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3 answers

Specific calligraphic font for lowercase g

I am looking for a command to obtain the following calligraphic lowercase g in math mode: I have been looking around but to no avail for now.
Daneel Olivaw's user avatar
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How can I create a symbol for the origin of a coordinate plane in Tikz? [duplicate]

This symbol appears at the origin of a coordinate plane in the Illustrative Mathematics curriculum, but I have no idea how to produce it using LaTeX or Tikz. Can you help me?
Matthew Hamilton's user avatar
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To which class of calligraphic fonts does the following `\mathcal{K}` correspond to?

In one of the research articles I was reading I noticed this special calligraphic \mathcal{K} What class of fonts (package) is this font generated from?
SPARSE's user avatar
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Spurious space in \calligra and \textcalligra?

It seems to me that \calligra and \textcalligra commands add a spurious space before the text. Please look at the gaps before the "calligraphic E"s here: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{...
CarLaTeX's user avatar
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Lowercase bold calligraphic letters with \mathscr

On the page, I found a lowercase calligraphic letter style, which I would like to implement in my LaTeX document. ...
TobiR's user avatar
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Adding a Flourish to a Word

Consider, say, the word which was produced by the following MWE code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{pbsi} \usepackage{scalefnt} \begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty} \...
DDS's user avatar
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Three different calligraphic font styles in mathmode with musixtex

This question could be a continuation of the answer given by @egreg in this link Two different calligraphic font styles in math mode. In my book I use both \mathcal{} and \pazocal{} commands for the ...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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How to add a font style for a specific letter only?

In my latex document I of course have the normal lower case letter "k" in the default font. What I want to do is add the script version of this, "𝓀", to my document. I am not sure ...
Adam7557's user avatar
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lower case calligraphy for latex

It is said that latex owns an extensive set of symbols. But why no lower case calligraphy package has been developed so far? Due to copyright? I saw they are mature in commercial packages.
user156326's user avatar
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A calligraphic font with lowercase letters, using mathscr style and not bolded

In order to write calligraphic math symbols, I usually use \usepackage[mathscr]{euscript} since I like it better than the vanilla mathcal. However, now I am in need of writing full words, with upper ...
AndraSol's user avatar
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my pdf reader does not show calligraphic letter produced by latex correctly? [closed]

I have used these two type styles, but they all show the same. $\mathcal{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ}$ $\mathscr{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ}$ do I need to install some fonts for my reader?
user156326's user avatar
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Accessing dutchcal and other fonts directly

I wanted to define one symbol using the dutchcal font, but using the dutchcal package ruins the command \mathcal. One workaround was to define another command \matholdcal by \DeclareMathAlphabet{\...
user4929's user avatar
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Scale bold capital letters

I have my custom fonts. They are fine in terms of size. However the bold fonts for capital letters are too big and I do not know how to normalize their size. \documentclass{article} \usepackage[T1]{...
ar2015's user avatar
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Is there a free version of the Lucida Bright fonts out there?

Or, failing that, do you happen to know whom one might purchase them from? Thanks in advance for you knowledgeable replies.
Stgo.'s user avatar
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Calligraphic symbols are too fancy with mathptmx package

I am using the mathptmx package because I prefer my text to be in Times New Roman. However, \mathcal provides in this package "super calligraphic" symbols looking like the ones obtained by using \...
Apollo13's user avatar
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Exist a calligraphic fonts (free) similar at Mathtime Pro 2 Curly script?

I ask if at the code of Mico's answer to my earlier question, Looking for a Times Roman math font that closely matches selected glyphs, \documentclass[border=1pt]{standalone} \usepackage{array,times} ...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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command for calligraphic lowercase latin and greek letters

I am wondering whether calligraphic type command exists, that supports both Greek and Latin (lowercase) characters in math-environment. Let's say that I have: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{...
Yorgos's user avatar
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`$U$` and `$\mathcal U$` typeset very similarly with TeX Gyre Pagella

I love TeX Gyre Pagella, and use it and the corresponding math font like so: \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage{unicode-math} \setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX]{TeX Gyre Pagella} \setmathfont{TeX Gyre ...
gspr's user avatar
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Calligra with czech accents ž, \v{z}

is there any possibility that \calligra font will write chzech words like for example ž \v{z} ? I use \usepackage[IL2]{fontenc}, \usepackage{calligra} and it wrote words like á \'{a}, bud did't ž \...
Kuba's user avatar
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In ConTeXt, how do I typeset my name like a signature?

How could I typeset my name so that it appeared in a calligraphic font for use as a signature? I have tried reading the manuals and documentation regarding fonts, but it seems very complex.
Richard Parsons's user avatar
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Hand written fonts in LaTeX for Cyrillics

As shown here Hand written fonts in LaTeX/XeTeX/LuaTeX there are many beautiful hand written fonts in LateX, but all of those for T1. Is there something similar to the cyrillics? Addition to the ...
sergiokapone's user avatar
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How can I write a cursive letter k in math?

Using amsmath, writing $\ell$ produces a cursive lowercase letter l. I would like to have a reasonably matching cursive lowercase letter k, available through \kay e.g., so that I can write things ...
Henry DeYoung's user avatar
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2 answers

dashed or dotted brace or bracket

I need to add a dashed or dotted brace or bracket into an equation. But I didn't found any symbol similar to this (with detexify or The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List). Do you know how it can be ...
zert84's user avatar
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Calligraphic fonts for chapters,

I'm currently using calligraphic font and it works fine with 1 exception: Chapter/Section and title aren't affected by it. How can it be made that they too can be affected (and if its a general way ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Math Cal­li­graphic let­ters in LaTeX [duplicate]

How can I produce exactly the same letter as in the attached picture ? I work with the TexMaker. thanks,
Shredder's user avatar
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calligraphic forms for math/logic symbols [closed]

Is there a calligraphic form for $\exists$ and other logic quantifiers? I tried the approach in this answer but that only gives the usual font for this symbol.
Maesumi's user avatar
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List of unsuitable fonts

It seems that the actual answer to this question is "It's up to you". However I often read in tex.SE some comments that oppose the usage of certain fonts, in somehow an absolute character. That ...
c.p.'s user avatar
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AquilineTwo Font [closed]

This is how I would want AquilineTwo to look like when I type. But that is not the case when I downloaded AquilineTwo from anywhere. (specifically from Where can I download the ones ...'s user avatar
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30 votes
2 answers

Two different calligraphic font styles in math mode

I have been succesful in using the calrsfs package together with the standard CM type1cm font. I have been able to obtain in separate documents different calligraphic symbols in math mode with \...
user18082's user avatar
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Asana Math calligraphic capital R with XeTeX

I am having problems getting a calligraphic ‘R’ with Asana Math. This is my minimal: \font\asanacal="Asana Math:script=math;mapping=script;+salt" \font\asanascr="Asana Math:script=math;mapping=...
morbusg's user avatar
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Unsightly spacing with Calligra font (Christmas card)

I'm writing my Christmas cards again with LaTeX. Last year I used a commercial font with XeTeX. For this year I was thinking about using Calligra as font, but for some reason the output is not nice ...
someonr's user avatar
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'Poster' fountain pen nib style text

This question led to a new package: spath3 (Technically, this question led to a subpackage of the spath3 package; the spath3 package provides some foundations on which a TikZ library ...
Joseph Wright's user avatar
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Replacing calligra Font with Vector Ones

The question is similar to Lowercase \mathcal, but I'm not after calligraphic math fonts. I'm in need of some calligraphic font in text mode (which, of course, supports lowercase). Basically, I used ...
Sadeq Dousti's user avatar
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