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Списання вийшло з-під контролю: Росія зняла зі зберігання Т-54
Команда CIT отримала фотографії потяга, який везе військову техніку з Далекого Сходу. Ми ідентифікували їх як радянські середні танки сімейства Т-54/55: в одному ешелоні були і Т-54, і танки, які могли бути пізніми Т-54 або Т-55 (див. ілюстрацію).
Як стало відомо, нещодавно цей ешелон вирушив з Арсеньєва Приморського краю, де розташована 1295-та центральна база резерву і зберігання танків.
Read 56 tweets
Israeli political and economic columnist Doron Peskin said that according to the data he received, 14 facilities in Iran had been attacked.
These are UAV factories, IRGC headquarters, Qods Force headquarters and other industrial facilities that possibly serve Iran's defense industry. The attacks were carried out using UAVs.


The IDF's special operation in the cities of Judea and Samaria (West Bank) against Iranian terror infrastructure continues.
Read 61 tweets
GitArch🦉 is the most advanced, seamless, & unstoppable alternative to platforms such as @github & @gitlab.

This isn't the next step for #UnstoppableCode, this is the final destination. This is #Web3.

Let's dive in 👇/ 🧵
#GitArch🦉 is a truly decentralized & censorship-resistant hosting service for software development and version control using #Git.

Built on the @InvArchNetwork / @TinkerParachain, GitArch features git repositories stored as #NFT primitives.

Unlike platforms such as @radicle, GitArch isn’t an alternative version control solution to the git protocol (because git is already a distributed protocol).

There is an immediate UX difference compared to radicle; however, almost none compared to GitHub.

Read 15 tweets
#Updates on @videolan being inaccessible on ISP platforms.
As per the last #RTI response, @GoI_MeitY
had said, “No information is available with this ministry related to website”.
We have filed a second appeal for it & are awaiting a response.
After not receiving satisfactory response from @GoI_MeitY, we have filed two applications under the Right to Information Act, 2005 with @BSNLCorporate and the @DoT_India as well.
#WebsiteBlocking #FreeSpeech #blocked #rtItBot
Latest tests on various carriers show different messages being displayed every time we try to load the "" website.
@ACTFibernet states that "The website has been blocked as per order of Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology under IT Act, 2000."
Read 10 tweets
Millions of worshippers of lord Guruvayurappan are residing all over the country, donations to the deity cannot be utilized countrywide: Kerala High Court
#kerala #Temple #donations
Court dismissed State's review petition against its earlier judgment holding Rs. 5 crore donations from Guruvayoor Devaswom Funds to the Chief Minister's Distress Relief Fund illegal. State had argued that money was given for relief of lord's devotees across the country.
Court said that Section 27(c) of the Guruvayur Devaswom Act,1978 cannot be stretched to interpret that money devoted to the diety can be given for benefit of worshippers beyond a particular geographical limit.
Read 5 tweets

I'll apologize before hand for the length of this, but I think I need to explain everything to get the help I need.

In February 2020, I was diagnosed with stage IV ovarian cancer. I have fought to stay alive over the last 1/
couple yrs. I have been through multiple rounds of chemo, biologics therapy, two surgeries(1 that nearly ended my life), ect. I have went through scans every couple months, blood test and every few weeks. Though I have insurance, it rarely covers all costs. I have been
buried in bills. Bills that make living hard. So hard in fact that I had to move back into my parents home. At 43 yrs old, it has been no picnic. But we are all making it work.

My parents have helped me with my bills to the point where they are not in a great place
Read 8 tweets
"The @KyivIndependent recently did a spotlight on many different charities across #Ukraine."

▪Charities that help the war effort, children, elderly, animals... for blood donation and more.

All are linked in post. Please RT.

