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Questions tagged [ctable]

The {ctable} package provides a {ctable} command for the typesetting of table and figure floats.

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Clash of the ctable package with the datetime package if the showdow option is set

Loading the datetime2 package with the showdow option creates a clash with the ctable package, at least for me. Without the showdow option there are no problems. The following MWE shows the error ...
Dietrich Baumgarten's user avatar
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Caption in longtblr doesn't follow options given to format captions

Prior to the updates published in July 2022 I used the ctable package to define annotated tables. But after that date those tables containing siunitx columns and entries give rise to a plethora of ...
alchemist's user avatar
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conflict between ctable and csvsimple?

The following MWE produces an error upon compilation: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{ctable} \usepackage{csvsimple} \begin{document} test \end{document} The error is: ! Undefined control ...
Alan's user avatar
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ctable frame color with named color

I'm using ctable and I would like to have a frame around tables matching the main color of the document. The problem is that ctable has the property framefg that accepts the RGB values of the color, ...
gjkf's user avatar
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center ctable wider than textwidth on page

I have a ctable which is wider than textwidth and I would like to center it on the page. I tried the solutions from here but none of them seems to work for a ctable. Here is what I tried so far \...
user172294's user avatar
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How to prevent onehalfspacing in a table?

I have composed my document with booktabs as usually. Then I had to add some notes to one of the tables, so I have tried about every solution discussed on TSX out of which ctabs and threeparttablex ...
Mr. Tao's user avatar
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Many footnotes in table along same line with longtable split on two pages

I have a long table rotated of 90 degrees, in which I want to insert about tens of \footnote{a text} (they are references to the bibliography for each row of the table, and the table has a few tens of ...
Py-ser's user avatar
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Make mark in ctable non italic

Ctable prints the footnote marks in italic font, like in the following example. How would it be possible to print them in a regular font (both in the table and in the footnote section)? \ctable[ ...
Martin Fahl's user avatar
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Ctable forces new page after section title

I have multiple ctable which are filling about a page each. One of them is smaller and therefore used as the first one so that a section title can be printed on the top of the page. Now ctable makes ...
InDubio's user avatar
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Disable transparency warning when using ctable with pgfplots?

I'm using ctable package for tables with footnotes. IMO it looks better than using booktabs with threeparttable package. I also use pgfplots (which I guess uses tikz package, in turn). Everything ...
Paapaa's user avatar
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Ctable with long key: problem (with xkeyval?)

All. In question: multipage tables with ctable package David Carlisle wrote answer with some nice hack for ctable (adding long as key). \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \...
Elisey's user avatar
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Control space between (table) float environment and head

does someone know how to control the distance between a table and the head of a document page defined by the actual textheight? Somehow it only works for figures (figure 3.4) not for tables. As I ...
Horst's user avatar
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13 votes
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Tikz and ctable incompatibility, gives error when printing

When I print a report I get an error: An error exists on this page. Acrobat may not display the page correctly. Please contact the person who created the PDF document to correct the problem ...
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how do set table body math parts in different font

How do set the table body math part only different font using XeLaTeX. My MWE is: \documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article} \usepackage[margin=1in, showframe, nomarginpar]{geometry} \...
Balaji's user avatar
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Line break in columns in booktabs table

Hi I want to fit the following table on to one landscape page: Therefore I want columns 2,3,4,5,6 to have a line break in the header row only. Also I want to be able to use footnotes and I need to be ...
mt1111's user avatar
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Table caption inside tabular environment

I would like to write a table with latex which looks as similar as possible to this one here but I do not know how to add the caption to the header of the table as seen down below: I reach as far as ...
Til Hund's user avatar
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Avoiding non-centered caption on ctable with float

I try to put my floats under the control of KOMA-Script using \restylefloat and KOMA's komaabove and komabelow. This works, but gives undesired side effects with ctable. The tables are centered but ...
Tobias's user avatar
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How do I insert a command using braces into the caption of a ctable?

I need to place a hyperref command into the caption of a ctable, but this does not produce correct output. For example: \ctable[caption={Properties of the \hyperref[sec:Towers]{Towers} dataset.}, ...
TomH57's user avatar
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Table width with ctable

i'm having a problem with the width of a table in my thesis. Its my first document with Latex. I have two tables. First table: \ctable[ caption = {Comparison between $K_D$ values in \citet{SPM_1977} ...
user56009's user avatar
8 votes
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How to put numbers in parenthesis in the S column using siunitx package

In the following minimal code, when I replace the l columns by S I get an error message saying invalid-number!! Invalid numerical input '(4.36)'.!! See the siunitx documentation for further ...
Duna's user avatar
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package clash between ctable and auto-pst-pdf?

I'm new to LaTeX and decided to write my PhD thesis with it (pdflatex.exe, TexStudio2.6.6, Win7x64). I nailed the conflict to two packages namely ctable and auto-pst-pdf. Unfortunately I need both ...
ruffy's user avatar
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Center narrow columns under wider caption in ctable

I have a narrow table but a long-ish caption. Rather than run the caption to several lines, I have set the ctable width to 0.5\textwidth. However, the two narrow table columns are now set to the ...
dcnicholls's user avatar
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How to fix showing table labels in TeXstudio when using ctable package?

In TeXstudio editor one can easily choose which labels to reference as soon as you type the cross-referencing-macro you intended to use, for instance, \cref{} of the cleveref package (see image below)...
doctorate's user avatar
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How to change the default alignment of a caption using the ctable package?

