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Caption in longtblr doesn't follow options given to format captions

Prior to the updates published in July 2022 I used the ctable package to define annotated tables. But after that date those tables containing siunitx columns and entries give rise to a plethora of ...
alchemist's user avatar
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Avoiding non-centered caption on ctable with float

I try to put my floats under the control of KOMA-Script using \restylefloat and KOMA's komaabove and komabelow. This works, but gives undesired side effects with ctable. The tables are centered but ...
Tobias's user avatar
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How to change the default alignment of a caption using the ctable package?

I searched through the manual of ctable handy package and couldn't find any help there, to change the default centered caption to left alignment. This is a MWE: \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article}...
doctorate's user avatar
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Table with footnote

I have a table and some of the number inside has some symbol like * and ** which should be explianed as footer ( at the end of the table not the page) I dont know how to do that and I dont want to ...
Reem's user avatar
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How to change the format of table captions?

How I can change "Table 1: sample" to "Table 1. sample"? PS. I'm using ctable, if it important: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{ctable} \begin{document} \ctable [caption={sample}] {|l|r|} {} { ...
Drakmail's user avatar
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Reference a table by caption created by ctable

Fixed in the new version of ctable ctan-ann: CTAN Update: ctable 26 May 2012 Might be a stupid question, but is there a way to reference, that means print, the caption of a ctable? hyperref has \...
Narretz's user avatar
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Caption and footnote width with ctable

I am using ctable and I have a table with footnotes. Since the table is narrow, the caption text is squeezed in the table width, which looks odd. I can use mincapwidth to specify a minimum width for ...
Conrado's user avatar
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Caption issue with tufte-latex and ctable

When using ctable with the tufte-latex class (in xelatex), I get an error when defining a caption (and hence a label). ! Undefined control sequence. \@tufte@stored@caption ->\@ctblcaptionarg** ...
Roberto's user avatar
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