#UkraineWar #UkraineInvasion…
This list was published by Forbes Magazine

10 Ways To Help The People Of Ukraine Right Now via @Forbes…
Read 137 tweets

#MSNBC’s @JoyAnnReid, @MalcolmNance , former TV One pundit @rolandsmartin, the Urban League’s @MARCMORIAL, and CNN’s @angela_rye were among Black journalists and co-conspirators who accused #ADOS of being “MAGA” supporters, xenophobic, nativists and “Russian Bots”..”
@JoyAnnReid & @digitalsista on @MSNBC making false claims & assertions about online users who support #ADOS being ‘Russian bots’ targeting Black voters to spread #Misinformation
Read 26 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 11/17/2021…
Rarest mammal in North America found in Colorado garage, ‘looking for a new home’…

#EndangeredSpecies #BlackFootedFerrets #restoration
Read 8 tweets
Today week 20/22 of my training so in 3 weeks time it will be FOR REAL the #LondonMarathonVirtual 2021.
If you have a spare £1 to #donate please pop it in the #PayPal, if you have a spare £5 drop it in the #GoFundMe details below. These amazing #volunteer groups rely on us
#Followers #Friends #followback #help with #RT needed and shares to anyone you think might help with a #donations my anxiety is high I so want with your help to reach my target for all these amazing volunteer groups helping the #missing #stolen #found #rescue animals in the #uk
My live #Video from today’s training walk take a look see what it’s all about #RT #LondonMarathonVirtual…
Read 4 tweets
This is hard to write but it is true for many. What I’m about to say is a harsh reality of what people go through.

What I am about to say is also the reason why a lot of people don’t ask for help.

People do not ask for help because of the fears and stigmas that exist.

Here Is Something to think about,

What if you were a #singleparent with a #child

You work full time for $15.00/hr

You take home roughly $960.00 per paycheck (bi-weekly after taxes)

#singleparent #parenting #Blessed #grateful #calgary #calgarylife #alberta #yyc

Your bills per month:

$1,000 or more for rent
$150 or more for cable/internet
$250 or more for utilities
$150 per month for car insurance

So let’s do the math

You bring home about
$1,920.00 a month

Your bills average about $1,500(give or take)

@GrannyGTArp @BallerGearCA
Read 25 tweets
Over the course of the next few months I’m gonna start setting up to live stream a new show on #woodworking, #politics, #art, #writing, #Philosophy and many other topics. My goal is to focus on teaching #handsonskills and would love to also get the chance to #learn as well! if you’re interested please consider donating. I will provide an itemized list of necessary spending which donations be spent including tools, computer equipment, audio and camera equipment and material costs. I want to be as transparent with you all
As possible and feel all #donations should be directed and shown to be specifically put back into create a community space for those interested in learning and building the skills they will benefit for years to come! #pleaseshare and #RETWEEET if possible
Read 4 tweets
We have a serious emergency.

Late this afternoon we were contacted by a senior named “Helen”. She only had one meal left in her kitchen.

She called us for help and we are helping.

We will be using the last of our available funds to get her some much needed groceries. #YYC #YEG
We will hopefully be giving her enough groceries for an entire month so she doesn’t have to worry about having to choose between medications/food, food/electricity, food/rent.

Too many #Calgarians are being ignored and forgotten. Too many #Calgarians are afraid to ask for #help.
We need help. If anyone can help with a donation towards her food hamper, we will be here for about 2 more hours because we are shopping for four seniors tonight.

You can help by donating by any of the options ⬇️ #Donate #community #donations #DisabilityTwitter #BeKind #Alberta
Read 19 tweets
I have added over 200 new #FBPE accounts to my list.

#FBPEGlobal #StrongerTogether @AuroraBlogspot #Donations Image
Thanks to my Donors/Sponsors:


Check my tweet for how to donate
'+' denotes follow back accounts.

To get your '+' mark or change your hashtag fill out the form
Read 37 tweets
1/18 This tweet completes two months today (and our paper 74 days). What happened since? [a non exhaustive psychedelic patenting thread]
2/18 We got close to 6k views (approx 80/day) Image
3/18 Brazilian journalist @MarceloNLeite published a post in his blog, thanks Marcelo!
Read 20 tweets
This evening at 4:45pm we got a call from a social worker that works with seniors. She called us in a frenzy asking us for immediate help.

She told us of an emergency so extreme that her voice shook with concern over one of her clients.

#YYC #Calgary #CalgarySeniors #hope
This is what she said:

"Hello Jen, I was hoping I would be able to contact you before I left my work for the day in regards to a rather important situation that came across my desk this afternoon. I hope you have the time to chat?"

