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Questions tagged [dependencies]

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Is there a way to tell latexmk ab out makefiles it needs for the compilation?

Is there a way to add make dependencies to latexmk? What I want is to simply write in the latexmkrc something like $make_deps = "path to makefile" So that the all target is added as a ...
HerpDerpington's user avatar
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How to build required files for PDFTEX?

Hello English ins't my first language so forgive me please. I have been spending a good amount of time and my efforts feel like a hack. I am following instructions from their site Tug Site cd Work ...
LUser's user avatar
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Automatically determine all ctan packages necessary to compile

I keep a relatively lean texlive and install individual packages as necessary through tlmgr. Sometimes I begin to work with a colleague and have to compile a new paper. Right now, my process is to ...
davidlowryduda's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to "fake packages" for TeX Live on Arch Linux?

How to "fake packages" for TeX Live on Arch Linux? I installed TeX Live directly from the script rather than the Arch packages. However pacman is unaware that I installed it and tries to ...
imd54497's user avatar
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How accurate / up-to-date is the depends field in .tlpobj

Information about the dependencies of packages can be viewed by using tlmgr --data "name,depends" info to get a list of all packages and their dependencies. I'm guessing this shows the ...
Marc Miller's user avatar
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Using external dependencies in my Latex main file

I'm using the package "snapshot" to generate a list of external dependencies of my filename.tex file. This list's result is stored in a filename.dep file. The goal would be to use this ...
Christophe's user avatar
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tlmgr install package with dependencies

I am installing the hyperref package with the command tlmgr --usermode install hyperref The package has dependencies to a lot more packages: depend stringenc depend hycolor depend bitset depend ...
flymg's user avatar
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How do linux users manage unmet dependencies?

I use Tex live on Debian. While I have no issues using the stable repository, I also want to try out the latest packages and changes that are only available on testing/sid. Unfortunately, when I ...
qiym8663's user avatar
4 votes
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Regarding the DEPENDS.txt in CTAN upload

Recently I got a suggestion from one GitHub issue that I should add a DEPENDS.txt to my packages, and I am planing to do so. However, there is one thing that confuses me. Suppose that there are two ...
Jinwen's user avatar
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How to install required packages in MikTeX including subrequirements?

I'm pre-installing required packages in a MikTeX Docker image, so dockerized PDF jobs run faster. So I have 3 Docker build jobs: Install MikTeX on debian-slim and install a list of common LaTeX ...
Paebbels's user avatar
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Getting a specific old version of a package as a .sty file

The Problem I'm trying to submit a manuscript to a journal hosted on, which, as far as I can tell, use a very old TexLive distribution. Naturally, this is out of my control. ...
Landak's user avatar
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Correct code not compiling (in Texmaker): Due to dependencies?

My original goal was to create table with certain properties and I got a good answer here: What I wanted. Unfortunately, running it in Texmaker did give me a fatal error. The code itself is correct ...
Pazu's user avatar
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TexPad Mac Os X - %force-texpad-dependency

I am facing a puzzling problem. I am working with TexPad 1.8.12 on Mac OS X 10.15.4. I compile with pdflatex in the cloud, but have also experienced the issue with the local custom Texpad texlive ...
mbpaulus's user avatar
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Writing a package: Best practices regarding dependencies

Some dependencies may be obvious and necessary for the basic function of a package. But what about secondary features which would require loading additional external packages? To clarify: I understand ...
DanSch's user avatar
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Dependencies of xparse package

Recently I have used a xparse package, and, surely some preprint servers doesn't have this package in their system, like, for example, While you try to submit [to arXiv] the ...
Petro Kolosov's user avatar
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Installing Texmaker on KDE Neon - qtbase-abi-5-9-5 has no installation candidate

I have tried to install Texmaker on KDE Neon. In Discover it says: Dependency resolution failed. In Terminal I have tried this: mangodile@Mangodile:~$ sudo apt-get install texmaker Reading package ...
Mangodile's user avatar
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If a package is loaded automatically, should I still load it manually if I explicitly need its features?

