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Motormaster (G1)

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The name or term "Motormaster" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Motormaster (disambiguation).
Motormaster is a Decepticon Stunticon from the Generation 1 continuity family.
A man of means by no means.

When Motormaster (aka Motorbreath) booms out orders in his hollow, bottomless-deep voice of doom, his Stunticon soldiers listen in very real fear. (Hey, if your boss could barrel at top speed through a concrete block 20 feet thick and turn it to rubble like it was no big deal, you'd be terrified of disobeying too.) A cold and brutal tyrant, without an ounce of mercy or care for any lesser being, he considers himself the true "King of the Road." He longs to one day prove his claim by destroying Optimus Prime, though he knows that Megatron might kill Prime first.

In the meantime, Motormaster settles for picking on his fellow Stunticons. He knows the mental disorders and insecurities of his team well, and he'll prey on these weaknesses often. He ostensibly does this in order to make them more effective warriors. The truth is that he just thinks it's funny to provoke them. This abuse makes the other four hate Motormaster as much as they fear him, and is one of the root causes of the psychological instabilities Menasor suffers from when all five combine.

Well, look who's here! The old King of the Road! When I'm finished with ya, you'll be King of the Junkyard!

—Motormaster, to Optimus Prime, "Masquerade"



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Roger C. Carmel (English), Kōji Totani (Japanese), Lin Dongfu (Chinese), Edgar Wald (Latin American), Thomas Rau (German, most of Season 3), Ulf Jürgen Söhmisch (German, "Webworld"), Christoph Lindert (German, Generation 2 dub of "Starscream's Brigade"), Thomas Albus (German, Generation 2 dub of "Masquerade" & "The Ultimate Weapon"), Georges Atlas (European French), François Leccia (European French, "Masquerade"), Michel Barbey (European French, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1"), Francis Lax (European French, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4"), Henry Djanik (European French, "Webworld"), Unknown (European French, "Trans-Europe Express" & "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 3"), Luiz Carlos Persy (Portuguese), Francisco José (Portuguese, "Starscream's Brigade"), Carlos Marques (Portuguese, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1 - 4")

After a failed attempt to steal experimental rocket fuel from the United States military, Megatron realized that while the Decepticons controlled the skies, the Autobots had supremacy on the ground, and so they needed new ground-based warriors who could out-drive and out-fight the Autobots on their terms. Rumble stole a truck that would become Motormaster from a hard hat-wearing trucker named Possum Brown. The Decepticons journeyed to Cybertron, beat the Key to Vector Sigma out of Alpha Trion's possession and ordered the ancient supercomputer to give life to the Stunticons. The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 1 Motormaster immediately pledged his loyalty to Megatron, though his burning desire was to defeat Optimus Prime. Whilst the Autobots were trapped on Cybertron, the Decepticons returned to Earth with the newly awakened Stunticons who began wreaking havoc and damaging the Autobots' good name by attacking the US military base containing the experimental rocket fuel. Eventually, the Autobots returned with the newly built Aerialbots whose combined form Superion defeated the Stunticon combiner Menasor... with a little help from Omega Supreme. The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 2

And it's hard to say, just how somethings never change! And it's hard to find, an attempt to draw the line! I'm just burning doing the neutron dance!

Despite this defeat, the Stunticons were the key component in Megatron's elaborate scheme to hold a fake charity race from Paris to Istanbul so he could steal US driver Auggie Cahnay's car which would be melted down to house the powerful Pearl of Bahoudin. Motormaster personally saw to the disposal of the Autobots' stunt driver, Wheeljack. It was an extended battle between skill and power, but the Stunticon leader eventually caught his prey by crushing him underneath his massive frame. One by one, the Stunticons disabled the Autobot participants assigned to protect Cahnay, but the downfall of Megatron's plan came when he ordered the Stunticons to stop going after the remaining Autobots. Eventually, the Stunticons were defeated when Cahnay rammed his car into Menasor's face. Trans-Europe Express

When Megatron was infected with Cosmic Rust after a trip to the lost Autobot colony of Antilla, the Stunticons were assigned to capture the Autobot scientist Perceptor, who had developed the powerful anti-corrosion Corrostop. Motormaster ensnared Perceptor with a commandeered ferry's anchor. After Megatron cured himself and infected the Autobots with the Cosmic Rust, Menasor attacked the Statue of Liberty in New York City with the ancient Lightning Bug heat ray, intent on stopping the Autobots from matter-duplicating more Corrostop from the layer they sprayed on the statue. Superion defeated Menasor and destroyed the Lightning Bug. Cosmic Rust

After Starscream was banished for yet another failed coup, he returned with a powerful new Decepticon team called the Combaticons, who were able to outfight Autobot and Decepticon alike. With Megatron needing a trump card, Soundwave attempted to call on the Stunticons to help, but they refused as they were having a demolition derby with various human-owned cars. However, the Stunticons belatedly arrived after the Combaticons' combined form of Bruticus defeated Devastator and forced Megatron to acknowledge Starscream as the new Decepticon leader. Realizing that Starscream would not stop at Megatron, the Stunticons merged into Menasor and disabled Bruticus in one mighty punch. Starscream's Brigade

If that isn't just deserts, I don't know what is.

On another mission from Megatron, Motormaster dispatched his fellow Stunticons to collect several scientific components which the Constructicons needed to finish a new Super Weapon. Motormaster himself stole the world's largest and most perfect ruby from its place in a museum. His path back to base was blocked by Optimus Prime himself, giving Motormaster his long-awaited chance to prove he was the true "King of the Road". After he and Optimus rammed into each head-on at full speed, though, Prime only had a slight headache while Motormaster blew out his tires, crumpled his trailer, broke his windows and shattered his ego. Beaten and bruised, Motormaster and his fellow Stunticons were all towed back to the Ark and held prisoner. Unaware of Megatron's full plans for the components, the Autobots conceived of a scheme to infiltrate the Decepticon camp disguised as the Stunticons, using camouflage paint to alter their appearances. To add insult to injury (well, injuries), Optimus Prime took Motormaster's place among the faux Stunticons. After the Autobots left, though, Breakdown managed to vibrate himself loose from his cage and let Motormaster and the others free as well. They merged to become Menasor and swept aside the meager resistance the Autobots put up at the Ark. Flying to Megatron's hidden construction site as Menasor, the Stunticons confronted their impostors and exposed the Autobots' Trojan Horse play. Still, Prime had arranged a double-cross and had tampered with the ruby's properties, causing Megatron's Super Weapon to explode after only a short use. Menasor fled, and the other Decepticons quickly followed suit. Masquerade

*cue Harvey Birdman theme*

Like most Decepticons, Motormaster was left leaderless and near-powerless after the destruction of Unicron and the disappearance of Galvatron. By 2006, he and the other Decepticons had retreated to a burnt-out hunk of a planet called Chaar, a world of ash in ruin. Certain that the Decepticons could be reborn as a fighting force if only they had a leader, Motormaster contributed nearly the last of his energon for Cyclonus's hunt for Galvatron and collapsed on the spot as a result. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1 He got back up to attack Rodimus Prime and Grimlock when the Decepticons caught them snooping. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 2 While Cyclonus and the Sweeps were resurrecting Galvatron, the Quintessons arrived on Chaar with an offer of energon in exchange for attacking the Autobots. Motormaster called on a vote to decide if they would follow the aliens, and with Blitzwing being the only negative, the desperate Decepticons put themselves under the command of the Quintessons and attacked the Autobots on Goo. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 3 When Galvatron returned, he first shot Motormaster, who quickly re-pledged his loyalty before Galvatron ultimately agreed to go along with the Quintessons anyway. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4 Motormaster then traveled to Earth to help prevent the Autobots from obtaining Metroplex's transformation cog. He lunged at Wheelie when the tiny Autobot had the cog, but wound up tackling Bonecrusher instead. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5

I'm Jerkwad-bot, and I drank all the beer.

