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71 votes

Docker / GCloud | How to fix docker-credential-gcloud not installed or not available in PATH?

I had the same exact issue. Deleting ~/.docker/config.json fixed it for me right away. See here:
John Datserakis's user avatar
42 votes

Docker / GCloud | How to fix docker-credential-gcloud not installed or not available in PATH?

Opening ~/.docker/config.json and removing the credHelpers object fixed it for me.
Chad's user avatar
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39 votes

Docker WSL 2 installation is incomplete

There's two ways you can get it to work Using WSL 2 based engine. Without using WSL 2 based engine. 1 - Using WSL 2 based engine In this page under "Download the Linux kernel update package&...
Tiago Peres's user avatar
  • 1,457
31 votes

Start Docker Desktop minimized on Win10 after login

Yes it is possible. Open the settings of the Docker Desktop, under General and uncheck Open Docker Dashboard at startup.
Stephan Adler's user avatar
24 votes

Cannot locate .wslconfig in user profile on windows 11

Any advice on how to fix this? Create file: %UserProfile%\.wslconfig Within %UserProfile%\.wslconfig, paste: [wsl2] memory=4GB # Limits VM memory in WSL 2 to 4 GB processors=2 # Makes the WSL 2 VM ...
Ramhound's user avatar
  • 43.6k
21 votes

How to prevent Docker Desktop from starting after log in on Windows?

Have you tried disabling it in task manager? Open task manager (Ctrl+Alt+Delete, then click Task Manager) In bottom left corner, click "More details" In the top tabs, go to Startup. Look and see if ...
Skyro468's user avatar
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12 votes

Windows 10 - Location of docker image?

windows systray -> docker for windows -> docker settings -> advanced -> disk image location result, something like C:\ProgramData\DockerDesktop\vm-data\DockerDesktop.vhdx
FantomX1's user avatar
  • 347
12 votes

How do I start Docker Desktop for Windows from command line?

Is there a way to start Docker Desktop for Windows from the command line? If you're using Docker for Windows, then simply start the desktop app installed in C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Docker ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
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11 votes

Windows 10 - Location of docker image?

This thread might help. Essentially, according to Michael Friis, docker images are stored in the Hyper-VM and the Hyper-V VM harddrive itself is usually in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Hyper-V\Virtual ...
Myles Keating's user avatar
9 votes

How to install Docker on Windows Server 2016 without Internet?

The Docker website actually documented the entire process. In a PowerShell command prompt, download the installer archive on a machine that has a connection. invoke-webrequest -...
Ramhound's user avatar
  • 43.6k
8 votes

Docker for Windows unable to pull images — no connection?

had the similar issue. Solution: Right Klick Docker Icon and go to Docker Settings then Network Tab Change DNS from Automatic to Fixed and Check your Proxy Settings.
talkedkestrel's user avatar
7 votes

Can't access docker container on virtualbox from Internet

After a time have fount solution myself :) VirtualBox -> Machine settings -> Network -> Adapter 1 (NAT) -> Advanced, Port Forwarding Add rule like http on the screenshot: Rule ssh has ...
Alexey's user avatar
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7 votes

How to remove Docker distros from WSL?

I mentioned this yesterday in a comment on Stack Overflow, but I've now had a chance to try it out, and it works as expected ... Docker Engine will run just fine in a single WSL2 instance (with one ...
NotTheDr01ds's user avatar
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6 votes

Docker for Windows - Settings to Cisco AnyConnect allow share driver

I haven't spent enough time to get this working on my specific environment, but this looks promising: They suggest changing the subnet address in Docker ...
Unoriginal Elephant's user avatar
6 votes

Docker Desktop for Windows GUI is not starting

The Docker Desktop GUI logs to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Docker\log.txt. Check the log to see, what is going wrong. In my case, it was corrupted %APPDATA%\Docker\locked-directories file. I've removed the file ...
Martin Prikryl's user avatar
5 votes

Hyper-V Could Not Connect to MobyLinuxVM of Docker & Docker Won't Run

Perform the following: docker run --privileged -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock jongallant/ubuntu-docker-client docker run --net=host --ipc=host --uts=host --pid=host -it --security-...
Basil A's user avatar
  • 540
4 votes

Why is Docker-compose failing to copy local files to the container

From says : COPY obeys the following rules: The [src] path must be inside the context of the build; you cannot COPY ../something /...
guhkun13's user avatar
  • 141
4 votes

Docker Quickstart Terminal unable to locate bash.exe

It was a silly mistake. The default location with which the shortcut was created was pointing to C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe --login -i "C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\" after i ...
Vikrant Korde's user avatar
4 votes

Docker WSL 2 installation is incomplete

I had the same error. I just had to update WSL by executing: wsl --update
Arun Velu's user avatar
4 votes

Docker Desktop user must be added to "docker-users" group but I can't change groups in Windows Home

How can I do this for Windows Home? Run the following command in an elevated command prompt. net localgroup docker-users username /add Source: Docker User Group You can also run a PowerShell ...
Ramhound's user avatar
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4 votes

Windows + Docker + WSL2

it requires to join insiders program and install OS build 20262 or higher (I have 18363). WSL2 requires 1909 or newer, which is what you have installed, which means you could use Docker today without ...
Ramhound's user avatar
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4 votes

"The attempted operation is not supported for the referenced object type" when installing Ubuntu WSL on Windows 10

Run the following commands in an elevated command prompt. wsl --shutdown netsh winsock reset Manually apply the following changes to your registry: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [...
Ramhound's user avatar
  • 43.6k
4 votes

Docker on Windows: lots of disk space in %TMP%/docker-index

According to here it's an experimental feature that scans your images for known cve and generates sboms. You can ...
Glenn Arens's user avatar
3 votes

Docker / GCloud | How to fix docker-credential-gcloud not installed or not available in PATH?

I had the issue. Following @adstwlearn answer, I checked the ~/.docker/config.json file and one the entries in "credHelpers" was refering to "gcloud" instead of "gcr". Changing it was enough to fix ...
Sebastien Orban's user avatar
3 votes

Why docker always hangs when trying to access container?

Fixed by using: docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID bash If you use windows with winpty terminal: winpty docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID bash
David M.'s user avatar
3 votes

Script run with shebang does not resolve aliases, how to circumvent?

Non-interactive bash won't expand aliases even if your script defines them (defines directly or by sourcing another file, explicitly or not); unless shopt -s expand_aliases. I don't know zsh but I ...
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
3 votes

Docker: "not found" and "invalid handle" errors for Linux container volumes in Docker for Windows 10

TLDR You should use the /host_mnt/c/path/to/folder path format (notice the lowercase drive letter). In-depth Depending on the version of Docker Desktop for Windows, I determined the following ...
TedGrassman's user avatar
3 votes

Docker Desktop hangs, with tray icon text "Docker is starting"

On my side I had a similar issue on my Windows machine. It was probably caused by a forced shutdown after sleep mode (perhaps no more battery). I tried many things like restarting the Services but it ...
рüффп's user avatar

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