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This article is a featured article, and considered to be one of the most informative on this wiki.

This article is about the Beast Wars character. For the Go-Bots character, see Tigertron.
Tigatron is a Maximal from the Beast Era portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
I must kill you... because God told me to!

Damage to his stasis pod upon crashing to Earth caused Tigatron (aka Unit 2) to emerge far more tiger than robot. A loner who is more connected to the Earth than any other Beast Warrior, he enjoys the planet's natural beauty and is often concerned about the damage that the Transformers' battle is doing to it. Scout, infiltrator, and sometimes programming guru, Tigatron has filled a variety of roles for the Maximals.

We were given a paradise! All we had to do was live there in peace. But we proved unworthy... and the paradise is no more.

—Tigatron, "The Trigger, Part 2"



Toy bios

A powerful and fearless warrior, Optimus Primal appointed Tigatron to patrol the northern polar sector, where he roamed in his beast mode. When he encountered Predacon activity, he was capable of transforming rapidly and reconfiguring his titanium tail into a powerful quasar cannon, which he then used to vaporize his enemies! Additionally, he sported a toxic fluid blaster, which rendered anybody struck by it completely useless. Tigatron bio

Cartoon continuity

Beast Wars cartoon

Voice actor: Blu Mankuma (English), Kōichi Tōchika (Japanese), Xue Weigang (Chinese), Alexandr Novikov (Russian, 2nd dub), Armando Tiraboschi (Portuguese), Alvaro Tarcicio (Latin American Spanish), Luis Marín (Castilian Spanish), Marco Balzarotti (Italian), Henry König (German), Jean Barney (French)
This is a land of peace, and I will kill anyone who says otherwise!

Tigatron's stasis pod was the first to fall onto the mysterious world which would later be revealed as prehistory Earth. Born in the far, frozen north, heavily damaged in his identity circuits and unable to remember friend from foe, Tigatron took to his beast mode. He patiently watched the Predacon and Maximal forces duke it out over the empty stasis pod, finally realising that he was a Maximal when Megatron threatened him and the white tiger he had scanned. Transforming, he quickly dispatched the Predacons, but told Optimus Primal that he preferred to remain in the wilds. Fallen Comrades

From the northern territories, he would send weekly updates to the Axalon through communication towers. The Trigger, Part 1 He teamed up with Primal to investigate why Waspinator was buzzing around in Maximal territory, and he was able to track the Predacon back to a cave where Terrorsaur and Blackarachnia were attempting to use a sonic emitter to break into the Maximal base. After he stole the device, it exploded, and Tigatron rejoined the other Maximals to mourn Rattrap, who had apparently died trying to disarm Sentinel, only for the rat to appear before them moments later. A Better Mousetrap

When a temporal probe sent by the Maximal High Council neared the planet, Tigatron defended the Maximals while they tried to build a transmission tower on Predacon soil. He became the first victim of Tarantulas's Transformation Lock Lens and ended up in a cage next to Cheetor in the Predacon base. Cheetor fouled up and clued Megatron in as to what was going on, but Tigatron led an escape, and the pair were able to destroy Tarantulas's weapon, though too late to contact the probe. The Probe

Tigatron returned to the Axalon when the Maximals were preparing to leave the planet, remarking that it felt strange to be inside an artificial structure. After it turned out that the Predacons weren't as dead as had been thought, Tigatron attempted to leave to help Primal and Cheetor rescue Dinobot, but was told to sit down by Rhinox. No sooner was takeoff underway than the ship was damaged by Megatron and crashed once again. Victory Alerted to the landing of another stasis pod, Tigatron headed for it, only to run into Scorponok. He was swiftly able to freeze the scorpion, only to be taken out by Blackarachnia's cyber venom. He was later around in the Axalon to welcome Airazor to the team. The Spark

A cat and bird fall for each other. Love is truly blind.

It was during one of his weekly reports that Tigatron was attacked by Terrorsaur and Waspinator and found himself on a strange flying island. He explored the natural beauty of the island and believed this area, with its powerful death ray and many horrible death-traps, to be a land of peace. When Scorponok and Blackarachnia arrived on the island and shot down Airazor, Tigatron used one of Scorponok's cyberbees to send a warning message back to base. The Trigger, Part 1 The duo received reinforcements in the form of Optimus and Rattrap, and they attempted to beat the Predacons to the obelisk in the center of the island. They failed, and to Tigatron's distress, he was forced to destroy the island's power source after Blackarachnia took control of it. The island crashed, leaving Tigatron with profound regret. The Trigger, Part 2

Tigatron was the first Maximal to spot Inferno's stasis pod crashing, but was prevented from getting there by Waspinator. Airazor lent a hand, and he sent her ahead to secure the pod, but arrived to find she'd failed—the new protoform was a Predacon, and Tarantulas had made off with the empty pod. Tigatron pursued Tarantulas and managed to destroy the pod so that the Predacons couldn't learn anything from it, before he was attacked in retaliation by the Predacons. He would almost certainly have been destroyed if it wasn't for the timely arrival of Optimus and Airazor. Spider's Game

I can haz robot moed?

Being more at home with his beast mode than his robot mode, he was invaluable help when the Maximals were left stuck in beast mode and overpowered by animal instincts. He helped them learn to work with these instincts instead of struggling for dominance. Call of the Wild After a group of the Maximals went missing, Tigatron and Primal hunted for them. Tigatron eventually heard their weapons fire and was able to alert Optimus. It turned out that the four Maximals had become blinded by an energon explosion and had been making their way back to base. Dark Voyage

After the other Maximals were expelled from their base by the Predacons with the aid of a Starscream-possessed Waspinator, Airazor alerted Tigatron. Tigatron joined the other Maximals in a ploy to take back their base, which apparently involved helping Starscream to mount an assault on the Darksyde. Possession He also helped provide reinforcements for Dinobot and Rattrap, as the pair tried to find a cure for the energon discharge virus with which Rhinox had been afflicted. The Low Road


While providing aid for Cheetor and Dinobot, Tigatron easily trounced Waspinator and Inferno, but a stray shot from his weapon caused an avalanche, killing his tiger friend Snowstalker. Anguished, Tigatron quit the Beast Wars, refusing to fight any longer, despite several of the Maximals trying to persuade him otherwise. In the end, it was the Predacons' act of taking out Dinobot and Primal which made Tigatron realise that he had to do everything he could to protect the land. Law of the Jungle

Not much later, Tigatron was the first to detect a pulsing alien energy source. When Megatron initiated a somewhat suspicious truce shortly afterward, Optimus Primal ordered a covert infiltration of the Predacon base. Rattrap and Airazor made enough of a distraction to allow Tigatron inside the Predacon base.

Inside, he hacked his way into the ship's computer systems and found out what had Megatron so worried: The Vok were coming back, and they weren't happy. Before the Storm Tigatron returned to the Axalon to monitor the alien Planet Buster which threatened the world. He and the other Maximals were saved when Optimus Primal destroyed the weapon. Other Voices, Part 2 He and Airazor somehow escaped being Transmetalized by the quantum surge, but were knocked offline by Megatron while they were trying to recapture Blackarachnia. Aftermath After repairs, they left the base to search the planet for the stasis pods which had been knocked out of orbit by the explosion. Coming of the Fuzors (Part 1)

"I'll never let go Jack..."

Tigatron and Airazor formed a very powerful relationship during this time. Unfortunately, before they could discover any still-functional pods, they found a valley untouched by the Planet Buster which also contained alien technology. The pair were soon abducted by a bizarre alien plant. Other Visits (Part 1)

And baby makes three!

