Papers by Shiva Alizadeh

Journal of Iran and Central Eurasia Studies, Jun 1, 2019
Armenians of Iran cannot be considered part of the Armenian diaspora scattered around the world s... more Armenians of Iran cannot be considered part of the Armenian diaspora scattered around the world since they have lived in this territory for millennia. However, in terms of identity and historical memory, they share quite a lot with Armenian communities in other countries. As an Iranian ethnic group, they have played a decisive role in very eventful period of Iran's history, especially since the last decade of 19th century when constitutionalism began to touch Iran's intellectual circles. Over the next century, such a prominent role persisted to different extents. Today, Armenians still have remarkable capacities to be involved in resolving some of the domestic and international problems Iran faces. In this paper, we have tried to find out, "How can the presence of the Armenian community affect Iran's interests in terms of foreign relations?" Our hypothesis is that, "The presence of the Armenian community in Iran, with their own potentials and capacities of the larger Armenian diaspora in different parts of the world, will provide the Islamic Republic of Iran with opportunities to widen the scope of its foreign policy choices and as a result, boost its economic and political interests". This subject has been investigated in the article using a descriptive-analytical approach.

Caucasus has been an important region for Turkey since the collapse of the Soviet Union. This imp... more Caucasus has been an important region for Turkey since the collapse of the Soviet Union. This importance emanates from the region’s own natural resources, its position at the crossroads of the oil and gas rich regions of the world and chronic political instability and security threats. Turkey as the key neighbour of the Caucasus has experienced state – led fundamental and structural changes which have culminated in strengthening productive and industrial foundations. Foreign policy has also been affected by the process of economic development. Although Turkish foreign policy has been shaped by different factors, AKP’s Islamic trends, leads us to investigate the main determinants of Turkish foreign policy since 2002. We have come to this conclusion: Despite AKP’s Islamic trends, developmental goals and concerns are still the first priority of Turkish foreign policy and Turkey’s attitude towards the Caucasus region, which is located along one of the most important energy transit corridors of the world and provides Turkey’s increasingly growing industries and Anatoli’s SMEs with vast energy resources and a relatively lucrative market.

Armenians of Iran cannot be considered part of the Armenian diaspora scattered around the world s... more Armenians of Iran cannot be considered part of the Armenian diaspora scattered around the world since they have lived in this territory for millennia. However, in terms of identity and historical memory, they share quite a lot with Armenian communities in other countries. As an Iranian ethnic group, they have played a decisive role in very eventful period of Iran's history, especially since the last decade of 19th century when constitutionalism began to touch Iran's intellectual circles. Over the next century, such a prominent role persisted to different extents. Today, Armenians still have remarkable capacities to be involved in resolving some of the domestic and international problems Iran faces. In this paper, we have tried to find out, "How can the presence of the Armenian community affect Iran's interests in terms of foreign relations?" Our hypothesis is that, "The presence of the Armenian community in Iran, with their own potentials and capacities of the larger Armenian diaspora in different parts of the world, will provide the Islamic Republic of Iran with opportunities to widen the scope of its foreign policy choices and as a result, boost its economic and political interests". This subject has been investigated in the article using a descriptive-analytical approach.

Nowadays public diplomacy is one of the effective tools of foreign policy. This aspect of diploma... more Nowadays public diplomacy is one of the effective tools of foreign policy. This aspect of diplomacy with its wide range of audience from the ruling elite to the general public is becoming increasingly important. Improving Iran's image and attracting the public opinion of the neighbouring nations is one of the preconditions of a successful neighbourhood policy. On the other hand, this policy also paves the way for promoting Iran's credibility and reputation in the eyes of the people of neighbouring countries. Given the complexity and importance of Iran's Caucasian relations, the South Caucasus region and especially the Republic of Azerbaijan are extremely relevant for Iran's public diplomacy and the neighbourhood policy. This study investigates the capacities and tools which Iran can use to conduct its public diplomacy and bolster its relations with the Republic of Azerbaijan. The authors also address the main obstacles to the successful implementation of Iran's public diplomacy towards republic of Azerbaijan. This study holds that "Iran has not been able to implement a successful foreign policy towards Baku despite its significant capabilities." In this essay, in addition to the capacities and the obstacles to the success of Iran's public diplomacy in the Republic of Azerbaijan, some solutions to mitigate these obstacles have been presented.
The impact of Diaspora on domestic politics and foreign affairs of homeland and the host country ... more The impact of Diaspora on domestic politics and foreign affairs of homeland and the host country is a matter to reckon with in non-state-centered approaches to International Relations. Diaspora groups can play an important role in shaping domestic and foreign policies of their homeland and the host country. The quality and strength of this role are largely determined by the way they organize and mobilize resources. The attitudes of the governments of homeland and the host country are

