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Questions tagged [latex2html]

a program to convert LaTeX documents to HTML.

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1 answer

Converting LaTeX to HTML without losing formatting from titlesec & titling

I've tried several existing TeX->HTML solutions, including tex4ht, pandoc, and lwarp, but all suffer from a similar issue where they completely lose all formatting done by titlesec, geometry, ...
swurl's user avatar
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Which software can be used for diagrams incorporated in latex and html

I need to draw one or a few flow-diagram like graph which must be included in a PDF produced with Latex and a HTML file shown in a browser. What is the best option for the software? I would prefer a ...
user855443's user avatar
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How to render LaTeX code in an HTML webpage [duplicate]

In website development, I need to read LaTeX code and render it into an HTML webpage, becoming a separate webpage. I'm not sure if there's any way to render LaTeX code into an HTML webpage
戴玮轩's user avatar
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Why does lwarpmk limages command does generate empty svg image files?

Using lwarp commands, I'm trying to generate an html page from a .tex file containing a tikzpicture section. Compiling and generating pdf version succeeds ! Generating html file with the lwarpmk html ...
crescendo31's user avatar
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Bad alignment of \begin{array}...\end{array} with LaTeX2HTML

I recently used latex2html (released January 1, 2021) to convert a mathematical LaTeX paper with 100 plus equations of varying complexity with very good results, except for one flaw. Which I have ...
Tore H-W's user avatar
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Adding a search bar to webpages generated with Latex2HTML

I was wondering whether there is an easy way to add a search bar to (offline) webpages created with LaTeX2HTML, similar to Doxygen (see e.g. the OpenCV documentation, where you have a search bar in ...
andreee's user avatar
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I need to use \input to supply titles to \section, \subsection, and \subsubsection, but it only works for \section

Here is a MWE. Actually I am using latex2html for a web page. LaTeX works using \protect, but not latex2html. \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \section{\protect\input{titles/title-sample}} \...
russ's user avatar
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Commenting/ Excluding commands for Latex 2 HTML with Pandoc

The Following Latex Item ends with the Runaway Argument, as apparently the begin/end soln need to be on separate lines. What I am trying to test is if there is a way to steer out certain commands for ...
Christian Langkamp's user avatar
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Internal document references Latex \label \ref via pandoc to HTML screw up for Epub generation

Basically Pandoc to HTML works really well pandoc -s ABC.tex -o ABC.html --citeproc --standalone --number-sections The generated (and with Jutoh post processed) Epub works fine on Kindle or Adobe ...
Christian Langkamp's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Crop PDF Graphics [closed]

I have a number of HTML snippets which I want to programmatically insert a rendering of into different cells of a tabular environment. I've tried a number of tools to convert these into latex such as ...
Julian Sutherland's user avatar
2 votes
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! Paragraph ended before \doTocEntry was complete

I'm writing my thesis and stuck here. Below is my preamble and some code. I'm knew to latex and Don't know what is the problem with the code. \documentclass[twosided,12pt]{book} \usepackage[authoryear,...
Sajna v.h's user avatar
3 votes
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How is LaTeX's online documentation produced?

I like the style of the LaTeX html online documentation on I assume it is written in LaTeX and then somehow transformed into HTML. I would like to produce a documentation in a ...
Amelse Etomer's user avatar
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Can I use my own documentclass (custom.cls) with latex2html?

I posted a question similar to this on [email protected], but lack of response makes me wonder whether the list still has active members. For production of stand-alone documents in PDF format, I ...
russ's user avatar
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Latex to not PDF on Windows [duplicate]

Is it possible to export Latex to non pdf format? HTML, rtf, doc, ePub, odt will be good. I read about that, but it seems obsolete now. Any new solutions for such important thing? My OS is Windows.
Vladimir's user avatar
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Does latex2html convert equations in to mathml instead of images?

I installed latex2html in my windows system. It converts the latex file into html. All display equations are converted as svg images. I need mathml code for the equations. Is there any option to ...
Saravanan's user avatar
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Can I write once, publish in HTML(blog) and PDF?

