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Questions tagged [psexec]

Psexec is a free powerful "runas" utility by Microsoft. It's special features are e.g. the possibilities to start processes on remote machines, as system system user or to run them in the console 0 session.

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Strange PSEXEC Output

Windows 2016 server from 2012. Sometimes when I run commands on multiple remote computers I'll get a strange output at the end of the command: psexec64.exe \\<computer1>,<computer2>... CMD ...
David Shader's user avatar
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Console not see shared folder with PSexec

The console execute T1.Bat to perfome a "dir U:*.*" on the Remote Device(PC1). The device U is allocated on an other device connected in LAN with RC. As you can see on the attached log, the ...
Luciano's user avatar
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PsExec Access Denied on remote computer

I am trying to start a program remotely using PsExec, however when attempting to connect I get the error message "Access is denied.". Most of the answers found here on SU or on other forums ...
gsck's user avatar
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Unable to restore Windows Update Service (wuauserv) despite Admin and LocalSystem privileges

One of my school's Windows 11 computers kept failing to update. When I go to the Updates tab on Settings and press Check Updates, it always displays the One of the update services is not running ...
rwy55899's user avatar
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Can i run psexec on a local machine as another user who had admin rights?

I am trying to run a batch file on a local computer as a user with admin privileges, where there is another user logged in without admin privileges. The batch file simply tries to create a .txt file ...
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Psexec to copy files to a remote machine

I want to copy a file from the local machine to a remote machine through PSExec. But I get the error psexec64.exe \\remote_ip -i -h -u admin -p pass11 cmd /c xcopy /c "C:\Folder" "\\...
Cell-o's user avatar
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Windows 11 Update and PsExec

We have been using the Task Scheduler and PsExec to run an app with many elevated privilages on bootup of windows 11 machines. We have seen issues with recent updates (not on all machines surprisingly)...
vulkur's user avatar
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PsExec Error While Running - Works Sometimes But Not Others in Certain Remote PCs

I have created a batch file using PsExec to run batch files on different PCs. This 'master' batch runs PsExec on 14 remote PCs. However, for some reason, it doesn't always work on a few PCs. Sometimes ...
Samiksha Bagadia's user avatar
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how to run cmd as administrator with psexec

i tried to open cmd as administrator manually and run this command reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp" /v UserAuthentication /d 0x00000000 /f ...
crownight's user avatar
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Status Unavailable in net use command using psexec

We connected to remote computer using psexec. We are running .bat file which initiates scanstate.exe to scan computer files and settings to remote network location \\server\path1. The scanstate error ...
Marin's user avatar
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4 answers

Start a bat file on remote PC

I am trying to execute a .bat or .cmd file on a remote pc with this: PSEXEC \\ "\Users\James\Desktop\BatchFiles\StopStart.cmd" This will Disable a NIC and Enable another NIC, ...
SeeeeS's user avatar
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PSEXESVC Not Self Deleting and Not deletable by Any Admin User

I run psexec.exe locally to handle a process on multiple remote servers/DC's. One server in particular has begun to experience an issue where after one successful run, the PSEXESVC.exe remains and no ...
Dialock's user avatar
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2 answers

Erased System Path Variables

I was writing a batch file that was supposed to automatically set up a computer to receive "psexec" remote commads. Unluckly i didn't really pay attention to what i was writing and i wrote ...
Xcode's user avatar
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Run batch file on remote computer using PSExec and continue execution, don't wait for remote process to end

I would like to run a program (a batch file with an infinite loop inside) on a remote host using PSEXec, and continue execution afterwards. My problem is that when I run a command like: psexec -d -u ...
Erik's user avatar
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How to restart local windows service using PSExec or PSTools

I just want to start/stop service just on my pc (no remote connection) via bat script in a way that no "Run as admin" prompt appears. Just don't want to do any manual interaction after ...
Serob_b's user avatar
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How to execute a *.bat file on a remote computer using psexec.exe

I have two computers one running Windows 8.1 Pro and the other running Windows 10 Pro (remote computer). The windows 10 computer has a *.bat file located in the following path "c:\windows\...
JoeT's user avatar
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Hide PsExec window when starting from cmd

