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65 votes

If a Chrome Extension is installed but turned off, can it still spy on me?

When an extension is turned off, it is not loaded into memory, and as such can't do anything. When you turn an extension on, it has access to your entire browser history, and if an extension wants, ...
LPChip's user avatar
  • 64.4k
34 votes

Enable/disable Chrome extensions per site (via white or blacklist)

If you don't mind installing an extra extension, this might be useful: Extension Manager I was looking for a solution to the same problem. I only need to disable the extension on a single domain, ...
Zeyul's user avatar
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21 votes

Is there a way to copy URLs from all open tabs in a Google Chrome (or other browser) window into an email?

Captain here All you gotta do is type the following in the address(URL) bar in chrome chrome://inspect/#pages This will let you copy all of the URLs from all the open tabs into your favorite text ...
Captain's user avatar
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18 votes

Enable/disable Chrome extensions per site (via white or blacklist)

As of January 2021, Chrome 88 only lets you run extensions in 3 modes: On click On specific sites (i.e. a whitelist / allow-list) On all sites Unfortunately there is no built-in way to set a block-...
Dai's user avatar
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10 votes

Download PEM via browser only

A PEM is a particular format. If you don't have a file in PEM format you won't be able to download it as a PEM file. What you can do is get the certificate information and convert it to whatever ...
Seth's user avatar
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9 votes

How to search for bookmark folders in Firefox

I just found Bookmark search plus 2. It will select the bookmark in the hiearchy after searching. In 2018 the previously suggested plug-ins no longer exist.
absynce's user avatar
  • 191
9 votes

How to search for bookmark folders in Firefox

With the advent of Firefox Quantum (v57+), which uses the new Web Extensions API, most of the previously suggested plugins no longer work. However this one - the Bookmarks Manager and Viewer - does ...
Pierz's user avatar
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9 votes

Shortcut for expanding a collapsed tree in Tree-style-tab addon

Years has passed but pressing F1 hides/show Tree Style Tab. This can be set at about:addons => 'Extensions' => the gear button => 'Manage Extension Shortcuts' => 'Tree Style Tab' => '...
Bit-Man's user avatar
  • 209
8 votes

What is the "Web Compat" Firefox addon - Avast suggest removing

Full disclosure: I am a Mozilla employee and in fact one of the developers working on the add-on in question! It is true that we're now releasing some features internally as something we call "System ...
Dennis Schubert's user avatar
7 votes

Is there a way to copy URLs from all open tabs in a Google Chrome (or other browser) window into an email?

There is also TabCopy, which has not been mentioned yet. It has a higher rating than Copy All URLs, and offers more supported formats.
iconoclast's user avatar
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7 votes

Is it possible to save every webpage you visit?

I'm the author of SingleFile. This Web Extension has been rewritten to be compatible with Chrome and Firefox (desktop and mobile). It has an "Auto-save" mode than allows you to save all the pages you ...
check_ca's user avatar
  • 171
7 votes

how to override website's stylesheets?

Both Stylus and Stylish are available on Chrome and Firefox. On Firefox: Stylus and Stylish On Chrome: Stylus and Stylish You can browse popular styles made by other users on
BoffinBrain's user avatar
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6 votes

How do I block YouTube's suggested videos?

Improve YouTube! You can use Improve YouTube!, an open-source browser extension that can tweak YouTube in various ways (Chrome version / Firefox version). The videos thumbnails displayed in the ...
galacticninja's user avatar
6 votes

Refresh all tabs in Google Chrome

You should select all relevant tabs by pressing the first tab and then Ctrl+Shift and clicking on the last tab. Or pressing Ctrl+ and clicking on any tab you wish to reload. After all relevant tabs ...
Moshe's user avatar
  • 61
6 votes

Changing HTML5 videos playback speed

You can avoid using extensions with bookmarklets. A bookmarklet is a browser bookmark that doesn't actually open a webpage, but executes a piece of Javascript. Bookmarklets use the javascript: ...
gronostaj's user avatar
  • 58k
6 votes

Multi-row tab bar in Firefox Quantum

Here's an updated userChrome.css that shows icons and hides the ugly scrollbar in the tab rows UPDATE: Newer Firefox versions changed userChrome behavior again, now I've taken the script directly from ...
Coruscate5's user avatar
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5 votes

How to take screenshots of a list of URLs

Are there other ways? You may want to consider using Chrome in --headless (GUI-less) mode (available since version 59+). Firefox has had a similar feature since version 56+. Combined with the --...
Anaksunaman's user avatar
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4 votes

Disable ALL cookie warnings and hints

2022 update: uBlock Origin has cookie notice blocking built in. Enable Fanboy’s Annoyance filter list, which has EasyList Cookie List built in, or enable EasyList Cookie List directly.
Edward Brey's user avatar
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4 votes

Firefox Quantum (>=57) How to toggle all toolbars? (with a keyboard shortcut, like F11 but in a window, not fullscreen)

This doesn't give you a keyboard shortcut, but you can use the :hover pseudoclass to allow auto-showing the nav box (the toolbars at the top of the browser window) when you hover at the top of the ...
CXL's user avatar
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4 votes

How to backup history in Firefox?

Simply open your History panel. Then at the top left of the panel, click the menu "Import and Save". And there, the first line you find in that menu is... "Save". It saves all your history. Simple. ...
BlackWinny's user avatar
4 votes

Multi-row tab bar in Firefox Quantum

I tried looking for alternatives for this too and found no real options but to use a combination of addons: I'm now using Tab Mix Plus (WebExtensions) and the Tree Style Tab addons, along with ...
Leo Gallego's user avatar
4 votes

"This add-on could not be installed because it appears to be corrupt" on Waterfox with xpinstall.signatures.required=false

I wonder if the recent signature changes have affected something. The recent signature changes involved reissuing an expired certificate. Addon signatures were not re-generated – instead the ...
grawity's user avatar
  • 482k
4 votes

How do I install an add-on from a file in Firefox?

Is there a way I can do this without recompiling Firefox as well? Firefox removed the ability to use unsigned add-ons, with the release of Firefox 44 which was 32 versions ago, which is about 4 years ...
Ramhound's user avatar
  • 43.6k
4 votes

Firefox disable extension on local files

The local files have no domain. You can verify it by opening the console with F12 when displaying a local file and executing this command : console.log(document.domain). So we can restrict extension ...
Flow's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it possible to view HTML source auto-formatted in Firefox

If anyone is looking for the same functionality in 2019, there is Fire Source Viewer [1] for Firefox Quantum which displays the beautified HTML DOM after javascripts manipulates it, which is even ...
dasj19's user avatar
  • 131
3 votes

Firefox multi row tab bar?

EDIT: I am now using a different method, described in this answer: To have the tabs on multiple rows, without icons, of a fixed size I do as follows. Tested on ...
salvador's user avatar
  • 437
3 votes

Chrome extension to allow text selection

You can use bookmarklet for this. javascript:(function(){function allowTextSelection(){window.console&&console.log('allowTextSelection');var style=document.createElement('style');style.type='...
Victor S.'s user avatar
  • 379
3 votes

How do I block YouTube's suggested videos?

Using Stylish, a browser plugin, I made a rule for YouTube with: .ytp-ce-element {display:none !important} This blocks the overlay elements for suggested videos and the channel icon/logo.
Eep's user avatar
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