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Agha Hasan Abedi — legendary banker & founding President of #BCCI (Bank of Credit & Commerce International) — the world’s 7th largest privately owned bank.

A bank run by Pakistanis 🇵🇰 & financed by the Ruling Family of Abu Dhabi 🇦🇪 & prominent family offices of Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦.
Founded in 1972, during a meeting of senior bankers in Beirut, #Lebanon 🇱🇧, #BCCI went on to open up branches & launch full-fledged commercial banking operations in 73 countries around the world by 1989. This included opening the first branch of a foreign-owned bank in #China 🇨🇳.
In the mid-1980’s, Agha Hasan Abedi (or Agha Sahib as he was called fondly by colleagues), negotiated the acquisition of a very unique banking operation in the #UnitedStates 🇺🇸. The bank acquired had licenses to operate in 15-16 states in the US. An unprecedented transaction.
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This mornings rant is dedicated to all the folks doing #community designed policy. I see MANY ppl talk about this in #copolitics & very FEW tangibly do it successfully.

Join me in yesterdays presentation to @DePaulU students & some good local examples - a 🧵
Whether it’s small p or big P #policy how we design initiatives, how we write bills, how we engage testifiers, how we build coalitions & organize - can perpetuate inequities we’re trying to disrupt. #copilitics

white supremacy cultural characteristics love policy & advocacy
We’ve got incredible #leaders that stray away from white supremacy cultural characteristics in advocacy & lead with #integrity

Like the @ColoradoSPC @elephant_circle @S2SSisters @9to5Colorado @DenverTaskForce#community designed #leadership & #policy [great CO give list]
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Today I was driving in the NE in and around the neighbourhoods when I was about to turn around and head home when I saw someone flag me down.

A older gentleman and his girlfriend asked me if I had any water or anything to eat. @cmcalgary
I pulled over, put my flashers on. I got out to grab them some water and snacks and saw the older gentleman limping & in obvious pain.

When I say hobbling I mean every few steps he stopped to catch his breath because he was in so much pain.

That’s when I said I’d come to them.
I grabbed some bottles of water, snacks, some backpacks, and asked them if they needed anything else.

He told me his bandages had dried to his skin and that he was refused care at a place here in Calgary when he asked for a dressing change.

#homelessness #HomelessCrisis #YYC
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Let’s dive in to explain what we are about with a couple of highlights:

1. We are excited to share with YOU our pitch presentation that premiered at @Conste11ation’s #Hyd3f22 event on 08/06/2022.

“Considering that people in general but especially the younger generation -the very people who are early adopters of web3 technology- have a very short attention span, I made the decision to create a pitch that people remember regardless of their opinion about it.” Aranka W.
2. In our presentation we have touched on certain points that are problematic and are the pains of our current #funding industry.
⁃PHILANTHROPY (aid dependency, no trust)
⁃CROWDFUNDING (investments = donations)
⁃FUNDING BIAS (DAO; research)
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#GautamAdani gives a tenth of his net worth to charity, #AzimPremji is impressed…

By @jainrounak
#GautamAdani, the richest Indian man, has pledged ₹60,000 crore towards charity. That’s a tenth of his total net worth. This pledge was made on #Adani’s 60th birthday, and will be used towards healthcare, education and skill development – all of which are tax-deductible.
The #Adani Foundation will be holding this corpus as a trustee, and is likely to be partly funded by transferring the stake of promoters in the seven listed companies of the #AdaniGroup. According to Bloomberg and Forbes, #GautamAdani’s networth is around $93-95 billion.
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Relieved and glad that I finally get to cross off this project. 38,633 Chinese characters(~ equivalent to 20,000 English words). Thanks to the interest of @DrAKWilliamson, I am sharing a very brief English summary/outline of the book chapter. 1/
Basically, it is an overview and critique of the current (5 years post the promulgation of China’s first Charity Law) legal framework on family philanthropy in China. Family philanthropy is definitely a growing sub-field of charity in China. 2/
Like elsewhere, family philanthropy is not a legally defined category but a practical classification. So discussing laws and regulations on family philanthropy is to discuss how existing *organizational* and *behavioral* laws apply to family philanthropic activities. 3/
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Can I offer a piece of insight for #Philanthropy in this moment? Repro justice organizations that you've paid no attention to for the last decade don't need you to swoop in with a sense of crisis today. Organizers knew/know what's at stake—no need to manufacture urgency. (1/5)
As a rapid response fund, we see this in moments of heightened crisis. What often happens is that funders without relationships to organizers end up doing more harm by funding larger, well-known organizations, bombarding organizers with requests for briefings + meetings (2/5)
and overall acting in ways that derail movement strategy. Please listen to organizers right now and what they actually need, and get *consent* to resource the work and organizing that is meaningful to them. also, if you have an endowment, give folks SUSTAINED funding. (3/5)
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Within months, #SCOTUS is expected to dismantle Roe v. Wade. As #philanthropy mobilizes to meet this critical moment, there is deep wisdom to be gained from organizers on the ground, who are fighting not just for reproductive rights but for reproductive justice. 1/7
Our grantees at @SPARKRJNOW are building and sustaining a powerful Southern reproductive justice movement where we can all make sustainable and liberatory decisions about our bodies, genders, sexualities, families, and lives holistically and without shame or fear of policing. 2/7 Quote from Dr. Krystal Redm...
Our grantees at @TKO_Alabama are building the power of transgender, lesbian, bisexual, and gay Black people across the south by providing a spectrum of health and wellness services. 3/7 Quote from TC Cadwell of Th...
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Here is big news from @IITKanpur
In an extraordinary gesture, our alumnus Mr Rakesh Gangwal, Co-Founder of IndiGo airlines has made one of the largest personal donations with a 100 crore contribution focused on supporting the School of Medical Sciences & Technology at IIT Kanpur
We are grateful to Mr Rakesh Gangwal, Mrs Shobha Gangwal and his daughter Ms Parul Gangwal who could take time and be present in person for the agreement signing in Mumbai today.
@DoRA_IITK @IITKanpur @paniitindia
@IITKanpur was represented by Prof S Ganesh (Deputy Director), Mr Kapil Kaul (CEO, IITK Development Foundation) and Mr Kantesh Balani (DoRA), Prof Bishakh Bhattacharya, Prof Manas Ghorai, Prof Jayandharan Rao & Prof Amitabha Bandyopadhyay.
@Kapilkaul @abandopa @kanpur_iit
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As funders hold critical conversations on how to best support #Ukraine, here's a 🧵for #philanthropy on where to start from👇🏽