I'm executing a command as another user on the same machine using PsExec from cmd like this: PsExec.exe -u myuser -p mypass timeout 4 When I do so, a new cmd window opens containing the output of ...
Michel's user avatar
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Could anyone please help me create / edit this powershell script

I would like to reset the wsus service and delete the downloaded updates on selectable one or more hosts up to 200 Hosts. I would like to ping the hosts and export into a file : excel with Online and ...
JamSi's user avatar
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PsExec with Get-WinEvent: The system cannot find the file specified

I'm trying to run Get-WinEvent on a remote PC using psexec but I'm getting the following error: PS C:\> psexec \\pc28 Get-WinEvent -? Starting Get-EventLog on pc28... PsExec could not start Get-...
Russell G's user avatar
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How to run as admin an .Net exe with PSExec ( doesn't work on some of EXE)

I use PsExec to run some exe with administrators right on a Windows Server 2016. It works. Saddly, i have a .net exe which run not in admin right despite the use of psExec. I think it's due to the exe ...
Walter Fabio Simoni's user avatar
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PSexec access is denied on domain user

I seem to be having some trouble with only 2/150+ users when using psexec. I am mapping to their profile and get the "Access is denied" message. I don't understand how that could be since ...
Guest1997's user avatar
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How to start PowerShell to run a command and pass a variable to the new process?

I am currently working on a script that does all my hacks to my Windows 10 20H2 OS in one run. I am using PowerShell 7.0.4 x64, I want to run the script in Admin pwsh, I found some registry keys ...
Ξένη Γήινος's user avatar
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Get-DHCPv4Lease Permission denied when run in psexec

I have a script which exports currently console users on a computer list (about 1000 clients). When I run it from my computer it takes about 10 hours to complete because of launching psexec on each ...
greenwulf's user avatar
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Remotely use CMDlet that's not on the remote pc

Hi i have a script using AudioDeviceCmdlets power shell module from Github. the script runs fine its just a basic audio check, but i want to be able to run it against a machine that dosent have that ...
david weaver's user avatar
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tool to copy file on a NETWORK SHARE without no one logon win10 computer

I'am trying to setup a script to monitor a local folder and to copy the file when they appears. i'am using task scheduler to initiate the script at startup (had to set it running as System (not ...
Raphael Capone's user avatar
5 votes
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PsExec error - "Couldn't install PSEXESVC service: Access is denied

I've done a lot of research into this problem and still haven't found a solution. I wrote a powershell script that uses psexec to activate another one on a file share using a p2p network. I keep ...
dhelin's user avatar
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How to run psexec minimized from a VB script (VBS)

When you do ... Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Call WshShell.Run("psexec -u administrator -p pw1234 cmd /c ipconfig > C:\Output.txt", 2, True) ... you see for a short time the ...
Seeky's user avatar
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Problems with psexec accepteula when using psingfo

I made my first script which can get and show the running time of a PC in our network. first it copies the pstools folder to the pc i would like to check. It goes to pstools folder on my PC so i can ...
Gabor Kovacs's user avatar
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Access remote usb file from local pc and scripting capabilities

i have a few batch files running on a pc on the network, and i want them to be able to view and interact with a usb drive on a different Windows 10 (64bit) computer on the same network. Is there a ...
onlyf's user avatar
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PsExec Fails to Execute with Error Code -1073741502

whenever I want to run the following command in a remote server inside of our LAN with PsExec, it gives me the following error. It doesn't matter what I put instead of cmd, too. My macine's OS is ...
atoipowered's user avatar
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Is it possible to kill the task through psexec command before it even gets chance to execute?

We have over 100 computers in our gaming network. We have deployed Deep Freeze Enterprise on our machines to control the customers' abuse of PCs. That is well taken care of, but there's another ...
Emperor's user avatar
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PSEXEC wont run exe

I am trying to execute an exe on a remote machine with PSEXEC but it wont run. It only works if I spawn a CMD window with PSEXEC and execute the .exe that way: PSEXEC.exe \\<machine_name> cmd ...
MeMario's user avatar
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Why some exe files(like PsExec.exe) cannot be moved to another folder?

I have downloaded the Sysinternals Suite from After unzipping it, I want to put all the files into a new place, but the ...
United_Stomach's user avatar
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What is the reason PSExec keeps asking to accept EULA?

