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41 votes

How to play multiple videos side-by-side synchronized?

You can do this with mpv if you don't mind using the command-line: 3 videos side-by-side (stacked horizontally) mpv --lavfi-complex="[vid1][vid2][vid3]hstack=inputs=3[vo];[aid1][aid2][aid3]amix=...
llogan's user avatar
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24 votes

How to view a PDF with more than 2 pages side by side?

Use Wrapped Scrolling option in Mozilla Firefox's built-in PDF viewer. Open your PDF file in Mozilla Firefox browser. On PDF document toolbar (above the document view) open menu >>. See the ...
miroxlav's user avatar
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21 votes

Linux PDF version converter

Looking up the ghostscript options instead of blindly copying commands from others who also blindly copied their commands (and so on) is time well spent. For instance, the -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen in the ...
Socowi's user avatar
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16 votes

How to play multiple videos side-by-side synchronized?

GridPlayer can play any number of videos simultaneously. You can play, stop, seek all of them or each video separately. You can set loops. You can also control playback rate, sound volume, zoo, etc. ...
vzhd1701's user avatar
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11 votes

How to stop run the screenkey

You can exit from Screenkey by right-clicking on its status icon and selecting "Quit": If you're using GNOME/Unity and cannot see any status icon please make sure the python-appindicator ...
How Chen's user avatar
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10 votes

How do I create a GIF screencast in Windows?

I would like to offer my software recommendation. It is called ShareX. I am recommending a review of ShareX on [2]. 1: 2:
Apometron's user avatar
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10 votes

Is there a telnet utility for windows?

If you want to test a network connection, you can use with Powershell : Test-NetConnection -port 80
lolesque's user avatar
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9 votes

Take a high resolution screenshot of a website

The best way to take a high resolution screenshot without any external tool is using the developer tools in browser: Open Developer Tools (Ctrl+Shift+I or Command+Option+I or Right click + Inspect) ...
Gangula's user avatar
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7 votes

How do I create a GIF screencast in Windows?

Just one more solution that is usually ignored. You can actually use MS PowerPoint alone to record the screen and create GIFs. This could be useful if extra software installations are not allowed, ...
River's user avatar
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6 votes

Opening mdb files in Ubuntu

You can use DBeaver. It has "MS Access (UCanAccess)" driver to open .mdb files. To install: wget sudo dpkg -i dbeaver-ce_latest_amd64.deb ...
fakePlayer's user avatar
6 votes

spectrum analyzer that shows 'live' input from the microphone

Just found this one: Testing it now.
Daniel Mošmondor's user avatar
5 votes

Utilities for finding x/y screen coordinates

For windows, you can use a powershell script with System.Windows.Forms.Cursor e.g. Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms while (1) { $X = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.X $Y = [...
JamesG3D's user avatar
5 votes

Batch convert Word documents to PDFs

This little snippet worked very well for me. Free Easy No limits on number of files $Word=New-Object -ComObject Word.Application $Files=Get-ChildItem ".\*.docx" ForEach ($File In $Files) { $...
Umar Farooq Khawaja's user avatar
5 votes

Is there a tool to measure file difference percentage?

I had a similar problem with two sets of transcribed files I used the Levenshtein distance as suggested in the most up voted answer but found using python a better option. pip install python-...
Eduard Florinescu's user avatar
5 votes

How to stop run the screenkey

pkill -f screenkey Source: Project Site
Niko Schmidt's user avatar
5 votes

Is there a tool to query FAT filesystem details?

dosfstools on Linux has fsck.fat (possibly called fsck.vfat in older versions of the package) which shows similar information to chkdsk on MS-DOS: # fsck.fat -v -n /dev/sda1 fsck.fat 4.2 (2021-01-31) ...
grawity's user avatar
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4 votes

Opening mdb files in Ubuntu

On Ubuntu 18.04 I tried installing mdbtools-gmdb but it couldn't find the package. I ended up installing mdbtools with apt install mdbtools. This package provides libraries to connect to mdb files as ...
kjpc-tech's user avatar
  • 321
4 votes

How to count pages in multiple PDF files?

I made an application just for this, Its written in Java so works on all os's. Check it out here: Its best to run the application from ...
HashTables's user avatar
4 votes

How to find out what file is on a particular sector

The comment provided by rickhg12hs deserves a place as an answer - it's on the mark. The ntfs-3g utilities provide some useful functionality. In my experience, the ntfscluster tool has an advantage ...
Sully9's user avatar
  • 41
4 votes

How to view a PDF with more than 2 pages side by side?

Use Horizontal Scrolling option in default Firefox browser PDF viewer PDF.js PDF.js is also available as a plugin for other browsers. Open your PDF file in Mozilla Firefox browser On the PDF ...
Dr Fabio Gori's user avatar
4 votes

Windows 10 - move window between multiple displays

Try this (results vary based on program used). Hold Windows Key + SHIFT key. While keeping those two pressed hit the left or right or up/down arrow key to move the current active window to the ...
DHH's user avatar
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3 votes

Utilities for finding x/y screen coordinates

$lastX = "" $lastY = "" Clear-Host while (1) { $X = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.X $Y = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.Y if(($lastX -ne $X -or $...
smaudet's user avatar
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3 votes

Software to show typed keys on the screen

On Windows there is Carnac the Magnificent. A keyboard logging and presentation utility for presentations, screencasts, and to help you become a better keyboard user. Install via Chocolatey: choco ...
Charles Roper's user avatar
3 votes

Is there a tool that can detect (and if possible, fix) glitches in MP3 files?

Simpler is to use ffmpeg to copy the file from the one with the faulty duration in its ID3 tag. This causes it to write the correct information. ffmpeg -i "audio.mp3" -acodec copy "audio_fixed.mp3" ...
Miriam English's user avatar
3 votes

Is there an OS X tool for finding coordinates, pixel color and measuring distances on the screen?

Coordinates | Digital Color Meter -> View -> Show Mouse Location
Stefan Cardoso Queiroz's user avatar
3 votes

How can I limit the volume of audio on Windows by decibel level?

One way you can solve this is by using dynamic range compression (DRC). The DRC algorithm basically works as follows: for low decibel (dB) sounds, the output signal matches the input signal, but ...
jumploops's user avatar
3 votes

Is there a tool like diff -r that compares a directory tree against a manifest file using hashes?

You're right, such a tool does exist already. While I see that your post is tagged 'linux,' perhaps a BSD-oriented solution will be edifying. FreeBSD's mtree(8) utility can do exactly what you are ...
Jim L.'s user avatar
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3 votes

How to view a PDF with more than 2 pages side by side?

The Okular app has an overview mode that enables multipage views side-by-side (View > View Mode > Overview). In the preferences, you can set the desired number of side-by-side pages that you ...
John Sidiropoulos's user avatar
3 votes

Create bootable USB flash drives

Before anything else, Diskpart is not a MS-DOS program. It's a Windows program that only happens to be a console program, but it does most of its job by talking to the Windows "Virtual Disk ...
grawity's user avatar
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2 votes

Batch convert Word documents to PDFs

Building off of Umar's answer, here is a modified PowerShell script that will: Process DOC as well as DOCX Show a progress bar as it works As with Umar's, to use this: save the below script as a ...
cxw's user avatar
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