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Questions tagged [amsthm]

A package that facilitates the kind of theorem setup typically needed in American Mathematical Society publications. The package offers the theorem setup of the AMS document classes (amsart, amsbook, etc.) encapsulated in LaTeX package form so that it can be used with other document classes.

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2 answers

Unexpected behaviour of vertical space/glue between theorems (with amsthm)

I was developing a macro to insert some material "in the background" while preserving the layout of the rest of the page. I noticed an unexpected behaviour when the insertion point was ...
Alexey's user avatar
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indented line after list in theorem bug

When theorem starts with a list (without triggering \par) then the line after list is indented like in the new paragraph. Is this a bug? Can it be fixed in the sources? \documentclass{article} \...
Linuxss's user avatar
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How to put the QED symbol of a proof at the right place inside aligned?

When a proof ends with a aligned* environment, putting \qedhere after the last equation would cause the QED symbol to appear near the last equation not in the end of the line. How it appear in the end ...
somkiat_t's user avatar
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How to remove the additional space above and below a `l3coffin` that was combined from an `amsthm` environment and a figure horizontally?

As the title described, I define an environment via l3coffins that can combine two parts horizontally. I used this environment to combine an amsthm and a figure, but there exists a gap before and ...
Skyrmion's user avatar
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\cref refers to lemmas as theorems

I think I found another problem with \cref after the November update. I defined two \newtheorem environments called plemma and ptheorem. Now, I let the numbering of plemma depend on ptheorem. If I ...
Blau's user avatar
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\newtheorem problems if I don't label chapter

I discovered a very strange behavior. If you run the following code, you will get an error (I use TexStudio and TexLive on a Mac M1): \documentclass{book} \usepackage{amsthm} \usepackage{hyperref} \...
Blau's user avatar
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Place each proof on its own page in appendix

In my document, I am wanting some of my proofs to live in the body of the text, and others to be deferred to an appendix, along with their corresponding theorem statements. In attempt to do this, I am ...
Logan's user avatar
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Is there a theorem package that works with tagpdf?

As described in this post the amsthm package is not compatible with the tagpdf package/project. I browsed the list of supported packages and didn't see a theorem package that is compatible, but I ...
Ethan Duckworth's user avatar
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How to make enumerate adjust to nested margin?

I have my own .cls class for taking notes during lectures. In there i have my own command for a theorem. Whenever i try to make a nested enumerate list it completely ignores the margin, putting the ...
Adelard's user avatar
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decrease height of separator in custom theorem style

I have made a definition of a separator custom theorem style in LaTeX. The separator separates the header of the theorem from the body. I would like the full line of the separator to be thinner. ...
sryscad's user avatar
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Why is LaTeX counting solution as is a theorem?

\documentclass[12pt,twoside]{book} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{a4wide} \usepackage{amssymb,amsthm,amsmath} \usepackage[compact]{titlesec} \usepackage[square,numbers]{natbib} \usepackage{...
The MoviePoint's user avatar
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Proof style with babel

Long ago I used this solution to Changing style of Proof to make the work proof bold. Over time babel got used and I've just noticed that it has now reverted back to the original style (contrary I ...
oliversm's user avatar
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Putting QED symbol lower when using \qedhere in a formula with large subscripts

When ending a proof (from the amsthm package) on a formula that extends quite a bit below the baseline, e.g. when there are stacked subscripts, I find that the \qedhere-command places the box too high ...
sTertooy's user avatar
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change the appearance of the equation by several levels

I use this code to change the appearance of the equation, but it is full of errors even if at the end it gives a result, please help me to correct it. Thank you . \documentclass{article} \usepackage{...
user321215's user avatar
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swapping and not swapping numbers in the document

I want to print the following two types of statements in my document: (i) Theorem 1.1 (ii) 1.2 Theorem I understand that (i) is the conventional numbering scheme type, and I can get type (ii) scheme ...
Katrina's user avatar
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Newline after theorem

I am writing a document which contains solutions for exercises from a mathematics textbook. The exercises are usually split up into separate parts and sometimes there is an introductory text before ...
Smiley1000's user avatar
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Use arabic numerals for amsthm section numbering when sections are numbered with roman numerals

For reasons of internal consistency, I have labeled the sections in my document using lowercase roman numerals followed by a dot, using the following command in the preamble: \renewcommand{\thesection}...
paulina's user avatar
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Indentation of text inside a \newtheorem environment for multiple versions of \newtheorem

MWE \documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{exam} \usepackage{amsthm} \usepackage{thmtools} \begin{document} \newtheorem{definition}{Definition} \newtheorem{example}{Example} %\newtheorem{proof}{Proof} \...
FriendlyFire's user avatar
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While using the declaretheoremstyle command, what is the argument for the body to be Roman font?

