In my latex document I of course have the normal lower case letter "k" in the default font. What I want to do is add the script version of this, "𝓀", to my document. I am not sure if I need to find a new font type so I can have $\mathscr{k}$ return 𝓀 (or some other math font command like mathpzc or mathcal), or if I need to find a package that will add the 𝓀 as a separate character. In either case, I don't want to change anything else about my document. I only want to change $\mathscr{k}$ to give 𝓀 or add the character itself. I have no idea where to start.

2 Answers 2


You can borrow the math script alphabet from STIX2.




$\mathscr{k}k$ and also $\mathscr{A}+\mathscr{V}$


enter image description here

  • Thanks! Do you know where I could look to learn about the commands you used and their parameters?
    – Adam7557
    Commented Dec 7, 2020 at 15:42

Several packages allow you to use \mathscr{k} in math mode. I recommend using unicode-math in LuaLaTeX when you can, and legacy fonts when you have to.

Here is a MWE that sets up the Libertinus fonts through fontsetup, which loads unicode-math.




$\mathscr{k}k$ and also $\mathscr{A}+\mathscr{V}$


Libertinus sample

Any OpenType math font will support lowercase script letters, although some might not use the style you prefer. It is possible to substitute another font’s \mathscr alphabet with the range= option of \setmathfont. This MWE substitutes the alternative \mathscr alphabet of Stylistic Set 1 from STIX Two Math, which you will notice is less-heavily slanted.


\setmathfont{STIX Two Math}[
  StylisticSet=1 ]



$\mathscr{k}k$ and also $\mathscr{A}+\mathscr{V}$


STIX Two Math sample

In PDFLaTeX, you can select any script alphabet that supports lowercase letters with mathalpha, for example \usepackage[scr=boondoxo]{mathalpha}.




$\mathscr{k}k$ and also $\mathscr{A}+\mathscr{V}$


boondoxo font sample

  • Thanks this is great! I think I can work with this, or at least I have something to work off of. I think the range= option is probably what I'm looking for.
    – Adam7557
    Commented Dec 7, 2020 at 15:43

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