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Was this #dogwalker a #whitewoman by any chance?

Because for the life of me, I do not get how all can ignore what happened to #myson #AmbroseGGBall in 8 solid years unless it was @MPSHaringey posting up all the wrong information, wrong days and dates,
the wrong locations, wrong description of clothing , the wrong Fox pub, all different times of the night, leaving out the vital information leading up to during and after my son went @missingpeople, did not response for 56 hours after all the calls myself and others had made over
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I have to say, so much for your @ExpertWitness_ but #SorryNotSorry I would shut up shop if I were you.

You understand my #FRUSTRATION you say.

So how much do I need to take before you see me as a murderer because I have been pushed over the edge when I see yet
another #blackmansolo getting the #WealthManagement on the back end of turning you back.


Have you got your #BAFTA2023 award yet @DrHorsford .
Can you beleive this @elonmusk #ElonMusk #ElonMuskTwitter @mayemusk @ToscaMusk 😭😭😭

I have talked with man approx. 6 years ago.
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Today I was driving in the NE in and around the neighbourhoods when I was about to turn around and head home when I saw someone flag me down.

A older gentleman and his girlfriend asked me if I had any water or anything to eat. @cmcalgary
I pulled over, put my flashers on. I got out to grab them some water and snacks and saw the older gentleman limping & in obvious pain.

When I say hobbling I mean every few steps he stopped to catch his breath because he was in so much pain.

That’s when I said I’d come to them.
I grabbed some bottles of water, snacks, some backpacks, and asked them if they needed anything else.

He told me his bandages had dried to his skin and that he was refused care at a place here in Calgary when he asked for a dressing change.

#homelessness #HomelessCrisis #YYC
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I’m working on a piece that will expose an invisible epidemic that regular working class people know all to well. Media and society ignore it, because they don’t want to address the complex, often absurd inequities of the US medical system. I had recently had surgery (1/3)
abdominal wall #endometriosis excision (a procedure done by only 7 Drs in USA & NONE take insurance!) I’m #disabled on Medicare but they won’t cover this, they’ll only pay to remove my uterus! But they’ll pay for men to get boner pills! I’m rejecting the #mesh they placed. (2/3)
35yrs of chronic illness & pain I’ve seen the classism racism sexism capitalism ableism & patriarchy in the US med system is literally & figuratively crippling us. It’s gross that we have to do this for basic #HumanRights but if you’re able please help at my links in 4 (3/3)
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🆘Simply put Calgary is in crisis🆘

Over night, we had more referrals in for food hampers than EVER before😔

Between our outreach collaboration and our food hamper program…we’re finding it hard to keep up

We need help @Crackmacs @PamirCanadian @mikeonshine #yycroads #YYC #YEG
We need help with 16 families:


A-2 grandparents raising 5 grandkids

B-single dad, 3kids

C-single mom, 3kids

D-3adults, 6kids

E-2 adults, 3kids

F-senior couple

G-2 adults, 2kids

H-2 adults, 6kids

I-single dad, 2kids

J-single dad, 1kid

K-single dad 3kids

L-single mom, 1kid

M-2 adults

N-1 couple with 2 roommates

O-1 grandma, 3 grandchildren

P-4adults, 8kids

@ccmfalberta @Discovery_House @jannarden @ArleneDickinson @DarrenDreger @ABdoc4patients @FisheriesCA @Comfort_Lawyer @albertacomfort @allhailthechief @bifnaked @LtdPrl
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This is hard to write but it is true for many. What I’m about to say is a harsh reality of what people go through.

What I am about to say is also the reason why a lot of people don’t ask for help.

People do not ask for help because of the fears and stigmas that exist.

Here Is Something to think about,

What if you were a #singleparent with a #child

You work full time for $15.00/hr

You take home roughly $960.00 per paycheck (bi-weekly after taxes)

#singleparent #parenting #Blessed #grateful #calgary #calgarylife #alberta #yyc

Your bills per month:

$1,000 or more for rent
$150 or more for cable/internet
$250 or more for utilities
$150 per month for car insurance

So let’s do the math

You bring home about
$1,920.00 a month

Your bills average about $1,500(give or take)

@GrannyGTArp @BallerGearCA
Read 25 tweets
This morning we saw something we will NEVER forget.