I am using the thmtools package to declare a theorem style. I want to declare a theorem style with body font the Roman font (like the body font in \theoremstyle{definition}). I have read that the ...
Asigan's user avatar
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Theorems display error with hyperref

I have a problem with display theorem counter (see below) and I cant just update everything because of corporate policies, so I am trying to find exact simple solution. I've already found that problem ...
kissmemiau's user avatar
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Possible compatibility issue between tagpdf and amsthm?

\DocumentMetadata{testphase=phase-III} \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsthm} % causes error. Compiles fine if either this line, or the first line, or both, is commented out. \newtheorem{thrm}{...
mathmandan's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the canonical way to add theorems to the table of contents?

I am writing a math paper and I would like to have my theorems, lemmas, corollaries and definitions appear in the table of contents. My original code looked essentially like this: \documentclass{...
Smiley1000's user avatar
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Problem with unnumbered theorem

I would like to include an unnumbered theorem in my text. According to what I read, one needs to define a theorem environment using \newtheorem* instead of the usual \newtheorem. However, this seems ...
dicemaster666's user avatar
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The action of \normalfont and \textit in the theorem heading

I want to write a document with a remark environment, and the caption "Remark" should be Italics, with no bold. I have tried three ways to declare it in the following example, namely remark, ...
Asigan's user avatar
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Problem defining environments using \newtheorem

I'm writing my thesis and I encountered a problem while trying to use amsthm and particularly trying to define new environments using \newtheorem. \documentclass[12pt]{report} \linespread{1.5} \title{...
Euler's user avatar
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Getting a rule on the left side of text that skips the first line of the environment using mdframed

I'm trying to get a definition environment where there's a rule on the left side of the text, except for the first line. I currently have the MWE below using mdframed, but I don't know how to skip the ...
George's user avatar
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How can I have common number (i.e., share a counter) between a tcolorbox theorem environment and a standard theorem environment?

I have a document where I want to have theorems formatted using the tcolorbox package, and propositions formatted using the default formatting from the amsthm package. However, I'd also like to have ...
Naysh's user avatar
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svproc and amsthm incompatibility

I am writing a paper that requires the document class svproc When running a MWE \documentclass{styles/svproc} \usepackage{amsthm} \begin{document} Hello \end{document} I get the following error: ...
betaros's user avatar
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namecref With theorem* Environments

I'm trying to refer to the name of an amsthm theorem* environment using cleveref's namecref command. However \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsthm} \usepackage{cleveref} \newtheorem*{note}{Note} ...
Dave's user avatar
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Number a theorem with subsection-number. thm-number, without chapter number

I wish to number theorem in a report with x.y if the theorem is the y-th number in section x (of some chapter), without chapter number. In other words, I want the theorem be numbered like \newtheorem{...
Asigan's user avatar
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How to remove the space after the amsthm caption and the dot?

I've create an unnumbered amsthm environment problem, and a numbered amsthm environment example. Then I want to make the numbered example environment be unnumbered, so I typed \let\theexample=\relax (...
Skyrmion's user avatar
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Brackets after Theorems, Propositions... with amsthm, potential conflict with another package

I need to use the class indicated (you may find it here) for a paper submission. However, this class has a weird syntax for the proofs in Theorems, Propositions, etc. (this is a known fact.) The usual ...
M. Serrano's user avatar
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How to remove the extra space between the mdframed environments?

