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Questions tagged [prompt]

The prompt is what asks a user for their interactive input

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iTerm 3.5 & Bash 5.2 prompt "shifting" where cursor shifts to right and is partially invisible [duplicate]

An odd issue I'm seeing with iTerm 3.5.10 and a Raspberry Pi 5 running Debian Bookworm 64-bit. I'm ssh'd in using iTerm and if I have a relatively long command in my command history, hitting the up-...
Barbituate's user avatar
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Recurring "Pick an app" prompt for a file/directory that doesn't exist

I'm using a PC running on Windows 11. For weeks now, this same prompt has been popping up (with no observable pattern or trigger) every few hours or so: "Select an app to open 'Learning'", ...
Colawithice's user avatar
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exit code segment causes Bash prompt to freak out

My Bash prompt (based on mike kasberg's) generally works fine. But when I get an error code, and then write over to the next line, no newline is generated, so the text goes back over my previous ...
Smiley Tiger's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I have a colored Powershell prompt and still have conda env label?

When I add the code below to C:\Users\USERFOLDER\Documents\PowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1: function prompt { $ESC = [char]27 "$ESC[46mPS $($executionContext.SessionState....
Homero Esmeraldo's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to disable the prompt "do you want to stop this program (y/N)" when killing program in powershell

I run my program, I enter Ctrl+C, obviously I want to stop the program. But powershell always asks "do you want to stop the program ? (y/N)". How can I disable this ? I just want the program ...
Genku's user avatar
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Why is there a save icon and a number next to my git branch in PowerShell oh-my-posh?

I am new to using PowerShell to do my git commands and on some of my repositories, I see the following symbol: what does this symbol mean? I looked up symbols but did not find much.
EveryDayDev's user avatar
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Ubuntu password prompt freezes, have to hard reboot. On 22.04 Studio

I have a wireless USB mouse and keyboard and randomly when booting the password prompt is frozen, no blinking cursor. Seems a random annoyance thing. Thinking the USB port is getting claimed or not ...
Frank Smith's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I set a default directory when opening a Command Prompt on Windows 10?

I'm using Windows 10 without admin privileges. I would like the command prompt to default to a directory when I open an instance. I have tried setting the following environment variables for my user ...
Dave's user avatar
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Outlook 365 is prompting IMAP settings when adding a specific google domain account

I have been quite frustrated on this issue and Google has no solution for me. I have created a domain in Google domains and added a users account in the workspace. The first 3 days it works well. I ...
Assist IT's user avatar
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Powershell custom prompt with posh-git git status prompt

I made my own custom prompt for PowerShell and my prompt be look like : [HH:mm] omkrbhagat C:\Users\onkar ~ Then, I installed posh-git module and import in my profile. Auto tab completion for git ...
Omkar Bhagat's user avatar
1 vote
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git-show-branch output showing in my git prompt

When I navigate to the directory of my git repo, my command line shows me a lot of stuff. It looks like the output of git-show-branch. I've tried to edit my git config file to change the default for [...
chargerstriker's user avatar
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TMUX does not print full prompt on the windows terminal

Hello I have the following config for TMUX: set -sg escape-time 50 # set-option -sa terminal-overrides ",xterm-256color:RGB" set -g mouse on ...
Daniel Hornik's user avatar
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Adding color to bash right prompt causes unwanted behaviour

rightprompt() { green=$(tput setaf 156) yellow=$(tput setaf 228) red=$(tput setaf 203) printf "%*s" $COLUMNS "${green}$(date +%a), ${yellow}$(date +%b\ %d), ${red}$(date ...
Lord Royce's user avatar
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BATCH: Correctly interpret environment variables passed by user through set /p

I want to support variable comprehension from user input in my script. >set target=%programdata% >echo %target% Gives me: C:\ProgramData All well and good, however... >set /p target= >%...
Luke Faez's user avatar
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How to answer 'yes' automatically to prompts in a recursive powershell loop?

I have this block that I use to resize videos in nested subfolders with ffmpeg and then delete the original Get-ChildItem -Filter *.mp4 -Recurse | % { ffmpeg -i $_.FullName -vf "scale='if(gt(ih,...
cudnn_account's user avatar
88 votes
1 answer

How can I block the “Sign in with Google” prompt on websites? [duplicate]

On many websites that require login, those annoying Google login prompts appear: There are several tutorials on the Internet on how to avoid this, for example, this one on How-To Geek, which suggest ...
jay.sf's user avatar
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Open multiple instances of Python .py files/code with CMD (command prompt) with .bat extension

I try to open multiple instances of Python .py files/code with CMD (command prompt). So, I made a file with .bat extension, and I run it every time I want to open multiple .py files/code. This is the ...
Just Me's user avatar
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outlook command won't return prompt

So I'm writing a cmd script so I can open some programs on a double click. It looks like this: :: Open Logbook code "\\wsl$\path\to\the\logbook" | exit 0 :: Open Firefox "C:\Program ...
SbiN's user avatar
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What is the differences in these different PowerShells?

