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Questions tagged [paths]

{paths} is for installation issues related to problems stemming from broken paths to the (La)TeX executable files. These executable files are stored in the 'bin' directory of the TeX distribution on any platform. After having installed a TeX distribution, it is important to have the path for the 'bin' directory set correctly.

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3 votes
2 answers

Combining paths of two shapes after clipping in TikZ

I have two overlapping shapes in TikZ which I need to join together -- essentially, an union operation on geometry. For instance, when I have two overlapping triangles, one spanning beyond another, ...
dd_rookie's user avatar
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Bibliography input paths

We can manually modify and add to the input paths for .tex files with \def\input@path{} during runtime, so that we don't have to enter full paths when using \input. Can the same be done for biblatex/...
likethevegetable's user avatar
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How to use the "\textattachfile" with spaces in their path? [closed]

How to use the "\textattachfile" with spaces in their path? i used attachfile2 to put something into PDF document,When there are spaces in the file name, it Unable to compile. I tried many ...
テンテン's user avatar
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Moving texlive distribution from one HD to another

My Texlive distribution is on C:\Texlive. I need space and would like to move all files and directories to an another hard drive (like E:\users\me). I assume I can't just cut and paste the directorie. ...
M. Belay's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can I define a custom TikZ path operation?

How feasible is it to define my own path operations, similar to --, to, rectangle, or parabola in TikZ? Specifically, I am looking to create custom commands that could be used in a drawing command ...
ttsc's user avatar
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Gnuplot won't work when called within Overleaf subdirectory

I have a basic file \documentclass[margin=10pt]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{pgfplots} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} \pgfplotsset{compat=newest} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[ ...
David G.'s user avatar
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latex not finding graphics in wd. using RStudio and r sweave

\documentclass{article} \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} \graphicspath{{"path to directory"}} \begin{document} \begin{figure}[p] \includegraphics[width=\linewidth,height=0.9\textwidth]{{&...
Groggy's user avatar
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VS Code chooses wrong Texlive version in second window although PATH is properly defined [duplicate]

I have two installations of Texlive: the newer "native" installation and an outdated "distro" installation. The first window of VS Code uses the "native" Texlive, all ...
babajabba's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Draw a car with TikZ

Original question I have drawn a simple car with this code: \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \shade[top color=red, bottom color=white, shading angle={135}] [draw=black,fill=red!20,...
mzn's user avatar
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TeX compilers cannot find mathematica Pygments style

I am trying to compile a .tex file and typeset some Mathematica code using the minted package. I get the following error: (./out/_minted-thesis/mathematica.pygstyle)Could not find style module '...
Green05's user avatar
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Path to tex file in different folder

Hi I am doing a presentations, and to all of them I use the same tex file with document settings. I'd like to have one folder on desktop with file with settings, and in each presentation a path to ...
Michał Szymankiewicz's user avatar
5 votes
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Create File Path for Listing with Macro based on Arguments

I am trying to make a macro that creates the path to a file from which a listing should be loaded based on its parameters. This fails very early. Here is a schematic of what I am trying to do: \...
Thomas Weise's user avatar
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how to set alternative pk fonts destination on texlive

By default, TeXLive places metafont generated bitmap fonts in $TEXMFHOME: how do I change that to, say, $TEXMFVAR, without changing the whole $TEXMFHOME settings? Besides, I believe this change won't ...
jarnowic's user avatar
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\Include working on mac, but not on windows

I am working on a big LaTeX document (thesis), that's broken down into multiple .tex files, and I thus have only a thesismain.tex file to compile that uses \include. On a MacBook, compilation goes ...
Kal8578's user avatar
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Re-configuring Latex path after switching from distribution-provided Texlive to native Texlive

I run an Arch system and used the Texlive-distribution provided by the distribution package manager. However, now I encountered a bug and decided to switch to a native Texlive installation, which I ...
Alexander Praehauser's user avatar
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How to find the directory for my LaTeX document

I am very new to LaTeX and not very good with computers to begin with. I am using TeXworks. I want to add an image to my document, but I do not know where to place the image file in order for the ...
user110391's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

I'm getting this error of 'cannot find .svg file in the directory' while it was there in the directory

