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Questions tagged [math-fonts]

This tag covers fonts used in math-mode, ranging from changing the font to redefining commands like \mathrm or \mathsf. When asking about conflicts between a specific font package and a symbol please also tag your question with the font package.

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How to access OpenType vertical variant from XeTeX

I apologize if this turns out to be more of a font question than a LaTeX question. I have no MWE because I don't have anything working yet. I'm working on a new summation type operator that needs to ...
Mike Pugh's user avatar
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Math font labels in TKZ figure

I have a few labels in the TKZ figure that I want to use math fonts such as $\mathcal{Q}$. How to do that? Thanks! \usepackage{tkz-euclide}\begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \tkzDefPoints{2.7/1.5/Q,...
Haoran Chen's user avatar
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Removing space after decimal comma (while also modifying fonts for maths and text)

As many others, I'd like to remove the space introduced by commas in numbers (where comma is used as decimal separator). As I want to use specific fonts for text and math, it seems that the usual ...
zezollo's user avatar
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Mathfonts for numbers in xelatex

I am using xelatex for writing my thesis and I need an alternative font for numbers because I have already used bold numbers (bm package), numbers with hats and regular math font numbers to denote ...
Νικολέτα Σεβαστού's user avatar
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Adding greek characters in a certain typeset [closed]

I'm trying to add Greek characters in a certain typeset (courier new) with the addition of a tilde, to stay consistent with a schematic I've already designed. But I'm having trouble adding it in to ...
Dave's user avatar
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How do I use Euler in Modern Toolchains with digits of different style?

Regarding the question “How do I use AMS Euler?”, I need to modify the reply of Davislor to suit my requirements, as described below. Odd (1, 3, 5, 7, 9): the font is Cambria. Even (2, 4, 6, 8): the ...
Abbas's user avatar
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How to define a patchwork math font?

I want to define a math font \cal which is defined for all uppercase and lowercase letters such that \cal{<letter>} is set to \mathcal{<letter>} if <letter> is uppercase, and \bm{<...
andres's user avatar
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Mysterious symbols appearing in very special context

I have a weird output (weird symbols instead of Enc when calling \mathsf{Enc} in a very specific case: This occurs only if I load all these 3 packages at once: calrsfs stmaryrd zx-calculus This is ...
tobiasBora's user avatar
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Use mathscr and euler together

\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amsfonts, amssymb, mathrsfs} \usepackage{mdframed, enumerate} \usepackage[margin = 4cm]{geometry} \usepackage{ebgaramond} \usepackage{euler} ...
Adil Raza's user avatar
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How does one design a new extensible delimiter that extends in perpendicular directions?

I have not begun yet to look at code samples to try to figure this out, so I'm really at the beginning stage. As such, I don't have any MWE to post (yet), but it is a general question. What exactly ...
Mike Pugh's user avatar
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Sub-/superscript size difference between newtxmath and txfonts

When comparing newtxmath and txfonts, the most striking difference I’ve noticed is that subscripts and superscripts take up much more space with newtxmath than with txfonts, in both glyph size and ...
Socob's user avatar
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Unicode-Math: Bottom Accent horizontal positioning

Please consider this example: \documentclass[fleqn]{article} \usepackage{unicode-math} \begin{document} \Huge \setmathfont{Latin Modern math} \[\frac{\wideutilde{H}}{\widetilde{H}}\; \frac{\...
Daniel Flipo's user avatar
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Font shape and size substitution error when using dingbat in the same document as esvect

There are two errors which show up with the following MWE. How can I circumvent these? Font shape `U/esvect/m/n' in size <7.5> not available Size substitutions with differences. Thank you \...
Jasper's user avatar
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MATH staircase kern on \bigvee doesn't work?

