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PsExec Access Denied on remote computer

I am trying to start a program remotely using PsExec, however when attempting to connect I get the error message "Access is denied.". Most of the answers found here on SU or on other forums ...
gsck's user avatar
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Could anyone please help me create / edit this powershell script

I would like to reset the wsus service and delete the downloaded updates on selectable one or more hosts up to 200 Hosts. I would like to ping the hosts and export into a file : excel with Online and ...
JamSi's user avatar
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PsExec with Get-WinEvent: The system cannot find the file specified

I'm trying to run Get-WinEvent on a remote PC using psexec but I'm getting the following error: PS C:\> psexec \\pc28 Get-WinEvent -? Starting Get-EventLog on pc28... PsExec could not start Get-...
Russell G's user avatar
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How to start PowerShell to run a command and pass a variable to the new process?

I am currently working on a script that does all my hacks to my Windows 10 20H2 OS in one run. I am using PowerShell 7.0.4 x64, I want to run the script in Admin pwsh, I found some registry keys ...
Ξένη Γήινος's user avatar
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PsExec error - "Couldn't install PSEXESVC service: Access is denied

I've done a lot of research into this problem and still haven't found a solution. I wrote a powershell script that uses psexec to activate another one on a file share using a p2p network. I keep ...
dhelin's user avatar
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Access remote usb file from local pc and scripting capabilities

i have a few batch files running on a pc on the network, and i want them to be able to view and interact with a usb drive on a different Windows 10 (64bit) computer on the same network. Is there a ...
onlyf's user avatar
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PsExec Fails to Execute with Error Code -1073741502

whenever I want to run the following command in a remote server inside of our LAN with PsExec, it gives me the following error. It doesn't matter what I put instead of cmd, too. My macine's OS is ...
atoipowered's user avatar
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Why some exe files(like PsExec.exe) cannot be moved to another folder?

I have downloaded the Sysinternals Suite from After unzipping it, I want to put all the files into a new place, but the ...
United_Stomach's user avatar
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What is the reason PSExec keeps asking to accept EULA?

I'm using PSExec in a script that I run in a Windows 10 to send some commands to a Windows 7. However, sometimes these commands don't work and I realized this happens because at random times, when I ...
Natiya's user avatar
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Start an application with specific date format

I need to use one rather poorly-coded application which requires me to use en-US regional settings, or more specifically, the date format needs to be in en-US format when executing that application. I ...
Dejan Janjušević's user avatar
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psexec: "Access is denied" (Win10 =>XP)

GOAL Attempting to access XP_BOX on the LAN from a Windows 10 box: CONFIGURATION PsExec v2.2 installed on Win10 from Microsoft OBSERVATION: C:\> psexec \\XP_BOX -u XP_BOX\username -c ...
gatorback's user avatar
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Windows 10 PsExec localhost

The following command generally works fine on Windows 7 and Windows 10: psexec \\machine -u username -p password -h -c -f script.bat However, on Windows 10 when 'machine' is the localhost, I receive ...
Franzl's user avatar
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PSEXEC remote to Win 10 - No process is on the other end of the pipe

I tried to use PSEXEC from Windows 7 to Windows 10 PRO (not the preview). PsExec.exe -i 1 -u myuser -p mypass \\ cmd Output Error communicating with PsExec service on ...
user11099's user avatar
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