The two were not seen again until much later, when their inert bodies were revealed to be the captives of the Vok, floating somewhere in a deep-space nebula. The Vok removed their sparks from their bodies, created a third spark, and then fused the new spark and the bodies into the awesomely powerful Vok emissary Tigerhawk. Tigerhawk was sent to Earth, while the sparks of Airazor and Tigatron followed behind. Reaching Earth, their sparks entered a comatose Cheetor, giving him a vision of Airazor and Tigatron's bodies, their sparks becoming one. But when the Vok interrupted the vision, Cheetor woke up screaming. He thought it was just a dream until he saw the combined Tigatron/Airazor spark floating before him. The combined spark led Cheetor to Tarantulas's lair, where Tarantulas was attempting to steal Tigerhawk's Vok powers for himself. Ultimately, the Vok were expelled into Tarantulas's body, killing him, which left Tigerhawk's body open for Tigatron/Airazor's spark to inhabit. Other Victories

Beast Wars Diorama Story

After Starscream's involvement in the Beast Wars, Tigatron eventually met up with several Autobots and Decepticons from another dimension. A battle broke out between the Maximals, Predacons, Autobots, and Decepticons and Tigatron found himself pitted against Starscream. Starscream attempted to get the drop on him from the high ground, but Tigatron managed to blast the Decepticon square in the face. Optimus Primal and Optimus Prime then teamed up to take down the Decepticon for good. Tigatron Chapter The battle resolved, the other-dimensional Transformers returned to their place of origin and the Beast Wars continued as they were. Motorarm Chapter

3H comics

That's an impressive transformation there, Tigatron.

Tigatron and Airazor's sparks were sent back to Earth by the Vok sometime after Tigerhawk's destruction. Tigatron's spark took possession of Ravage's former body at the bottom of a lake. Joining Transmetal Airazor and a newly created Primal Prime, Primeval Dawn Part 1 Primeval Dawn II Tigatron scoured the planet for abandoned stasis pods. He awoke Ramulus from his pod, but Spittor had already been reprogrammed into a Predacon by the time they reached him. Spittor had joined a reborn Ravage and the recently created Iguanus and Razorclaw, and so the two groups battled. As Tigatron attempted to confront Spittor, Airazor knocked Spittor away, as she noted that the Predacon was covered in lethal poison. While they were occupied, Tarantulas, who was resurrected with the power of the Vok at his command, battled Primal Prime and ripped the Matrix of Leadership from his chest. Primeval Dawn Part 2

Then Airazor dies or something, yadda yadda yadda...

Primal Prime, traumatized by the separation, was reduced to a coma, so as the Predacons returned to Tarantulas's lair with their prize, Tigatron and the others retreated with their leader's body to the Ark. Tigatron and Airazor left Ramulus to commune with the Vok on their own, but could not successfully contact them. Further more, Tigatron was worried about Airazor, who seemed to have incurred long-term wounds from the battle with Ravage's Predacons. Their concerns were interrupted by an attack on the Ark, orchestrated by Ravage. However, Ramulus had apparently fled for reasons unknown, leaving Tigatron and Airazor alone against their attackers. Or not, as Primal Prime suddenly appeared behind them, possessed and rejuvenated by the Vok! Primeval Dawn Part 3

3H folded before the "Primeval Dawn" story could be finished, so the exact story of how Tigatron came to join the Wreckers is unknown. It seems likely, though, based on the needs of later stories and comments by the writers, that Tarantulas was defeated, the Matrix was restored to Optimus Prime's body, and Primal Prime, Tigatron, Spittor, Ramulus, and also Sonar, Packrat, Fractyl, and Waspinator returned to Cybertron in the transwarp portal that Tarantulas had been building. Airazor's fate is unknown.
What was that up above, uh, about your "personal code prohibiting lethal force"?

Tigatron, Primal Prime, and others arrived on Cybertron during Megatron's anti-biological reign and joined Apelinq's Wreckers. The Wreckers and various other teams which persisted on the planet met with the Oracle, which assigned each of them a task. When Optimus Primal objected, saying that with all these soldiers, Megatron could be defeated easily, the Oracle swept him away and cleansed his memory of the recent events. Tigatron vehemently objected to this treatment of his former commander. A set of coordinates was infused into Primal Prime's head by the Oracle. When arriving at an Autobot shuttle, which was to ferry the Wreckers to those coordinates, Tigatron felt that something was amiss. It was then that the Vehicon generals Spy Streak, Quake and Blastcharge attacked with an army of drones. Tigatron used his Nature's Fury attack, utterly destroying Quake. Departure

During the ride in the Autobot shuttle, Tigatron meditated, recovering from using his powers against Quake. Ramulus knocked at the door of his chambers to alert him to their arrival on Archa Nine, and Tigatron sensed that danger awaited the Wreckers. As half their group left to scout the planet, Tigatron stayed behind with the remainder to repair their damaged shuttle. Tigatron's feelings of dread turned out to be correct; Cyclonus betrayed them all and stole the artifact the Wreckers were after, the Divine Light. Betrayal Apelinq had begun to lose what little faith he had in the mission, but Tigatron assured him that they must quickly mourn their fallen, soldier on, and accept their divine charge.

The Oracle led the Wreckers next to a desolate ice planet, where they found the exiled Quintesson scientist Al-badur. Tigatron, meanwhile, had stayed behind with a few others on board the shuttle, where they faced an army of Sharkticons and defeated them easily. Disclosure

I'm not sure what's going on here, but it looks f@#$ing AWESOME.
In the unpublished Wreckers #4, Tigatron and the others learned that the Quintessons had invaded Cybertron and that Cryotek was taking this opportunity to use the Divine Light to assume the powers of Primus. Tigatron rejected this idea, stating that the Vok would never allow it. The Wreckers hurried back to Cybertron, and Primal Prime took Tigatron, Ramulus, and Apelinq with him to the surface below to find and stop Cryotek.

Tigatron was taken aback by the beauty of the newly technorganic Cybertron, but he didn't get a chance to enjoy it before the Wreckers plunged into battle. Unfortunately, at the planet's core, things went wrong for them almost immediately. Cryotek had already used the Divine Light to mutate himself into a larger, more impressive version of himself, and with one blast, he had destroyed both Apelinq and Primal Prime. Before Tigatron and the others could be next, thankfully, Primus himself intervened and brought back Apelinq and Primal Prime as a single new entity, Sentinel Maximus!

As amazing as this was, it didn't take long for Cryotek to shrug it off, and soon Tigatron and the others were fighting not only Cryotek and his loyal servant and former Wrecker, Cyclonus, but also his pet Deployer, Chro, who was also mutated to enormous size. Ramulus wondered why Tigatron did not simply unleash his Vok powers on their foes. Tigatron responded that doing such takes an incredible amount of focus and willpower, lest he tear himself and everything around him apart, and the moment did not lend itself to such.

Soon the Wreckers met up with the native Cybertronian counterforce, led by Cheetor. Though the two were happy to reunite, Tigatron was surprised to hear the matured Cheetor give him orders. Tigatron next found Rotorbolt with the mangled body of his fellow Predacon, Fractyl, who was still on life support from an earlier part of their journey. Tigatron feared Rotorbolt was going to euthanize the geometrist, and so he offered to use his Vok powers to restore him. The Vok warned him that this would extinguish the last of his connection to them, but still Tigatron proceeded.

Tigatron also met up with Rattrap, Nightscream, and Botanica, and after avoiding the question of the fate of Airazor, learned that Al-badur had led the Wreckers and Cryotek to a long-forgotten Quintesson sentencing chamber. The Quintesson, attempting to 'port Cryotek away, locked both the Predacon and Sentinel Maximus in a containment field that threatened to suck them away into a dimension of nothingness. Tigatron and the others tried to free Sentinel Maximus with their various weapons, but had no luck. Though Cheetor and Rodimus tried to use their Matrix Templar powers to avert disaster, Sentinel Maximus ultimately sacrificed himself and Cryotek to the portal. Rodimus, who had suffered great wounds during his fight with Cyclonus, died shortly after due to these further exertions. Fractyl begged Tigatron to use his powers to save Rodimus as well, but Tigatron could not, as the Vok had since left him. Despite these losses, the Wreckers were victorious and Cybertron was saved. Wreckers: Finale Part II

Razorclaw continuity

In one splinter timeline of Primax 496.22 Alpha, Silverbolt's stasis pod landed far from the Axalon, and without his presence, Megatron slaughtered the Maximals. Left as the sole survivors, Tigatron and Airazor were then abducted by the Vok and then dispatched as Tigerhawk to end Megatron's machinations which threatened the Vok. Tigerhawk slew Megatron, but their reality was destroyed anyway by the timestorm Megatron's actions triggered. Subsequently, Tigerhawk was plucked by Unicron from the remnants of his home universe to become one of his Minion generals, renaming himself Razorclaw. However, the noble influence of Tigatron and Airazor at times posed a problem for the evil Razorclaw. Universe Razorclaw profile Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/07

Dreamwave Armada comic

When the Heralds of Unicron destabilized the Decepticon space bridge nexus, causing the space bridges to become windows to other dimensions, Jetfire caught a glimpse of Rattrap and Tigatron in one of the portals. Worlds Collide, Part 4 of 4

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

Shell Game was never published. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.