I'm using PSExec in a script that I run in a Windows 10 to send some commands to a Windows 7. However, sometimes these commands don't work and I realized this happens because at random times, when I ...
Natiya's user avatar
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system variable not set on remote machine by psexec

Need to set-up system variable on remote machine. Performing psexec \\remote_machine cmd /c setx foo bar got reply Success: Entered value was saved cmd exited on remote_machine with error code 0 ...
user2956477's user avatar
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issue when running an exe file using PSexec

I'm having an error I'm not sure how to solve when trying to run an .exe file in a remote system: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\PSTools>PsExec.exe \\ -u doctor -p doctor "C:\Program ...
Natiya's user avatar
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Can't access server with username that has spaces

I amn trying to test out how PsExec work. However, even when I'm trying to simply send a 'echo Hello', with the correct password and everything, it says that couldn't access the other computer. Here'...
MarcolinoIM's user avatar
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PsExec launched batch file from host windows 7 to guest Windows 7 to copy shared folder path not recognized

I use Virtualbox with host Windows 7 and guest WIndows 7. I created a batch file to move a folder (with files and subfolder inside) from E: shared folder of Virtualbox to D: (My Hard Drive) This ...
placidomaio's user avatar
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How to hide PsExec cmd?

I'm starting the PsExec using Powershell: Start-Process -FilePath "psexec.exe" -ArgumentList "-u user -p pass -accepteula -i -h cmd /c `"powershell.exe -NonInteractive -File myscript.ps1`"" But the ...
OrangeSpider's user avatar
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PsExec treats second remote computer in list as a program name

PsExec behaves very strangely when run on a specific server When I use PsExec to run a program on multiple remote machines in most cases, it works perfectly fine. When I run the same command on one ...
Jason Fox's user avatar
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Error getting local system prompt with psexec

I'm trying to get a local system prompt with psexec using the command: psexec -i -s CMD I get the following error: Error establishing communication with PsExec service on LAB The network path was ...
user12345's user avatar
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Passthrough Password

I am trying to psexec to a remote machine and run a program through a cmd command, however the program prompts for a password (not a windows password). Is there a way to add this password to the ...
Terry's user avatar
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psexec could not start psexec service on <server>. Error in the remote procedure call was cancelled

I get this error when running any command using psexec to a Win2012 server: PsExec.exe -u <user> -p <pass> \\<server_ip> cmd.exe PsExec v2.11 - Execute processes remotely Copyright ...
Luis's user avatar
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Why does RUNAS command work but PSEXEC doesn't in this case?

When I try to restart a remove IIS, I run: runas /netonly /user:mydomain\myusername "iisreset ServerBoxMachine" It asks me for a password and then the command is ran successfully. However, I use ...
AngryHacker's user avatar
7 votes
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Errors starting PsExec to run a program as a local service

When I run the following command from an Administrative Command Prompt: psexec64 -i -u "nt authority\network service" C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe I'm getting these error messages: Couldn't install ...
user626528's user avatar
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Running a batch file on remote server using psexec

I have some 10 number of batch files those batch files are calling from one main bat file. Now I want to run all those bat file on some remote server. I used the following command to run my batch ...
Narayana Boominathan's user avatar
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Start an application with specific date format

I need to use one rather poorly-coded application which requires me to use en-US regional settings, or more specifically, the date format needs to be in en-US format when executing that application. I ...
Dejan Janjušević's user avatar
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localStorage IE 11 does not work

I have a problem with running sites that used localStorage. I connect to Windows Server 2012 R2 and open IE using cmd with simple site that has access to local storage and all works fine. Then I ...
Igor Nesterov's user avatar
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Cannot connect to remote computer on private network via PsExec

I have two computers connected to a router. Both have PsExec in sys32. Files and Printer sharing are enabled and firewall exception is disabled for PsExec. On first computer in Command Prompt I ran: ...
Wiszen's user avatar
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PSEXEC OpenSCManager fails when execute command for workgroup from domain

I am trying to run sysinternals' PSEXEC from my domain machine to workgroup machine and vice versa: Cmd Line: Psexec \\\MachineName -u "username" -p "password" -i -s -d cmd.exe If I run this ...
vivek singh's user avatar