When I install some programs such as Anaconda for Jupyter Notebook and VS Code, I can find additional prompt with those programs. For Anaconda, there is some bundled app Anaconda Prompt and for VS ...
Grey's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Put Parrot OS terminal in one line like ubuntu or kali?

Using Parrot OS I could see that the terminal is like this: ┌─[root@parrot]─[~] └──╼ # It is possible to change it to one line like in kali? Like this one: kali@kali:~$
Yarison Fernandes's user avatar
1 vote
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Separate file path from command in Bash under WSL2

Is there a way to separate the file path from the commandline in the Bash prompt in WSL2? For example: Current: user1@DESKTOP-RMF1234:~/mywork/helloworld/tests$ ls Expect: user1@DESKTOP-RMF1234:~/...
Jiu hong's user avatar
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FISH - How to hide hostname/computer from prompt?

For context, I am using FISH 3.1.0. I looked in fish_config, but none of the prompt options just remove the hostname/computer while keeping the rest the same. Is there a way to keep most of the ...
Tyler Shellberg's user avatar
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In Outlook, how to get a prompt when you've been added to a meeting or when a meetings time has changed?

I've had a few bad experiences where I missed a meeting because it was scheduled during the day and I was not at my computer when the outlook 15 minute prior to meeting prompt was displayed. I usually ...
Mandelbrotter's user avatar
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Toolkit is not fiving the password prompt for One plus Seagate password protected external drive

I have a laptop and I used to manually copy files to an external disk via copy-paste. That disk is password protected and the seagate toolkit would ask for a password. This suddenly no longer works. I ...
alka's user avatar
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tmux changes shell prompt

Ubuntu 20.04 (running inside VirtualBox, if that's important.) tmux 3.0a (installed via apt) fish 3.4 (and earlier 3.3) 1.1.1 Font: FiraCode Mono I have configured my prompt to look as ...
navneethc's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to disable OpenSC YubiKey password prompt in Firefox

I have a YubiKey nano plugged into a 2019 MacBook Pro. When I visit some websites (one public example being Gmail), Firefox brings up a password dialog prompting me to enter the YubiKey password. ...
Jay Taylor's user avatar
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Ansi escape code chart for CMD prompt

How to find the command prompt ANSI escape code for the right-angle-quote »? (» in html) I'd like to use this symbol for my CMD prompt shell instead of the default angle bracket >* While ...
matt wilkie's user avatar
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Right And Left Side Prompt In Bash

I want a prompt on the left side of the terminal and opposite it another prompt on the right side of the here is what I have so far and it works partially but the right side of the ...
ablrbls072's user avatar
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Right-aligned PS1 and PS1 equals itself?

read some code somewhere about right alignment of text and have some questions: PS1="`printf "%${COLUMNS}s\n" "${TEXT}"`$PS1" what are the backticks doing? why ...
ablrbls072's user avatar
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PS1R not aligning correctly

I am writing a script to construct my bash prompt but the right side prompt is printing an extra character (one that belongs at the beginning of the left side of the prompt) at the very end of the ...
ablrbls072's user avatar
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Bash and True Color

I am trying to construct a simple bash prompt with true colors and have tried everything with this code as follows--don't see what is the problem and need info from you scripting gurus out there :) #...
ablrbls072's user avatar
2 votes
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Shell appending unknown integer to hostname in prompt (zsh) on mac

I recently customized the prompt in my terminal to be more like the one from parrot os, which I really like. I have read over the documentation many times on how to use the markers/variables in the ...
Digital Brent's user avatar
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What does the WinDbg command prompt indicate?