I said "Yes of course, how can we help?" #care
She said "We have a senior lady that is struggling so much that she has been going door to door asking for food from others in her complex."

I was quiet and honestly speechless.

I said "Of course we can and we will help. What is it that you need." #FEEDYYC #FoodHamper #helping
Read 13 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/06/2020…
Pennsylvania legalizes autonomous delivery robots, classifies them as pedestrians…

#robotics #distribution #JobDisplacement
Read 8 tweets
The team was out shopping for #FoodHampers today! All of us are super busy!

We delivered sixteen #hampers just today alone with tomorrow being our day off!

We are in #desperate #need of donations whether it be a financial #donation or gift cards.

Tomorrow we will be planning out all our holiday hampers! But we are still in need of donations small or large, as daily we get calls, emails, texts and messages on our social media.

If you can help, please donate via our website at:

There’s a link in the drop down menu for #Donations.

For etransfers, they can be sent to:

[email protected]

Please help the 111 families we currently have on our #holiday list this year! #charity #ad #GivingTuesday2020 #Christmas #Alberta #Calgary #FeedYYC
Read 4 tweets
Please #SaveTheDate #KarensHalfMarathon 6th September 2020 #BedfordHalfMarathon2020 I am doing it to help some of the little #rescues that desperately need our #help please #donate if you can and your #virtual support on the day would be amazing… #RT ImageImage
Facebook group here for the links contained in the screenshot, that was the only way I could do this on twitter to tell the story of why I’m doing the #BedfordHalfMarathon2020…
Read 18 tweets
Today I literally sat down and cried. I literally bawled my eyes out and cried until there were no more tears left to cry.

You see, I had just spent the entire morning and most of the afternoon helping Harvest Hills Cares Calgary talk to individuals and families who have been dealt the most terrible of blows. 2/?
The families and individuals that I talked to were begging and pleading for help. Begging and Pleading for help because they had no where else to turn and they were asking @HarvestHillsYYC to put them in touch with @Hell_Berta so they could ask @Hell_Berta for help.

Read 21 tweets
I have an idea:

If everyone dislikes/hates/does not approve of @jkenney and the UCP donors....why not regular everyday people like us donate to a grassroots organization or group that is struggling under the @Alberta_UCP government?
I’ve donated $100.00 to @HarvestHillsYYC and I challenge others to donate as well. Let’s show the @Alberta_UCP and @jkenney that we Albertans take care of our own since our own government doesn’t, can’t or won’t!

Etransfer: [email protected]
Read 4 tweets
Significance of Akshaya Tritiya​

1) Lord Parashurama appeared on this day
2) River Ganges descended to Earth
3) This day marks the beginning of Treta-yuga
4) Sudama visited Krishna at Dwaraka
5) The Pandavas received Akshaya Patra from the Sun God #AkshayaTritiya2020 Image
6) Vyasadeva started composing Mahabharata on this day
7) Adi Shankaracharya composed Kanakadhara Stotram on this day
8) Kubera received his wealth and position as custodian of wealth, and
9) Goddess Annapoorna Devi appeared on this day #AkshayaTritiya2020 #AkshayaTritiya Image
10) Chandan Yatra starts today. Their Lorships are smeared in sandalwood paste.
11) The construction of the chariots for Rath Yatra@begins today.
12) The temples of Gangotri & Yamunotri re-open today Image
Read 5 tweets
Dear all,

The Helping Hands team has decided to focus back on NE Delhi - both for those affected by the riots and also those affected by the Lockdown. Like any organization, we have limited resources and would like to use these in a focused manner.
We request all other organizations to streamline their work by using this form to log all relief material requests from NE Delhi in order to avoid overlaps and duplication.…
#delhipogrom #DelhiRiots #HelpingHands #COVID19Pandemic #COVIDー19 #Donations
If you or your organization has provided any relief material yourselves to any families in NE Delhi, please use this form to update us. We will contact you for further details.…

#delhipogrom #DelhiRiots #HelpingHands #COVID19Pandemic #coronavirus
Read 3 tweets

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