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Questions tagged [continuous-integration]

Use this tag when asking questions about building (La)TeX on a continuous integration server.

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Optimizing TeX Live Installation for Continuous Integration: Is Installing Directly from CTAN the Best Approach?

On my local machine, I typically install the full TeX Live distribution along with a large number of fonts. As long as everything builds, I'm content. However, the situation is different when running ...
nowox's user avatar
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2 answers

Which texlive (ubuntu) package contains a given tlmgr package?

I'm using a GitHub action to install TexLive, and it works via ubuntu packages. My problem is that I know what tlmgr packages I need, but I'm not sure ...
Fuhrmanator's user avatar
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bibtex fails in travis but runs locally

I created a file which runs xelatex and bibtex to build the pdf file. In my .travis.yml I put this script to test my repository. Locally, the build runs fine, but on Travis I get a bibtex ...
LorenzBung's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is there a package manager for latex that allows you to specify and install just the dependencies?

I was wondering if there's anything in the LaTeX world that's similar to npm for JS and pipenv for Python. I'm setting up Continous Integration on some of my projects and it seems like overkill to: ...
bluprince13's user avatar
35 votes
4 answers

Compiling (La)TeX files automatically with GitLab CI

Inspired by this question about compiling LaTeX files with Travis CI: How can GitLab's integrated CI feature be used to build (La)TeX documents?
JBantje's user avatar
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How can I run biber on travis-ci?

I succesfully build a latex document using instructions from How to build my LaTeX automatically using Travis CI? and save the pdf in a github release. I use the tectronic docker image of @rekka. ...
Joker's user avatar
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GitLab CI using MiKTeX docker image

I'm trying to set up a GitLab CI to compile my LaTeX file, but I would like to avoid having to download full TeXlive over and over again. Afaik MiKTeX more or less will only download what is needed ...
ZerataX's user avatar
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2 answers

Installing pygments and configuring minted for continuous builds on travis-CI

I have set up a continuous integration system using github and travis CI using this workflow that was given as an answer to a similar question here. Everything works fine and I am able to build the ...
Dr Krishnakumar Gopalakrishnan's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

GitLab CI Runner with relative paths in main.tex

I have a LaTeX document where I include another TeX file with a relative path like \include{../Meta/commands.tex}. If I compile it on my local machine all works fine. Now I also want to use the CI ...
ExtremOPS's user avatar
40 votes
3 answers

How to build my LaTeX automatically using Travis CI?

How to do I build my LaTeX files with TeX Live using the continuous integration server Travis CI to which I push with git, especially considered that I do not want to download everything of TeX Live ...
PHPirate's user avatar
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9 answers

Minimal TeXLive installation

I'm building a script for a CI to get a docker image with minimal distribution of Texlive possible, I specifically want to avoid pulling 5 Gb of texlive-full everytime I need this docker image. Right ...
TZakrevskiy's user avatar