Grand Scourge
From Transformers Wiki
- Grand Scourge is a Unicron-allied Decepticon first seen in the Super Link portion of the Unicron Trilogy continuity family.
He wears the badge of the Decepticons, but the true identity of Grand Scourge (グランドスカージ Gurando Sukāji) is that of Unicron's appointed Matrix Hunter, using his ability to travel between dimensions to hunt Optimus Primes and Convoys in all corners of the multiverse. He is a ruthless combatant, and possesses the strength and skills needed to hold his own against his prey, but is also wise enough to know when to retreat to fight another day.
Perhaps Grand Scourge's most dangerous asset is the Dark Combination Spark which allows him to forcibly merge with drones and even other Transformers, using them as limbs for his powerful combined forms, such as Grand Scourge Hyper Mode and Scourge Grand Prime. He also wields the gargantuan Matrix Breaker sword, which is rumored to have the power to sever the link between an Autobot leader and their Matrix of Leadership, and his status as Matrix Hunter grants him the power to lay his hands on any Matrix bearer, even ghosts.
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Cartoon continuity
Super Link pack-in comic
Drawing a small squad of Autobots to the middle of the desert by defeating a unit of Battle Ravages, Grand Scourge attacked, Optimus Prime VS Mysterious Supreme Commander Scourge using his own version of the Prime Force. Scourge managed to dislodge Optimus's Digger-3 drill-tank unit from its place on his leg, toppling Optimus. Scourge then detached Flame-3 from his right arm, replacing it with Optimus's Digger-3, and attacked him with a diving double-drill press!
However, the attack was interrupted by Hot Shot, Ironhide, and Kicker. Optimus rallied, and knocked Digger-3 from its place on Scourge's arm. Outnumbered, Scourge vanished into a warp with some cryptic words. Supreme Commander Optimus Prime VS Dark Commander Scourge
Legends/Unite Warriors
Grand Scourge travelled through universes, seeking owners of the Matrix and killing them with his Matrix Breaker sword; among his victims was Reverse Convoy. In one instance, Scourge emerged in the G1 World during a battle between Megatron, Menasor, Optimus Prime, and Superion. Grand Scourge made short work of Menasor and took his Stunticon limbs to combine with. In this greater form, Grand Scourge easily defeated Superion. Optimus Prime, warned of Scourge's threat by a mysterious voice, vowed to not go down easily. Decepticon Dark Commander Grand Scourge Grand Scourge's threat was ended when Broadside, using his massive transtector, blasted the villain out of the universe. Bonus Edition Vol. 53
At another time and place, Grand Scourge attacked a group of Transformers, killing Cloud World Lockdown and ripping off Go Prime's foot. Lockdown's mentee, Deadlock, became angered when he came across Lockdown's corpse and attacked Scourge. Unfazed, Scourge noted that his target wasn't there and took his leave. Still full of fury, Deadlock swore to hunt down and kill Scourge with his bare hands. Decepticon Jaeger Deadlock
Unicron summoned Grand Scourge to his side in 2021 of the G1 World to pacify Baldigus, tricking the rebellious combiner by taking advantage of Scourge's resemblance to Baldigus's commander, Black Convoy. Ruination Chapter, Part One Grand Scourge put Baldigus back under Unicron's control in order to undo his existence, but his ruse was revealed when the real Black Convoy arrived and had Gelshark attack him. He retaliated by forcing Trickdiamond and Thrust to form his arms and becoming Scourge Grand Prime, only to end up blasted into the distance by Baldigus while fighting Black Convoy for his Energon Matrix. He then targeted Galvatron's Creation Matrix, but as he grappled with the ghostly Decepticon, both of them were knocked into a rift in spacetime by Megaempress, disappearing to places unknown. Ruination Chapter, Part Two
Ask Sideways
After hijacking Vector Prime's Axiom Nexus News column, known liar Sideways agreed with the idea that Grand Scourge and Nemesis Prime were the same person. Ask Sideways, 2015/06/28
Legends comic
Grand Scourge was among the evil Kreons summoned by Megatron to conquer the Legends World. Special Chapter
Unite Warriors
- Grand Scourge (September 2015)
- ID number: UW-EX
- Accessories: "Scourge Gun A", "Scourge Gun B", "Matrix Breaker"
- An e-HOBBY-exclusive redeco of Combiner Wars Voyager Class Optimus Prime figure, this new Unite Warriors iteration of Grand Scourge comes with "Scourge Guns" which he holds via 5 mm post. One of the guns is based on Optimus's trademark Ion Blaster, and both weapons store on the back of his vehicle mode as a makeshift engine block. He also comes with a huge "Matrix Breaker" sword, which was reused from the Beast Hunters Ultimate Class Optimus Prime figure.