I searched through the manual of ctable handy package and couldn't find any help there, to change the default centered caption to left alignment. This is a MWE: \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article}...
doctorate's user avatar
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6 votes
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Using footnotesize in ctable package

I have a long table requiring the use of a \footnotesize. The table is made using a \ctable package as follows. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{ctable} \usepackage{booktabs} \begin{document} \...
Duna's user avatar
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Note inside cell with ctable

I would like to have the following table with notes at the end Which I can have with the ctable package \documentclass[]{article} \usepackage{ctable} \begin{document} \ctable[nosuper ]{p{1cm}p{6cm}p{...
Penbeuz's user avatar
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what's wrong with my ctable? [closed]

I can't seem to pinpoint the problem with the table below and would appreciate some help. Something simple I am sure, but I can't see it... \documentclass{article} \usepackage{ctable} \begin{...
DavidC's user avatar
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ctable and siunitx: Last column does not center correctly (possible incompatibility?)

I would like to use ctable in my thesis for tables and graphics and I also would like to use siunitx for formatting numbers and aligning numbers on the decimal marker in tables. Everything seemed to ...
jogru's user avatar
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Is it possible to use an \hdashrule inside a \ctable as a \midrule?

I would like to know if there is a way to use an \hdashrule or \hdashline inside a \ctableas a \midrule? If possible, it will obey to the same rules as the \midrule command, like adjusting ...
Meclassic's user avatar
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5 votes
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ctable decimal alignment

I'm trying to replicate siunitx's decimal alignmnent in tables, using ctables. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{ctable} \begin{document} \ctable[] {rc} {}{ \FL \textbf{Data} & \textbf{...
Felix's user avatar
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2 answers

multipage tables with ctable package

Does anybody know if it is possible to have a multipage table with the package ctable (I know that it is possible with longtable)? My code is the following: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[...
Elisa Guglielminetti's user avatar
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How to make the table fit into the column?

Hi I have a two columns table with ACM SIG Proceedings template Here is my latex: \documentclass{sig-alternate} \usepackage{ctable} \begin{...
william007's user avatar
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ctable position in classicthesis with lyx

I'm using the classicthesis package with ctable. Normally it works just fine, but I have one file (chapter file) where I placed the following table with ctable: \ctable[ cap = {Übersicht der ...
Dominik's user avatar
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ctable footnotes - automatic labeling?

Is there a way to have ctable automatically label the footnotes: a, b, c, etc... (or some other formatting)? \ctable[ ] {rl} { \tnote{first footnote} \tnote{second footnote} }{ \FL ...
Felix's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Table with footnote

I have a table and some of the number inside has some symbol like * and ** which should be explianed as footer ( at the end of the table not the page) I dont know how to do that and I dont want to ...
Reem's user avatar
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ctable extensions: colored horizontal and extended vertical rules - need help

I'm working on my ctable LaTeX package, planning to allow for optional key=value arguments for \FL, \ML, \LL, such that one can make a 3pt thick, red-colored toprule with \FL[w=3pt,c=red]; also, ...
Wybo Dekker's user avatar
3 votes
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Can I have a table that spans multiple pages using ctable?

I'm currently working on a paper and I have a bunch of tables. Currently I'm using the ctable package for my tables. One of my tables is rather long and it spans more than one page. However currently ...
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endfloat and ctable are incompatible?

It seems that endfloat and ctable are incompatible: \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{endfloat} \usepackage{ctable} \begin{document} \ctable[caption = Queries available, pos = H, center, ...
cboettig's user avatar
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ctable cell vertical align

I have a table like this: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{ctable} \begin{document} \ctable [caption=Sample] {|p{2cm}|c|} {} { \hline some multiline (2 or 3 fields) field & need to ...
Drakmail's user avatar
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How to change the format of table captions?

How I can change "Table 1: sample" to "Table 1. sample"? PS. I'm using ctable, if it important: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{ctable} \begin{document} \ctable [caption={sample}] {|l|r|} {} { ...
Drakmail's user avatar
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Reference a table by caption created by ctable

Fixed in the new version of ctable ctan-ann: CTAN Update: ctable 26 May 2012 Might be a stupid question, but is there a way to reference, that means print, the caption of a ctable? hyperref has \...
Narretz's user avatar
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Inconsistent behavior of setspace package in ctable doinside

This is odd: \ctable[ doinside=\singlespacing, %doinside=\setstretch{1} ] {lp{5cm}} {} {\FL Blubb & Blobb simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the ...
Narretz's user avatar
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How to place two ctables side by side

ctable, not a regular table/tabular. How can I get two narrow ctables to go side by side? I want them to be subtables of a larger table, just two independent tables side by side. I've tried using a ...
mk12's user avatar
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5 answers

Caption and footnote width with ctable

I am using ctable and I have a table with footnotes. Since the table is narrow, the caption text is squeezed in the table width, which looks odd. I can use mincapwidth to specify a minimum width for ...
Conrado's user avatar
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Using ctable package with apa6 class

I'm trying to use ctable since it's much easier to work with than threeparttable and all of its additional packages but I get an error stating that "Command \tnote already defined". I think it's ...
iAmAMutt's user avatar
5 votes
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Caption issue with tufte-latex and ctable

When using ctable with the tufte-latex class (in xelatex), I get an error when defining a caption (and hence a label). ! Undefined control sequence. \@tufte@stored@caption ->\@ctblcaptionarg** ...
Roberto's user avatar
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ctable width of column, \tnote and pos

Have two problems regarding ctable. Have multiple ctables and would like the first column in the tables to have a fixed width (also the tables to have the same total width)? When I add a \tnote[]{} ...
latexmp's user avatar
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