Papers by Khayal Iskandarov

Social development & security, Apr 27, 2024
Purpose: is to study the relationship between the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign... more Purpose: is to study the relationship between the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in formulating effective military diplomacy. Method: comparative analysis, and synthesis. Findings: Military capabilities and means have always been used in diplomacy. As a result, military potential plays an important role in supporting state diplomacy and creates conditions for ensuring the country's national interests. The formation of diplomatic strategy at the national level can be systematically implemented. In order to improve military diplomacy, a document on diplomatic policy (white paper) should be prepared. Currently, the Azerbaijani Army has a branch within the International Military Cooperation Department that coordinates the activities of military attachés, but this branch does not have the potential to carry out special tasks related to military diplomacy or prepare for long-term strategies. From this point of view, a Center for military diplomacy might be established at the base of that department, and one of the priority issues should be the formation of the potential to develop strategies that reflect the long-term perspectives of Azerbaijan's military diplomacy. Theoretical implications: There are many different approaches and theoretical lenses with which to study international relations and to make sense of events, trends and processes. Although such established theoretical lenses as realism, liberalism, constructivism, Marxism, feminism and others exist, neoclassical realism has been chosen as the means to make sense of this case study. Practical implications: Practitioners in the field of foreign relations will be able to understand the role of the military diplomacy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in ensuring national interests and they will be able to have a clear picture of the ways of its optimization and the factors influencing this role. Value: the study examines the role of the military diplomacy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in ensuring national interests and presents a clear picture of the ways of its optimization and the factors influencing this role. Paper type: theoretical. Мета роботи: є дослідження взаємовідносин між Міністерством оборони та Міністерством закордонних справ у формуванні ефективної військової дипломатії. Метод: порівняльний аналіз і синтез. Результати дослідження: військовий потенціал відіграє важливу роль у забезпеченні державної дипломатії та створює умови для забезпечення національних інтересів країни. Формування дипломатичної стратегії на національному рівні може здійснюватися системно. Для вдосконалення військової дипломатії необхідно підготувати документ про дипломатичну політику (white paper). В даний час в азербайджанській армії є підрозділ Департаменту міжнародного військового співробітництва, який координує діяльність військових аташе, але цей підрозділ не має потенціалу для виконання спеціальних завдань, пов'язаних з військовою дипломатією, або підготовки до довгострокових стратегій. З цієї точки зору на базі цього відомства може бути створений Центр військової дипломатії, і одним із пріоритетних питань має стати формування потенціалу для розробки стратегій, що відображають довгострокові перспективи військової дипломатії Азербайджану. Теоретична цінність дослідження: Існує багато різних підходів і теоретичних лінз, за допомогою яких можна вивчати міжнародні відносини та розуміти події, тенденції та процеси. Хоча існують такі усталені теоретичні погляди, як реалізм, лібералізм, конструктивізм, марксизм, фемінізм та інші, неокласичний реалізм був обраний як засіб для осмислення цього прикладу. Практична цінність дослідження: Практики у сфері зовнішніх відносин зможуть зрозуміти роль військової дипломатії Азербайджанської Республіки в забезпеченні національних інтересів і зможуть мати чітке уявлення про шляхи її оптимізації та фактори, що впливають на цю роль. Цінність дослідження: у дослідженні розглядається роль військової дипломатії Азербайджанської Республіки в забезпеченні національних інтересів і представлено чітке уявлення про шляхи її оптимізації та фактори, що впливають на цю роль. Тип статті: теоретичний.

Security and Defence Quarterly, Nov 26, 2023
This paper seeks to examine the violation of territorial integrity as a stage of hybrid warfare. ... more This paper seeks to examine the violation of territorial integrity as a stage of hybrid warfare. Grounded in the theoretical framework of neoclassical realism, this study analyses nations' foreign policy strategies considering both global and domestic factors. Employing primarily qualitative research, this study concentrates on a case study of the South Caucasus region. Against the backdrop of the war which broke out in the early 2022 between Russia and Ukraine, the preservation of territorial integrity emerges as an imperative aspect of national security policy. Despite the longstanding recognition of territorial integrity as a fundamental tenet of international law over the centuries, this war has galvanised all nations with regard to the violation of territorial integrity. The paper delineates the principles of territorial integrity vis-à-vis the national security of the South Caucasus countries, substantiating the assertion that violation of the territorial integrity of the particular countries in this region serves the interests of external actors, either directly or indirectly, and is employed as a strategic tool in the pursuit of protracted hybrid warfare.