Putin had a more modest foreign policy rhetoric and seemed to be far more pragmatic than Primakov... more Putin had a more modest foreign policy rhetoric and seemed to be far more pragmatic than Primakov during his first term of presidency. However, such conditions did not last long and Russian government chose a more assertive stance once political stability was ensured and economic growth showed signs of improvement. In the following article we have assumed that similar patterns of thinking and acting which have not been necessarily subject to considerable changes as a result of vibrant conditions can be found in Russian foreign policy. It seems as if guiding principles of foreign policy are deeply embedded in political culture of the country. Despite some tactical changes to compensate for country"s backwardness and economic difficulties as a historical tradition, Russians have never retreated from claiming the status of a globally recognized great power and international rule maker. In this article using descriptive-analytical method we have examined the following: "Despite domestic and international ups and downs, how can continuity in the rhetoric and action of Russian foreign policy since 2004 be explained?" Our hypothetical answer to this question is that: "Russian foreign policy has very deep ideational roots influencing the nature and identity of the state, which have been shaped through centuries by natural-geographical characteristics of the land, and historical and intellectual developments."

During the Post-Cold War era, Moscow used various tools to secure its interests in the Post-Sovie... more During the Post-Cold War era, Moscow used various tools to secure its interests in the Post-Soviet space. Although Russia's status as one of the world's great powers might have been questioned in theory and practice since the collapse of the Soviet Union, its determining role as a regional power among former Soviet republics has remained unquestionable. Authors hold that the concept of "regional hegemony" can be applied to understand Russia's relations with its neighbors. The continuity of a regional power’s hegemony despite its decline in terms of material capabilities may lead us to explore the role of non-material factors. Given the fact that Russia's material power resources have been declining to different extents and can hardly be enough to ensure the continuity of its regional hegemony, the authors investigate non-material elements and indicators of Russia's power. Using the theory of "Socialization and Hegemonic Power" which underlines the role of subjective elements in preserving hegemony, as well a descriptive – analytical research method, the authors try to tell why the research findings provide an answer to the following question: Why has Russia's regional hegemony survived the gradual decline of its material power resources and independent-minded policies of some post-Soviet states? The main hypothesis of the study underlines the role of cultural resources of Russia's power in forming post-Soviet elites' mindsets and supplementing military and economic elements and as a result perpetuating Russia's hegemonic status.

Armenians of Iran account for a part of the Armenian diaspora, scattered around the world and hav... more Armenians of Iran account for a part of the Armenian diaspora, scattered around the world and have a symbolic homeland named Armenia, on the one hand, and they have shared history with other Iranians over the centuries, on the other, and Iran is considered as their real home country. As an Iranian ethnic group, they have had a brilliant role in very eventful periods of our history especially since the last decades of 19th century. And today also, appropriate context must be provided for realizing
their capacities to solve domestic and international problems with which Iran is dealing. In the current paper, we have tried to find out: "Considering the presence of Armenian diaspora in Iran, what are the opportunities and threats facing the Islamic Republic of Iran?" Our hypothesis is that: "The presence of a part of Armenian diaspora in Iran, considering the capacities and abilities of the larger Armenian community in different parts of the world, will provide Islamic Republic of Iran with opportunities in the spheres of domestic and foreign policy, which are more significant than probable threats in terms of number and importance." This subject has been investigated in the article using descriptive-analysis approach.

