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3 votes

Advanced argument escaping with find + xargs and nested commands

Analysis The problem arises because you pass the pathname (from the expansion of {}) inside the shell code your sh -c gets. sh is not aware {} was there, it gets the argument with {} already expanded (...
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
1 vote

How to redirect the standard output to file without buffering?

The program itself must be changed to not buffer – or to flush the buffered data more often. Run python with the -u option, or use sys.stdout.reconfigure(line_buffering=True), or call print(..., ...
grawity's user avatar
  • 482k
1 vote

In Windows Terminal, how do I add bash as one of the shell options?

Using the git for windows installer you get the option to let the installer do this for you.
CousinCocaine's user avatar
1 vote

Display all output but highlight search matches

Instead of -e '^' which does not work with -F (--fixed-strings), it seems that -e '' just works. It matches every empty string, but it doesn't seem to trigger the color output.
user1537366's user avatar

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