Journal of Scientific Papers “Social Development and Security”, 2024
Purpose:is to study the relationship between the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Fore... more Purpose:is to study the relationship between the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in formulating effective military diplomacy.Method: comparative analysis, and synthesis. Findings:Military capabilities and means have always been used in diplomacy. As a result, military potential plays an important role in supporting state diplomacy and creates conditions for ensuring the country's national interests. The formation of diplomatic strategy at the national level can be systematically implemented. In order to improve military diplomacy, a document on diplomatic policy (white paper) should be prepared. Currently, the Azerbaijani Army has a branch within the International Military Cooperation Department that coordinates the activities of military attachés, but this branch does not have the potential to carry out special tasks related to militarydiplomacy or prepare for long-term strategies. From this point of view, a Center for military diplomacy might be established at the base of that department, and one of the priority issues should be the formation of the potential to develop strategies thatreflect the long-term perspectives of Azerbaijan's military diplomacy.Theoretical implications: There are many different approaches and theoretical lenses with which to study international relations and to make sense of events, trends and processes. Although such established theoretical lenses as realism, liberalism, constructivism, Marxism, feminism and others exist, neoclassical realism has been chosen as the means to make sense of this case study.Practical implications:Practitioners inthe field of foreign relations will be able to understand the role of the military diplomacy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in ensuring national interests and they will be able to have a clear picture of the ways of its optimization and the factors influencing this role.Value: the study examines the role of the military diplomacy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in ensuring national interests and presents a clear picture of the ways of its optimization and the factors influencing this role.Paper type: theoretical.

Purpose: is to study the relationship between the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign... more Purpose: is to study the relationship between the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in formulating effective military diplomacy. Method: comparative analysis, and synthesis. Findings: Military capabilities and means have always been used in diplomacy. As a result, military potential plays an important role in supporting state diplomacy and creates conditions for ensuring the country's national interests. The formation of diplomatic strategy at the national level can be systematically implemented. In order to improve military diplomacy, a document on diplomatic policy (white paper) should be prepared. Currently, the Azerbaijani Army has a branch within the International Military Cooperation Department that coordinates the activities of military attachés, but this branch does not have the potential to carry out special tasks related to military diplomacy or prepare for long-term strategies. From this point of view, a Center for military diplomacy might be established at the base of that department, and one of the priority issues should be the formation of the potential to develop strategies that reflect the long-term perspectives of Azerbaijan's military diplomacy. Theoretical implications: There are many different approaches and theoretical lenses with which to study international relations and to make sense of events, trends and processes. Although such established theoretical lenses as realism, liberalism, constructivism, Marxism, feminism and others exist, neoclassical realism has been chosen as the means to make sense of this case study. Practical implications: Practitioners in the field of foreign relations will be able to understand the role of the military diplomacy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in ensuring national interests and they will be able to have a clear picture of the ways of its optimization and the factors influencing this role. Value: the study examines the role of the military diplomacy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in ensuring national interests and presents a clear picture of the ways of its optimization and the factors influencing this role. Paper type: theoretical. Мета роботи: є дослідження взаємовідносин між Міністерством оборони та Міністерством закордонних справ у формуванні ефективної військової дипломатії. Метод: порівняльний аналіз і синтез. Результати дослідження: військовий потенціал відіграє важливу роль у забезпеченні державної дипломатії та створює умови для забезпечення національних інтересів країни. Формування дипломатичної стратегії на національному рівні може здійснюватися системно. Для вдосконалення військової дипломатії необхідно підготувати документ про дипломатичну політику (white paper). В даний час в азербайджанській армії є підрозділ Департаменту міжнародного військового співробітництва, який координує діяльність військових аташе, але цей підрозділ не має потенціалу для виконання спеціальних завдань, пов'язаних з військовою дипломатією, або підготовки до довгострокових стратегій. З цієї точки зору на базі цього відомства може бути створений Центр військової дипломатії, і одним із пріоритетних питань має стати формування потенціалу для розробки стратегій, що відображають довгострокові перспективи військової дипломатії Азербайджану. Теоретична цінність дослідження: Існує багато різних підходів і теоретичних лінз, за допомогою яких можна вивчати міжнародні відносини та розуміти події, тенденції та процеси. Хоча існують такі усталені теоретичні погляди, як реалізм, лібералізм, конструктивізм, марксизм, фемінізм та інші, неокласичний реалізм був обраний як засіб для осмислення цього прикладу. Практична цінність дослідження: Практики у сфері зовнішніх відносин зможуть зрозуміти роль військової дипломатії Азербайджанської Республіки в забезпеченні національних інтересів і зможуть мати чітке уявлення про шляхи її оптимізації та фактори, що впливають на цю роль. Цінність дослідження: у дослідженні розглядається роль військової дипломатії Азербайджанської Республіки в забезпеченні національних інтересів і представлено чітке уявлення про шляхи її оптимізації та фактори, що впливають на цю роль. Тип статті: теоретичний.
Civitas et Lex
A serviceman discharged from the Army faces various concerns and problems while integrating into ... more A serviceman discharged from the Army faces various concerns and problems while integrating into civilian society. The integration of people belonging to this category into society and making their lives easier has become a priority. While the transition from military to civilian life works out well for many, for some the transition is extremely difficult. The development of a complex model of the social adaptation process of personnel discharged from military is considered one of the most important issues in the process of integrating people who change their profession and lifestyle into a new environment. The article reviews all possible elements involved in the process of social adaptation of servicemen released from the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan and presents a structural scheme (model) for the development of the mechanism of this process.
Civitas et Lex
Termination of war has become one of the most important aspects of modern warfare for the last co... more Termination of war has become one of the most important aspects of modern warfare for the last couple decades. There are a number of factors presented by the historians, military analysts and defence policy critics, which affect the outcome of the war. The presented paper describes the comparative analysis of pre-war strength of Azerbaijan and Armenia, indicates the factors leading to Azerbaijan’s resounding victory and Armenia’s defeat in the Second Karabakh War. The authors highlight four generalized factors in order to shed light on Azerbaijan’s victory. The paper examines the means of war termination and associates only one of them – “Negotiated by Third Party” with the outcome of the Second Karabakh War.
Civitas et Lex
Deterrence has become more noticable among the issues related with hybrid threats for the last de... more Deterrence has become more noticable among the issues related with hybrid threats for the last decade. The genesis of deterrence has been studied in the paper. The characteristic features of deterrence strategy have been presented. The categories of deterrence have been examined based on the examples from diferent regions. The evolution process of deterrence concept has been delineated. The South Caucasus has been chosen as a focal point and its comparison with other regions has been conducted. The vulnerabilities of the countries in the region have been presented. The recommendations have been made for developing robust deterrence strategy against external actors and their linchpin in the region.