While traveling back to Cybertron at the conclusion of the Beast Wars, Optimus Primal reflected on past battles, including those in which Tigatron fought. Shell Game #1

2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity

At the tail end of the Great War, Tigatron was a negotiator, respected by all sides for his desire for peace. He worked in close standing with Prowl, Ironhide, Silverbolt, Hot Spot, Lio Convoy, and Big Convoy on what came to be known as the Primal Council.

When news came that both Optimus Prime and Galvatron had met their ends on the battlefield, Tigatron was sent out by the Council to try and broker an armistice between the Autobots and the Decepticons. He was accompanied by a handful of soldiers into the field for this end. Unfortunately, the first enemy camp he made contact with was headed by a renegade soldier going by the name "Megatron". Rejecting the peace-talk outright, Megatron unleashed Predaking onto his visitors before meeting with Tigatron in combat himself. The duel was ended prematurely as Tigatron was snatched up by Predaking, and Megatron headed off to attack the base of the Primal Council. Thankfully, Tigatron was rescued from the gestalt's grasp by a soldier in his entourage. As the rest of the Autobots with them were slain, Tigatron argued with his rescuer over which one of them should head off to warn the Council of the incoming attack. Convincing him that she didn't need rescuing herself, and promising that she'd see him again someday, the soldier sent Tigatron on his way. This decision was for the best as Tigatron was capable with combining with four of his fellow council members into Magnaboss. He did so in time to push Megatron and his troops back from their assault. As transwarp energy began to rain down on the planet (apparently the result of a doomsday device triggered by Galvatron) the Tripredacus Council surrendered the war on behalf of all Decepticons.

The Pax Cybertronia was signed, but this was a bittersweet victory for Tigatron; the soldier he had promised to meet with again had been hit by transwarp energy, and in consequence was stripped of her identity and reduced to a protoform. Dawn of the Predacus

As Magmatron was surveying the timeline, he witnessed several key moments of the Beast Wars. Among those moments was Tigatron helping Airazor back to her feet. The Gathering #1

After Tigerhawk's body was destroyed, the two sparks contained within split, regaining their individuality. The Vok gave Tigatron a new Transmetal body. Beast Wars Sourcebook #4


He wasn't even supposed to be here today!

Tigatron, once known by the badge designation "Unit 2", part of the Maximal Command Security Force which protected the fragile peace that existed on Cybertron in the centuries following the Pax Cybertronia. One of the Security Force's elite troops, Unit 2 was often put in charge of guarding important Maximal artifacts, a job that often required his amazing prowess at tracking. Despite his strong command of this environment, Unit 2 wondered if his destiny and place were elsewhere. BotCon 2006 Tigatron profile card

When the Golden Disk was stolen by a band of rogue Predacons, Unit 2 responded along with Unit 1, Nitrostreak. After Nitrostreak was incapacitated, Unit 2 attempted to follow the Darksyde by commandeering the Chromia 10, pursuing along with its pilot. During the ensuing firefight with a second Predacon vessel, their ship was badly damaged. Optimus Primal had their sparks remotely uploaded to blank protoforms in the Axalon's cargo hold, which saved their lives, but severely damaged their core mainframes. Dawn of Future's Past

Two weeks after Airazor was reborn on Earth, Tigatron rushed out to assist the Maximals against the Predacons during a plot to launch an orbital weapon. The launching pad was destroyed by Airazor just as Tigatron arrived. The Razor's Edge

Beast Wars Metals manga

Wait, which edition of you comes with a sword!?

Following the Quantum surge, Tigatron was separated from the other Maximals and left stranded somewhere on Energoa. Following Optimus Primal's rebirth and escape from Megatron, Airazor was left to ponder sadly where her "Tigatron-sama" was. Elsewhere on Energoa, Tigatron could be seen staring poetically at the Moon. Beast Wars Metals #1

Left with amnesia, Tigatron scoured the snowy regions of Energoa as a samurai ronin. He encountered Blackarachnia and Tarantulas there and promptly chopped Tarantulas in two. Blackarachnia managed to block his blade with her legs and escape, though. Beast Wars Metals #2

Believing Tigatron to still be alive, Airazor eventually went off on her own to look for him. The recovered Tarantulas later called a truce and Tigatron naively believed him. This gave Tarantulas the chance to take over Tigatron's mind with a Predacon control unit. Beast Wars Metals #3

Airazor soon found Tigatron and, seeing he was being mind-controlled, linked her consciousness with his body in an attempt to free her beloved's mind. Tigatron was eventually freed from Tarantulas's control, but not before his out-of-control body delivered a fatal blow to Airazor. Coming to his senses too late, Tigatron wept as he held Airazor's lifeless form in his arms. Beast Wars Metals #4

Succumbing to his grief, Tigatron committed ritual suicide. He was promptly revived by the energies of the sparks released by the obliterated Rampage. He helped Optimus Primal defeat Jaguar, but was soon met by another mindless killer zombie: Airazor. Beast Wars Metals #5 Not wanting to hurt his beloved again, he offered her his sword and his neck. Just as zombie-Airazor began to strike, her spark entered his body through the sword. In cyberspace, the two embraced each other and vowed never to be apart again. Their sparks then merged, resulting in the all-powerful Tigerhawk. Beast Wars Metals #6

Transformers Legends anthology

When human archaeologists uncovered a cave filled with primitive language, Mini-Con Laserbeak translated it for them. The markings told of a time when the Maximals and Predacons crash-landed on prehistoric Earth, though the stranded Transformers were seen by the protohumans as gods. When one of the archeologists, Jessica Theist, later touched one of the markings, she was bestowed a vision of the Maximals' and Predacons' battles. Among them, she noted a "white tiger." Fire in the Dark

Q-Robo Transformer

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Q-Robo Transformer

Device Label Bio

During the Great War, Tigatron was an Autobot who worked with Blaster, transforming into a USB drive to search the Internet for clues to energon, under the command of Optimus Prime. Tigatron's Device Label Bio



Tigatron was among Blaster's minions when they teamed up with negative polarity Ravage. Recordicons #12

Legends World

In the Legends World, Tigatron was an employee of Axalon Trading Company and an otaku who enjoyed Transformers fiction that featured cute girls and female Transformers. Rookie employee Rattrap, who only liked the Beast Wars part of Transformers, had little to talk to him about until they found common ground in remembering the Transmetal 2 Blackarachnia toy and its removable "bra". The Bishōjo Fan Gap He came with the other Transformers fans of Axalon to the Transformers Celebration 2014 event, where he drooled over a Super GT race queen model and was the only one to enjoy a video message from a pop idol group. Legends Bonus Vol. The same group also visited Tokyo Toy Show 2014, where they were reprimanded by their boss, Optimus Primal, for caring about toys at their age. Tokyo Toy Show 2014 Report Part 1 On seeing Yūki Tai on stage, Tigatron commented that when his name was read in the Japanese order, it sounded like "saiyuuki". Tokyo Toy Show 2014 Report Part 2

