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Biber error with "constants" package

I was trying to run biber (version 2.10; using Texmaker) when this error occurred: INFO - This is Biber 2.10 INFO - Logfile is 'provabib.blg' ERROR - provabib.bcf is malformed, last biblatex run ...
Mattia Vedovato's user avatar
3 votes
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Problem with ï (LaTeX) [closed]

I want to write an "ï" in my document (French is a hard language). I've tried \''{\i} and I've placed the brackets in many other ways but it still doesn't work... Please help me! My 'configuration'...
Tak Kento's user avatar
27 votes
1 answer

Package biblatex Error: Incompatible package 'cite'

I am trying to use biblatex package: \usepackage{biblatex} I get the following error: ! Package biblatex Error: Incompatible package 'cite'. Can someone help me how can I resolve this issue? I ...
Admia's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Package biblatex Error: File '"FILENAME".bbl' not created by biblatex. \begin{document}

I an new to LaTeX.. My question is about the error I get Package biblatex Error: File '"FILENAME".bbl' not created by biblatex. \begin{document}. I have tried to read the guide to biblatex but I ...
Riccardo's user avatar
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5 votes
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MikTeX update caused compilation problems (Oct 2013)

I just updated all my MikTeX packages in an attempt to deal with the problem posed in this question: Biblatex citation and bibliography misbehaving in Texmaker - help!. Now TeXworks and TeXmaker both ...
Mike's user avatar
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