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Questions tagged [thesaurus]

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Are there any spell checkers and thesaurus programs that can be run locally as OEM? [closed]

I don't usually handle such things, but I've recently been tasked to compile a list of possible spell checkers that we can buy as OEM to integrate with our own SaaS analytics programs. The problem is, ...
JFA's user avatar
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MediaWiki word thesaurus graph extension

I use MediaWiki on Ubuntu. Is there a way to create word thesaurus graph from categories of MediaWiki? For example like this image:
hasanghaforian's user avatar
2 votes
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Command line utility for the LibreOffice Mythes library

(Open|Libre)Office provides a thesaurus using the Myth library. Is there a command line tool to access these thesaurus data ?
raphink's user avatar
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Expression Web 3 - Set Thesaurus

I have recently upgraded from Expression 2 to 3. It's much better, but I cannot get the Thesaurus to work. It worked fine before the upgrade. Precise error message 'No thesaurus is available for ...
Guy Thomas's user avatar
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Thesaurus software needed for Windows XP

Can anyone recommend (free) Thesaurus software for Windows XP (that isn't WordWeb)? It has to work with British English. I want to install standalone software that gives me easy access (right click, ...
andygrunt's user avatar
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