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Legends Comic: Bonus Edition Vol. 64

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Transformers Legends Comic: Bonus Edition Vol. 64
Transformers Legends LG 64.jpg
漫画トランスフォーマーレジェンズ出張版 第64話
First published March 24, 2018
Manga Hayato Sakamoto
Color Kamizono[1]
Continuity Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity
Packaged with Legends LG64 Seaspray & Lione

When Tigerburn uses the Water Gem to conquer a world, he's opposed to Seaspray and Alana who need it to save one.



Having lost the war for Beast, Tigerburn returns to the Legends World with his Laser Beast army and attempts a conquest by using the Three Wise Ones' Water Gem to flood the world and turn the inhabitants into Laser Beasts. Rattrap demands to know why the losing side of the war keeps coming to his world, but Tigerburn's explanation, involving the Legends World's Beast Power, is interrupted by an attack from Seaspray and Alana. The Autobot explains that Tlalakan is suffering from a major drought, so he and his girlfriend are seeking to restore the planet's water supply using the power of the Water Gem. A voice in Tigerburn's head encourages him to use the gem for benevolent purposes, but he tells it to shut up—as White Lune explains to a confused Chromedome, he's hearing the voice of Lione, whom he has merged with. Tigerburn proceeds to use his head mode to take control of Trypticon, transforming the giant dinosaur into a Laser Beast.

Alana wishes to join the battle and asks Seaspray to blast her with water from the Well of Transformation, turning her into a Transformer again, but the power of the water catches Tigerburn's attention and he grabs the water gun and dumps the contents on himself. That being the last of the well's water, Seaspray apologizes to Alana for causing her to be stuck with her robot body, though she doesn't mind as long as they're together and explains that since Tigerburn's body contains two minds, the water won't affect him the way he thinks it will. Indeed, the desires of Lione's heart overpower those of Tigerburn's and he is able to use the water's transformative properties to separate the Laser Beast from his body. The invaders retreat back to their own dimension, and Seaspray and Alana reflect that where the Laser Beasts' hearts are cold like machines, Lione's actions prove that while the Transformers have machine bodies, their hearts are true. Having recovered the Water Gem, they then discuss taking a vacation on Beast after restoring Tlalakan and returning the gem to the Beastformers, leaving the singles Rattrap and Tigatron jealous and annoyed by the happy couple.

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(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)



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