I'm using WinDbg and am wondering what the WinDbg command prompt indicates. In my case, the command prompt reads 2: kd> I assume the kd means I'm debugging in kernel-mode (as opposed to user-mode,...
Beat Nideröst's user avatar
28 votes
5 answers

CMD prompt window pops up and instantly disappears periodically

Windows 10 - Every 10 minutes or so, a command line window flashes on my computer. I'm afraid I may have been infected by something. I've been staring at the Task Manager (and process explorer) for ...
boscher50's user avatar
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Making zsh prompt blink

Is there a way to cause (part of) the zsh prompt to blink? I know that I can set the colours (with %F/%f) and other visual effects (such as %S/%s), but I have not found a format code for turning on ...
user1934428's user avatar
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How can i change my microphone gain via commandline or prompt? [duplicate]

is it possible to change microphone gain via prompt/command line ? I already tried everything to change it, downloaded equalizer apo, updated drivers... i think the only way it's prompt/command line.
Thmask Ht's user avatar
1 vote
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Bash prompt: How to invert text white-on-black instead of black-on-white like tcsh

I'm a current tcsh user and have this setting in my .tcshrc file to set the prompt: set prompt="%S MBP %s %~ [\!] " My screen's text is usually black text on white brackground, but the %S ...
stackoverflowuser2010's user avatar
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Remove new line from batch prompt

I have the following prompt: PS1="\[\033[s\033[0;0H\033[0;41m\033[K\033[1;33mCWD:\w | \d | \t | CM: \# | \V\s\033[0m\033[u\] <\[\033[0;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[0m\]>\$" Everytime I type a ...
Duarte Arribas's user avatar
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How to customize the bash prompt in a way that doesn't squash venv

I was a long time tcsh user and I have used a custom prompt, which includes the date/time, host, and a largish path. In the past, when I've used venv, I would switch to bash first, just because ...
hepcat72's user avatar
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How to reference to or copy any parameter on the same command line in Powershell?

How to reference to the path parameter on same command line in Powershell? Is there a keyboard shortcut or builtin variable that allows to copy or reference to any parameter on the same command line? ...
user1250493's user avatar
2 votes
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ZSH prompt: path except current dir

Can zsh set the prompt to the whole path except the current dir? I.e. for ~/a/b/c/ to just ~/a/b/? I'm trying to get this result for ~/a/b/c with left & right prompts: c/: | ~/a/b/...
Jakub Fojtík's user avatar
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Weird shell prompt (PS) in shell scripts running under another shell type

When I run a #!/bin/sh script containing set -o xtrace in an interactive zsh I get weird output looking like %F{red}>> %f. Obviously the PS4 of my .zshrc is used but the interpreting shell is sh....
ManuelSchneid3r's user avatar
3 votes
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PowerShell prompt color issue

I tried this: How to colorize the Powershell prompt? function prompt { $ESC = [char]27 "$ESC[46mPS $($executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation)$('>' * ($nestedPromptLevel ...
webdev4422's user avatar
1 vote
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Git branch name is not updated on terminal prompt when checking out another git branch

I'm having this command to set prompt in Bash terminal with Git branch name: export PS1="\w $(git branch | grep '*') " It shows the correct Git branch name for the first time after running ...
Dan D.'s user avatar
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Terminal color codes not working as expected

I am using the following code in my ~/.bash_profile following some online blogs. export CLICOLOR=1 export LSCOLORS=GxFxCxDxBxegedabagaced export TERM="xterm-color" export PS1='\[\033[1;32m\]$...
WiggidyMiggidyMcDaddy's user avatar
2 votes
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tmux prompt misaligned in intellij terminal window

Why is it misaligned? I also see that tmux is not honoring set -g default-shell "/bin/bash" or set-option -g default-command "reattach-to-user-namespace -l bash"
PnotNP's user avatar
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PowerShell replace $env:USERPROFILE in prompt

I mean to get in my PS 5.1 prompt ~\Documents instead of C:\Users\USER1\Documents But while trying one of the "building blocks" I get an error > $($executionContext.SessionState.Path....
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar
4 votes
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Interactive ZSH's command prompt to execute a ZLE command

Is there any way to interactively run a ZLE command on the current line? I am looking for a similar way to TMUX's command-prompt, which default keybinding is prefix : were you can run a TMUX command ...
Nicolas LIENART's user avatar
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Is there a way to create a command prompt shortcut open as administrator and start in another drive and folder on that server?

I would like to create a cmd.exe shortcut that will open as administrator. I have already done this. The default place it opens is on the C:\Windows\system32. I want it to open on E:\\bin instead. ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Windows, how to run a command that would self execute a file every 10 seconds for a duration and append all output to a log file

I need a batch script or a one liner to run an executable and append its output from console to a text file I also need this to run in a loop and dump the output every 10 seconds for a duration of 10 ...
Mi Po's user avatar
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