on  Never Enough Stash, there was one that caught my eye.  BBD Winter.  I've wanted to stitch the grouping of Summer, Spring and Winter for some time but just couldn't find Winter....well she had it and I couldn't resist.  Now Ma being Ma, she came up with an excellent plan.....she sent me the pattern but she won't send me the invoice to pay until my 2 months are up.  Now is that a deal or what?  LOL  Not only did she treat me with that but look what was in the package with the pattern.  A beautiful collection of Sampler Threads called Summer Splash.  I was speechless!!!  and let me tell you, that is soooo unlike me.  Now I must ask a favor.  
 I would like to stitch a sampler using all 10 of these colors as a remembrance of a kindness from a fellow stitcher.  Do you have any ideas on what sampler I could stitch?  The first thing I thought of was a quaker, but maybe you have something different in mind that I could do.  
Ma Teakettle, thank you so much for these beautiful threads!  I love each and every one of them.
Now as to my finish, remember me telling you that Marly over at Samplers & Santas was kind enough to share Pennsylvania Redware with me.....well here it is finished and framed.  I fell in love with this frame at Joann's but the design was a little short for it so I added some primitive rick rack.  I love how this turned out and it sits on my mantle.
About the Quaker Garden from BBD that I was going to stitch on the checked fabric.  Well let me say this, now I know why when you see this on french blogs, they have stitched a monotone on it.  When I did some of the Quaker Garden, it looked way too busy so out it came.  I'm thinking about stitching another BBD on it that's a monotone.....I just have to make up my mind which one.  
I hope you all are having a wonder week so far and that the frog is not darkening your door.
Have a blessed day,

Saturday, September 8, 2012

A finish, a beginning and a find.....oh my!

First off I'd like to thank those stitchers who are helping me stay true to my diet.  Truth be told, I did go to my LNS this morning to pick up some Anchor floss and I had ordered the new ornament issue way back when so I had to pay for that.  I figure since it was on order before I started my diet, I was okay with purchasing it.  I think the ladies at the LNS were quite surprised over how little I purchased today.  If I had told them why, I know they would of gotten a chuckle over it.....Barbara not buying stash....yeah right!
My finish is this sweet little Halloween pin pillow that worked up so quickly.  Like I had posted earlier, I used the new Sullivan's black on this and I was quite surprised by it.  It didn't tangle at all....came out of the skein with ease.....and covered the 28ct. linen very nicely.  One thing I have against it.  I was mistaken about it being made in Mexico....I have no idea where I got that info....but it's really made in China.  Now I've bought things made in China before....who hasn't....but I don't think I would trust them with my needlework threads.  They say they are colorfast but as far as I'm concerned, no thread is colorfast and this one is no different.  I used the black on this but I think I'll go back to using my silk whenever I need to use black.  It's called The Halloween Pin Garden and it was designed by Raise The Roof Designs.  I stitched it on 28ct. Orange Jazlyn and then added beads around the outside.
My next start is a BBD design called Quaker Garden.  I'm going to stitch it on something a little different.  The checked fabric you see is 32ct. Murano Vichy and the only place I have found it is The Threadbasket.  You can see her website by clicking on the sign over on the right.  I'm going to be stitching this with a variety of silks.....Silk N'Colors, Waterlillies, Dinky Dyes and HDF.  I think this is going to be alot of fun and I'll post a picture after I get some of it stitched so you can see how it looks on this fabric.  I can't wait......
And my find of the week is this beautiful crocheted doily.  I stop in at my community thrift store at least once every 2 weeks and I came across this in a bin.  Total cost = $1.95 and it measures 19 inches across.  I soaked it over night in a weak solution of clorox and water and then left it to air dry on top of some towels.  I love finding needlework like this that can be saved and enjoyed for many years to come.  Doilies have always played a soft spot in my heart because my Mother always used them and I grew up appreciating them.  This one will have a place of honor on top of my antique sewing table.

Well that's all for now.  Thank you for all your nice comments and for enjoying Wanting More Stash and Never Enough Stash.  I think it would be nice if we posted about them on any message boards we belong to and maybe grab the button at the top right of this page and post it somewhere on your blog.  I'd love to get more stitchers interested in these and have everyone enjoy buying, selling and trading.
I'm working on a SAL and I'm having trouble with it.  I don't want to give out too much info but I hopefully will have a post about it sometime next week.  I'm going to need help on this one ladies and I'm going to ask all of you to put your heads together.  Enough said for now....
I hope all of you are having a fabulous weekend so far and that alot of stitches are placed in fabric.
Blessings as always,

Monday, September 3, 2012

Who is Clarence?

I've received alot of emails about my followers having trouble connecting to my blog.  They keep getting sent to some guy named Clarence.  Now I'm sure he's a nice enough guy but come on.....I really don't want him in your lives.  Here is what a follower recently sent me as a way around him.
First you have to de-follow my blog.  In other words, delete me from the list of blogs that you follow.  Once you have done that, go back to my blog and re-follow.  This should hopefully delete Clarence from your life and mine.  
Anybody remember this guy?  LOL

Till we talk again,
Blessings as always,

Sunday, September 2, 2012

I broke down.....

I folded.....I melted.....I just had to have it.  Look at this blanket and tell me you wouldn't.  My next door neighbor, Katie, is pregnant and due in December.  I've been wondering what to make them and when I saw this, it just clicked.  It's made with worsted weight cotton but I'm going to use an acrylic so it's machine washable and dryable.  They aren't finding out whether it's a boy or a girl, so I've decided on a very pale yellow with a light green ribbon woven thru the border.  She's already told me that they are doing the nursery in pale green so I figured that would work nicely.  I don't have the yarn and I'm not going to purchase it until my two months is up.....unless I can't hold out any longer....and that should still give me plenty of time to make this.  

If you are interested in purchasing the pattern, you will find it on Ravelry and the name of it is "Silverlace".  
I'm sorry that I broke my diet but I just couldn't resist this beautiful pattern.  I wanted to get it early so I could study it and figure out exactly how much yarn I will need to purchase.  If you are a knitter or crocheter, could you please tell me what your favorite worsted weight acrylic or acrylic blend is.  I want something that doesn't pill of course because let's face it....this is alot of work and I want something worthy of the pattern.
I hope the rest of you are doing good on your "stash diet".  Maybe 2 months is too long a time for the first part.....I don't know but I'm going to try and be very good for the remaining time.
Till we talk again......
Blessings as always,