In contrast with the amsthm environments, the gap between mdframed environments are larger than that of amsthm. The MWE is the following \PassOptionsToPackage{svgnames}{xcolor} \documentclass{book} \...
Skyrmion's user avatar
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4 votes
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Delete word "Proof" and punctuation in latex proof environment

I want to eliminate the word "Proof" that appears right after \begin{proof} ... \end{proof} The basic ideas: \renewcommand{\proofname}{} and \begin{proof}[] \end{proof} Do not work because ...
William M.'s user avatar
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Refering to a theorem by its name [duplicate]

So I've seen here that you can actually have a personnalized theorem environment name but I was wondering if there was a way to refer to it as is. I've chosen the solution \documentclass{article} \...
Jolia's user avatar
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\cref : "Argument of \textsf has an extra }."

So I have this bit of code \begin{ex} The prototype for an abelian category is $\Mod_R$, in fact every abelian category is equivalent to a full subcategory of $\Mod_R$ as we will see in \cref{FMET}...
Jolia's user avatar
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Using small caps in counters with `amsthm`?

I want to use lowercase small caps for all section titles. I also want to use old style figures, and in this case I'm using mathpazo. Now, suppose I add an appendix to a document and number theorems ...
apc's user avatar
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Custom proof environment: spacing issue with when optional argument given

Consider the following code, the purpose of which is to have a proof environment in which the "Proof." bit is bold. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsthm} \renewenvironment{proof}[1][...
Oxonon's user avatar
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Is possible to decrease the text margin of a theorem automatically?

I am writing a LaTeX document where I formatting a mathstatement environment as into the following code. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%...
Antonio Maria Di Mauro's user avatar
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`section` is reset upon changing a chapter?

The amsthm documentation states: If any theorem elements are numbered by section, and (in a book) the first such element in a chapter comes before the first section, numbering will continue from the ...
Atom's user avatar
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How to recreate the "dangerous bend exercise" in TeXbook with `amsthm`

I'm typing a document right now and have a warning theorem environment, created with amsthm. What intrigues me is that Knuth's The TeXbook managed to put the "dangerous bend" symbol in front ...
Gargantuar's user avatar
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draftwatermark picks up italics from the top of the next page and produces Postscript, and no large smallcaps italics fonts are available in fix-cm

Feeding latex with \RequirePackage{fix-cm} \documentclass{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{amsthm} \usepackage[text={\textsc{Confidential \ Draft}}, angle=53.2, fontsize={92.4pt}]{...
user avatar
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Analogue of \proofname but for the word "Theorem" [duplicate]

Let's say I'm writing a macro which defines a proof-like environment for beamer. then I can use \proofname inside the definition, and the macro works fine with the default ("english") ...
Łukasz Grabowski's user avatar
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Count theorems like Theorem part.chapter.number

I'm using the scrreprt documentclass, which provides parts and chapters. While I found solutions to enumerate theorems like Theorem chapter.section.number, I did not manage to obtain Theorem part....
Brauer Suzuki's user avatar
4 votes
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Unwanted horizontal space with Cref command from cleveref and amsthm

I have a problem with the presence of an unwanted space when I use amsthm and cleveref. The following is a MWE that highlights the issue. \documentclass{article} \usepackage[english]{babel} \...
Kolmin's user avatar
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LNCS proceedings template Command \proof already defined

Trying to put my paper into LNCS format and I don't know what the source of the error here is \documentclass[runningheads]{llncs} \usepackage{amsmath,amsthm,amssymb} \usepackage[algosection,ruled,...
Hao S's user avatar
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Removing Unnecessary Space from Equations within Custom Environments in thmtools

I'm facing an issue while writing my thesis. Whenever a theorem ends with an equation, an additional line is added. I have to use thmtools, and I'm unsure whether I should remove this space from the ...
Daniel Checa's user avatar
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Start the example on a new line

I'm using the following code to write out examples and solutions in my book. However, I'd like to start the example in a new line after the heading. Currently, this is what I have as the output. \...
akasteve's user avatar
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The name of my Theorem is not bold when I use default amsthm package settings [duplicate]

here is what I have done. I am only doing this minimal example just to make sure that I have not done any customization to override the default setting. However, in the output I get the name of the ...
RStudent's user avatar
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Redefining theorem breaks nameref

I'd like to define a command \keyifythm{<envname>} which redefines an amsthm theorem environment to take a key-value optional argument. My approach below works, but for reasons I don't ...
mbert's user avatar
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