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How to define path for use with /input, such that TeXStudio can detect the location of the file using global command

Background I am writing a large document (main.tex) with several chapters (Introduction.tex, LiteratureReview.tex, etc). I use TeXStudio to compile the document. Each chapter is included using /input (...
Bernardo's user avatar
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compilation issues with pdflatex on msys2

I installed both texlive and miktex as well as cygwin and msys on a new machine. Now, after adding the paths to the pdflatex.exe in either texlive or miktex installation folders I can compile my tex ...
mike's user avatar
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relative paths and compile problem in windows cmd

Tying to write a BATCH file in windows cmd to compile/update all PDF under each folder. Silly me wasn't really thinking about the larger maintenance issue while started my "little" project. ...
CasperYC's user avatar
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TeX Giving a Blank Console

Using a Mac on Monterey 12.2.1, and TeXShop on 4.70. When attempting to Typeset, the console window is completely blank. A "which pdflatex" search in the Terminal gives /Library/TeX/texbin/...
BKrik's user avatar
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TeX in manjaro linux

I install texlive in manjaro and didn't work, so I try the miktex and it only work in the texstudio when I change the 'comands ($path) to home/user/bin it works but only to texstudio. How can I make ...
Fred Klier's user avatar
3 votes
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GitLab CI Runner with relative paths in main.tex

I have a LaTeX document where I include another TeX file with a relative path like \include{../Meta/commands.tex}. If I compile it on my local machine all works fine. Now I also want to use the CI ...
ExtremOPS's user avatar
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Different latex compilators don't get files and folders right

I'm working on my thesis and I decided to do it in LaTeX. I was using an amazing online service, ShareLatex, that allowed me to compile and edit my projects wherever I go (I use several computers in a ...
mrbolichi's user avatar
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How to add more sty and cls locally?

Please be warned, despite this sounding very similar to Where do I place my own .sty or .cls files, to make them available to all my .tex files? it is a different problem. I need to generate PDF as ...
wvxvw's user avatar
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Compile error due to tex file having a UNC path

I'm trying to compile a LaTex document using the LaTeXing package in ST3. If the file is on my local disk 'C:*' it compiles fine, but I have to keep it on a networked drive '\[company_site]*' which I ...
raiksey's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

%!TEX root = to parent directory

Currently, I am writing a large report. In my previous ones, I always had the chapters and the main file (thesis.tex) in the same directory as the individual chapters. This time, however, I created a ...
ribrob710's user avatar
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5 votes
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Compiling with texmaker fails, compiling on commandline works

Hi I can compile my latex document using pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -shell-escape Masterthesis.tex When I hit the quick compile button in textmaker however nothing happens. I ...
Dominik Goltermann's user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

PdfLaTeX in Texmaker doesn’t work: “Could not start the command”

I have a problem with LaTeX. I have installed MiKTeX 2.9 and Texmaker, and when I try to compile a .tex file in Texmaker, I get the error Could not start the command When I try to build it from the ...
Daniel Robert-Nicoud's user avatar
2 votes
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Quickest way of applying thesis to tex template

I am trying to apply my thesis to a TeX template. I have pdflatex installed on a Linux box (in my university), but cannot get it to work. When I point to my TeX file as below, it gives an error: ...
user2152812's user avatar
9 votes
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Commands paths in TeXstudio on Mac OS X - with 'could not start the command' error

When I am trying to 'quick build' my document in TeXstudio 2.1 on Mac OS X 10.6.8, I am getting and error: could not start the command (with 'quick build' options being LaTeX + DviPdf + PdfViewer). I ...
Geek On Acid's user avatar