When Tankor used his "80s Transformation Beam" to revert items back to the way they were in the 80s, Tigatron didn't mind at all that a TV began showing adult-rated content at prime-time like in the old days. Bonus Edition Vol. 3 He was much less pleased when the beam transformed his anime girl figurines into keshigomu. Bonus Edition Vol. 5 The tall statures of Tigatron and the other employees of Axalon was a source of grief for Rattrap, disliked his small size. Bonus Edition Vol. 8 When Rattrap's aunt Arcee was turned into a Transformer and drove him to work, Tigatron and Rhinox were awestruck and saved her from getting arrested by Ai. Bonus Edition Vol. 10
Transformers Legends LG11 Chromia and Tigatron.jpg
Jealous of Rattrap being so close to a Transformer lady, Tigatron prayed to the Oracle for the same thing to happen to him, and was immediately answered when Chromia appeared before him, followed by all kinds of heroic female Transformers. They were then attacked by an equivalent group of female villains seeking to kidnap Tigatron, causing a battle to break out until Tigatron woke up, revealing the whole thing had been a dream. Undaunted, he visited a temple the next morning and prayed for it to happen for real. Bonus Edition Vol. 11

During Windblade's attempt to destroy the Legends Universe, Tigatron was caught up in her windstorm and, in the aftermath, failed to realize their office had been destroyed by Metroplex. Bonus Edition Vol. 12 Tigatron and Rhinox later grew even more jealous of Rattrap as he told stories about how close he'd been to Arcee growing up, but calmed down after realizing she hadn't been a Transformer during that time. Arcee Chapter To Tigatron's shock, an amnesiac Windblade decided to live at his house, which led to him getting caught in the middle during conflicts between her and his partner Airazor. Windblade Sequel Tigatron went on to witness Black Convoy cause trouble at Tokyo Toy Show 2015, Bonus Edition Black Convoy and relocate to Metroplex's city mode when it became Axalon Co.'s new office building. The Mysterious Knowledgeable Grandpa Chapter He got very excited when Alpha Trion foresaw that Blackarachnia, Slipstream and Nightbird Shadow would soon appear before them. Bonus Edition Vol. 14

On Halloween, Tigatron was sent into a stupor when Blackarachnia, Slipstream and Nightbird came trick-or-treating at his house clad in cute outfits. Bonus Edition Vol. 17 During another encounter with Chromia, Tigatron learned about her use of armor parts to appear different and was ecstatic to see her and Arcee trade armors. Unfortunately for him, this too was a dream. Chromia Chapter While watching Adventure, Rattrap and Tigatron struck upon the idea to use the Legends Universe's dream powers to travel into the Adventure world, where Tigatron hoped to meet Strongarm. They succeeded, only for Strongarm to get freaked out by Tigatron's pervy behavior and lock them both up in stasis cells, leading to them being late for work that day. Go! Adventure When Windblade looked back at the fun memories she'd made in the Legends world, she remembered feeding Tigatron at the cafe she worked at. LG-18 Armada Starscream Super Mode Prologue Later, when Armada Starscream attempted to destroy both himself and Windblade in order to save the universe, a despairing Tigatron called for someone to stop him. Bonus Edition Vol. 18 When the female Transformers of the Legends world were swooning over the macho man Springer, Tigatron got jealous and used Alpha Trion's ultra drill to summon various human women to fawn over him instead. His plan didn't work out, as all the humans lost interest in him as soon as they saw Springer. Bonus Edition Vol. 19 When SARA, visiting the Legends World with Deadlock, was forced to open a gigantic Dimension Gate, Tigatron and other Legends natives were inadvertently brought to the Cloud World. An apologetic SARA sent them back home. Bonus Edition Vol. EX

While attending the TransformersFes 2016 event, Tigatron encountered the "real" Rattrap from Beast Wars. Bonus Edition Rattrap He went on to help convince Skids not to send all the Legends Universe's interdimensional visitors back to where they came from, Bonus Edition Vol. 20 work with the Autobot Headmasters when they formed a partnership with the Axalon Trading Company, Bonus Edition Vol. 21 and get caught up in Megatron-turned-Galvatron's attack on the city. Bonus Edition Vol. 23 Grand used Tigatron and his friends as examples of what to expect from the Legends world before sending humans there. LG24 Shockwave & Cancer Prologue Tigatron then attended Cancer's first concert, Bonus Edition Vol. 24 creeped around Ai when she arrested the Sweeps, Bonus Edition Vol. 26 and fled from Scourge's Zodiac-fueled rampage. Bonus Edition Vol. 27 Having learned to mass-produce Master-Braces, Tigatron and his workmates became Headmasters and invaded Decepticon Tera-Kura Co. in search of transtectors, but went back to normal when the braces stopped working. Bonus Edition Vol. 28 When Wheelie busied himself flipping the skirts of cheerleaders, Tigatron was around to voice his approval. Bonus Edition Vol. 29 He then witnessed Weirdwolf's transtector run away from him, Bonus Edition Vol. 30 and was in the cheering audience when Fortress inaugurated the new Autobot-Axalon HQ. Bonus Edition Vol. 31

Tigatron went on to panic when Weirdwolf showed up at his workplace, Bonus Edition Vol. 33 get temporarily brainwashed into serving Mindwipe, Bonus Edition Vol. 34 and be sat on by Blackarachnia at a movie set (that one he didn't mind). Bonus Edition Convobat He cheered for Ginrai following his defeat of Devil Z, Bonus Edition Vol. 35 partied at the Dancitron, Bonus Edition Vol. 36 and witnessed Megatron and Laserbeak's defeat of Apeface. Bonus Edition Vol. 38 When Astrotrain started a commuter service, Tigatron was one of his customers. Bonus Edition Vol. 40 He was then caught up in some more attacks on the city, first by Scorponok, LGEX Headmaster Set Chapter then by Katsu Don, Bonus Edition Vol. 41 and finally by the Dimensional Patrol. Bonus Edition Black Convoy 2

Tigatron was among the victims gobbled up by Trypticon during his rampage, Bonus Edition Vol. 43 but was fine and continued to inhabit the rebuilt Neo Akihabara City. Targetmaster Chapter Prologue There he watched Hot Rod battle Scourge, Bonus Edition Vol. 45 got blasted by Repugnus who was learning to control a mech suit, Bonus Edition Vol. 48 and had his cute girl DVDs destroyed by a rampaging Blowpipe. Bonus Edition Vol. 49 He then witnessed an attack by evil Kreons, Special Chapter got forcibly turned into the Beastformer "Lewd Emperor Etchina Tiger" by White Leo, Bonus Edition Vol. 51 was shocked when Akihabara was being bought up by Misfire, Bonus Edition Vol. 52 and watched Broadside arrive in the Legends World. Bonus Edition Vol. 53

Tigatron found a kindred spirit in Octane, an interdimensional visitor just as perverted as him. While appreciating the sight of White Lune affected by silvervine gas (even though as a fellow cat he was equally affected), he had a chat with Octane who told him he preferred robot girls. Late Xmas Present Chapter The duo then decided to start making and selling their own sexy videos, hiring Trickdiamond to be their manager only to have her model for their first video. While they made a bunch of money from it, their next one starring Starscream and Lunaclub was a bust and they returned to relying on Trickdiamond. Bonus Edition Vol. 57 Upon seeing the nigh-identical Autobot Clones, Tigatron was reminded of "spot the differences" games. Bonus Edition Vol. 58 Metroplex recalled that the tiger had been present when he came to the Legends World. Bonus Edition Metroplex Tigatron worried about Windblade when she fought to save the city and was left saddened after her victory meant she had to leave the Legends World. Bonus Edition Vol. 62

When Tigerburn invaded, Tigatron was turned into a Laser Beast and left stranded on a raft. The day was saved by Seaspray and Alana, though Tigatron was still miffed as their loving relationship made him jealous. Bonus Edition Vol. 64 He tried to talk Windblade down when she attacked the Legends World again, having fallen back under Zamojin control, but his words didn't reach her. Bonus Edition Vol. 65 Fortunately she was defeated and restored to normal by Topspin and Twin Twist, allowing them to be reunited. Bonus Edition Vol. 66

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance: Transformers: Windblade vol. 2 #3

Tigatron was a native of the planet Eukaris, born from the hot spot inside the Titan Chela. Windblade vol. 2 #6 He abandoned his tribe long ago so that he could be with his love Airazor. The Chosen One Windblade vol. 2 #6

When battling combiners from Cybertron briefly touched upon the planet, Airazor and Tigatron witnessed Optimus Maximus battling against Devastator in Talon Valley. Windblade vol. 2 #6 They later investigated the huge footprints the combiners left behind. Tigatron wanted to report their discovery to the others, but Airazor disagreed. All That Remains Eventually, the pair sought out the advice of Blackarachnia, an oracular Fateweaver who foresaw the return of their Cybertronian ancestors to their planet and ordered all four of Eukaris' tribes to gather in Talon Valley.