Motormaster began to doubt Galvatron's adequacy as Decepticon leader in later months. Along with Swindle and Laserbeak, he eventually confronted second-in-command Cyclonus and demanded that something be done about Galvatron or else there would be mutiny. It seemed to be an empty boast, however, as Galvatron just kept on being crazy. Webworld

Motormaster and the Stunticons accompanied Galvatron to Europe for a scheme involving the theft of Metroplex's transformation cog. However, they failed to hold off Rodimus Prime and Ultra Magnus while the Witwickys infiltrated Trypticon to steal his cog in retribution. The Ultimate Weapon

Later, Motormaster sieged the lab of Swofford and Morgan with Galvatron, and became one of the first Decepticons infected with the Hate Plague. The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1

Japanese cartoon continuity

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers story pages

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Scramble City
Voice actor: Kōji Totani (Japanese)

Motormaster and the Stunticons were summoned by Megatron to put an end to the Scramble City project, and succeed where Starscream had failed. Their first strike was impressive, holding back Optimus Prime and a cadre of Autobots and shooting the Aerialbots out of the skies. When the Aerialbots formed Superion, Motormaster and his teammates followed suit and merged into Menasor. Scramble City: Mobilization

The Headmasters cartoon
Voice actor: Michitaka Kobayashi (Japanese)
Hm9 Drag Strip Motormaster.jpg

Motormaster and the Stunticons participated in Galvatron's siege on Cybertron. They managed to gain the high ground against the Dinobots and Throttlebots, and rained laser fire down on their opponents. Four Warriors Come out of the Sky Motormaster and his team formed Menasor to fight their Autobot counterparts, but were steamrolled by the might and firepower of the Battleship Maximus. Transporting back to Earth, they attempted to interfere with Hot Rod's quest for the Matrix. Motormaster's team were confronted by the Aerialbots in the desert, but the battle of their combiner forms eventually led them to the Arctic. The Mystery of Planet Master

IRMLFE Decepticon cheer.jpg

When Vector Sigma began perfecting the new super-metal Cybertonuron on Cybertron, Galvatron ordered another all-out attack on the planet to seize the metal for the Decepticons before the Autobots could make use of it. Motormaster and the Stunticons journeyed to Cybertron with the strike force, and confronted their old enemies, the Aerialbots. The Aerialbots got the drop on Motormaster's group by forming Superion and lashing out before the Stunticons could form Menasor as well. Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 1 In San Francisco, Motormaster and the Stunticons assisted Bruticus in using a carnivorous plant to distract the Autobots from Scorponok's plans on Zarak. They fought against the Technobots and Computron. Head On!! Fortress Maximus

Sometime later, Motormaster and the Stunticons gathered in the desert as their Ninja Commander Sixshot began issuing orders. They assembled as Menasor, and took part in the escalating Decepticon war effort as five separate Autobot outposts were attacked simultaneously at Sixshot's command. The Emperor of Destruction Vanishes on an Iceberg Motormaster was also among the Decepticons who assembled to welcome Scorponok as their new Emperor of Terror following Galvatron's fall. I Risk My Life for Earth


Seeking to create a Decepticon Zone to counter the Autobot Zone, Decepticon Emperor Violengiguar gathered together the Nine Great Demon Generals, upgrading them with powerful new armor and weaponry, then sent them forth to conquer planets. Motormaster was among those summoned, but only as a part of Menasor. Zone Part 1 Enter the New Supreme Commander, Dai Atlas!

Unite Warriors/Legends
UniteWarriorsOffshot Motormaster Dead End.jpg

When the Stunticons enjoyed themselves with their personal annual event—stealing human cars and having a violent race with them—Motormaster was responsible for waving the chequered flag at the finish line. Today Is Us Stunticons' Annual Holiday Demolition Race!

Soon afterwards, the Stunticons as Menasor were involved in a fight against the Autobots, which was interrupted by dimensional intruder Grand Scourge. After Scourge split Menasor apart into his component 'bots, Motormaster was forced to flee as the dimensional intruder forcefully combined with the other four Stunticons. Decepticon Dark Commander Grand Scourge He watched as Broadside arrived and defeated Grand Scourge, freeing the other Stunticons, then retreated on Megatron's orders. Legends Comic: Bonus Edition Vol. 53

Legacy VS500 Collection Special Comic

Motormaster was one of many spectators for the Speedia 500 race on Velocitron. Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 2 He remained for the second week of the race. Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 3

Generations Selects Special Comic

In 2050, Menasor and the Decepticons joined the revolution of the Selectors against their human masters. The Quintessons and the Terrorcons sided with the humans, and Abominus attacked all while craving Angolmois Energy. In battle with a scrambled version of Computron, Abominus crashed into Bruticus and Menasor and stole some of their limb components to make an even stronger version of himself. Motormaster was left abandoned on the battlefield as Abomenaticus charged back into the fight. Abominus comic 2

TV Magazine comic continuity

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers comic
"I'm so tall! Ha-ha-ha! I'm so tall!"

Motormaster and the Stunticons decided to have a little fun and tear up a baseball stadium in Japan. Luckily, the Autobots' plucky young ally Kenji was present to radio for assistance. All the combiner teams assembled, and it was Menasor and Bruticus against Superion and Defensor! Defensor was forced to break apart by the combined Decepticon attack, but Superion and Kenji got the idea to shoot out the Decepticons' legs. Groove and Blades took advantage of the empty combiner ports and took over as Menasor's legs, launching him into the ocean. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #5

While posing as Autobots, Motormaster, Onslaught and the Stunticons rampaged through the city streets, smearing the good name of their adversaries. Later, Frenzy and Rumble posed as humans to rally people against the Autobots, and Motormaster's brigade staged an attack on the rally to drive the point home. The Autobot fire engines Hot Spot and Inferno arrived, however, and used their water hoses to wash off the Decepticons' fake insignia. Enraged, Motormaster planned to combine into Menasor... only to see his men were already retreating into the distance. As members of the Decepticon Trailer Corps, Motormaster and Onslaught attempted to invent powerlinx modes a few decades early, summoning their "great wheel attack". Hot Spot and Inferno managed to loop the Decepticons around their ladders, hurling the 'Cons right into a finishing blow by Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #7

The Story of Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers

In the year 2010, Motormaster participated in a Decepticon attack on the planet Feminia. He and his team merged into Menasor in order to battle alongside Bruticus and Devastator against their Autobot counterparts Superion, Defensor and Omega Supreme. The fight was fairly evenly matched until Galvatron called up his ace-in-the-hole, Predaking, whose power was unmatched by any of the Autobots... except for the Omnibots, who essentially tied Predaking's shoelaces together until he fell over, straight into Menasor and his chums, sending them all toppling to the ground and knocking them to bits. The Story of Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers #5

The Great Transformer War

When the Decepticons kidnapped Doctor Dalton, the famous scientist, the Autobots tried to raid Trypticon and save him. Motormaster and Onslaught linked up to the Dino-base in their launcher modes, sending their teammates flying at the Autobots at high speeds. Superion was torn limb from limb, and Motormaster then ordered the Stunticons to combine into Menasor to finish them off. The Protectobots managed to hold off the Decepticons long enough for Hot Spot to repair the Aerialbots and Blades to rescue Dalton. The Great Transformer War #1

Zone comic

Seeking to create a Decepticon Zone to counter the Autobot Zone, Decepticon Emperor Violengiguar gathered together the Nine Great Demon Generals, upgrading them with powerful new armor and weaponry, then sent them forth to conquer planets. Motormaster was among those summoned, but only as a part of Menasor. Zone Part 1 Zone

Full Throttle Scramble Power!