Many packages are loaded as prerequisites by other packages that internally use some of this package’s features. If I need to use a specific package, and this packages is already loaded by another ...
Philipp's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to usepackage inside an input or include file? [duplicate]

In other words, Can I put the package dependencies of an included file inside the file itself? Or I must use the main file for that? I am in a situation in which I include different slides in a main....
alfC's user avatar
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2 answers

Graph of Dependencies (like Numerical Recipes) [duplicate]

I'd like to build a graph of dependencies as they do in the index of the Numerical Recipes book. I want something straight-forward and plain like this: What has been suggested in the question in ...
Sara's user avatar
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latexmk error "Insecure dependency in eval"

latexmk has suddenly stopped working (version 1:4.41-1 under Ubuntu 16.04.1 with texlive-full from the Ubuntu repos) and "Perl 5, version 22, subversion 1 (v5.22.1) built for x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-...
Peter Flynn's user avatar
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latexmk: "file not found" even though custom dependency should add it

I am working on a large document, that contains descriptions of several technical components. I have written several macros that trigger the automatic creation of ".uml" files during a ...
Mampfred3000's user avatar
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2 answers

Force dependency to compile using a Makefile

I compile a project using a Makefile. Somehow (after reading a lot about Makefiles), I can't solve the following problem: I have a main file edu.tex and a file edu-tut.tex, which is imported to edu....
dawu's user avatar
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Automatically identify the dependent package for LaTeX symbol command

Given a command like \kreuz, is it possible to create an application that will smartly recognise and import its dependent package wasysym, to enable its rendering out on a webpage? The aim is to have ...
chiich's user avatar
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Dependency in Math

I trying to explain the orders of multiplication of algebraic expression. With MWE and \usepackage{tikz-dependency}, I failed to produce what I want though: $\begin{aligned}[t] (a+b)^{2}...
Panha's user avatar
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Is it possible to implement a package dependency which is version specific?

This question should really ask what is the best way to implement a version-specific package dependency. However, if I try to ask that, the system threatens to close my question. In this answer, ...
cfr's user avatar
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4 answers

Create dependency graphs between characters

I was asked in thread 139691 to open a new question - so here we go: I need to create dependency graphs between characters in LaTex. As the output shall be processed via "pdflatex" later on, I opted ...
Oli's user avatar
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vizualisation of package dependencies

According to the solution of Heiko (How to design a command inquiring internally required packages?) I would like to have one additional file to be written... It should have the form Headerlines ...
Peter Ebelsberger's user avatar
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How to maintain and import self-made libraries

Over the years I've written some libraries. These libraries sometimes depend on each other. As a result, the "tex" directory is structured as follows: tex ├── library | ├── library1.sty | ├── ...
willeM_ Van Onsem's user avatar
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media9 installation in Ubuntu 12.04

I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and Kile for LaTeX document editing. I would like to use the media9 package to embed videos and 3D objects (via .u3d files) in a PDF document. I'm totally new in the LaTeX ...
jipai's user avatar
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Should I load all "package dependencies" in tufte-latex?

In the tufte-latex sample-book.pdf: Package Dependencies The following is a list of packages that the Tufte-LATEX document classes rely upon. Packages marked with an asterisk are optional. • ...
trmdttr's user avatar
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Install IDE without installing TexLive 2007 [duplicate]

I've been trying so hard to make TexLive work on my Fedora, but I can't find a way. I've installed TeXLive 2012, but when I install Kile, it says it depends texlive2007, the old version. Then I tried ...
Gutierrez PS's user avatar
4 votes
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Distribute LaTeX Package with Document

TLDR Is there a way to distribute a LaTeX package with a document and to use it during compilation? Situation At our university, we're writing a lot of lecture summaries with LaTeX. Sometimes those ...
Danilo Bargen's user avatar
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Fedora manual installation and dependencies

Following answers on this website (like: How to use TeX Live on Fedora 17? and Manually installed TexLive on Fedora 16 ) I installed texlive manually on fedora and it works flawlessly. The problem I ...
CarrKnight's user avatar
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Problem with tikz-dependency [closed]

I've download the tikz-dependency package and tried the basic example as in the package docs. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{tikz-dependency} \begin{document} \begin{...
DotNet's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Loading package twice with \RequirePackage causes "option clash"

I thought that loading a package twice with the same options cannot lead to option clash, still I get a clash in the following simple example: \documentclass{article} \RequirePackage[patch]{kvoptions}...
yo''s user avatar
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9 votes
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how to prevent combine ends of arcs of tikz-dependency

How to prevent the arcs from combining with tikz-dependency, like two arcs starting from "had" are separated from each other. but in the picture generated by the following code, below they are not ...
icycandy's user avatar
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Navigator + hyperref

Quick question: is the navigator package compatible with the hyperref package? It seems as though their responsibilities overlap somehow... In which order should one load them? Are there any other ...
mpr's user avatar
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Is it possible to load pgfmath without loading the full pgf package?

Update Oct 30th 2011 This has now been fixed in the CVS repository of PGF due to my bug report. With this version \usepackage{pgfmath} should work. I would like to use pgfmath in one of my ...
Martin Scharrer's user avatar