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WoL across subnets

On your router that routes between the two subnets in question, you probably need to enter a permanent/static ARP table entry for the target machine. Many machines with more old-school, rudimentary ...
Spiff's user avatar
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3 votes

WoL across subnets

The answer Zac67 linked has an interesting point about directed broadcasts. I did some experimentation and as long as I enable directed broadcasts on the docker interface: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/...
DavidT's user avatar
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1 vote

Ffmpeg segmentation fault when concatenating H264 videos

I don't know why I was using sdk:8.0 in my example and not runtime:8.0, but they both exhibit the same behaviour. As suggested in the comments, I switched to another flavour of the 8.0 image (runtime:...
ProgrammingLlama's user avatar
1 vote

Docker Compose service accessible only via VPN

The simplest way is to do this is to have the app container share the same network namespace as the VPN server. For example, if the app were an NGINX webserver, you could use a compose file like this: ...
Justin Ludwig's user avatar
1 vote

Headless standalone Unity application in a docker container with GPU acceleration (Repost from SO)

TigerVNC starting from 1.14.0 supports hardware accelerated OpenGL and Vulkan on drivers that supports GBM. It seems that it also requires that your gpu driver supports DRI3, excluding proprietary ...
Erzsébet Frigó's user avatar
1 vote

Docker networking not working with bridged host interfaces

Reset all iptables rules and re-installed docker to get it working
Banana999's user avatar
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Docker on WSL. Want to mount a applicable folder on Windows10 with WSL

Running docker continer with blind mounts -v, they say use absolute path of host. I have see ${PWD} if using powershell or $(pwd) for CMD. However, I found that this doesn't always work because of WSL ...
Gar Conklin's user avatar

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