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Files with long filenames appear as empty

I'm not too familiar with Windows, so please bear with me. I have a folder with several files with very long filenames, that can be listed normally, but if I try to open them with any Windows ...
lhpcw's user avatar
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Colon in filename creates pseudo folder. How do I see what's inside?

I can create a file with a colon : in the name. I am given to understand this should not be possible in Windows. I originally did it by copying text with a colon : into the filename to save a text ...
jbreving's user avatar
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How to make .bat that runs two commands from command prompt in admin mode with notepad++

I upgraded to Win10 recently and I keep getting the invalid IP config issue where you have to open cmd or PowerShell in admin mode and type in the following: netsh i i r netsh winsock r doing so ...
Moustachio's user avatar