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Questions tagged [sysinternals]

Usually refers to applications from the Sysinternals Suite (eg. Process Explorer, Process Monitor, RAMMap, ...)

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LiveKD generates corrupted kernel dump with dummy KD

I am trying to collect live kernel dump with minimal & portable setup for issue diagnosis. The best solution I have found so far is to use the Sysinternals LiveKD utility with the -ml argument, ...
SuibianP's user avatar
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SysInternals Process Explorer starts but is unresponsive for a long time, spinning blue disk. Then works fine

I recently downloaded the SysInternals tools. I'm running them on Windows Server 2019. The problem I am having only seems to apply to Process Explorer. I have this problem whether I run procexp.exe or ...
BenjaminSelby's user avatar
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Process not showing in Process Explorer, even though it's running

Something strange is happening, I am running the game "Sheep dog 'n' wolf" via the SheepD3D.exe executable. While it is running I alt-tab and open SysInternals' Process Explorer (latest ...
user107586's user avatar
-2 votes
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Sysinternals Process Monitor device driver: procedure could not be found

The most recent article I have found on this site regarding Systinternals Process Monitor is 13 years old. I must have missed something because I'm still having the same problem. I have Windows 7 on ...
Jacob Salomon's user avatar
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What does the "QueryDeviceInformationVolume" operation in Process Monitor mean?

Seeing an operation called "QueryDeviceInformationVolume" in a SysInternals Process Monitor log when I start a desktop application. Simply trying to get some details about this operation and ...
JDeckSQL's user avatar
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sysinternal Process explorer only show registry events

I have my process explorer installed on my windows machine(sandbox). I run the malware, then capture events in process explorer, after 5 minutes, i stop the capture. to my surprise, it only show the ...
Robin cyber's user avatar
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Is it possible to use procmon to find out why a process ends?

Let's say I started notepad. In a PowerShell window, I run ps notepad | Stop-Process -Force to kill all notepad session. I captured a procmon trace during these operations. Is it possible to find out ...
Fajela Tajkiya's user avatar
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Sysinternals Handle prints question marks "?" instead of non ASCII symbols

For files that contain non ASCII symbols, The Sysinternals Handle utility prints the file names with ?. A similar problem is also reported in the following places: Handle encoding problem Russian ...
PolarBear's user avatar
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Can not run Sysinternals Process Explorer via Task scheduler (installed via winget on Win11)

I'm unable to setup the Process Explorer to run at startup via Task Scheduler. Regardless if I create the task via the Process Explorer menu 'Run at startup' or manually I am unable to make it work. I'...
Dalibor Čarapić's user avatar
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PSExec -c flag does not work with powershell scripts

I'm using PSExec 2.4 to run commands on multiple computers. If I want to run a local batch script on the target computer (named {machine} below), this works no problem: psexec -i \\{machine} -nobanner ...
EllipticalInitial's user avatar
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Sysinternals procmon "Process Active Summary" is missing most processes

I am trying to track CPU usage of our build script and of all the processes it spawns to accomplish the task of creating a release. I ran a procmon64.exe (with profiling) session during the course of ...
David I. McIntosh's user avatar
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Is there any native way on windows or using sysinternals to scan what websites a process is accessing?

I am struggling to find a way to scan for websites an specific process on windows 10 os is accessing without having to get a commercial tool or without a full package tracing app like wireshark I was ...
RollRoll's user avatar
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Can you set Process Monitor to filter multiple file types instead of a single file type? Or all sounds?

I'm trying to figure out which programs are making certain sounds and the only tool that I've come across to have that ability is Syinternals Process Monitor. Filters Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to ...
Tupac Shakur's user avatar
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Can I use ProcessExplorer to trace the parameters of future running process?

I would like be able to trace all calls to MSBuild.exe with its parameters. It seems I should be using sysinternals Process Explorer. I'm lost how I can accomplish this or if I should be doing ...
AmandaSai98b's user avatar
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How to see the process stack in the Sysinternals Process Explorer from a .net console app?

I am trying to get deeper in the understanding how the OS stacks up the chained function calls. So I created a very simple dotnet console app, see the code below, I call the "Call()" method ...
AmandaSai98b's user avatar
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How to associate RDG files to the RDC Manager shipped with sysinternals when sysinternals comes from the MS Store?