The Decepticons constructed a new weapon to pursue their energy-plundering campaign on Earth, the Omega Wave Cannon. With the device at the ready, Motormaster led his Stunticons out to retrieve some energy from a power plant. They were met with the Aerialbots, and both teams combined into the gestalt forms. Though Superion was crippled by the Omega Wave Cannon, the Stunticons, as well as the rest of the Decepticons, were sent packing when a massive amount of Autobot reinforcements arrived to turn the tide of the battle. Full Throttle Scramble Power!

Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.
Feeling a bit marginalized...

After Optimus Prime stashed the power of the Creation Matrix in his head, Buster Witwicky began having strange visions of combiner robots. Investigating further, Optimus and Buster shared a prophetic vision. Second Generation! In it, the "Special Teams" fought over the abandoned Pullen Power Plant, combining into their gestalt forms throughout the clash. The Special Teams Have Arrived but unbeknownst to them, Shockwave and Soundwave were also listening in, thanks to Shockwave's Matrix-monitoring equipment. Impressed by the vision of the Stunticons and calling them the "ultimate progression" of the combiner process, Shockwave immediately began plans for their construction. Second Generation!

Motormaster and the Stunticons were given life by the Creation Matrix, at least inadvertently. Bombshell had "bugged" Optimus Prime with a cerebro-shell and, when the Autobot leader unleashed the power of the Matrix to bring the Aerialbots to life, Megatron was able to tap into and divert some of the energy to bring an equal number of his own troops to life. The Stunticons' first mission was to further the Decepticon plans for anti-Autobot propaganda. Recognizing that the Autobot efforts on Earth were stymied as long as the humans could not tell the difference between the two factions, Megatron had taken great efforts to ensure ALL the "giant robots" were hated by the public. When the Autobot Skids selflessly saved a woman trapped by power lines, however, that good publicity threatened his plans. Therefore, Megatron sent Motormaster and the Stunticons out to find Skids. Once they did, the Stunticons drew attention to themselves by demolishing a highway, and then pretended to be "defending" Skids once RAAT forces arrived. Their efforts not only successfully tarnished the Autobot image in the eyes of the humans, but even led to the deactivation and capture of the Aerialbots by RAAT. Heavy Traffic!

Motormaster prey.jpg

Later, Motormaster managed to earn Megatron's ire with his suggestion that the Stunticons could take out Optimus Prime, to which he quickly appended the proviso "once you'd beaten [him] to within an inch of his life". Though Megatron's paranoia had grown to extreme levels by this point, Soundwave persuaded him that Motormaster's "idea" of using weight of numbers against Prime had some merit and Megatron sent for the Predacons. Upon their arrival from Cybertron, the Predacons used Motormaster for target practice, to Megatron's great amusement, though he escaped unharmed. Prey!

Motormaster was part of a Decepticon convoy led by Megatron to set up the hydrothermocline in the Florida Keys, though the trip was interrupted by the Decepticon leader's paranoid fantasy that the dead Optimus Prime would appear and attack him. Motormaster took the first opportunity to leave Megatron on the side of the road. Gone but Not Forgotten!

Motormaster and his team saw little action after that. Decepticon internal politics caused leadership to change hands several times over the following months, and the Stunticons were ultimately lost in the shuffle. Under Ratbat's leadership, Motormaster followed Onslaught into battle on the Moon, where the Decepticons' surprise attack managed to catch the Autobots unawares. Though they struck a devastating first blow, the Decepticons were ultimately forced into a retreat when Blaster and Grimlock, then squabbling over Autobot leadership, managed to put aside their differences and rallied their forces into a counterattack. Totaled!

These stories do not fit into the normal Marvel continuity. See Earthforce for details.
"King of the Road", my central processor

Motormaster fought alongside Shockwave and Starscream against the Dinobots. Two Steps Back! By the time of the Enclave, he worked alongside Megatron. When Autobot saboteurs faked an assassination attempt on Megatron, all chance for peace-talks between his and Shockwave's faction became a thing of the past, and Motormaster was swept up in the brawl that ensued. The Bad Guy's Ball!

Motormaster was later present with Megatron's troops outside their base when Soundwave and Starscream announced they were taking over. Internal Affairs! Later, the Decepticons learned a human reporter named Irwin Spoon would be writing an exclusive about the Autobots to upgrade their public image. In order to stop this, they sent Motormaster and the Stunticons out to snatch the human. Using his henchmen as a distraction, Motormaster rammed Prowl from behind and pulled the reporter into his cab to make a getaway. Front Line! It wasn't that easy, however, as the Autobots gave chase. Motormaster ran Prowl off the road again, and surprised Sunstreaker into running into his trailer by disconnecting from it (a surprise to everyone, no doubt). In the end it was his own Stunticons who did Motormaster in, though—Dead End and Drag Strip tried to ram Bumblebee and Tracks as they were following Motormaster's cab, but the Autobots dodged at the last second and the 'Con cars barreled into their own leader, sending him into a ditch. Bumblebee then ripped off Motormaster's door and rescued the human. End of the Road!

Marvel UK future timelines
Stunticons ark duty.jpg

In 2003, Motormaster and the Stunticons took on a mission to steal the plans for Autobot City from their courier, Kup. They surrounded the Autobot, and Motormaster had his goons tag-team the old wreck until they got their hands on the data tape. Thinking they were done for the day, the Stunticons got lucky and had a second beatdown when the hotheaded Autobot Hot Rod chased after them alone to retrieve the tape. Needless to say, they beat the ball bearings out of him. Ark Duty

Five years later, Motormaster and the Stunticons were present on Cybertron when Cyclonus, Scourge, and Death's Head (under the influence of Unicron) attempted to take Decepticon leadership from Shockwave. Combined into Menasor, the Stunticons tried to save their commander but were, alas, too late. The Legacy of Unicron! Later, under Soundwave's command, the Decepticons were engaged in an extended guerrilla war with the Autobots for control of Cybertron. After getting a tip from the Quintessons, Soundwave had Motormaster and his other lieutenants gather the troops for a full-scale attack on the Autobots. The tip turned out to be a trap, however, and Motormaster and the others had to bail out of Astrotrain in mid-flight to protect themselves from a mass of invaders. Space Pirates!

Transformers Comic-Magazin

Motormaster and the Stunticons attacked Earth's energy resources, and formed Menasor to battle Defensor for possession of their prize. Transformers in Action: He Who Laughs Last ...

Marvel Generation 2 comic

Motormaster appeared among the Decepticons and Autobots preparing Earth for an apocalyptic encounter with the Swarm. A Rage in Heaven!