- Like Unite Warriors Motormaster, Grand Scourge features improved ratcheting joints on his hips. Additionally, Grand Scourge is capable of transforming into a torso mode to combine with Deluxe-sized Combiner Wars-style toys; his pack-in comic story used Breakdown, Drag Strip, Dead End, and Wildrider. He also comes with four different decals bearing a Decepticon insignia, a Car Robots Combatron insignia, a Herald of Unicron insignia, and no insignia at all, respectively.
- Despite the ratchet fix however, the tabbing issues on his torso mode's shoulders are still present from the original mold.
Combiner Wars mold: Optimus Prime | ||
Version 1:
Version 2:
Super Link
- Grand Scourge Hyper Mode (Pla-Kit Collection, 2004)
- ID number: PKD 02
- Release date: July 29 2004
- Grand Scourge is a redeco of Pla-Kit Collection Optimus Prime, with Scourge's decal sheet being altered to reflect this naming change. He is a miniature, unpainted, and unassembled rendition of the normal-sized Energon Optimus Prime toy, and stands about 4.5 inches tall in full Hyper Mode. He transforms into a Cybertronic truck cab, and also comes with four drone-vehicles that can attach to his limbs to form a variety of Hyper Modes: Dive-1 (submarine), Crusher-2 (drill tank), Flame-3 (fire truck), and Tornado-4 (helicopter). The kit does not come with any form of carrier-trailer for the drones. Grand Scourge's handgun can actually fire small plastic BBs via pressure-launch, and he also has a teeny little gold-chromed energon chip that fits onto his left shoulder-armor. It's an Autobot-style chip, but oh well.
- This kit also comes with Episode 2 of the "Supreme Commander Optimus Prime VS Dark Commander Scourge" mini-comic, printed on the back of the assembly/transformation instructions. (Episode 1 came with the "Grand Convoy" kit.)

- Wing Convoy Original Figure (2004)
- Release date: July 30 2004
- A redeco of the Wing Convoy Super Real Figure previously available with an issue of TV-kun magazine, Wing Convoy Original Figure (ウイングコンボイ オリジナルフィギュア) was exclusively scotch taped inside Super Link Wing Saber figures sold at JUSCO department stores in late July of 2004. A sticker was placed on Wing Saber's packaging to note the promotion.
- Despite being sold as Wing Convoy/Optimus Prime Flight Mode, the figure's color scheme bears a striking resemblance to that of Grand Scourge, whose model kit was on sale the same month.
Transformers Character Card
- Released as part of the fourth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of Grand Scourge and Cloud Lockdown along with character profiles and tech specs.
Rubber strap series
- Released as part of the second wave of an e-HOBBY exclusive series, this trio of rubber keychains depict super-deformed art of Generation 1 Drift, Cloud Deadlock and Grand Scourge.
- It is plausible that Grand Scourge is simply an upgraded form of Armada's Nemesis Prime, who was called "Scourge" in Japan and was also depicted as a servant of Unicron.
- The "Grand" part of the name comes from Energon Optimus Prime's name in Super Link: "Grand Convoy".
- Grand Scourge's Super Link box Romanizes his faction as "Deathtron" rather than "Destron".
- According to Grand Scourge's packaging, the model kit is 1/45th scale. Hmm, anyone got a ruler?
- Scourge's Combiner name in Unite Warriors, "Scourge Grand Prime", is naturally a mirror of the Japanese name of Optimus Maximus, "Convoy Grand Prime".