"errorSummary": { "error": [ "! Package svg Error: File `emptystar.svg' is missing.\n", "! Package svg Error: File `...
harshavardhan's user avatar
3 votes
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VSCode Texlive / LatexWorkshop - unable to Build or Preview Latex Files (Unable to understand the previous responses to the same question)

UPDATE - Solution found With thanks to Alan I was able to resolve the issue. My two problems were. I didn't know how to set the correct paths in LaTeX Workshop on VSCode I hadn't corrrectly run the ...
Lauro235's user avatar
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Cannot run `arara` on TeXworks Linux Mint, two TeX lives present on system [duplicate]

I recently made the switch from Windows 10 to Linux Mint and I am pretty happy so far except arara is not working, it complains Unable to access jarfile when I try and run it through the GUI but arara ...
piJT's user avatar
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Include a file path (.bib) containing spaces & special characters

I have this path "~/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Sync/160329_3DPP.bib". I cannot change that since the .bib file is synced through iCloud and updated frequently. I read that ...
massisenergy's user avatar
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Referencing mcexam.sty

I would like to make my version of mcexam.sty available to all my mcexam files without having to have mcexam.sty in every folder. For example, I may have an exam document in the following locations: ...
larryjb's user avatar
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tex4ebook and \coverimage[someOptions]{AbsolutePath/someimage.jpg} does not work

I use tex4ebook with \coverimage[someOptions]{AbsolutePath/someimage.jpg} in the document, directly after \begin{document}. But the AbsolutePath is not respected and does not find someimage.jpg, ...
Thomkrates's user avatar
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New installation of TexLive 2023, PATH setting problem under Windows 11

I thought the new installation of TeXLive 2023 seemed to have set everything needed, but I have discovered a problem with the systems path variable. I worked before with TeXLive 2022 and now both path ...
Thomkrates's user avatar
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BibTex does not work and MiKTeX PATH issue

I am a total newbie to this. I have recently installed MiKTeX on Windows 10. I work with a template given from my university so the code should be OK, but there is a problem probably with BibTex. ...
Tusau's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the correct way to import files within subfiles?

The subfiles docs explains that it handles path issues when main files and subfiles are in different directories and subfiles contain paths relative to their own directories using the \import package. ...
socialscientist's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How do (relative) paths work with the subfile package?

I am trying to understand how (relative) paths need to be used with the subfiles package. In particular, it's not clear how content that I usually would include with \include, \input, \includegraphics,...
socialscientist's user avatar
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Texstudio and Inkscape-- error "Inkscape not Installed" but definitely in $PATH and ~.bashrc

Suggestions at TexStudio and Inkscape were followed as my problem also involves the use of --shell-escape. No improvement using methods suggested there. Here is my situation: I am attempting to use ...
Birdman's user avatar
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Different output of package.path in lua cli and lualatex

I have a problem to get a lua script (using luasql installed via luarocks) working within lualatex. The lua script basically retrieves data from a mysql database. But within lualatex, the necessary ...
fermikante's user avatar
1 vote
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Strange order of reading files?

Let us consider the following code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} \includegraphics{photo} \end{document} I have in my working directory the file photo.jpg, but the ...
Przemysław Scherwentke's user avatar
1 vote
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How to pass to package unicode-math's \setmathfont command a path to a font file?

I downloaded the OpenType font file STIXTwoMath-Regular.otf from the STIX Two Git repository, and saved it as ~/STIXTwoMath-Regular.otf. I then saved the following LaTeX code in the file ~/Hw2/Test....
Evan Aad's user avatar
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How to define path for use with /input, such that TeXStudio can detect the location of the file using global command

Background I am writing a large document (main.tex) with several chapters (Introduction.tex, LiteratureReview.tex, etc). I use TeXStudio to compile the document. Each chapter is included using /input (...
Bernardo's user avatar
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How can nested files infer their paths? Part II: From a leaf to another branch of the root

The following question is closely related to this one but represents a scenario much closer to my real life use case, in which descendants reference their ancestors, rather than vice versa, and the ...
Evan Aad's user avatar
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How can nested files infer their paths? Part I: From root to leaf

I have set up the following file tree. . [D] (working directory) Test.tex [F] SubFolder [D] SubTest.tex [F] SubSubFolder [D] SubSubTest.tex [F] I would like each file to print ...
Evan Aad's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it possible to have a search path for subfiles?