Blackarachnia, Tigatron and Airazor joined the leaders of the four tribes as they discussed their next course of action, only for the Space Bridge to disgorge Rattrap—delegate for Cybertron on the Council of Worlds—who had arrived in advance to try and win over the beast-formers to his cause. Using the knowledge gleaned from his brief sojourn, proper representatives arrived a week later in the shape of Windblade and Starscream. The presence of vehicular "standard-formers" on his world was enough to rouse Chela from his slumber to destroy the intruders. The brief battle saw Starscream kill the Titan, and in accordance with Blackarachnia's prophecy, the leaders of Eukaris agreed to join the Council. Blackarachnia appointed Tigatron and Airazor as delegates to Cybertron, believing that their independence from Eukaris's competing tribes would make them impartial diplomats. Windblade vol. 2 #6 Still shunned by the citizens of Eukaris, the pair relocated to the Cybertronian city of Iacon, where they attempted to adjust to life in their new home while quietly hoping that one day the growing population could expand beyond its borders. 07:00:00

The Council had its first major diplomatic crisis not long afterwards, when Optimus Prime announced his intent to annex Earth into the Council to defend it from further Cybertronian aggression. Both Eukarian delegates were in attendance to discuss this sudden change of events. New Worlds Order


Not long afterwards, the Council convened to discuss a string of mysterious mnemosurgical murders and the growing distrust of Starscream's Badgeless enforcers. The Committee moved to have Ironhide investigate the crime spree. 07:00:00 Things turned sour following the death of an inebriated Decepticon which most chalked up to police brutality; Tigatron and Airazor attended the emergency meeting to try and sort out what could be done. Ultimately, Ironhide stepped up as the new head of Cybertronian security. Applicable Skills Tigatron later attended a meeting where Ironhide reported on the progress of the new recruits. Things We Said We'd Never Do When Bruticus attacked Iacon, Tigatron and the other Council delegates were temporarily evacuated. The Line Between Us

As Optimus struggled to pick up the pieces from his divisive actions, the Council afforded him a hearing so that he could explain his motivations. Although Prime insisted that his intentions were pure, its members unanimously voted against allowing Earth to join. The Medium and the Message The situation took a drastic turn when Optimus managed to raise a Titan from beneath Monument Valley; with Titans having great spiritual import among the colonists, the delegates began reconsidering their vote and ultimately allowed Earth, its status as a Transformer colony supposedly confirmed, a provisional seat on the Council. No Fair Fights


Months later, Carcer detected a fleet of zombie Titans rapidly approaching Cybertron and intent on scouring the planet clean. The Council attended an emergency meeting to discuss the threat and wound up preparing for an all-out war. As the Titans made planetfall, Iacon fought back; Airazor and Tigatron fought together on the front lines and used their beast modes to tear through enemy armor. Ping When it became clear that they couldn't win, the two retreated back to the Council Spire. Both Airazor and Tigatron joined Windblade's strike team, aiming to invade Carcer and seize control of the Titan from its secretive leader Elita One. Desperate Times Though the Carcerians shot down their insertion shuttle, the team rode the flaming debris down onto the Titan's hull, and eventually managed to infiltrate Carcer's brain module chamber, where Tigatron pinned down Obsidian as Windblade interfaced with the Titan... and learned that "Carcer," was in, fact, the villainous Vigilem. Desperate Measures Despite this, Tigatron ordered his fellows to keep Obsidian down and to allow Windblade to remain plugged in until Cybertron was safe. Rubicon

Ultimately, Windblade and Vigilem were able to repel the undead Titans, but Windblade was left grievously inured by the strain of controlling Vigilem, who managed to disgorge the imprisoned Liege Maximo from his innards before perishing. Tigatron and the other delegates who had been privy to the adventure attended a meeting with Elita One as the Carcerian commander explained the sordid history of Liege Maximo. Faced with a choice between revealing the existence of the Liege to Cybertron, and potentially sowing panic in the populace, or keeping the events aboard Carcer a secret, Tigatron believed that the knowledge should be shared with the citizens of the Council. Heavy

As Iacon rebuilt, the Council,—minus Windblade and plus the Mistress of Flame— reconvened to meet with Optimus Prime as the Autobot leader discussed sharing Transformer technology with the Junkions, who had recently arrived on Earth. Starscream shot down the proposal; as Earth was not yet a member of the Council, it would be a violation of the Tyrest Accord. Behind My Bleeding Back After some diplomatic maneuvering, Earth selected an ambassador to formally represent their planet on the galactic stage; in the ensuing ceremony commemorating this new alliance, however, Baron Ironblood and his Iron Ring invaded Iacon as part of a genocidal attack on the Cybertronian species. First Strike #1 When Scarlett and her allies arrived on Cybertron, they were arrested and sent to the Council to stand trial; Tigatron gravely watched as Scarlett and Soundwave argued their case. First Strike #4

When this latest crisis was resolved, Windblade had made a full recovery and prepared to retake her seat on the Council... only for the much-changed cityspeaker to immediately run afoul of the Mistress of Flame and Starscream, resulting in her banishment from the Council and exile from Caminus. Undeterred, Windblade set out to run in Iacon's first election since the end of the war. In the ensuing three-way race between Windblade, Starscream, and Elita, the two Eukarians were firmly on Windblade's side and watched her orate in the first debate. Windblade ultimately won the election, becoming the next leader of Cybertron, with both Eukarians taking part in the victory celebrations. The Chosen One

The Council later assembled to collect an Ore-13 shipment that Optimus Prime had brought from Earth before Liege Maximo returned to Cybertron, now a prisoner of Onyx Prime. The Council granted the bestial Prime an audience where a mysterious explosion ripped through the Spire, killing Alpha Trion in the process. Another Mine "Onyx Prime's" machinations had successfully sowed chaos across Cybertron, leaving the Council of Worlds paralyzed and unable to act for the duration of the crisis, and by the time that "Onyx" had been unmasked as a time-travelling Shockwave and arrested, the Council was too late to stop the penultimate stage in Shockwave's plan from falling into place: Unicron, who began a genocidal rampage across the galaxy. Shortly after the planet-eater destroyed Eukaris, Tigatron joined the other members of the Council of Worlds in an emergency meeting to discuss the situation. Stranger Eons

When Unicron then attacked and destroyed Cybertron, Airazor and Tigatron were among the many refugees who were safely teleported to Earth by the Visionaries, regrouping at Victoria Falls. A Sunrise Dark

Beast Wars: Uprising

Tigatron began as a street cop with the Maximal Command Security Force. As his career evolved, he worked directly with the Builder Assembly as an aide to Cross-Cut, and also organized an outreach program for the Empties on the streets of Cybertron. He eventually found himself a member of the Maximal High Council, the intermediary governing body which the Builders allowed to mitigate minor crimes and political matters among the proto-race.

During the Grand Uprising, Tigatron and the High Council finally decided to declare outright neutrality, building an independent Maximal Nation in the Tagan Heights and refusing to fight for either the Builders or the Resistance. Their neutrality seemed at risk during the Vehicon counter-strike, with the Resistance asking for aid pushing on the Builder Assembly at Iacon, and the Vehicons a strong indicator that Maximal neutrality would not be tolerated much longer. Tigatron was at a loss at how to proceed when the Council received an audience from First Resistor Cheetor and Preditron, founder of their opposing tribe. Their words swayed the Council over the seriousness of the Vehicon threat, and Tigatron ultimately voted to join the fight and advance on Iacon.

