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"Missing number" error when using \newtheoremstyle command

I am struggling to make an error disappear while compiling this : \documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage{amsthm} \usepackage{xcolor} \newtheoremstyle{exercice}% {\topsep} {\topsep} {\...
Kempermaz's user avatar
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How to set custom font in PDF using LaTeX

How to set custom font in PDF using LaTeX I tried to change the font of copyright symbol, \font\copyrightfnt=mnpr8r at 9bp \renewcommand\copyright{\bgroup\hbox{\copyrightfnt\char169}\egroup} But i ...
Marimuthu SA's user avatar
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Ad-hoc-chess-font related log-warnings: Missing character: There is no 0 in font chess-berlin-lsb!

This is a follow up of my question about using a specific set of pieces, berlin, for typing chess moves and diagrams. Yes, this works and i am very thankful for this! A small drawback is in the latex-...
dan_fulea's user avatar
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MWE works, but quiz doesn't. How is a difference in environment changing the outcome?

I have two files, was going to post an MWE but made it work. I have tried to find the difference between the MWE and the original, and all I can see is that I created a new (ultra-simple) quiz ...
Dov's user avatar
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How to debug "Missing $ inserted"

I have a large LaTeX document that was compiling without warnings in Ubuntu 22.04. Now I had to move to Fedora 40 and, when I try to compile it, it produces hundreds of ! Missing $ inserted., ! ...
user171780's user avatar
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(/maketitle) Missing number, treated as zero,using overleaf

\documentclass[a4paper,fleqn,hyperfootnotes=true,colorlinks=true,allcolors=blue]{cas-dc} \usepackage[numbers]{natbib} \usepackage{hyperref} \hypersetup{ citecolor=blue, linkcolor=red, } \...
Jiamei Liu's user avatar
2 votes
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Mixed NiceTabular, MultiRow, Multicolumn, Alignments problems and Missing $

I love the way Latex looks, but sometimes, it's a nightmare to sort things out. I am trying to make a table, and I am at his point. At first, I tried to create the table using "tabular", but ...
Alberto Gonzalez Berrio's user avatar
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Problem using minted option from tcbuselibrary [closed]

I'm still a newbie using LaTeX and I need to add a line of code in my document. For this, I use the library listings from the package tcolorbox. I always get the same error, so I put this example from ...
Michael Rosales Vilca's user avatar
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Lyx Missing character unclear log: "There is no e (U+0065) in font rsfs10!"

I am using Lyx to write a paper and so far i did not had any problems. I wrote some sections, export in PDF results is ok Then i added some other sections did the export PDF and I got error "...
Argos's user avatar
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Error "Missing \endcsname inserted" with make4ht

I get some strange errors that I can't explain when I use mak4ht with my miktex distribution. Does anyone have an idea? First there are two warnings: [WARNING] tocid: char-def module not found [...
ChristianB's user avatar
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Missing $ inserted

I am a newbie to LaTeX and LaTeXiT. In the attached complete code below, the following line works: \[\boldsymbol { 1 \si{N} = 1 \si{kg} \cdot \si{m} \cdot \si{s}^{\num{-2}}}\] However, the following ...
prko's user avatar
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Texmaker error: "missing $ inserted"

I get the following error in texmaker: I have multiple files opened, but I since it doesn't show a file name I dont know where this error should occur. I also went through all my files and the ...
trynerror's user avatar
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How to fix the "missing $ inserted" when you are not in math mode?

I just started to learn how to work in Overleaf, so I'm still such a noob. Anyways, I'm doing a project for my class and I don't know how to fix the "missing $ inserted issue". The converted ...
Alja's user avatar
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How is missing $ inserted? [duplicate]

Here's a line of erroneous code. \documentclass{standalone} \begin{document} \frac{a}{M} \end{document} As we expect, the compiler throws a "missing $" error. ! Missing $ inserted. <...
GNUSupporter 8964民主女神 地下教會's user avatar
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I keep getting the error missing \begin{document}. \ProcessOptionsKV[p]{Gm} even tho its not missing idk what to do pls help [closed]

\documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage{amsfonts,amsmath,amsthm} \usepackage{algorithm, algorithmicx, algpseudocode} \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} \usepackage[top=3cm, bottom=3cm; left=3cm, ...
user avatar
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Pgfplots ignores my last datapoint