Similar to how the graphicspath works, would it be possible to create a search path subfilespath for .tex files instead of images? For example, given a folder structure as below. - Main - FolderA ...
Steven's user avatar
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Problems after installing TexLive in a non-standard location (and how to uninstall it)

Background My main goal is to compile my thesis in latex under POP-OS 22.04. (I used to use Miktex on Windows or Ubuntu). Now I have installed TexLive in a non-standard location (passing --texdir=/...
Maverick's user avatar
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compilation issues with pdflatex on msys2

I installed both texlive and miktex as well as cygwin and msys on a new machine. Now, after adding the paths to the pdflatex.exe in either texlive or miktex installation folders I can compile my tex ...
mike's user avatar
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Decoration causes line to disappear

I have the following diagram: \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{decorations.markings} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \newcommand\rad{.75} \foreach \a/\r in {60/0, ...
Sriotchilism O'Zaic's user avatar
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How to change Windows path ('\') to LaTeX path ('/')?

Windows paths use backslash, but paths in LaTeX documents require foreslash. When copying filepaths from Windows Explorer they will contain backslash. I know that I could use a text editor using find &...
theozh's user avatar
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How can I refer to multiple .bib files by explicitly specifying their full path address?

I use the Natbib package for bibliography management. Usually, my .tex files are somewhere in my c:\\ drive, but I would like to keep my .bib files in my Google Drive, which creates a virtual drive on ...
Salivan's user avatar
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How to obtain absolute path of a file

Many languages provide functions to obtain the absolute path of a file. I wonder if Tex/LaTex has also such macros. In the following example, given a file name, test if this file really exists. Then, ...
lyl's user avatar
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Cannot decorate an empty path in pgfplot

I want to save a plot, draw it cropped and put an arrow on it \documentclass[10pt,convert={convertexe=magick,density=1000,outext=.png}]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz,pgfplots} \usetikzlibrary{...
Pygmalion's user avatar
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Cannot decorate an empty path

I want to save a path, draw it cropped and put an arrow on it \documentclass[10pt,convert={convertexe=magick,density=1000,outext=.png}]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{decorations....
Pygmalion's user avatar
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Including a file with absolute path

I have a python script which compiles a tex file on my D drive. I would like to include a data file into my tex file. This data file is located on the following directory on Windows: \\filesrv\xxx-sc\...
thomkell's user avatar
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2 answers

How to determine coordinates of a label?

I have the following code and try to get all H's to the right side of the left boxes since they are currently overlapping. Has anyone an idea how to do that? Thanks!! \documentclass{report} \...
xxoptionxx's user avatar
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Using font files available in a subdirectory (similarly to "\graphicspath")

I have a LaTeX document that uses font (and fontmap) files not available among the standard packages. It is compiled with pdflatex and biber. If all the relevant font files are in the same directory ...
pglpm's user avatar
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relative paths and compile problem in windows cmd

Tying to write a BATCH file in windows cmd to compile/update all PDF under each folder. Silly me wasn't really thinking about the larger maintenance issue while started my "little" project. ...
CasperYC's user avatar
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Texmaker - LaTeX Error: File `bm.sty' not found

I was trying to use pstricks in Texmaker and wanted to manually install a package. However, since it didn't work I downloaded MiKTeX and I must have accidentally destroyed my settings and the paths. ...
Ferdi's user avatar
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How do I color a region enclosed by a curve drawn using tkz-euclide?

I have a region enclosed by a closed curve as can been on the picture below. How can I color this region? I remark that I have used tkz-euclide, though I think the library tikz-avoidpath was created ...
Máté Wierdl's user avatar
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Installing and switching to new distribution

I installed the new texlive 2022 distribution and removed the old 2021 texlive distribution with tlmgr uninstall --all (after verifying I was on the right distribution with tex version and it returned ...
Louis's user avatar
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Place text along a path

I'm using the decorations library to put text along a path. But the text does not appear on the path, instead, it appears in the node, how should I correct it? Also, the dotted path is not symmetrical,...
newbie's user avatar
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