The Special Teams

Motormaster and the rest of the Stunticons were being kept a secret from the Autobots until Megatron was ready to dispatch them on a raid on the Pullen Power Plant. Once in position, the Stunticons raced forward, ready to take whatever Autobots might be guarding the location by surprise. Encountering the Protectobots en route, Motormaster ordered the other Stunticons to combine into Menasor to do battle against them. The fight soon began to weigh in the Autobots’ favour, prompting Menasor to split up into individual robots once more, who dispersed away from the battlefield. The Special Teams

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

He only works well with other "masters" or "crushers".

During the start of the war, Motormaster served as Starscream's enforcer. After Starscream had disposed of Megatron by making him fall into Cybertron's vast underground, he had Motormaster forcibly extract the data held within Laserbeak to uncover what Megatron had been planning prior to his take-over. The War Within #4 Uncovering the means to transform their entire planet, Starscream had Motormaster assist him in his attempts to have Scrapper mechaform Iacon... by threatening Scrapper with being mechaformed by Motormaster himself. The War Within #5 During the subsequent Autobot assault on the base, Motormaster was on the verge of killing Ironhide and Kup, when Grimlock rammed into him at full speed, sending Motormaster flying into a far-off wall. Grimlock one, Motormaster zero. The War Within #6 During the Dark Ages, he joined up with Starscream's Predacons, helping him steal raw energon, only to have Grimlock and the Lightning Strike Coalition steal the energon. Grimlock: two, Motormaster: zero. Fragmentation Afterwards, Ultra Magnus united the Autobot forces, and managed to convince the Ultracons and Shockwave's Decepticons to sign a peace accord. Starscream, seeking to prevent this merging of factions, tasked Motormaster with sniping Ultra Magnus. He failed, as Grimlock took the bullet for Magnus. The Age of Wrath Despite the wound appearing fatal at first, Grimlock ended up surviving. Grimlock: three, Motormaster: zero.

At some point in Cybertron's recent history, the Stunticons were deemed psychotic and too dangerous to function in society, and as a result were placed into perpetual stasis lock inside of a prison facility. Later, in an attempt to create a diversion while he set his final plans in motion, Shockwave arranged for the release of the Stunticons. Cold War They formed into Menasor and ran amok in Iacon for a while, until Ultra Magnus arrived and began to attack Menasor by insulting the Stunticons individually. Unable to reconcile with this, the five Stunticons began to bicker with each other over whose fault it was that they were failing, temporarily halting Menasor's destruction. At that point, Ultra Magnus is quoted to have said: "'King of the Road' eh? We'll see about that," just before ramming the combiner in the chest while in vehicle mode, forcing Menasor to separate into his component parts and disabling the Stunticons. Passive Aggression

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

E. J. Su gives us a brief glimpse of things to come from him.

When the Stunticons were transported into 1930s Chicago by a malfunctioning Teletran 3, a group of human criminals found them dormant in their car modes and started using them. Planning to rob a bank, they filled Motormaster with dynamite, only to find themselves in a firefight between the other Stunticons and the G.I. Joes sent from the future to retrieve the Transformers. The Baroness detonated the dynamite inside Motormaster and stuck a disruption unit on him, reactivating him (albeit with a headache) and sending the whole group back to present-day Cybertron. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #2

Some time later, Motormaster attended a meeting arranged by Serpent O.R., who was gathering Decepticons for his army. As Menasor, he and the other Stunticons then attacked an Autobot peace ceremony. The Art of War #3 Following the battle, Motormaster and Hun-Grrr delivered the captive Optimus Prime to Serpent O.R., The Art of War #4 but Prime soon got loose from his chains and attacked the Decepticon leader, so Motormaster and several other subgroup leaders came to his aid. While Prime fought back bravely, taking out several Decepticons, Motormaster and Razorclaw eventually beat him to a pulp and allowed Serpent O.R. to steal the Matrix. Unfortunately, Cobra Commander chose that moment to take control of Serpent O.R.'s body and use it to attack the two Decepticons, apparently killing them. The Art of War #5

The Beast Within

During a particularly violent battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons, Motormaster joined with the other Stunticons to form Menasor and do battle with The Beast, the Dinobots’ combined form. The Beast Within

Mystery of Convoy strategy guide manga

For further information, see: #Games

The five Stunticons confronted Ultra Magnus as he reached the end of the Floating City, combining into Menasor and opening fire on the Autobot. Menasor's Weak Point is His Forehead!

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance: Megatron Origin #4; Transformers vol. 1 #3 (modern era)
Sentinel Prime goes Indiana Jones on Motormaster.

Apparently hailing from the city-state of Altihex, Motormaster took up the open invitation to Kaon's discontented populace and journeyed to the secret bloodsport arena to join Megatron in his insurrection against the Senate's control. He was seen in the presence of the Stunticons, suggesting they had already formed a team bond prior to the first major uprising. Megatron Origin #3 During the opening battle of the war with Security Services in Kaon, Motormaster continued with his (apparent) goal of being run down by every Autobot leader who turns into a truck when he leapt in the way of Sentinel Prime and was flattened by the no-nonsense commander. That 'Con just doesn't know when to quit, does he? Megatron Origin #4

Being opposed to Scorponok's brief leadership of the Decepticons, the Stunticons deserted and became highwaymen on Magmara Nine until informed by Thundercracker that Megatron had returned. Primacy #2 Returning to the fold, Motormaster participated in the invasion of Iacon, Primacy #3 where he as per tradition tried to ram Optimus Prime head on. Despite his bravado, however, he was sent flying by the collision while Prime went unharmed. Primacy #4

In one of the war's countless battles, Motormaster witnessed a yellow Autobot get destroyed in a Decepticon-Autobot crossfire. Drift #2

ARudeAwakening Motormaster.jpg

In the modern era, Motormaster accompanied Megatron on his invasion of Earth, only to be left behind and captured by the human organization Skywatch along with two of his subordinates, Dead End and Wildrider. The Stunticons' deactivated bodies were later retrieved by Hot Rod, who was leading a group of Autobots and Decepticons brought together by the same goal: getting off Earth. A Rude Awakening Motormaster was brought back online, and joined the other Stunticons in the construction of a starship. However, their ranks were still missing Breakdown, and Motormaster and Dead End had an inkling as to where he was. Via Swindle, they convinced Hot Rod (now "Rodimus Prime") to let them retrieve their final comrade, but before they could start searching, Motormaster noticed an intruder approaching. He suspected it could be humans, but Swindle confirmed that it was actually Ultra Magnus. Seasons in Flight

The Stunticons eventually found Breakdown, and got rid of his driver when Motormaster threatened to ram him head-on. The missing Stunticon was loaded into Motormaster's trailer and brought back to the building site of the starship, where the Stunticons revealed that Swindle had modified them into combiners! Motormaster combined with his subordinates into Menasor, whom Swindle ordered to kill Ultra Magnus. Enemies of the System During the subsequent battle, Swindle's lack of experience in adapting the combiner technology proved to be Menasor's downfall. The other Stunticons began arguing with each other, pulling on Motormaster as Menasor was damaged, and refused to protect him when Optimus Prime ordered an attack on the combiner's torso. After Menasor fell to pieces, the component Stunticons were arrested by Skywatch. Earthworks

Months later, the Skywatch facility where the Stunticons were held came under attack from Soundwave and other Decepticons who had returned from space. Motormaster and his men were freed, and quickly joined in the destruction of the base. The Demolished Man After traveling to a Decepticon base where Megatron had reestablished command of the Decepticons, Motormaster watched as a fight between Optimus Prime and Megatron began. He was presumably caught in the explosion when Optimus dropped a satellite on the base. Enemy Mine Megatron then allowed himself to be captured and taken to Cybertron so that his army could follow him using a space bridge, but the Decepticons were interrupted when Bumblebee infiltrated them. Motormaster and the Stunticons were ordered to stay behind and kill the Autobot, but were all knocked out by an electric surge when Bumblebee interrupted the space bridge's power flow, allowing the Autobots to recapture them. The Question

"At last, our epic rivalry will- UNGH!!!"