I installed the sysinternals suite from the Windows store. This includes Microsoft Remote Desktop Manager. However, this setup does not create file associations. How to associate RDG files to this app ...
Steve B's user avatar
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TCPView (Windows) doesn't show any addresses

I'm using TCPView 4.16 for Windows 10 (downloaded from Up until a few days ago it worked fine, but all of a sudden it simply stopped ...
laurs's user avatar
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How can I catch a briefly executing process with SysInternals Process Explorer? (or any standard tool)

For example with SysInternals Process Explorer I can briefly see a process popping up, I even see the window on-screen for half a second, but I can't figure out which tool or method to use to catch it ...
J.Todd's user avatar
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RamMap empties Standby Lists but doesn't free them

My problem is: when I use RamMap to empty some standby memory, it gets emptied and zeroed, but the freed memory isn't added to the Free memory counter afterwards. Instead, it keeps contributing to the ...
Néstor Llop's user avatar
11 votes
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Why windows executables show incorrect compiler timestamps?

I have observed that windows executable files show incorrect timestamps when I view them in PE studio. For example this Notepad.exe file shows a compiler timestamp of 0x86FCBD69 (Mon Oct 07 03:45:05 ...
Monk's user avatar
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Sysinternal's VMMap is unable to find injected memory

I'm writing a Python script that uses the Windows API to learn process injection. The injection is successful. I can verify that the shellcode is running, and Process Explorer shows the connection: ...
Carcigenicate's user avatar
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Different Imphash for same PE file

I am analyzing a windows executable (C:\Windows\System32\xcopy.exe). The Imphash value calculated with Python is different from the one shown with PE studio. How can Imphash for a same file be ...
Monk's user avatar
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How to run as admin an .Net exe with PSExec ( doesn't work on some of EXE)

I use PsExec to run some exe with administrators right on a Windows Server 2016. It works. Saddly, i have a .net exe which run not in admin right despite the use of psExec. I think it's due to the exe ...
Walter Fabio Simoni's user avatar
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Unable to locate the physical disk sector(s) a file occupies

Sysinternals Diskview is producing what seems like an unlikely situation. I have a series of files I know exist on an NTFS filesystem (which is on a spinning disk hard drive), but when I try to use ...
jorb's user avatar
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Sysinternals Handles Close Command? >>> I downloaded the file on this site. Everything is fine but I cannot do exactly what I want. I explained exactly what I ...
Ömer Çelimli's user avatar
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procmon - reset "relative time"

procmon allows to add column Ralative Time (since the start of profiling). I want to measure distance between recorded events and it would be trivial if I can reset relative time to zero at some ...
gavenkoa's user avatar
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Why is it that a tool like sysinternals Autoruns might not know the location of a startup?

From the help file for autoruns: Note: before you send e-mail reporting what you believe to be an auto-start location that's overlooked by Autoruns, please make sure that Autoruns doesn't cover it and ...
stackuser1999's user avatar
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How are Windows SysInternal Utilities Licensed? [closed]

Specifically I want to know about SDELETE by Mark Russinovich. I didn't find any license attached, although he holds a Copyright for it.. I want to know because I want to distribute it in my own ...
batchcoding____s's user avatar
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How to launch a program on different desktop, using sysinternals desktops

Is there a way to start a program on a different desktop? Say if Desktop 2 is currently displayed, how could I open Notepad on Desktop 4?
adr's user avatar
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Checking all connections on Windows 7

I want to check all outbound/inbound connections when my pc is (apparently) idle and possibly permit/deny selectively each of them as soon as they occur. Unfortunately it seems not possible on Windows ...
kuma's user avatar
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Process Monitor: Any way to tell what process is terminating another?

I use Process Monitor from SysInternals to view logs from users' when they're being unable to launch an application. Very often users are running various security software they're not even aware of, ...
Stian Lund's user avatar
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editing sysinternal log to post on forum

I use sysinternal tool procmon I want to edit its log because I want to post it online on technical forums for disucssions. I want to ...
koeradoera's user avatar
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Sysinternals Live unexpectedly slow?