Civitas et Lex
The genesis of deterrence has been studied in the paper. The characteristic features of deterrenc... more The genesis of deterrence has been studied in the paper. The characteristic features of deterrence strategy have been presented. The evolution process of deterrence concept has been delineated, five waves of deterrence have been brought to the spotlight. The factors affecting the implementation of a deterrence strategy have been underscored. The South Caucasus has been chosen as a focal point and its comparison with other regions has been conducted. The vulnerabilities of the countries in the region have been presented. The recommendations have been made for developing a robust deterrence strategy against external actors. Azerbaijan’s strategy of deterrence for the last couple of years was thoroughly studied regarding its deterrence strategy. The authors endeavored to touch upon various aspects and elements of Azerbaijan’s deterrence strategy in comparison with other countries in the region.

Connections: The Quarterly Journal, 2019
The presented article underlines the priority of education and considers the role of Professional... more The presented article underlines the priority of education and considers the role of Professional Military Education (PME) in enhancing defense capabilities and preparing the military leaders who are able to make strategic decisions and solve complex problems. It emphasizes a PME as a cornerstone of the military build-up. The authors examine the main characteristics of PME and underscore its importance for increasing the interoperability between the NATO allies and the South Caucasus nations. Taking the broad meaning of interoperability into account, the authors attempted to bring to the fore the critical need for increasing the intellectual interoperability with outside expertise. Further, the authors point out the importance of the Defense Education Enhancement Program (DEEP) as a new system for improving PME and building better-integrated forces in the South Caucasus. At the same time, this article identifies factors that will lead towards the enhancement of the relations amongst the South Caucasus nations themselves. The goal is to consider how the South Caucasus countries can more effectively address the challenges in PME and to formulate suggestions and recommendations. Comparative analysis, synthesis, inductive, and deductive methods have been used to produce conclusive outcomes and recommendations for the countries in the region.