Much later, Motormaster was brought back to Cybertron, where he was part of an angry Decepticon crowd who demanded answers from the Autobots for Ratbat's death. Stick Together When the long-lost Megatron returned, Motormaster joined a Decepticon mob that intervened when the Autobots attempted to execute him on the spot. City on Fire The return of Megatron invigorated him and the other Decepticons, and they soon took to rioting in the streets. The Verge

Motormaster and the Stunticons eventually took up residence in the growing Decepticon ghetto outside of Metroplex. There, they joined in with a group of malcontents and attacked Optimus Prime and Windblade as they made their way through the neighborhood. Ironhide and Chromia eventually intervened and managed to get the 'Cons to disperse. Back at their base, they were approached by Swindle; Motormaster was still bitter about Swindle's bodge job and vocalized his displeasure, until Swindle revealed that he had gotten his hands on the Enigma of Combination. Reunited into the new and improved Menasor, Swindle and the Stunticons travelled to Caminus with the express intention to loot the entire planet. First Contact

Things quickly went downhill for the Stunticons and Menasor was summarily trounced by the similarly rebuilt Superion. The Stunticons were disassembled, sent back to Cybertron, and imprisoned. The Sum and Its Parts Along with the other Stunticons, Motormaster was soon liberated by Swindle, and formed Menasor as a distraction. You, Me, and the Universe The Stunticons were defeated once again by Superion, Defensor, and Optimus Maximus, and summarily re-imprisoned. All That Remains

Titanium Series Menasor toy bio

With the help of experimental technology, the gestalt frame of Menasor was unified into a singular body. While the dominant personality of this new body was Motormaster, the constant mental assault on him by the supressed personalities of his Stunticon teammates made Menasor little more than a destructive monster of rage and agony, making him unable to reach his potential to be the ultimate weapon.

Motormaster's control slipped only once in an occasion when Stunticons found themselves united in Menasor. Titanium Series Menasor

Ask Vector Prime

Motormaster was presumably present as part of Menasor during the Battle for Sherman Dam in Primax 096.0 Beta. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/06

My Little Pony/Transformers


One of the many Cybertronians brainwashed by King Sombra, Motormaster shot at the Seekers and Wonderbolts until Rainbow Dash's powerful "Sonic Rainboom" attack sent him flying. Stunt Flying

2019 IDW continuity

Motormaster was once a business rival of Swindle's, until Swindle used his connections with Smokescreen and the Cybertronian government to run him out of business by getting him arrested. Darkness, Once Gazed Upon: Part Two

Commercial appearances

Motormaster and the rest of the Stunticons drove over a barren, rocky terrain to meet against the Aerialbots. Both teams combined, and their gestalt forms engaged in a no-holds-barred slug-fest. Aerialbots and Stunticons commercial


The Transformers (PS2)

Motormaster is a non-playable character. He appears among the legion of Decepticon duplicates in the Autobot campaign.

The Transformers

Bot Shots Battle Game!

D'these people even give a damn anymore? I swear they stopped trying after Season 2!

Motormaster participated in numerous one-on-one matches against other Autobots and Decepticons, using his fists, his sword, or his gun to defeat his opponents. Sometimes, he even faced off against himself! Bot Shots Battle Game!

Transformers Legends

Motormaster and the rest of the Stunticons were created in response to the failure of a Decepticon campaign to acquire Autobot superfuel. Realizing they needed a strong ground force, Motormaster and his kin were created by modifying Earth vehicles with Cybertronian technology, and then bringing them before Vector Sigma to be imbued with the spark of life. The Autobots brought the Aerialbots to life at the same time, and the Decepticons found themselves on the losing side until the Stunticons merged into Menasor. The Decepticons lost nonetheless, though they acquired the key to Vector Sigma as a consolation prize. The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 1 Later, Motormaster participated in a fight on Earth as the Decepticons attempted to use the power of the key to transform Earth into a new Cybertron. Even though he and his fellow Stunticons merged into Menasor, the battle was still lost to the Autobots, and the Decepticons fled. Key to Vector Sigma, Part 2

Even Megatron had trouble controlling the Stunticons. The team went on a crime spree in the back alleys of human cities until they were tracked down and stopped by Prowl and his team. The Thin Blue Line Motormaster led a convoy consisting of Runabout, Runamuck and Barricade which attempted to deliver the final component of a Decepticon super weapon to Decepticon HQ. An interception by the Aerialbots forced them to destroy the super weapon to keep it out of Autobot hands, and Motormaster and his crew scattered. Eagle Eyes Motormaster was among the Decepticons who joined with the Quintessons in an attempt to destroy the Autobots. Five Faces of Darkness: Part 2

Angry Birds Transformers

Motormaster appears as a character unlockable in Challenge Events. He is portrayed by Corporal Pig. Angry Birds Transformers

Transformers: Battle Tactics

Motormaster participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was a Rare character who could be acquired as a reward in the "Menasor's Might" event. Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers: Devastation

And that's when the time-traveller realized that his sword was about as useless as a screen door on a submarine.
Voice actor: Liam O'Brien

After Starscream dropped the damaged Plasma Core, Motormaster challenged the Autobots to a no-rules road race to reach it, but they left him eating their dust. Motormaster suffered an acute case of road rage over this defeat, so the next time he challenged the Autobots he made sure to bring the rest of the Stunticons with him to form Menasor. Even though the Autobots overcame the combiner, he was still able to throw the plasma core to a waiting swarm of Insecticons for delivery to Megatron. He would next challenge the Autobots as one of the many Decepticons that tried to stop them from reaching the Ferrotaxis, then finally formed Menasor a second time for a tag-team brawl with Devastator. Transformers: Devastation

Transformers: Frontiers

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their video game appearances. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.

Transformers: Frontiers

Transformers: Forged to Fight


Motormaster was one of the Decepticons pulled from his universe by the Quintessons and forced to fight. He eventually joins the Commander. There are at least a few of him running around! As a Brawler, He's Unstoppable whenever he dashes in, debuffs enemies when ramming into them as a truck, and grows angry with stronger Melee hits as he loses health. Transformers: Forged to Fight

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their video game appearances. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.

Transformers: Earth Wars

GUESS WHO'S HERE! Wait.... Did I change?

Motormaster is the leader of the Stunticons and rightful ruler of the roads!

One day, Optimus Prime and Megatron got into a huge brawl, and both were heavily damaged. Motormaster saw this as an opportunity, and took Megatron's body, claiming that he was to be the new ruler of the Decepticons! It... didn't go so well for him. Transformers: Earth Wars

  • Class: Special
  • Lowest Star Rating: 2 star
  • Weapons: Motormaster uses the rocket pods on his shoulders to deal moderate damage from afar, and uses his Sword when up close to smash his targets.
  • Ability: Lightning Burst - Overcharge the Sparks of your allies, making them deal a percentage of Their damage in an area around them over 5 seconds.
    • Cost: 6 ability points +2 cost increase.
      • Percentage of damage applied:
        • 2-4 star: 180% (lvl 1) - 432% (lvl 11)
        • 5 star: 240% (lvl 1) - 576% (lvl 11)
      • Level 11 Upgrade Bonus: Burst effect duration extended to 8 seconds.
      • Level 11 Updated Ability Description: Overcharge the Sparks of your allies, making them deal a percentage of Their damage in an area around them over 8 seconds.