I'm going to write an article. It will have math equations, images, and tables. My article frequently contains repeated content with slight modifications. For instance my article may have If the ...
Gqqnbig's user avatar
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Can we embed LaTeX code in HTML webpage? [closed]

Is there any way to add all LaTeX code in HTML webpage? There are some ways for maths/equations but I want to use other LaTeX elements in HTML like tcolorbox.
ZEESHAN's user avatar
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HTML with latex code

I'm reading a HTML file, where math related stuffs are written in latex code. It's just like: Let A be matrix and b be a vector. Then \|Ax - b\|_2^2 <= \epsilon is what we need. Blah blah. i....
Applicable Math's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How can I get a book(article) online via LaTeX to HTML in Windows 10?

If you could spend a week full-time with Windows looking into various methods for converting LaTeX to HTML, and then actually implement an approach based on what seems to be the most successful/...
user avatar
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What is a TeX to HTML converter that produces GladTeX-friendly HTML and numbers formulas?

I wrote a math paper in LaTeX that uses a custom .sty file I wrote (defines some math commands, basically, and imports packages with math symbols and fonts) and I want to convert it into a standalone, ...
cgmil's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to render a TeX formula in pure HTML/CSS using Open Type fonts? [duplicate]

Is there a way to convert a TeX document into HTML that instead of relying on JavaScript, SVG, HTML Canvas, or images for rendering formulae to solely rely on HTML, CSS, and OTF fonts? In [Which ...
Behrang Saeedzadeh's user avatar
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Problem in using latex2wp converter

I used latex2wp package to convert my latex codes into html document. To check whether it works well, I tried to convert simple-single line math equation-codes into html document. But my result does ...
T.K's user avatar
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Writing config.cfg for htlatex

I wish to write my own config.cfg file (used by htlatex to convert .tex to html) that uses my custom defined header/footer, frames and background.
neutrino's user avatar
49 votes
2 answers

Not Obsolete LaTeX to HTML Converter?

I am looking to convert LaTeX to HTML. A long time ago (during my thesis, in 2000!), I used Hacha and Hevea ... but obviously, they are no longer maintained, especially the Windows version. More ...
Christophe Genolini's user avatar
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Tex file to HTML conversion

I tried to convert multiple .tex files, but I'm having problems with it, I tried htlatex, pandoc, latex2html, but none of them have worked. The one who at least show signs of success was using the ...
Mateus Amorim Silva's user avatar
4 votes
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Wiki software with Latex formatting?

I'm looking at setting up an internal wiki at my company and I would like a system that used Latex instead of Markdown or any of the other popular "languages" to format the wiki pages. I find a lot of ...
RobinSt's user avatar
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Wiki engine to embed extensive Tex and PGF/Tikz code

I would like to create a wiki (several authors) with scientific content, including text, equations, graphs and schemes. I wish to use LaTeX macros (including my own ones) and draw graphics with the ...
Tobard's user avatar
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Latex to HTML conversion (basic explanation)

I have been looking around for an easy way to save my .tex into a .html file, but all the questions/answers are very technical, and I have not found one that is accessible to me/beginners. I have seen ...
Grig's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Is this a good use case for LaTeX? [closed]

I'm trying to understand if LaTeX is a good choice for my use case(s). I don't know LaTeX and am having a hard time finding if these things are all possible, or maybe it is more a compiler question? ...
John S.'s user avatar
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Compile latex-document with pstricks to HTML [duplicate]

I have a document that I'm currently compiling with pdflatex that contains pstricks-pictures (using \usepackage[pdf]{pstricks} and \usepackage{auto-pst-pdf}) To publish the document online I want it ...
user2033412's user avatar
6 votes
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Pre-compiled mathjax output using mathjax node in make4ht or htlatex

It is possible to convert latex to html with make4ht or htlatex in which mathematics content gets converted into svg. Is it possible to pre-compile mathematics content of latex file into mathjax (...
user61681's user avatar
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Any suggestions on how to use commutative diagrams in Wordpress

I started a blog on Wordpress a few months back and I used Luca Trevesian's latex2wp to change my latex documents into html for wordpress. I am wanting to use a commutative diagram on my blog but it ...
daruma's user avatar
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Converting complete latex to html [duplicate]