I understand that the live version will inevitably be slower than a local copy. However, considering my system specs and bandwidth, the amount of latency experienced seems far too disproportionate to ...
Arctiic's user avatar
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How to enable "View Source" in Process Monitor?

Sysinternals Process Monitor has a button to "view the source" on a Event Properties > Stack element: It is disabled in my trace. What do I need to enable it?
TheUnexpected's user avatar
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Bypassing agreement prompt for DiskUsage.exe?

I am running du.exe on a remote windows machine and do not want to have to access the remote machine's desktop, but the first run of du.exe is requiring an acceptance of the agreement which would ...
MartyE's user avatar
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High CPU usage from Explorer.exe - Suspecting Dropbox and/or Onedrive shell integration at fault

I'm experiencing high CPU usage from Explorer.exe and I am using SysInternals' Process Explorer to try to diagnose the issue. Frequently I will get a CPU History graph like this (or worse, showing ...
cometbill's user avatar
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What is corel doing on my udp connections for Chrome?

I have a weird address lingering in Chrome and some parts of svchost processes, what is going on?
somerandomguy83's user avatar
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Cmd instantly closes

So my cmd instantly closes, I tried following this: this kind of solves the problem but it introduces a new ...
Dddsasul's user avatar
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Alternative WHOIS client for Windows 10?

The de-facto whois client is Whois 1.20 From SysInternals, but it currently tries to contact each time you attempt a whois, and now it is running into an endless loop situation.
pbarney's user avatar
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What determines a DLL's "create time" in the ListDLLs output?

I've run ListDlls on an EXE that I'm unsure should be running no my computer. The dates are all over the place for the DLLs in the output. I'm curious as to how the "create time" field is set.
user1073974's user avatar
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In Process Monitor, is it possible to see what data is written/read per entry?

In Process Monitor, is it possible see what data is being read/written to a particular item, be it a file or registry? For example, if a program added "platform=x64" to settings.ini somewhere, Process ...
Coldblackice's user avatar
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In the output of SysInternals Handle.exe what does RWD stand for?

I'm using handle.exe from SysInternals to grab information about open handles. Running just handle.exe -p cmd to get the handles for cmd.exe, I get the following output. Other output is similar, just ...
theTheodidact's user avatar
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PsExec treats second remote computer in list as a program name

PsExec behaves very strangely when run on a specific server When I use PsExec to run a program on multiple remote machines in most cases, it works perfectly fine. When I run the same command on one ...
Jason Fox's user avatar
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Where does chocolatey install sysinternals?

Chocolatey has a nice sysinternals package, but where does it install to? (by default)
David's user avatar
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How to change "Volume Serial Number" in Windows docker image?

I am trying to change the "Volume Serial Number" of a docker image with Sysinternals VolumeId but I'm getting Error reading drive: The request is not supported. when I run Volumeid64.exe C: 1AAA-111A -...
Erik Ovegård's user avatar
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System Internals procexp64 wont restore Task Manager

Prior versions of Process Explorer would allow you to toggle on/off the Replace with Task Manager option. However the current version seems not to toggle so well. After turning it on I can no longer ...
ChiliYago's user avatar
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Restore the original task manager after replacing it with the Sysinternals process explorer

After replacing the default Windows task manager with Sysinternals’ process explorer via the Options → Replace task manager menu, how do you undo that action, i.e. restore the original task manager? I’...
9999years's user avatar
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Why do programs start working when I open Process Monitor?

I have a script I wrote that creates and writes to a file every 20 or 30 seconds and it has been doing that fine for the past 15 years or so on 5 versions of Windows, but I installed the outstanding ...
SebA's user avatar
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How can I run SysInternals ProcMon (or equivalent) inside a docker Windows container?

I'm trying to diagnose an issue where a complicated process does not run inside of my Windows Core container. I really need to figure out why it is failing. If this was a VM, I would just pop up the ...
Dudi Keleti's user avatar
7 votes
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Errors starting PsExec to run a program as a local service

When I run the following command from an Administrative Command Prompt: psexec64 -i -u "nt authority\network service" C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe I'm getting these error messages: Couldn't install ...
user626528's user avatar