Motormaster at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Motormaster was the leader of the Stunticons. Decepticon Directive


The Transformers

"Nemesis Prime? Nemesis Prime? Frag Nemesis Prime!"
  • Motormaster (Stunticon, 1986)
    • Team ID number: S5
    • Japanese ID number: D-50
    • Accessories: ionizer sword, cyclone gun, roller car/Menasor's chestpiece, Menasor's head, Menasor's hands, Menasor's feet, blast deflector
Originally designed for the aborted Diaclone line Jizai Gattai (自在合体 "Limitless Combination") and then brought over to the Transformers toyline, The Transformers Motormaster transforms into a black Kenworth K100 Aerodyne sleeper truck pulling a long, dark-silver trailer. Unlike Optimus Prime's toy, his trailer is permanently attached to the cab and makes up the bulk of all of his modes, though this also results in Motormaster's truck mode being half the size of Optimus' own truck mode. Motormaster can assume a base/repair bay mode which can connect to the Decepticon city Trypticon, a feature only documented in Trypticon's instructions. (He can also connect to Metroplex, but this is undocumented for obvious reasons.) His small "roller car" gains relevance in this mode, as it is scaled for the base-mode's ramp. The Japanese release includes a launcher mechanism to propel the car, much like Optimus Prime's Combat Deck propels Roller. (As with Silverbolt, Motormaster's various knock-offs include the launcher.)
In robot mode, he is armed with a long, purple cyclone gun and a large, silver, vacuum-metalized ionizer sword. He also forms the central body of Menasor, with the roller car becoming his chest piece and Menasor's mask covering his face. Menasor's hands and feet were included in Motormaster's box.

  • Menasor (Giftset, 1986)
    • Japanese ID number: D-55
    • Accessories: ionizer sword, cyclone gun, roller car/Menasor's chestpiece, Menasor's head, Menasor's hands, Menasor's feet, blast deflector
Motormaster was also available as part of the Menasor giftset. He is identical to the individually-packaged release.

  • Motormaster (1990)
    • Accessories: ionizer sword, cyclone gun, roller car/Menasor's chestpiece, Menasor's head, Menasor's hands, Menasor's feet, blast deflector
Motormaster and the other Stunticons were rereleased without changes in the European/Australian-exclusive Classics reissue line.

Generation 2

I'm still all man.
  • Motormaster (Stunticon)
    • Team ID number: S1
The Stunticons and Protectobots were planned to be released as part of the Generation 2 line, but were ultimately canceled (though Breakdown saw "release" as the BotCon 1994 exclusive). The smaller limb-robots all have had packaged samples appear, but no packaged samples of Motormaster or Hot Spot are known to exist, and the two leaders are the hardest of their sets to come across nowadays. Recent samples have appeared on eBay, though at ridiculously high prices reaching US $26,000![1] Production samples, unlike the earlier sample pictured on the wiki, sport a raised 5mm posthole where the rubsign indent originally was, intended as a mounting point for a G2 missile launcher. Some have even included the launcher and missiles, which are the type created for G2 Starscream and Ramjet. The launcher is black, the missiles are the same bright orange-ish red used by Silverbolt.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Universe (2003)

This is like a diametrically opposite kind of distasteful from Thunder Clash.
  • Menasor (Ultra, unreleased)
A redeco of Thunder Clash as Motormaster (called "Menasor" because of trademark issues) was planned as a store exclusive for Universe, but was ultimately canceled.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


Even in tiny size, he's still a big 'ol jerk.
  • Motorbreath (Legends Class, 2012)
    • Accessories: Ionizer sword
Generations Legends Class "Motorbreath" (named so for trademark reasons) is a redeco/retool of Reveal the Shield Legends Class Optimus Prime. He features new hands and a hole on his head/vehicle roof compatible with 3mm posts, and comes with a compatible sword (sculpted after Generation 1 Motormaster's sword) that features two posts and a hole, allowing it to be held and mounted in different ways. Originally developed by Hasbro Asia for release in their territories as part of a large line-up referred to under the ominous term "GDO" (which was later revealed to stand for "Global Development Organization"), Motorbreath was later released together with various other formerly "Asian-exclusive" toys as a Toys"R"Us exclusive in the United States for the 2012 holiday season.
This retooled version of the sculpt (including the sword) was later redecoed for a running change variant of the "Dollar Store"-exclusive version of Optimus Prime, and was also redecoed without the sword as EZ Collection Gum Optimus Prime.
Transformers mold: Optimus Prime (Legends Class)
  • Hasbro:
  • TakaraTomy:

Fated to be a King of the Junkyard anytime soon.
  • Ultimate Gift Set (2012)
    • Accessories: Ionizer sword
This unchanged release of Legends Class Motorbreath comes packed with Generations Legends Class Thundercracker, as well as Deluxe Class Combat Hero Optimus Prime and a Generation 2-styled Deluxe Class Autobot Jazz.
The Ultimate Gift Set was an online retailer exclusive in the United States, but was available at general retail in Hasbro's Asian markets.

Bot Shots

"When I'm finished with ya, I'll be King of the Jumpers!"
  • Stunticons (Multi-pack, 2013)
    • Number: T006
      • Fist strength: 930
      • Blaster strength: 170
      • Sword strength: 520
Part of the first wave of Bot Shots Series 2 five-packs, Motorbreath is a translucent-purple redeco of the truck version of Megatron. He transforms into a teeny little long-nosed semi truck with "trailer", with a spring-loaded automatic transformation to robot mode triggered when his front bumper is pressed. He has a "spinner" in his chest that shows his three attack types and power levels. Despite possessing translucent plastic and more lopsided stats than a regular Bot Shot, he is apparently not labeled as a Super Bot. He was sold in a five-pack with Dead End, Decepticon Dragstrip, Brake-Neck, and Breakdown.


Howdy, folks. I'm Android 13. Look at mah trucker hat.
  • Menasor (Micro-Changer Combiner, 2014)
    • Set number: A7308
    • Pieces: 90
    • Accessories: Sword
"Motorbreath" is a Kreon included with the Menasor Micro-Changer combiner set, and can be rebuilt from robot to either truck or part of Menasor's torso and left arm. His deco is based on the Generation 1 Motormaster toy, and he wears a black Constructicon helmet.

  • Combiner Robot Mega Pack (3-pack, 2016)
    • Set number: B6425
    • Pieces: 245
    • Accessories: Sword
Menasor was reissued in a 3-pack along with Superion and Bruticus, with most of the components unchanged from the previous release. For this version however, "Motormaster" (renamed due to trademark re-availability) has a lavender headpiece instead of dark purple.
This three-pack was sold in Dollar General stores for a whopping $12. Considering the original releases of each combiner cost $10 each, that's quite a bargain!