p.s. updated list of #Feminist #Young #LBTQI #Disability justice orgs is here
Whats needed -- Sensitivity and understanding of rapidly changing local contexts and how grassroots level organizing works (at the moment but also before the war) in order to provide an adequate response to the emergency in #Ukraine
Also, active listening to the needs of feminist, queer, disability rights organizers to deeply understand what kind of funding and the quality of support is essential to consistently address the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine
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Luckily nothing happened and the professional stunt horse did an excellent job with a fake step on the crisis actor.

They spare neither cost nor effort and simply book the best who know something about the matter.

Oh noes! Terrorist armed with a bicycle threw it at the direction of the (professional stunt) horses. Cruel!

Leaf Frens: Overthrow the government, @ProfKlausSchwab will think of the rest!

Dark Winter II is over, #Agenda2030 na0!

Such a wicked world, poor Crisis Actor is also from the #Mohawk Tribe; just like @Tamara_MVC is a metis & white supremacist, right? That's racism in action! Let them all burn, bastards! She's dead, isn't she? Yes! No? Yes! No? Yes!
Read 21 tweets
Thread: friends, for 4 yrs I've been preaching the gospel of #decolonization, #wealth redistribution & healing in the space of #philanthropy & beyond. Has it been effective? Yeah - we (@DecolonizWealth) redistributed and influenced > $500M to BIPOC communities last yr.
@DecolonizWealth Now, I'm seeing our work begin to influence the distribution of resources/money globally - in the humanitarian aid space. This is exciting, but also a HEAVY lift. The colonial dynamics at play in this space are deep and pervasive.
While I celebrated the movement, the progress - due in large part to social movements and the pandemic, which have resulted in (often one-time) increased investment in our communities - I've seen and experienced a lot in #philanthropy recently that deeply concerns me.
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"Muuh, Bobby, what's up with the #Novak scandal/ @AustralianOpen?"

This is for sure not a #PsyOp, right @DjokerNole?

@novakfoundation supports social impact markets, digital child labour for hedge funds, the #4IR @wef- agenda.

@ProfKlausSchwab approves.…

Credits for above tweet actually belong to @WWakeUpTime.
Poor @DjokerNole is now isolated at Melbourne Airport.
Will @ProfKlausSchwab/@wef intervene at @AustralianOpen? Is this all just a CheapThrills #Astroturf-#PsyOp for the mainstream normie to seed some Scripted Reality 'predictive programming'? "No Vax, No Winner Cup"? Poll below. ImageImage
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A campaign by Greek activists saw far right party Golden Dawn declared a criminal group & its leaders jailed.

An SCI, @AriadneNetwork & @citizens_circle event is now examining lessons on tackling extremism from a new report by SCI & @rights360

Greek civil society led a campaign that successfully exposed Golden Dawn.

The report & today’s event examines the lessons for other societies facing extremism.

We’re delighted to be hearing from @eleni_takou of @rights360 in Greece & @BulldogShadow of @WStatesCenter in the US.
@rights360 is a civil society organisation in Greece. Learn more about its extensive work here:

@WStatesCenter works to strengthen inclusive democracy in the US. Find out more here:
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What’s changing in #localnews? Just about everything - that’s what IPI found when, supported by @craignewmark, it dived into local #newsmedia around the world. They’re rethinking everything to work out what they need now to sustain vital journalism. 1/14…
@craignewmark IPI’s @jacquipark talked to 30+ media leaders and entrepreneurs who are transitioning legacy media or creating new local voices, half in the #USA and half in #Asia, the Pacific, #Africa and #Europe.