Connections: The Quarterly Journal, 2017
After the end of the Cold War, NATO recognized the importance of extending far beyond its traditi... more After the end of the Cold War, NATO recognized the importance of extending far beyond its traditional borders in order to maintain peace and stability throughout Europe. The incorporation of new members into the Alliance came to the fore. In the light of this approach, cooperation with partner nations became an important area for discussion. Ensuring that partner forces could work together effectively was one of the main objectives and this, in turn, highlighted the term 'interoperability' once again. Thus, the evolution of interoperability between NATO and partner nations after the demise of Cold War is considered in this essay, its importance is underscored, the levels of interoperability are introduced and the feasibility of Azerbaijan's engagement in these levels is analyzed in this article. Different tools and mechanisms that the Alliance has launched over the last decades are scrutinized and useful recommendations are considered for Azerbaijan to enhance its military interoperability with NATO. From this perspective of interoperability, different successful models have been outlined as examples for Azerbaijan to follow.

Journal of Scientific Papers "Social development and Security", 2020
The war in Ukraine in 2014 brought a concept of “military non-alignment” to the fore in the count... more The war in Ukraine in 2014 brought a concept of “military non-alignment” to the fore in the countries, which are namely influenced by both the West and Russia. The war proved that national security strategy was lacking. The paper examines the ways how neutral states cope with their security in a globalized world. It covers the brief history of neutrality, its evolution process through the centuries. The terms of “neutrality” or “non-alignment” have been delineated in order to distinguish between different strategies adopted by particular countries. The focus of the paper is on the countries located in Europe. The authors attempted to discuss the strategic consequences of the policy of “military non-alignment” in the context of cooperation with NATO. At the same time, they endeavored to justify the close cooperation of neutral countries with NATO, the strongest military-political Alliance of the world.

Civitas et Lex, 2019
Throughout history, changes in the character of war have always been difficult for contemporaries... more Throughout history, changes in the character of war have always been difficult for contemporaries to identify and assess. The context of future conflicts and wars can help the nations to make sound decisions on designing the tasks and missions of future forces. This paper offers a view on the character of future conflicts, seeks to describe what Armed Forces are likely to experience in future conflicts in light of dynamic changes in current security environment, and provides recommendations on the areas with the shortfalls, which could be essential to their success. It assesses how we think about future war, drawing attention to its associated caveats, obstacles, and intellectual problems. The author focuses attention on the issues related the activities referred to as “hybrid”, and the possibility of using the Armed Forces’ potential in terms of identification and elimination of threats. The conclusion of the paper presents a clear picture of future generations of the soldiers bas...

Connections: The Quarterly Journal, 2017
In this article, the challenges and prospects of cooperation between the South Caucasus countries... more In this article, the challenges and prospects of cooperation between the South Caucasus countries and NATO have been analyzed. The geo-economic, geopolitical and geostrategic importance of the region for both NATO and the Collective Security Treaty Organization (Russia particularly) and reciprocal expectations of further cooperation with the Alliance have been considered. The regional state of affairs in the South Caucasus has been analyzed and the possible impacts of Russian influence on forging closer relations with NATO have been examined. The security environment after the Russo-Georgian war and its repercussions for the South Caucasus-NATO cooperation have been illustrated. NATO's vested interest in the region to contribute to a European security system for the foreseeable future was brought to the fore. The reasons for the Alliance's reluctance to actively engage in the region are examined. The recommendations are intended to counterbalance the Russian military presence in the region, without antagonizing the incumbent government in Moscow, and to eradicate the so-called "frozen conflicts" in order to maintain security and prosperity for the South Caucasus region as a whole.