Datapoint e will get ignored regardless of whether d - the previous datapoint - exists or not. I want a, b, c, d and e to be present in the plot in a bar plot that groups the bars by two (so feel free ...
gsamaras's user avatar
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Problem with error "Missing delimiter (.inserted)" with arrays

I'm having some problems with this error and I don't know what to do. I have to use a certain template and it doesn't work anymore. Before it used to. \documentclass[sn-mathphys]{sn-jnl} \begin{...
AgentOrange's user avatar
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Missing } inserted \subfile{} Error message

I keep getting this error message on my main .tex file. It reads: Missing }.\subfield{2chaptertwo.tex}. I have a separate .tex file for each chapter (including one that is entitled 2chaptertwo.tex. ...
jbob's user avatar
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error: latex.ltx:10708: LaTex Error: Missing /begin{document} Tectonic

I am trying to compile a TeX document using Tectonic on Windows. When I compile the document, it is giving me some form of \begin{document} error that I can't figure out. I've checked to make sure the ...
Damon C. Roberts's user avatar
-1 votes
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What's wrong? I can't figure out the problem because I don't need "$"

! Missing $ inserted. <inserted text> $ l.257 ![](Peter01_ files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-7-1.pdf)<!-- --> ggplot(data_peter02) + aes(x = region) + ...
Young osei's user avatar
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! Argument of \MakeTextUppercase has an extra }

\documentclass{tufte-book} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{forest} \usepackage{fourier} \usepackage{soul} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{tikzsymbols} \...
Bhaskar Vashishth's user avatar
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Missing number error in pgfplot [closed]

I got a weird error when I use add yshift=-1mm to my plot. The error does not appear when I use positive value. The shift works, but looking at the red error is really annoying. Can anyone suggest a ...
Pepa Jančík's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Missing $ inserted |

I am using this template: my equation is: \documentclass[pdflatex,sn-mathphys]{sn-jnl}% Math and Physical Sciences ...
Redhwan's user avatar
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missing $ inserted error on a biblatex full citation

I get a missing $ inserted error when I compile my document if I introduce a \fullcite to this particular bibliography entry: @article{sadava2019a, title = {Should We Routinely Close the Fascial ...
Fabio Campanile's user avatar
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Xelatex (Windows) / includegraphics - displayed just first 5000 images

I need to generate PDF document using xelatex.exe. .tex document is generated from the database and it contains thousands of pages and thousands of images displayed by \includegraphics. Problem is ...
user avatar
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Missing number issue in table - first with no issue

I wrote my CV using Overleaf. Using multiple times the tabular function, I have no issues. In the references, I get two errors by Overleaf: Missing number, treated as zero. Illegal unit of measure (...
pablo's user avatar
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Unknown error in my Project

I have now obtained a correct installation of XeLaTeX but I'm missing some fonts: How do I install fonts from slabikar.tfm and slabikar.sty files ? Now I'm getting the following error. Command Line: ...
user2925716's user avatar
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Missing vertical line in latex table

I am using the below code for making a latex table. Unfortunately, when I compile the vertical line of last column is missing. \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \begin{table}[b!] \...
Subhani's user avatar
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ETbb font package not working (missing TFM & CFG files)

When trying to compile (even the simplest) documents using the ETbb package, e.g.: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{ETbb} \begin{document} Test. \end{document} I get errors involving missing ...
Peter's user avatar
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Missing $ in math mode? [closed]

I have the following code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \[ \det(A) = a_{11}(a_{22}a_{33} - a_{23}a_{32}) - a_{12}(a_{21}a_{33} - a_{23}a_{31}) + a_{13}(a_{21}a_{32} ...
eti902's user avatar
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Missing symbol using newtxmath package

I use the following setting but some math symbols missed e.g. +, (),... \usepackage{newtxtext} %different text font \usepackage{newtxmath} %different math font \let\openbox\undefined \let\Bbbk\relax \...
user252110's user avatar
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Missing delimiter (. inserted) <to be read again> "Please help me solve this problem"

Please help me solve this problem The code below produces the error Missing delimiter (. inserted). \begin{equation} S_{i j} = \begin{cases}e ^{ - \max \left(\left| p_{i} - p_{j}\right|,\left|q_{i} - ...
Imili MH's user avatar
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Missing spaces when using overleaf

I'm using overleaf to write my thesis, after using the \textit{} command, the following text is still in italic and the spaces between words are missing. Is this a common problem and what can I do ...
paulschuetz's user avatar
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missing superscript glyph

I am using XeLaTeX TeXLive on Debian and Minion Pro for typesetting a commentary with many footnote series (with bigfoot). Minion Pro lacks "c" superscript, so realscript replaces it with ...
dsv87's user avatar
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Missing number, treated as zero on section using package titlesec

When using the titlesec package to modify the layout of the chapter title, I get the error: Missing number, treated as zero., in the section title. I use the following code to perform this action: \...
Jhon Balaguera's user avatar
4 votes
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twemojis package can't be used, doesn't show up locally, AND can't be installed?