Here are some key insights 👇 2/14
@craignewmark @jacquipark 1. Local news media is the most disrupted sector of the media, the most urgently in need of assistance – and the sector with the greatest potential to form the bedrock for a new, stronger media ecosystem. 3/14
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Does #philanthropy get the media it deserves?

The philanthropy focused media is coming of age. Outlets and publications are scrambling to meet the needs of readers seeking insight on philanthropy within and beyond our field.
As coverage of philanthropy grows in quality, scale and sophistication, this panel brings together leading editors to discuss the issues shaping #philanthropy today – and the future of our own coverage.
What do #philanthropy editors see as the key issues shaping philanthropy today? 📰

How can geographic imbalances in the coverage of philanthropy be overcome? 🌍

​​​​​​​What's the best funding model to sustain a vibrant philanthropy #media? 💵
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This is quite something: Groups that serve nonprofits and foundations (and promote #transparency!) won't say how much they were given by @MacKenzieScott, reports @mariadimento in @Philanthropy. They don't want other donors to know. [1/4]…
Here's more from @Philanthropy about the so-called infrastructure groups in #philanthropy -- more than 70 nonprofits that want to influence or improve or lobby for the sector, many identity-based. It's all very meta. [2/4]…
I know first-hand that some of these groups, like @CEPdata, @IDinsight and @4Sharedinsight, do good work. But does the sector need more than 70 organizations to "act as scaffolding to strengthen and advance organizations that do good?" I'm deeply skeptical. [3/4]
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This week we are showcasing some of our #MostRead articles from the last quarter. Watch this space for more. #Thread
[#IDRMostRead] 10 mantras you didn’t know you needed to help get you through another day of working in social impact.

Read more:… Image
[#IDRMostRead] While it is important to resume classes for secondary and senior secondary graders, we must also focus on primary school students, who are at a higher risk of impaired socio-emotional learning and nutritional loss due to school closures.… Image
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It’s #FellowsFriday! Spotlight's on Ascend Fellow @ShereceWest, Pres.& CEO of @wrfound. She's a pivotal leader in #philanthropy stewarding investments in AR to produce measurable results & meaningful impact for communities, children, & families. Read abt her work in the thread.⬇️ Image
Sherece is guided by stories of families, small businesses, her lived experiences, and the hard data exposing systemic inequities that erode paths to prosperity for Arkansans. Hear how she equitably approaches her work from Ascend’s ThinkXChange. #equity
What do Mississippi County, AR, & Washington, DC have in common? Mr. Scruggs & Sherece West-Scantlebury. They bring the stories from their communities to national leaders to inform and build thriving families & economies.

📖Full story in blog by Sherece:…
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*** Why did we call our new #podcast production hosted by @Deval_Sanghavi #NoCostExtension? A 🧵👇
Conversations around #development and #socialimpact are obfuscated by project management jargon that focus on deliverables and timelines.
.@Deval_Sanghavi wanted to cut through this jargon to get to the real stories of success and failure in the #developmentsector. So why not a frequently used term or phrase that made people groan or eye roll?
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 05/25/2021…
We’ll Innovate Our Way Out of the Climate Crisis or Die Trying…

#ClimateChange #innovation #technology #consequences
Doing More by Doing Less: A Call to Rethink Philanthropy…

#philanthropy #impact #participation #grantmaking
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😳🆘We need help!🆘😳

We need to raise $870.00 by Monday afternoon or we will not be able to fill the last four requests we have on our list!

Two requests are for seniors and one is for a single mom and one is for a single parent who has left an abusive marriage and needs help! ImageImage
If you can help…we are at the point of begging. Our volunteers are out in full force today! So if you see any of us out and about come say 👋 Hello 👋

We have 4 hampers left to fill so please help us!! We do not want to have to turn these families away!!

@HarvestHillsYYC needs help.

PLEASE consider donating via Etransfer, PayPal or GoFundMe.

[email protected]

PayPal/Credit Cards:

Our GoFundMe:

@GrannyGTArp @JyotiGondek @gurbirward3 @TheBeaverton
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I picked up my device countless times yesterday to comment on the attack on democracy but honestly I couldn’t find the words - emotions kept getting in the way. I’ve learned from @LeahEustace and @IanMAdair to let that happen and not fight it. I hoped today would be ...

...different. Guess what? It’s not. 💔 😥

I was in my office ystrday, which is 5.6m/9km from the US Capitol building (on 9/11 I was in my then office, only 4m/6.4km from Pentagon).

FYI, proximity is real and it’s scary.

I have @AFPIHQ colleagues who live in...

...DC and I worry especially about them greatly. I’ve had amazing convos w many of them checking in to c how they r doing.

Please do same with your friends and colleagues - check in with them. Some will be receptive, some not and that’s ok, we all deal w things diftly ...

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