We were at the #Walmart in Southeast #Calgary. We were shopping for some groceries when my stepson saw someone take a package of meat and put it under their shirt and then slowly walk over to their cart. #Food #Hungry #Alberta
This person had very few things in their cart. My stepson knows what I do here at @HarvestHillsYYC & he asked if we could help them.

I said yes we could but that this person would feel ganged up on if we all walked over to them, so I told him to stay here and that I’d walk over.
I walked over to where they had their cart and said “I know what it is like to struggle. I would love it if you’d let me help you and I’d like to pay for your groceries.”

This person looked up at me and said “did you see me take the meat?” I said “yes I did. I’d like to help”.
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We have a serious emergency.

Late this afternoon we were contacted by a senior named “Helen”. She only had one meal left in her kitchen.

She called us for help and we are helping.

We will be using the last of our available funds to get her some much needed groceries. #YYC #YEG
We will hopefully be giving her enough groceries for an entire month so she doesn’t have to worry about having to choose between medications/food, food/electricity, food/rent.

Too many #Calgarians are being ignored and forgotten. Too many #Calgarians are afraid to ask for #help.
We need help. If anyone can help with a donation towards her food hamper, we will be here for about 2 more hours because we are shopping for four seniors tonight.

You can help by donating by any of the options ⬇️ #Donate #community #donations #DisabilityTwitter #BeKind #Alberta
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I have put down my tweet that had some tricks and tips to book slots using telegram channels, etc etc.

Reason ?
There is a large population in India who is not Tech Savvy, doesn't understand English, even don't know how to use the Internet. Thus, amplifying all these tips and tricks would be injustice for them

So what now ?
Thus now I'm open for help all those people who have no privilege for Smartphones or unable to use the Internet to book vaccination slots.

If you know any such people please DM me I'll be happy to help them.

Request to others 👇
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Some #positivity for the day !! :))

#COVID19 hasn't stopped the Family Trust activities even in 2021.

Financial Assistance in Education of 170 needy students amounting to ₹16lakhs was provided , thanks to donors.🙏

Pending applicants will be helped as need arises. ImageImage
Updates from different Shiksha angans

*Notebooks & Stationeries for students were arranged.
*A Computer with a good table was provided .WiFi will be installed shortly.
*Books , Eatables & Carrom Board given.
*Girls learning Mehendi well.

More events Post #VaccinationDrive. ImageImageImageImage
Guides & Question Banks were distributed to needy students from parts of Wada, Mokhada, Pen ,Raigad etc residing in nearby Govt hostel .

Hundreds of Soap Bars & Masks have been distributed to the underprivileged +taught wearing mask & handwashing PROPERLY.

#HelpingHands ImageImage
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I spent the morning on live tv with @global_leslie. But then I spent the afternoon trying to sort out a domestic situation.
A young family was affected Harvest Hills Cares Calgary is assisting this parent and three children with temporary accommodations

If anyone would like 2 help, please contact Jen @ 403-608-7224

If you can help by donating we accept etransfers:

[email protected]
Since this morning when we were on @GlobalCalgary with @global_leslie we have had over 83 requests come in for assistance.

We can’t do it alone. We need your help. Please Donate. We need help!

@Hell_Berta @GBrarNDP @jannarden @JoeMcFarland @paul_yyc @CherylCourt @burnaby1953
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**Evening Update**

We were able to fill an additional 2 hampers on our list. We only have 4 hampers left to fill!

If we can raise funds to deliver the hampers tonight or first thing in the morning, we will be able to give everyone currently on our list a #thanksgivingCanada
We accept etransfers:

[email protected]

Our other donation info is in our Twitter Profile Bio.

We need $1155.00 to fill the last 4 hampers that are on our list.

If you can #Help that would be awesome!
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***Daily Update*** ***Emergency Help Needed***

I have been sitting here at my computer here for the past half hour deciding whether or not I wanted to post about what me and a few members of my team experienced today.
I was out shopping for our food hampers, when my phone rang.

Before I go on....I want to make it clear that Harvest Hills Cares Calgary's Phone will always be answered. The only time it won't be is if we are in a meeting or driving.
I answered the phone...It was a mom of 4 that was told by her worker to come down to the AB Works office to turn in her 90 days of bank statements...& that if she didn't bring them down by the end of the day she would not get her check until Tuesday of next week.
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*Emergency Request*Help Needed*

Two urgent requests came in over night

We need #Calgarys Help!