Connections: The Quarterly Journal
The South Caucasus is one of the most important geostrategic regions between Europe and Asia, a p... more The South Caucasus is one of the most important geostrategic regions between Europe and Asia, a playground for many regional and global actors with enduring interests. These interests have been clashing through the centuries. Each actor endeavors to impose its rules and tries to capitalize on the geostrategic benefits of the region. This article analyzes the main aspects, challenges, and prospects of cooperation between the countries in the South Caucasus and Russia and NATO. The authors describe the competition for power and influence in the region, the "Old Great Game," the regional state of affairs, and possible effects of the Russian factor on the South Caucasus-NATO cooperation. They illustrate Russia's security interests in the South Caucasus vis-à-vis NATO's enlargement policy, outline the reasons for the Alliance's reluctance to engage in the region actively, and current and future prospects of South Caucasus-NATO cooperation. NATO's presence is said to counterbalance the Russian military presence in the region, but how is this managed without antagonizing the incumbent government in Moscow and what is its contribution to resolving the so-called "frozen conflicts" in order to maintain the security and prosperity of the South Caucasus? The combination of competition and confrontation has been designated as the "New Great Game," with clear similarities and differences vis-à-vis the "Old Great Game." The authors question whether a "New Great Game" currently exists and apply comparative analysis, synthesis, inductive, and deductive methods to come up with conclusive answers.
Civitas et Lex, 2023
A serviceman discharged from the Army faces various concerns and problems while integrating into ... more A serviceman discharged from the Army faces various concerns and problems while integrating into civilian society. The integration of people belonging to this category into society and making their lives easier has become a priority. While the transition from military to civilian life works out well for many, for some the transition is extremely difficult. The development of a complex model of the social adaptation process of personnel discharged from military is considered one of the most important issues in the process of integrating people who change their profession and lifestyle into a new environment. The article reviews all possible elements involved in the process of social adaptation of servicemen released from the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan and presents a structural scheme (model) for the development of the mechanism of this process.
The Russian federation and international security, 2020
Hybrid threats to energy security, the ways to increase the resilience against them in different ... more Hybrid threats to energy security, the ways to increase the resilience against them in different regions have been one the most topical issues for the researchers in the last decade. The authors tried to assess the threats to the energy security in the South Caucasus region and beyond. The threat and risk factors have been delineated, contingent and structural risks to energy security have been studied based on retrospective analysis. Transnational energy projects, which are intended to transport Caspian energy resources have been examined. The possible effects of the hybrid threats on the security of demand and supply have been analyzed. The authors concluded the paper with conclusive recommendations for the region to further strengthen its energy security.
The Russian federation and international security, 2020
The abundance of the energy resources in the South Caucasus, as well as its geographical location... more The abundance of the energy resources in the South Caucasus, as well as its geographical location, which is suitable for oil and infrastructure are the main factors drawing ample attention from the outside. The paper seeks to highlight the importance of the South Caucasus as a historical energy provider and transit conduit and a promising energy hub for the foreseeable future. The authors touched upon the historical evolution of energy security concept and tried to envision the future prospects for the broader region, including the potential of the Caspian basin. The energy projects related with the region have been delineated and construed. The authors tried to conclude the paper with the recommendations for further enhancement of energy security concept with regards to the South Caucasus.

The Russian federation and international security, 2020
“Hybrid warfare”, the reasons necessitating it, as well as its implications have become the focus... more “Hybrid warfare”, the reasons necessitating it, as well as its implications have become the focus of academic attention in the last two decades. The paper introduces the characteristics of hybrid warfare based on retrospective analysis and states that, even though the term has been recently coined, the techniques are as old as the history of war itself. The authors endeavored to describe the current security environment where hybrid concepts and strategies are applied in pursuit of political objectives. The paper examines the concept of “hybrid warfare” through bringing historical examples to the fore and highlights the Russian engagement in hybrid conflicts. The authors envisioned the implications of Russian engagement in its “near abroad” with a special focus on the South Caucasus. The authors simultaneously highlight that, Russia is not a single actor, which may apply hybrid tactics in the region. It can be any other country with the certain capacity, which has a vested interest in the region and they see that their interests are at stake. The countries with abiding interests in the region have been presented. The paper is concluded with the recommendations for the countries in the region in order to eradicate their susceptibility.
The Russian federation and international security, 2020
The concepts of employing non-military measures in different conflicts differ completely, or at l... more The concepts of employing non-military measures in different conflicts differ completely, or at least significantly. This is the most challenging factor for each and every nation in introducing the common framework for increasing their resilience against hybrid threats. The paper presents the comparison between grey-zone and hybrid warfare characteristics and examines the conceptual construct of hybrid warfare. Different approaches of the researchers regarding the concept of hybrid warfare have been studied. The authors attempted to elaborate on the stages and phases of hybrid warfare based on the retrospective analysis of events took place in Ukraine.
Papers by Khayal Iskandarov