Caucasus has been an important region for Turkey since the collapse of the Soviet Union. This imp... more Caucasus has been an important region for Turkey since the collapse of the Soviet Union. This importance emanates from the region’s own natural resources, its position at the crossroads of the oil and gas rich regions of the world and chronic political instability and security threats. Turkey as the key neighbour of the Caucasus has experienced state – led fundamental and structural changes which have culminated in strengthening productive and industrial foundations. Foreign policy has also been affected by the process of economic development. Although Turkish foreign policy has been shaped by different factors, AKP’s Islamic trends, leads us to investigate the main determinants of Turkish foreign policy since 2002. We have come to this conclusion: Despite AKP’s Islamic trends, developmental goals and concerns are still the first priority of Turkish foreign policy and Turkey’s attitude towards the Caucasus region, which is located along one of the most important energy transit corridors of the world and provides Turkey’s increasingly growing industries and Anatoli’s SMEs with vast energy resources and a relatively lucrative market.
Conference Presentations by Shiva Alizadeh
В современном мире теория зависимого развития, или девелопментализм, широко применяется государст... more В современном мире теория зависимого развития, или девелопментализм, широко применяется государствами во всех политических аспектах, особенно во внешней политике. С точки зрения большинства государств экономическая дипломатия служит эффективным средством управления внешними связями в целях содействия реализации национальных интересов в эпоху глобализации. В процессе формирования глобализация вынуждала государства принимать во внимание интересы целого ряда национальных и международных политиков. Такие меры, как установление тарифов, выплата субсидий и поддержка неэффективного внутреннего производства любой ценой, больше невозможны. В такой ситуации все страны, особенно развивающиеся, не провоцируя сверхдержавы, могут реализовать более новаторскую внешнюю политику с целью использования позитивных аспектов глобализации.

Culture which as defined in anthropology and the social sciences implies a set of beliefs, ideas,... more Culture which as defined in anthropology and the social sciences implies a set of beliefs, ideas, customs, rites, behaviours, norms and values shared by a social group, affects almost every aspect of life and according to constructivists, shapes identities and interests to a great extent. If we assume that world population is divided into numerous groups of people, each with its own cultural features, historical background and probably a distinct worldview, we can acknowledge that different paths of development and progress- led by different value systems- exist. In other words, constitutive elements of culture (meanings, ideas, etc.) affect many if not all institutions and projects which have been designed to serve people's goals. Current members of the Eurasian Economic Union plus their most immediate neighbours (including Islamic Republic of Iran) can together form a transregional bloc which represents a remarkable degree of cultural convergence in opposition to the universalization of Anglo-Saxon values around the world. In this article the author will briefly discuss the role of shared values and norms in consolidating Eurasian integration process. The hypothesis is that on the Eurasian stage -as a distinct civilizational space- regional integration can be consolidated and expanded by shared values and norms and similar mindsets.
Papers by Shiva Alizadeh
their capacities to solve domestic and international problems with which Iran is dealing. In the current paper, we have tried to find out: "Considering the presence of Armenian diaspora in Iran, what are the opportunities and threats facing the Islamic Republic of Iran?" Our hypothesis is that: "The presence of a part of Armenian diaspora in Iran, considering the capacities and abilities of the larger Armenian community in different parts of the world, will provide Islamic Republic of Iran with opportunities in the spheres of domestic and foreign policy, which are more significant than probable threats in terms of number and importance." This subject has been investigated in the article using descriptive-analysis approach.
Conference Presentations by Shiva Alizadeh
their capacities to solve domestic and international problems with which Iran is dealing. In the current paper, we have tried to find out: "Considering the presence of Armenian diaspora in Iran, what are the opportunities and threats facing the Islamic Republic of Iran?" Our hypothesis is that: "The presence of a part of Armenian diaspora in Iran, considering the capacities and abilities of the larger Armenian community in different parts of the world, will provide Islamic Republic of Iran with opportunities in the spheres of domestic and foreign policy, which are more significant than probable threats in terms of number and importance." This subject has been investigated in the article using descriptive-analysis approach.