No amount is too small. If you can help by donating please see our donation information in our Twitter profile bio

Etransfer: [email protected]

Family info below:
First request:

The single father is looking for help with finding a few things for his new basement suite

He got emergency custody of his 2 girls and is starting literally from scratch

He needs a hamper (Medium to Large) that roughly will cost between $250.00 to $400.00
Second request:

A family of five is looking for assistance with furnishing their apartment as well as clothing and a Large to Extra Large food hamper.

This family escaped from domestic violence and are from Northern Saskatchewan.

Both families are grateful for #YYC’s help.
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Can someone help? I dont want to see someone be separated from their animal like Mark & Jaxx are facing

Lets raise the amount of $795.00 so they dont get evicted on Friday They only have to last 7-10 more days before they are able to access housing due to being on a wait list 🙏

Etransfer: [email protected]

PayPal info can be found in their profile bio on Twitter and on their website

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Someone messaged us and asked us what the total would be to help everyone that is currently on our list.

To help everyone on our list we would need a total amount of $2435.00

That amount would let us fill all 23 hamper requests.
If anyone could help us reach that total, we could then put the minds of 23 families at ease because then they would not have to worry about having to feed their families. Having to feed their children. Having to go without eating just so they can make the food they do have last
You can help by donating to us or any other organization that feeds Calgarians in need.

If you would like to donate to us you can send an etransfer to:

[email protected]

You can also check us out on Facebook and our website at:

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Thread: 1/?

Late last night we had someone phone us at 11:45pm. It was from a mom of 4 who herself had not eaten nothing 3 days just so she could make the food she did have last for her children.
This mom had gone to the food bank and gone to the brown bagging for kids as well has utilized the free meals that are handed out throughout the city.

This is a mom who has tried EVERYTHING to find a job and get help from different organizations and the government.
She went to Alberta Works and was told she had to go after the dad for child support before they could help her. They gave her papers on how to contact maintenance enforcement and how to go to court for child support. That’s great but that doesn’t help her now....
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If people donate a total amount of $1000 I will take a picture of me in my @Hell_Berta hoodie from @BallerGearCA later on tonight!


[email protected]



#YYC #FeedYYC #Alberta #Canada #Edmonton #RedDeer #Leduc
As a teaser here is a picture of my favorite chocolate! Let’s get donating! #Chocolate #Aero #Nestle #MilkChocolate #Indulge Image
Yes I am still feeling sick. Yes I am still in iso. My hubby was kind enough to let me sit in his truck while he worked on it in the driveway! He said that way he can keep an eye on me and stop me from anymore online shopping!
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We need your help. We have loads of people asking us for help due to the following:

-Job Loss
-Cant Pay Rent
-Cant Pay Utilities
-Cant Afford Medication
-Cant Afford Medical Supplies
-Cant Afford School Supplies/Fees
Having to choose between Food and any of the above items should not happen and isnt right.

Simply giving someone, a family, a couple, a senior food security for even just a month...takes immense stress off of a person.
That’s why there are great organizations and groups like the @CalgaryFoodBank & @HarvestHillsYYC

Everyone works together and does what they need to do for the city that we all care about so much.
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If you know Anyone providing food relief in Patna city, Bihar. kindly Dm. 2000+ families need the aid, alongwith sanitary napkins. #BiharHealthDept #BiharElections2020 #biharfloods #floodrelief #ReliefNow #reliefgoods #philanthropy #socialrelief #communityservice @KubbraSait
Please dm/SpreadTheWord to help with 2000+ families in Patna City, Bihar And 40,000+ families in NCR, 4.5 Lakh people reached so far #HumanRights
Milaap campaigns embedded in link↓ & urgent🇨🇭aid-10$ can feed one family for a week…
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Thread: 1/?

To give everyone an idea of just what we do here at Harvest Hills Cares Calgary......We would like to invite anyone and everyone to join us on a food hamper delivery.

We are always looking for volunteers!

So if you would like to join us, please head on over to our website and click on the contact us button.

However as of late we've seen an increase of requests for food hampers and individuals asking us for assistance with other things such as Utilities, Rent, and Medication.

We have done a little bit of everything to help the people who are struggling, the disadvantaged as well as single families and seniors too.

To give everyone an idea of our hamper program, here is the run down.
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