I was experimenting a bit with MATH staircase kerns in LaTeX. In particular I was trying to add, using fontforge, a staircase kern to \bigvee in the bottom right corner (for better subscript placement)...
beehive's user avatar
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Umlauts in mathmode using the textfont

How can I use the "ä" "ö" and "ü" from the textfont in mathmode? I want to be able to just type "ä" "ö" or "ü" as I would in textmode. I've ...
Peter Maier's user avatar
2 votes
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ConTeXt: Cannot use Charter and other fonts for math

I want to typeset mostly text with about four math formulae in Bitstream Charter font. Here is the MWE: \definefontfamily[mainface][rm][charter] \definefontfamily[mainface][ss][DejaVuSans] \...
Muhammad Rizqi Siregar's user avatar
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A blackboard bold `\varepsilon`

I want to have a blackboard bold version of the usual \varepsilon. When using \usepackage[bbgreekl]{mathbbol} and \bbespilon, the result has two issues: It looks like \epsilon, not like \varepsilon ...
Smiley1000's user avatar
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Libertinus Math with pdfLaTeX?

When used with lualatex, the libertinus package sets up both text and math fonts. With pdflatex, only the text fonts seem to be set up. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{libertinus} \begin{...
schtandard's user avatar
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Setting up latex font [duplicate]

does anyone know what is the name of the font for the first equation with the straight integral sign and brackets? and how to set that font in latex?
jared li's user avatar
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Original font used to model MathTime Pro II Curly Script [closed]

I am attaching a montage showing the use of an old font by two different publishers. I hope it is clear: I had to use jpeg due to size constraints. The font is slightly different between the two (...
Mike Pugh's user avatar
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Getting sans-serif math only in sans-serif mode

I know how to get sans-serif math for the whole document—that is easy. My question is how do I get sans-serif math only when I am in a sans-serif mode? I would like the math font to be serif normally, ...
Abdullah Mustafa's user avatar
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A proper math font

The question I would like to have a math font that fulfills all of the following requirements: \mathbb looks as close as possible to LaTeX's default math font \mathcal is only slightly curved \...
Smiley1000's user avatar
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Import \leftrightwavearrow from MdSymbol

I want to import a single character from the mdsymbol package. I'm well-aware of the font importing guide, but I've still been struggling to put everything together. After trying to put different code ...
ViHdzP's user avatar
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starfont character numbers

I'm trying to use planetary and zodiacal symbols in mathematical formulae and tikz diagrams. I found a useful code online on how to declare the characters of the starfont package as mathematical ...
Coenraad van Schoor's user avatar
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Frutiger or universalis fonts in textual and mathematical mode

I would reproduce my TikZ/pgfplots graphs using Frutiger fonts in both text mode and math mode. In CTAN the Frutiger fonts are avaliables here: I ...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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What is causing "Missing character: There is no in font [<fontname>.otf]/ OT!" errors

This is a general font question, so I am not sure what community to post it in. However, I always get great answers in this one, so here goes. I recently started experimenting with font design. I ...
Mike Pugh's user avatar
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What kind of math formula font is this? [duplicate]

I found an interesting math font in the book. I searched for a long time on my own, but did not find it. Therefore, this community is my last resort for finding an answer. Please help me find this ...
Alexandr's user avatar
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Replace greek letters in newtx with cm version

Hi all, I am currently procrastinating setting up and optimizing my font selection in my standard template. I am using the newtx package (by Michael Sharpe) with the cochineal option and scaled=1.06 ...'s user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Small slanted blackboard math

I got use to Mathematica typesetting, where imaginary unity has a special symbol: I would like to use it in my memoir document. I am using LaXeTeX (xelatex). The following is in my preamble: \...
yarchik's user avatar
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boldmath and eulervm together shrink the equal sign

I just notice that if I use eulervm together with \boldmath, then the equal sign shrinks. Here is a minimal working example: \documentclass{amsart} \usepackage{eulervm} \begin{document} \boldmath \...
underflow's user avatar
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Incorrect matrix bracket height with `unicode-math`

I need to use the package unicode-math in my document, but this makes the height of the brackets in the matrix look too short. (The matrices of order 2 seem to be normal, though.) I have tried various ...
Inverted Pastry's user avatar
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Strange spacing behavior with libertinust1math font and integral sign. Is this a bug?

When the integral sign has a below limit (or more precisely a path, here), the integrand is closer to the integral sign than when the integral hasn't a below limit (or a path). This strange behavior ...
quark67's user avatar
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Why are glyphs in new font not aligned to the baseline?