When you search CTAN twemojis package, you find it: When I try to use it, it says package not found. \usepackage{twemojis} ! LaTeX Error: File `twemojis.sty' not found....
8c6b5df0d16ade6c's user avatar
3 votes
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How to add support for a single missing character?

I keep getting this error: [WARNING] Missing character: There is no ❯ (U+276F) (U+276F) in font Roboto Mono Nerd Font Complet Is there any way to add support for this entire font, or at least for ...
8c6b5df0d16ade6c's user avatar
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biblatex package suddenly missing

I am on a Windows machine using: Editor: TexStudio 3.1.1 Compiler: pdflatex Bibliography tool: biber Bibliography manager: natbib Today, I was editing my thesis document (just the text at the time, no ...
Rustic1112's user avatar
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Syntax highlight for gmsh code (*.geo)?

I am looking for syntax highlighting packages (as listings or minted) for *.geo (gmsh input) and/or MSH file format version 2 or 4 *.msh (gmsh output). Example of content of *.geo file // Scale global ...
Oromion's user avatar
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Missing \endcsname inserted error

I am getting an error that I have identified to stem from my bib file for one particular entry. This error has popped up after I moved from a natbib and BibTeX workflow to BibLaTeX and biber. I had ...
Rashiq's user avatar
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! Missing $ inserted.<inserted text>$ \end{multline}

\nabla L(\boldsymbol {\beta})= \mbox{ \Large \begin{pmatrix} \frac{\partial r_1}{\partial\beta_1}\\ \frac{\partial r_1}{\partial\beta_2}\\ \vdots \\ \frac{\partial r_1}{\partial\beta_n} \end{pmatrix} }...
Andrew's user avatar
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Missing header: (\rhead not shown)

I want to create a document with both header and footer. So far the footer has been working fine but not the header, which is missing for some reason. Do anyone have a clue as to why it happens? %!TEX ...
Rei's user avatar
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Missing $ inserted when use \texttt [duplicate]

I have this simple code: \documentclass[10pt]{article} % amsmath package, useful for mathematical formulas \usepackage{amsmath} % amssymb package, useful for mathematical symbols \usepackage{amssymb} ...
Smarcix's user avatar
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Automatic installation of iftex.sty does not work on Texmaker

I'm using Texmaker and so far, when there isn't a specific package, Texmaker was able to install it by asking me if I want to install it (a window with the butttom Install appeared). The same happens ...
Gennaro Arguzzi's user avatar
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apa7 citing ref needed tex studio+ tried with biblatex and biber compiler + issue round brackets around not generated around references

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{report} %=========================Preamble=================================== \usepackage{setspace} %for line spacing \usepackage[american]{babel} \usepackage{csquotes} \...
Munish Bedi's user avatar
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Missing # inserted in tabular mode

I'm somewhat new to Latex. Right now, I'm stuck with table creation. After searching this and other forums, I didn't manage to sort this out yet, so I kindly ask for your support. If I missed the ...
Pedro Baptista's user avatar
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2 answers

missing } and $ error in equation

I got "Missing }and$ inserted" error and I don`t know where should I add one. Could anybody help, please? \begin{equation}\label{3eq} A{}^{+}=(a_{i1}\textsuperscript{+},a_{i2}\...
baran's user avatar
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Multiple errors on math equation

Being relatively new to Latex, I try to implement the following expression: To do so, I used the following code (while using the amssymb package): \( \textbf{Y} = (\textbf{Y\textsubscript{\emph{v}}})...
Emil's user avatar
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Missing \item error on theorem environment!

This code produces the error "! LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item.See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.Type H for immediate help.... \end{lem}". I ...
Jana Göken's user avatar
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LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item, but the item is there

I'm trying to write a list in an enumerate environment, but for some reason even if the code is (apparently) correct, Latex gives me the following error at the second line: "! LaTeX Error: ...
NioA's user avatar
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