Tigatron and Cheetor forged a bond as the National Maximal Army prepared to march. Tigatron confided in the "little cat" that he had doubts about their chances of success, but was certain the Builders would re-enslave them if the Vehicons were successful. Tigatron and the Council fought within the ranks of their soldiers in their combined form as Magnaboss.

The war against the Builders and their grand mistake the Vehicons was won, but at great cost. Lio Minor was killed in the war as part of Magnaboss, leaving the High Council a member short. Tigatron proposed membership to Cheetor at Hyperious during the peace summit, but the First Resistor ultimately declined. The head of the Maximal Academy was chosen instead. Derailment

War for Cybertron Trilogy continuity

War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material


The Maximals traveled across time to find the AllSpark and change the fate of Cybertron. While battling the Predacons on pre-Ice Age Earth, both sides were joined by the Autobots and Decepticons, their epic battle changing their combined destinies forever.

Tigatron's function was a scout, and he trans-scanned into a white tiger. His Quasar cannon was his powers and weapons, and his core traits were his fearlessness, down-to-earth attitude, and peaceable mindset. Tigatron's message from the future was that he should stick to the plan so that he will be reunited with a dear friend. Kingdom webpage[1]

A quantum surge killed nearly every Maximal and Predacon, with Tigatron being one of the sole survivors. The surge, however, left him mutated, aggressive, and savage, with no memory to his Maximal allegiance. As such, another survivor could take advantage of the situation... Golden Disk Collection Chapter 3

Terrorsaur, alive and protected from the quantum surge, allied with Tigatron to enact his plan to eliminate Megatron and become the ruler of the Predacons via going into a transwarp drive in the Nemesis and changing history. After they located the Nemesis, the duo were ambushed by Puffer, Jackpot, and Sights starting a fight. During the fight, Terrorsaur dropped the Golden Disk, and Tigatron raced to retrieve it. Tigatron, after touching the disk, regained his memories. Remembering his true allegiance, he helped the stranded Autobots defeat Terrorsaur. Tigatron then explained what happened to him and the situation at hand. Realizing that the oncoming quantum surge would still kill everyone regardless. Tigatron formulated a plan that involves going back in time to just before the surge, and then sending Puffer away from the blast. Ramming the Nemesis into the blast, the Nemesis absorbed a majority of it, enough to dilute the blast's power and allowing the timeline to go as planned, albeit sacrificing himself and everyone on the Nemesis on the process. Golden Disk Collection Chapter 4

War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon

Voice actor: Beau Marie (English), Maurice Decoster (French), Mike Leal (Latin-American Spanish), Debashish Ghosh (Hindi), Tobias Lelle (German), Stefano Brusa (Italian)

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2021 Beast Wars comic


The Cybertronian who would become Tigatron was one of the many Maximal protoforms aboard the Axalon. As part of their experiments, the enigmatic Vok activated five fallen stasis pods and experimented on the unborn protoforms within, and altered them into loyal servants. These "Children of the Vok" sought a naturalistic existence where they lived in harmony wwith the alien flora and fauna of their adopted homeworld; on behalf of their benefactors, the group hunted down and captured Optimus Primal and Megatron, whose war jeopardized the Vok's delicate experiments. Although Tigatron, acting as the group's spokesperson, explained that the Vok merely wanted them to leave, Megatron refused to negotiate and demanded an audience with the Vok. When Megatron and Primal subsequently used their own beast modes to escape captivity, the Children of the Vok moved to stop them, and in the ensuing battle Optimus easily outpowered and disarmed Tigatron. Children of the Vok

To eliminate the Maximals and Predacons, Tarantulas and the Vok brought every crashed stasis pod they could find online and reprogrammed the protoforms within into more Vok servants. Tigatron joined in their all-or-nothing attack on the Darksyde in an attempt to take out the Maximal-Predacon alliance for good. Eventually, however, the capricious Vok revealed themselves and announced that they planned to exterminate every Cybertronian on the planet and begin again, ignoring Tigatron's protests that they'd done as their benefactors asked. Eventually, when the Maximals and Predacons destroyed the Vok themselves, Tigatron and the other Children of the Vok agreed to a truce and left to live peacefully in the wilderness. The End

Transformers Go! Go!

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A Natural Couple Go! Go! issue 26 Search Quiz Search Quiz 2

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Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals (N64)

Tigatron's been dunked in bleach.
Voice actor: Martin Roach

In an alternate timeline created when Megatron sent a message through Transwarp back to his past self, Tigatron participated in a series of all-out battles with the other beast warriors.

After helping the Maximals defeat Megatron's Predacon forces once and for all, Tigatron decided that he, along with Airazor, would remain on prehistoric Earth, despite their comrades' urgings to join them on their journey back to Cybertron. Together, they remained on what they felt was their true place for the centuries to come. They planned to someday return to Cybertron, as visitors from a distant world almost forgotten... Beast Wars Transmetals

Each character possessed an alternate ending, displayed if Arcade Mode was beaten with said character. Each character has only their own ending listed on their pages; see the other characters' pages for Tigatron's fate in those outcomes.

Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals (PS)

Voice actor: Martin Roach

Tigatron battled the Predacons in pitched combat. Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals (PS)

Tigatron appears as a secret playable character in the North American version of the game, but does not appear at all in the game's story mode.

Transformers: Battle Tactics


Tigatron participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was a Super Rare character who could be recruited by collecting 250 units of Cybermetal, 75 units of Transmetal, and 10 cores of this character. Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Tigatron was a reluctant warrior but was fiercely protective of the natural wilds he called home. He had a close friendship with Cheetor, and had a special relationship with Airazor. After being abducted by the Vok, Tigatron and Airazor were fused together into the powerful but unpredictable Tigerhawk. Technorganic Secrets


Beast Wars

Surprisingly not a case of yellowing. (Hasbro version pictured)
Over time, this will yellow and become the Hasbro version. (Takara version pictured)
  • Tigatron (Deluxe Class, 1996)
Part of the third wave of Hasbro Beast Wars Deluxes, the original Tigatron toy is a redeco of the original Cheetor toy in cream, silver, and green, transforming into a fairly generic big cat in shape. His robot mode parts color layout is notably different from Cheetor's. In robot mode, he is armed with a "quasar cannon" made out of his hindquarters and tail, along with a second water-squirting "toxic fluid blaster" formed out of his stomach. This cannon is usable in both modes, but in beast mode, it's awkward and just plain weird. As with most early Beast Wars toys, he features a "mutant head" that replaces his face.
The Takara version was released a year later, coincidentally also in the third wave of Takara's version of the line, in a more show-accurate bright white color, with his paint applications directly copied from Cheetor's layouts just as the show model had done. This version also has a slight mold tweak to keep the beast head pointed forward. Hasbro later released this version, complete with the original Takara packaging, as an import through the Hasbro Collector shop. Historically, this version of the figure is extremely susceptible to its white plastic yellowing, to the point it will eventually match the color of its Hasbro version. So enjoy that.
This mold was also used to make Shadow Panther and "Tripredacus Agent". It was slated to be used for Universe Nightprowler, but that toy set was canceled.
Beast Wars mold: Cheetor
  • Hasbro:
  • Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Cheetor
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:
  • TV Magazine:

  • Deluxe Beast Assortment (Dinobot and Tigatron) (Two-pack, 1996)
  • Accessories: "Quasar cannon" tail-gun, "toxic fluid blaster" water-squirting gun
Sold exclusively at BJ's Wholesale Club, Tigatron was released alongside Dinobot in a two-pack card.
Both toys are identical to their original releases... which makes sense, as both toys are the original releases, packaging and all, slid into a thick cardboard sleeve.

Let's hope neither Airazor nor Silverbolt find out about this...
  • Mitsurin no Taiketsu: Tigatron VS Blackwidow (VS set, 1997)
  • ID number: VS-8
  • Accessories: "Tiger Shot" tail-gun, "Tiger Shot" water-squirting gun
In Japan, Tigatron was available both individually and in a "Deep Forest Showdown" (密林の対決 Mitsurin no Taiketsu) two-pack with the Predacon Blackarachnia. Both toys are identical to their individual Japanese releases.