I have tried these: 1)latex2html won't work with external packages like paralist 2)pandoc-ruby not generating html correctly, actually not at all 3)ht4tex. I haven't tried it yet. Can I install it ...
Mukarram Ali's user avatar
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How to run latex2wp

I do wonder if this is the appropriate place to ask but I have been searching for a bit without any success about how to run the latex2wp that is used in the Terry Tao's Wordpress. It would be greatly ...
daruma's user avatar
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Getting LaTeX with custom *.sty files rendered in an HTML document

I've got a number of equations in a LaTeX document written in display mode. I'm using a *.sty file to be able to typeset them (inference rules). I want to get *.svg versions of these into an HTML ...
Heather Miller's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

What TeX processor does Stacks Project use to generate HTML?

Which TeX processor does Stacks Project use to generate HTML? (htlatex, tex4ht, etc.)
porton's user avatar
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Use compile LaTeX to HTML with subfiles

I've got a rather large tex project I'd like to turn into one or many linked html files. However neither of my go-to converters, pandoc and latex2html, seem to support recursive compilation. Is there ...
Canyon's user avatar
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Randomly generate pdf on website [closed]

I have created a latex file which creates a pdf by randomly selecting 10 subfiles from a pool of files. This works fine, and I am able to generate a random PDF every time I run my script. A breakdown ...
Christopher Zerafa's user avatar
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Conversion of HTML5 to LaTex

Is anyone familiar with a tool for converting HTML to LaTex markup? I don't mean fetching and attempting to render CSS stuff, just converting the content of elements like paragraphs, headers, and ...
MFave's user avatar
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Examples of HTML documentation produced with LaTeX

I am considering writing some software documentation in LaTeX to compile to HTML. I know this is possible with at least two tools (htlatex, latex2html) but have not seen any examples of their output. ...
sideshow's user avatar
7 votes
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How to create non-outlined SVG files from LaTeX formulae

Are there any ways of generating SVG files from LaTeX math formulae, that are not built from outlined glyphs? I.e., I want the SVG file to contain the math glyphs within <text> tags, not <...
akvilas's user avatar
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How to remove the <p></p> surrounding every table cell rendered by Plastex?

Plastex renders beautiful HTML from LaTeX... to a point. One problem is that the content of every cell in tables is surrounded by HTML tags p> content </p even though it is already inside a ...
Echeban's user avatar
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How to force Sections to be Heading2 H2 in Plastex

Plastex is open source (Python) translator from LaTeX to HTML. It does a really good job, producing very clean HTML. For those of use that use LateX for writing ...
Echeban's user avatar
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How to convert pdflatex to word [duplicate]

I have a tex document with math formula, figure, tikz drawings. What is the best way to convert tex to doc format. I tried with latex2rtf, pandoc, ... but nothing works. Can someone write step ...
usil's user avatar
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First steps with htlatex, I'm losing all the math format! [closed]

I'm doing my first steps with htlatex, trying to get HTML documents. I have OS: Linux Mint, Tex Live, and I make my *.tex with Texmaker. I know how to use MathJax. I get this: This is how I wish it ...
Cristian's user avatar
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Is there a LaTeX-to-HTML package that uses TeX? [duplicate]

I know that there are a lot of ways to "convert" LaTeX source to HTML markup that, when rendered, resembles the hypothetical original PDF. Is there such a package that works within LaTeX? I'm ...
Simon Kuang's user avatar
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latex2html: cannot use mathematical formulas

I use latex2html to have my document in HTML format. I have a problem with mathematical formulas. I include the following packages: \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsmath} And when I write ...
Yulia Spryn's user avatar
6 votes
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Lyx to Word Export issue

I need to produce a RTF/DOC/ODT document from LyX for my supervisors to comment and edit. The Lyx document contains ERT, master/children docs, hyperrefs, cross-references, svg/png figures, and basic ...
user42174's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a web page which appears same/similar in formatting to the pdf generated from latex?

Corresponding to a one-two page document such as a resume one might want to create a web page where one can scroll up/down with links to move to top-bottom at the end of each section. Corresponding ...
TRK's user avatar
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How to convert Latex entities to hex value?

I'm in the process of converting latex to xml. So, I need to convert latex entities into hex value. I thought to convert from latex entities to html to hex entities or can it be done directly from ...
vidhya's user avatar
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