Combiner Wars

Larger and more versatile ol' jerk!
  • Motormaster (Voyager Class, 2015)
    • 3 of 5: Menasor
    • Accessories: Sword, gun
Part of the second wave of Combiner Wars Voyager Class toys, Motormaster is a retool of Combiner Wars Optimus Prime, now in gray and black and featuring almost a complete re-shelling, making his truck mode in particular very distinct from the figure on which he's based. As a Combiner Wars Voyager torso, he can combine with any Deluxe Class toys released as part of the same subline–but, of course, he's intended to be combined with Blackjack, Dragstrip, Breakdown, Dead End, and Offroad (or Brake-Neck) to create Menasor.
Motormaster comes with a sword and a gun that can combine to form Menasor's big sword. Tabs on the weapons allow them to lock together to be stored on the trailer hitch in vehicle mode, and in theory to a dedicated slot on the underside of the Menasor "skirt" when the skirt is folded up onto Motormaster's "backpack"; unfortunately, the connection is rarely tight enough for this to work properly. In torso mode, his chest is designed after the original Motormaster's Roller car, and can be opened to reveal a second chest detailed similarly to Age of Extinction Galvatron's.
Motormaster also includes a collector's card featuring art from the "Eagle Eyes" episode of Transformers Legends.
As a retool of Prime, the initial wave 2 release of Motormaster, unfortunately, suffers from the same design flaw as his predecessor: his hips have very heavy ratchet joints with too few stopping points to control their outward motion, which makes it very difficult for the figure to strike a natural pose below the belt. In addition, the feet are designed to rest flat on the ground when the legs are spread, but the only stable positions possible with the hip joints are with the legs straight down or spread at a much wider angle than intended. This also afflicts Menasor, as the gestalt shares Motormaster's hips. The gestalt feet are designed to rest flat on the ground when the lower legs are straight down, but in this mode, the only stable position possible with the hip joints is with the legs spread.
This flaw was eventually fixed by a change to the ratcheting joints, with the gears having their cogs shifted half a position, finally enabling both Motormaster and Menasor's legs to be in stable positions while the feet rest flat on the ground, as originally intended. The improved hips were first found on the TakaraTomy Unite Warriors release of Motormaster/Menasor (see below). However, soon afterwards, wave 4 of the Combiner Wars Voyager Class assortment not only featured a redeco/retool of Optimus Prime (named "Battle Core Optimus Prime") that featured the improved hip joints, but also a re-release of Motormaster himself that incorporated the update. The two versions of Motormaster can be told apart with relative ease by a five-digit manufacturing date code embossed on the rear of the figure's packaging and etched into the toy's left foot: the flawed wave 2 version features a date code starting with a "4", indicating that the figure was manufactured in 2014, whereas the improved wave 4 version features a date code starting with a "5", indicating a 2015 year of manufacture. The re-release also had the unfortunate effect of turning Motormaster into a recurring shelfwarmer.
Despite the ratchet fix however, Motormaster is also the weakest link of the Stunticons' gestalt combination, due to several design failures attributed to his torso mode. The square holes and tabs used to secure the arms together when in torso mode are too weak to remain locked in place (though a very small number of copies can secure the arm well), and are prone to falling out of position should an attached arm be moved. The torso mode's skirt plate is also attached to the stomach rather than the pelvis, rendering the waist swivel nearly worthless due to the skirt obstructing articulation. The pegs used to secure Blackjack to Menasor's chest are also molded incorrectly, leaving the connection unsecured.
He and the last three waves of Combiner Wars Deluxe and Voyager figures later showed up in the USA at TJ Maxx at reduced prices.
As a part of the first and second wave promotion in Hasbro's Asian markets, a free sticker sheet for the Aerialbots and Stunticons was given out when purchasing any four Deluxe Class toys from those waves. As such, Motormaster was given Generation 1 toy-esque stickers for the owner to apply if they wanted.[2]
Combiner Wars mold: Optimus Prime

Version 1:

  • TakaraTomyUnite Warriors UW-05 Convoy

Version 2:

Colorful and Gaudy ol' jerk!
  • Menasor (Collection Pack, 2015)
    • Accessories: Sword, Stunticon weapons/extremities
A redeco of the aforementioned Combiner Wars mold, this Motormaster is based on his cancelled Generation 2 toy. Well, okay, technically, this set is based on somebody's digibash based on somebody's hand-painted recreation of the canceled Generation 2 toys, including an erroneous purple and silver Breakdown and some other errors.
Like all versions of the Combiner Wars Optimus Prime and Motormaster toys released after mid-2015, this Motormaster has improved hip joints. Despite this, the pegs that hold Blackjack in gestalt form are still unchanged.
Combiner Wars mold: Optimus Prime

Version 1:

  • TakaraTomyUnite Warriors UW-05 Convoy

Version 2:

Unite Warriors

A better paint-detailed jerk! (only in Japan.)
  • Menasor (giftset, August 22, 2015)
    • ID number: UW-02
    • Accessories: Sword, gun
The Unite Warriors release of Motormaster is sold in a Menasor gift set that includes the five original "Stuntrons". Motormaster features mostly metallic gunmetal plastic, and more paint details on his vehicle and robot modes to better resemble his G1 design. He has the retooled hip ratchets also applied to the revised Hasbro Motormaster and Battle Core Optimus Prime, allowing him to stand naturally in both robot and torso mode.
Unfortunately, there are some reports[3] that due to the molded swirly gunmetal plastic on the majority of Motormaster's body, the upper torso's stomach section will eventually tear itself apart after a few years of play. Or, if you were especially unlucky, as early as the first day of play.
Combiner Wars mold: Optimus Prime

Version 1:

  • TakaraTomyUnite Warriors UW-05 Convoy

Version 2:


High play-value jerk!
  • Decepticon Motormaster (Commander Class, 2022)
"Decepticon Motormaster", the first Commander Class figure from the Legacy line, is a cartoon-accurate version of the character, that can be transformed into a Kenworth K100 Aerodyne sleeper truck, complete with a detachable articulated trailer. Unlike the original toy, which transformed from robot into a complete cab-and-trailer combo, Legacy Motormaster forms only the cab portion of the truck, with the trailer disconnecting to form a Thunder Clash-y battle station. More importantly, the trailer also plays a key role in the Legacy Stunticons' unconventional combination method: in an attempt to match the Generation 1 animation as closely as possible, the trailer itself forms Menasor's chest plate, hips, arms, and legs, with the Stunticon cars then being attached to the limbs that are already there. Motormaster himself forms Menasor's core torso, back, and head. So, even with no additional Stunticons, Motormaster and his trailer can form a functional skeletal frame of Menasor, able to stand and pose on its own; this is advertised on the back of Motormaster's packaging.
Motormaster's packaging also advertises that he is Menasor component "5 of 5". At the time of his release, components "3 of 5" and "4 of 5" had not yet been officially revealed, so they do not appear in his instructions; subsequent reveals name Dead End as #3 and Breakdown as #4.
Motormaster's main cab section, despite unfolding to form Motormaster's entire main robot mode, uses "faux-parts" to give the appearance that the cab of the truck forms only his toes, complete with tiny molded wheels. In truck mode, Motormaster's molded headlights are sadly unpainted. However, in robot mode, his toes have painted headlights… which, due to cartoon-accuracy requirements, are a completely different shape from his vehicle mode ones.
Motormaster's robot mode hips have to be flipped around during transformation due to the cartoon/toy-accurate upper-thigh details of the legs being orientated on the opposite side of the legs coming straight from truck mode, due to the joints' rivet hole needing to be used as a connector for the roof panel to attach in said mode. All of Motormaster's stock images from both Hasbro and TakaraTomy are mistransformed due to the orientation the legs need to be in for truck mode… even in the stock images of the toy-deco repaint listed below!
The trailer converts between its three modes of the trailer; a base, or Menasor skeleton via heavy partsforming 7 separate sections, not including the sword (which can be stored inside the trailer). These sections form both arm frames, both leg frames, the torso frame, a gun, and a pedestal for that gun. The gun and pedestal form a central part of base mode and can be wielded by either Motormaster or Menasor using different height configurations. While the tower does not integrate into Menasor's robot form, it features a 5mm peg that can be plugged into Menasor's back for storage, forming 'wings'. Two flip-down struts allow the trailer to stand separately in trailer mode without tipping forward.
The Menasor frame has highly specialized connections for individual Stunticon cars. Dragstrip [sic] will only fit on the right arm, and Dead End will only fit on the left arm. Wild Rider [sic] and Breakdown will fit on either leg, but only on the legs. The arm bots are meant to be attached whole before Menasor's elbow is fully transformed, so that unique fittings can unlock their ability to split in half, forming separate upper and lower arm armor. The leg bots, when they attach, cause spring-loaded panels to close on the front of the legs. These panels were meant to display detailing resembling the bottom of the specific car meant to be attached there (Wild Rider on the left, and Breakdown on the right), but on the actual toy the panels on both legs are identical.
The sword's unusual handle allows it to be gripped not just by Motormaster or Menasor with their standard-sized fist holes, but also by Legacy Core class figures, with their smaller fists able to grip a small protrusion at the bottom.
Menasor's leg frames attach to the upper legs using a special variant of the Combiner Wars standard limb peg system, allowing compatibility with any Combiner Wars Deluxe as alternate replacement legs. However, tolerances and security of connection may vary between individual samples, or may stress the figures involved; in addition, Menasor's shins are quite a bit longer than a properly-transformed Combiner Wars Deluxe. Menasor's shoulder connections are not compatible with the Combiner Wars system, and his leg frame peg connectors have a special additional tab that prevents using his legs with other toys. Age of the Primes Silverbolt makes use of the same frame system as Motormaster to form Superion, and can swap his parts with him. (However, the bots that connect to the frames cannot be attached to the other combiner’s ones.)
There are reports of the white and gray unpaintable plastic on some copies of Motormaster being prone to rapid photodegradation leading to splotch-like yellowing, sometimes visible upon first opening the box. The pin housing on his left shoulder is also particularly prone to cracking, due to the shoulder part in between it being pinned just slightly out of position compared to the right shoulder. Due to the way he is packaged, it is not uncommon for the thin plastic struts the trailer's wheels are mounted on to be warped out of shape, as well as a minor amount of scuffing on Motormaster's chest caused by collisions with the trailer.
This figure was revealed through the Hasbro Taobao store, hours before the April 12, 2022 Fan First Tuesday.

Toy-accurate deco jerk!
  • Stunticon Menasor (Giftset, 2023)
  • TakaraTomy name: Stunticon Menastor (スタンティコンメナソー)
  • TakaraTomy ID number: TL-90
  • TakaraTomy release date: 2025 March 29
  • Accessories: Sword, base gun
  • Known designers: Mark Maher (Hasbro)[4]
A redeco of the above Legacy figure, "Decepticon Motormaster" is based on the original 1986 Generation 1 toy's deco and decals... but omits the car chest and differently-sculpted head of the Menasor frame. Bummer.
Motormaster was released in a giftset with the other Legacy Stunticons, each done in a toy-accurate deco. This set was revealed at San Diego Comic-Con 2023, and went up for preorder as a Hasbro Pulse exclusive on August 1st.


Transformers Gum

A jolly, candy-like jerk!
  • Motormaster (Candy toy, 2009)
Motormaster was released through the Transformers Gum line and is a snap-together model kit, based on the original G1 toy, that uses stickers for details and came with a stick of gum. Along with his truck and robot modes, he can also be transformed into the same base mode the original G1 toy featured as well. He includes his sword, rifle and the additional kibble required to transform him into his torso mode, including the roller car.
Motormaster is cast in gray and navy-blue plastic, instead of his more recognizeable black. Due to this, he is entirely reliant on the included stickers to create his recognizeable color scheme. This stickers are considerably large, cover a wide area, must wrap around curved-surfaces and corners, and are highly prone to peeling off after application, especially if even slightly misapplied. The figure includes no molded details on the truck cab, meaning simply painting them alone will not suffice to replace the stickers.
Motormaster can be combined with the limbs released under the Gaia Scramble line to form Menasor.

Transformers Trading Card Game

  • Motormaster, Stunticon Leader (2019)
    • Wave 2: Rise of the Combiners
    • Rarity: CT
    • Card Number: T30/T46
    • Stars: 5
Motormaster, Stunticon Leader was released as part of the Transformers Trading Card Game Wave 2: Rise of the Combiners. Like all other members of combiner teams released in the set, Motormaster, Stunticon Leader is a folding card, with the Bot and Alt modes being depicted when the card is folded in half, and a holofoil portion of the the combined mode depicted when unfolded. The reverse of Motormaster, Stunticon Leader depicts Menasor's head and torso, which, as with most depictions, is formed by Motormaster in the artwork.
The artwork for Alt Mode is reused from the Transformers Legends mobile game and is based on the original G1 Motormaster design, while the Bot Mode artwork is reused from Motormaster's Combiner Wars toy's box art, and is based on said figure.
Motormaster, Stunticon Leader can be used to form Menasor, Menacing Colossus with the use of the Action card Stunticon Enigma while he and the other Wave 2 Stunticons are in Bot mode on the battlefield or KO area.

Transformers Character Card

Transformers Character Card Superion and Menasor.jpg
Released as part of the sixth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of Superion (with his components Fireflight, Skydive, Silverbolt, Air Raid and Slingshot) and Menasor (with his components Dead End, Breakdown, Motormaster, Wildrider and Drag Strip) along with character profiles and tech specs.


  • Though the Generation 1 toy is clearly a single-trailer rig, the seams of Motormaster's transformation were often misinterpreted by artists as being a division between two trailers. Thus, Motormaster is sometimes portrayed as a double-trailer rig, even though the "front trailer" doesn't have any rear wheels.
  • In the 2006/2007 Classics line, a redeco of Legends of Cybertron Optimus Prime was intended to be Motormaster, but the name could not be obtained. The toy was given the name "Menasor" and the super robot's function of "Super Warrior", effectively making him Menasor, not Motormaster.
  • Motormaster has three different pieces of box art. The original American packaging art has his legs transformed correctly (according to his instructions), but the subsequent gift set and Japanese art attempt to 'correct' his legs, spreading them more (on the gift set) and outright transforming his legs incorrectly on the Japanese version.
  • Motormaster's design in Earth Wars is modeled on the "third party" Powertrain figure by TransFormMissions, which is itself an interpretation of his design in IDW's 2009-2011 ongoing series.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Motormaster (モーターマスター Mōtāmasutā)
  • French: Pilot-As (Canada, 1986 release), Cerveau (Canada, 1990 "Classic" version)
  • Hungarian: Gépmester ("Machine-master")
  • Italian: Barracuda
  • Mandarin: Mǎdá Dàshī (Taiwan, 馬達大師, "Motor Master"), Qìchē Dàshī (China, 汽车大师, "Auto Master")
  • Russian: Motomaster (Мотомастер)



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