He flashes you to death.
  • Tigatron (Deluxe Class, 2001)
  • Accessories: Tail-whip, left & right "cryo-blaster" barrels
A BotCon 2001 exclusive, Transmetal Tigatron is a redeco of Beast Wars Metals Ravage, which is itself a retool of Transmetal Cheetor. He transforms into a mechanical cat with flip-out thruster-wings. His robot mode arms have spring-loaded flip-out blaster grips, which also have barrel extensions that can be clipped to his legs in beast mode. His tail separates to become a whip weapon, but he doesn't hold it very well. His chest panels open up to reveal a decal; he also came with an extra decal sheet to display other options within his chest, plus Maximal and Wreckers faction symbol decals for extra customization. Both he and Arcee were limited to 1200 pieces.
This toy was repurposed as a future version of Shattered Glass Ravage in Recordicons #20. The original version of this mold was slightly retooled to make Armada Cheetor, and was also used as the model for the non-toy character Cataclysm.
Beast Wars mold: Cheetor (Transmetal)

Version 1:

Version 2:

  • 3H ProductionsBeast Wars Tigatron


In recognition of his bravery in the field, Unit 2 was granted the MCSF's highest honor, Really Bitchin' Upholstery.
  • Unit 2 (Tigatron) (Convention attendee figure, 2006)
  • Accessories: Engine-blaster, left & right side-pipes, Maximal Golden Disk Key
  • Known designers: Joe Moore (concept artist)[2]
A redeco of BotCon boxset "Axalon Cheetor", itself a new-head retool of Cybertron Scout Class Clocker, Timelines "Unit 2" transforms into an open-topped Cybertronic sports car. Due to painted whiskers on his robot mode face that resemble a human mustache, Unit 2 is one of a small percentage of Transformers who feature facial hair. His rear engine assembly reveals a pair of spring-loaded flip-out guns when a Cyber Planet Key/Golden Disk Key is placed in it. This assembly becomes a hand-held blaster in robot mode. His side-pipes can also be removed and used as hand-weapons.
This toy was an "attendance exclusive" for BotCon 2006, available only to pre-registrants who actually showed up for the convention.
The original version of this mold was also used to make Cybertron Swerve, movie-verse Clocker, and was the model for many non-toy members of the Maximal Command Security Force.

Beast Wars Telemocha Series

Definitely had his caffeine this morning.
  • Tigatron (Deluxe, 2007)
  • ID number: TM-11
  • Release date: June 26, 2007
  • Accessories: "Tiger Shot" tail-gun, "Tiger Shot" water-squirting gun
The original Tigatron toy was given an extensive redeco using a ridiculous number of paint operations for his Telemocha Series release, to make him incredibly show-accurate as possible without retooling. He retains all of the gimmicks of the original version as well.
Included in the set is a DVD of Tigatron's debut episode, "Solitary Warrior Tigatron".
Beast Wars mold: Cheetor
  • Hasbro:
  • Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Cheetor
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:
  • TV Magazine:

Device Label

Despite appearances, he is NOT waving.
  • Tigatron (Device Label, 2009)
Device Label Tigatron transforms from a working USB 2 gigabyte thumb drive into a white mechanoid tiger.
Stored on the USB drive is an installable program called "Transformers Desktop Defender". When the Tigatron device is plugged in, a Tigatron avatar appears on the screen, transforming from thumb drive to jaguar mode as the program is activated. The program's setup allows you to rename your jaguar to anything you desire, alter the avatar's movement speed and his personality, decide whether he eats your desktop icons, and view his function, mission, and Tech Spec numbers. Whether he appears as Ravage or Tigatron can be selected as well.
This mold was also used to make Device Label Ravage and Cheetor, which came preloaded with the same program (although the Cheetor version can also display the avatar as Cheetor, naturally).

Combiner Wars

In retrospect, Breakdown really shouldn't have taken that trip to the Island of Dr. Moreau.
  • Tigatron (Convention souvenir figure, 2016)
  • Accessories: Sword/gun, Gun/fist/foot
Released individually as a souvenir figure for BotCon 2016, Combiner Wars Tigatron is a redeco of BotCon boxset Ravage, itself a new-head retool of mass-retail Deluxe Class Breakdown. Tigatron transforms from a supercar resembling a Lamborghini Diablo to robot and back! As a Deluxe limb, he can combine with any Combiner Wars-style Voyager torso or become one of Legends Godbomber's legs, though Tigatron is nominally the left leg of Magnaboss. The set of Magnaboss stickers sold by the Transformers Collectors' Club store included a small Wrecker symbol for use on Tigatron's shoulder in homage to the 3H comics. The back of his new head tooling received criticism for being amazingly flat.[3]
Seriously, he's not Shattered Glass Ravage.
Combiner Wars mold: Breakdown

Version 1:

Version 2:

Version 3:


  • Tigatron (Beast Wars) (2020)
  • ID number: MP-50
  • Release date: September 26, 2020
  • Accessories: "Tiger Shot" tail-gun, "Tiger Shot" gut-gun, "Tiger Cannon" missiles, "Hacking Device", 5 robot faces (Neutral, angry, sad, surprised and hacking), "Megatron Shaped Cube Puzzle", Adapter for the base.
Released as the fiftieth figure in the main Masterpiece lineup, Tigatron transforms into a white tiger and is larger than MP-34 Cheetus. He comes with his gut gun, as well as two accessories representing his actions in "Before the Storm": the cable he used to hack into the Darksyde's database, and an encryption puzzle in the shape of Megatron's head. The figure also comes with stand adaptors and a startling 5 alternate robot faces, rather that the usual 3 or 4. Tigatron also has an unprecedented set of double ab crunch joints, the first being an obvious collapsible one in the torso, and a second, much larger ratcheted one in the waist. Unfortunately, the second joint can go unnoticed due to a very strong ratchet, paint lock, or both. Slightly unscrewing the top two screws on the back of the waist can usually free up the second joint.

War for Cybertron: Kingdom

Features yellowed paint applications to remind you of the sad fate of the original toy!
  • Tigatron (Voyager Class, 2021)
Part of the fourth wave of Kingdom Voyager Class toys, Tigatron transforms into a somewhat realistic white tiger in 23 steps. He is larger than Kingdom Cheetor whilst sharing similar engineering. The 'gut gun' attaches to one of two 5 mm ports underneath his stomach, evoking the original toy. The tail can detach and be held as a whip, though it can still store as a tail in robot mode. In an undocumented feature, his blaster can separate into two parts: the barrel and the base of the gun. Both parts are held together by 5 mm ports.
Some of the yellowing found in various spots on the figure is an intentional attempt to emulate the off-white/partially discolored orange fur found on actual white tigers. Unfortunately, some copies of Tigatron still have areas that actually yellow over time, most notably the robot hips, pelvis, inner shoulder joints and rifle barrel. People have also experienced paint damage from the beast shoulders rubbing on cardboard when extracting the toy from packaging.
Much like most of the toyline, Tigatron comes with one of four possible holographic Golden Disk cards for his wave, which reveals a possible destiny of a key character.
Hasbro China officially revealed Tigatron on August 20, 2021 at 8:00 PM on their flagship store on Taobao.
According to Legacy toyline lead designer Mark Maher, select elements of Tigatron's sculptwork along with that of Kingdom Airazor were recycled (fused, one might say,) via the magic of digital toy design into Legacy Tigerhawk for fairly self-evident reasons.[4]

Protip: Paint can't yellow if it's already orange.
  • Mutant Tigatron (Golden Disk Collection, 2022)
  • Chapter 3: Enter the Mutant Warrior
  • Accessories: Tail/whip, blaster barrel, blaster base/gut section
The third release in the Golden Disk Collection, "Mutant Tigatron" is a redeco and retool of the above Voyager Class Tigatron. He features a new head emulating the mutant head of the original toy, and a primarily orange deco evoking a "normal" tiger (as well as the unproduced prototype colors for his Beast Wars figure).
The back of his box shows his fists, heels, and gun barrel as green, however these parts are orange on the final toy and stock photography.
Mutant Tigatron was revealed and made available for pre-order on September 29, 2021, and was the third of four daily announcements concerning the Golden Disk Collection; as with the other sets in this series, Tigatron's packaging is printed with a portion of a Golden Disk graphic, and customers are encouraged to collect all four packs to unite the full image. The figure is an Amazon and Hasbro Pulse exclusive in the U.S., Canada, and the United Kingdom.