I am experimenting with font generation, first using FontForge and then FontLab 8. This problem persists in both applications, although I am now not persuaded it is the fault of either. I have ...
Mike Pugh's user avatar
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Math Command Different Font

for a homework template, I want to use Arial as the main font, for the header, footer, and just normal text. For math mode, I want to use the default font, for commands with "\" I want to ...
Barbaros Teoman Kosoglu's user avatar
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Text in math environment in algorithm2e has different typography when placed inside a for loop

The following MWE: % Created 2016-07-04 Mon 15:02 \documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{mathtools, nccmath} \usepackage[...
JKHA's user avatar
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pdftex: uncopyable math symbols, \pdfglyphtounicode doesn't help

With TeX Live 2021 and pdftex, this MWE renders correctly but I cannot copy the ≪ sign out of the PDF. \pdfminorversion=7 \documentclass{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{lmodern} \...
zwol's user avatar
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Definition of \sum -- how does the size selection work

When writing \[\sum\], a larger summation sign is used than when writing \(\sum\). How does the \sum command find out which size to use? What does \sum expand to? I am guessing it is just a shorthand ...
Oliver Leenders's user avatar
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Nicer \sqrt with urw-garamond

The \sqrt in the urw-garamond (mathdesign) package becomes upright at very little, like in the example image. I don't suppose this behaviour can be changed? Is it possible to replace the \sqrt ...
Koin toss's user avatar
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Summation Sign Font [duplicate]

I noticed that the lecturer used a different sum sign in his notes but the general font seems to be the standard font to me. How can I use such a summation sign?
sirjulzz's user avatar
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How to define a math symbol from a custom font e.g. integral, respecting displaystyle

Basically i defined a few custom glyphs i really want to be able to use by making a font. They are symbols that should be typset exactly the way the integral is typeset in computer modern (but look ...
Rubids's user avatar
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Get siunitx output in bold when using Cambria Math font

When trying to get units in bold using the siunitx package \textbf{\unit{\kg,\um, \mJ}}, I get the warning LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `TU/CambriaMath(5)/b/n' undefined LaTeX Font Warning: Some ...
SockPile's user avatar
36 votes
3 answers

Possible to dot your Is with hearts?

I was wondering if it is possible to replace just the mathmode i from the default latex font with nearly the same letter, but where the dot on the i is a small heart. For example: Thank you!
Infimum's user avatar
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widetilde and widehat differences between xelatex and lualatex

A user of NewCM noted that xelatex and lualatex produce different results on the same simple tex code (and not only NewCM). The code \documentclass{article} \usepackage[regular]{newcomputermodern} \...
Antonis's user avatar
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Size of the Integral Sign in TeX Gyre Math Font and Conflict with \boldsymbol

I'm using luatex with the font TeX Gyre Terms Math. I followed one of the procedures in this post to get the integral signs to be large, as the standard size is way too small. Curiously, though, it ...
Níckolas Alves's user avatar
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Layout and fonts of Berger and Gostiaux book in contemporary (La)TeX

I would like to reproduce the old-style TeX layout of some Springer books from the 80s and 90s, like this one: As far as I understand, TeX fonts have been replaced in later years (see for instance $\...
Siminore's user avatar
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Which math font is used in this document?

I would like to know if it was possible to know the math font used on this document for the mathematical rendering : For the ...
Abichouuu's user avatar
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Can I use delimiter for brackets of a non-math font in math mode?

MWE: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsthm, amsmath} \usepackage{unicode-math} \setmathfont[,Scale=1,FakeStretch=1,FakeBold=0]{NewCMMath-Book.otf} \setmathfont[range={"0028, "0029},...
Masum's user avatar
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Scale up math font when using eulervm package

Is there a way to scale up (or down) the math fonts while using eulervm package with respect to the text font?
Abbas's user avatar
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Erewhon fonts and mathfrak symbols

I'm trying to get the erewhon font to work, but I miss some specific mathfrak fonts when using it. For example, \mathfrak{h} only displays a regular h instead, while \mathfrak{g} works. The example ...
kindaichi's user avatar
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Reproducing old math font

Is there by chance a math font resembling the sample equations in these trimmed images?
Hug de Roda's user avatar

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