Vintage Beast Wars

At last, you can buy a non-pre-yellowed version of this toy without having to import it from Japan!
  • Tigatron (Reissue, 2021)
  • Accessories: "Quasar cannon" tail-gun, "toxic fluid blaster" water-squirting gun
In celebration of the 25th anniversary of Beast Wars, the original 1996 Deluxe Class Tigatron was reissued under the Vintage Beast Wars lineup. Tigatron features all the same accessories and functionality as the original toy, and features a deco similar to the original Takara version of the toy, with the same bright white, but the cool gray paint applications on the legs, waist, and head swapped for a warm gray. The stripes are slightly different from those of the original Beast Wars toy, with many being juuuust the tiniest bit thicker or more wavy than they used to be.
Much like Vintage G1, Tigatron is packaged in a "rock bubble" blister card styled after the original Beast Wars toy packaging, package art and all. Also similar to Vintage G1, the time disparity since the original release has the toy set at double the price of the toy's 1996 release, $22 versus $10, and at the same size class/price as the deluxe class Cheetor figure. This figure is exclusive to Walmart in the United States.
Beast Wars mold: Cheetor
  • Hasbro:
  • Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Cheetor
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:
  • TV Magazine:

Beast Wars Again

Not this one though.
  • Shūnen no Taiketsu (Multi-pack, 2023)
Released as part of the Beast Wars Again line, the "Tenacious Showdown" (執念の対決) set contains Tigatron and Blackwidow. Tigatron is a redeco of Kingdom Tigatron in more cartoon-accurate colors, including stark white plastic and metallic paint.


Beast Wars Transformers Mutating Card Game

  • Beast Wars Transformers Mutating Card Game (1997)
Tigatron was one of the 24 beast warriors to receive a battle card representation for the Beast Wars card game.

Robot Heroes

  • Tigatron & Inferno (Two-pack, 2009)
Part of the fifth wave of Universe Robot Heroes, Tigatron is a redeco of Cheetor. He is painted in the original American toy's colors (being mostly pale yellow, with a silver face), and like Cheetor has articulation at the shoulders and neck. He comes packaged with Inferno.
The US release of this two-pack was cancelled, but it saw release in Hong Kong, Australian, UK, German, and Russian markets.

Jada Toys

  • Transformers Series 2 18-pack (4 cm Die Cast Figure Multipack, 2022)
Released by Jada Toys, Nano Metalfigs Tigatron is an incredibly small die-cast figurine molded holding his blaster. He has a little base attached to his feet for balancing reasons.
For unknown reasons (but probably due to a simple mistake) he is marketed as a Decepticon instead of an Autobot (as all other Maximals are) and comes in an impressive multipack with seventeen other figurines.


  • Tigatron (2023)
    • Accessories: gun
Part of Super7's line of multi-property 3.75-inch "retro" action figures, ReAction Tigatron was an exclusive to Target and (unsurprisingly) a redeco of ReAction Cheetor. It is a non-converting figure based on his Mainframe character model, with 5 points of articulation (swivel neck, shoulders, hips), and includes his traditional "gut-gun."
Tigatron comes packaged on a small cardback that mixes the design of the original Beast Wars packaging with some nostalgic elements resembling Kenner's Star Wars action figures from the late 1970s to early '80s.


Tigatron's control art. Note the extensive retooling from Cheetor that never happened.
He's armed with a cryo-freeze beam and a deadly raspberry-blowing tongue.
  • The original concept art for Tigatron, shown in the "Beast Wars Reborn Golden Disc", shows that he was originally intended to be a retooling of the mold, rather than a simple redeco, changing his beast mode head and a lot of his robot mode parts (yet not the face), as well as giving him some kind of horrible tumor gun. Obviously, this didn't happen.
  • The Tigatron shown at Toy Fair in 1996 and depicted in a Hasbro catalog accompanying said Toy Fair[5] was cast in orange plastic instead of cream-colored, giving him a more "traditional" tiger look. The change to a "white" tiger has so far been unexplained, but the original color scheme is still present in his toy's package art. On top of that, his name was spelled "Tigertron" in said Hasbro catalog.
    • This coloration was later used for the comic-exclusive Shattered Glass incarnation of Cheetor, and was also later reimagined in plastic as Mutant Tigatron in War for Cybertron: Kingdom's Golden Disk Collection, sculpted with the mutant head from the original toy.
  • Bob Forward's main inspiration for how Tigatron was written as a character was actor Iron Eyes Cody,[6] who had a career playing various Native American roles.
  • Tigatron's beast mode may well have been female. His template animal was female, and while wild felines have size differences between males and females Tigatron and Snowstalker were shown as being the same size; indeed, they were for all intents and purposes identical, such that Waspinator thought Snowstalker was Tigatron. (Though to be fair, Waspinator is not the brightest crayon in the box.)
  • In the Japanese dub of Beast Wars, for the sake of humor, Tigatron was played as a "samurai" rōnin (to explain his wandering ways). He spoke in an archaic dialect, ending sentences with "de gozaru" (an honorific that eventually evolved into the modern "desu"). Additionally, since Airazor was made male in the Japanese dub, "he" was presented as Tigatron's ward whom he looked to as a "brother" (hence the close bond). Eventually, after the events of "Other Visits", their romantic relationship was "outed" to the audience.
  • An unused idea by Larry DiTillio was that the Vok ceased trying to destroy Earth because contact with Tigatron (after his abduction) made them question the morality of the tactic.[7]
  • Tigatron's role in the Beast Wars cartoon was originally intended for Wolfang.[8]
  • Tigatron's package art is one of a handful that features the toy's mutant head instead of the regular robot head, to rather hilarious effect.
  • He has a stadium named after him.
  • Cheetor and Tigatron are the only characters in Beast Wars who are definitely in the correct scale to the lifeforms they adopted as beast modes, as each is seen nearby real versions of the animals they mimic.
  • Tigatron's animation model (and thus that of Cheetor's original body as well) is one of the comparatively more toy-accurate of the Season One cast. His transformation scheme, however, is simplified by having his arms and crotch-piece unfold from his beast mode's belly instead of its back.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Tigatron (タイガトロン Taigatoron)[9]
  • Italian: Tigertron
  • Korean: Tigertron (타이거트론 Taigeoteulon)
  • Mandarin: Lǎohǔ (Taiwan, 老虎, "Tiger"), Báihǔ (China, 白虎, "White Tiger")
  • Polish: Tygrytron
  • Portuguse: Tigertron (Brazil)
  • Russian: Tigron (Тигрон)
  • Spanish: Tigatron (Spain), Tigretron (America)



  1. Kingdom webpage
  2. "Cheetor and Tiagtron were easy picks, though Wolfang was originally proposed before they opted for Tigatron. An abandoned idea was for Tigatron to come in Stasis Pod packaging. See those and the final products below."—Joe Moore, Twitter, 2021/03/11
  3. "#Transformers BotCon 2016 - Souvenir Exclusive Tigatron Photo Gallery"—TFormers, Twitter, 2016/04/09
  4. Transformers panel with Ben MacCrae, Mark Maher, Evan Brooks, Takio Ejima and Thew Adams at Hasbro Pulse Con 2023.
  5. Hasbro Toy Fair 1996 catalog at the Obscure Transformers Website.
  6. September 1997 interview with Bob Forward (archived)
  7. Translation of relevant text from the book Beast Wars Universe
  8. The change was also discussed in the commentary track on one of the Beast Wars DVD releases.
  9. Tigatron's Japanese name was rendered as Tigertron on a trading card, but TakaraTomy ultimately went with "Tigatron" for the Device Label figure. Both English spellings are possible Romanizations of the katakana.

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