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How to connect (or export to JSON) a salvaged MongoDB database

In the wake of the catastrophic failure of an upgrade to my self-hosted Wekan instance, I have salvaged the /var/lib/mongodb directory where Wekan's data was stored, and downloaded it to my laptop. ...
Garrigus Carraig's user avatar
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Can't connect external nodes to Main percona replicaset cluster

I replicated an openshift cluster that runs mongodb with Percona operator. I added the unmanaged cluster's nodes to the Main cluster and exposed them with Nodeport: replsets: - size: 3 expose: ...
Vanias Kopas's user avatar
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Failed to set the root user to MongoDB

I have created a MongoDB docker container with the following compose.yaml --- services: mongodb: image: "" container_name: mongodb restart: unless-...
crackpot's user avatar
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Packages libssl, libc, libcrypto error installing MongoDB on CentOS

I've tried to install MongoDB 7.0 on my instance, but got a following error: Error: Package: mongodb-org-mongos-7.0.11-1.el9.x86_64 (mongodb-org-7.0) Requires: Error: ...
nursultan's user avatar
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How do I install mongodb in Google Colab with the new Ubuntu 22.04 update?

I want to access my mongodb server within Google Colab. For this, I have to install and run mongodb within Google Colab. With the new Ubuntu 22.04 update I am unable to get this to work. Has anybody ...
darksideofthemoon0.0's user avatar
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How do I update MongoDB gpg keys on Debian Linux bullseye 11?

OS: Debian 11 bullseye Kernel: x86_64 Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 I did: apt-get update and got: Err:11 bionic/mongodb-org/3.6 Release.gpg The following signatures ...
user1872176's user avatar
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how to optimize DB query for table with millions of rows when info is sorted (sorted by date in this case)

Imagine you are chatting with your SO on Whatsapp and the conversation is years long, so there are thousands if not millions of messages. CREATE INDEX date_index ON messages_table (date_column); and ...
Alexander Mills's user avatar
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3 answers

MongoDB error - Failed with result 'core-dump'

I need help with MongoDB. I am running Ubuntu Server 22.04.3 LTS (Jammy). When I run systemctl status mongod, I get this: × mongod.service - MongoDB Database Server Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/...
Creeper39x's user avatar
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MongoDB does not log anymore after I've removed the logfile

I have had the mongod.log file of more than 10 GBs, so I deleted it. However, since then the file has not been recreated - did I mess it up by deleting the file? How to fix that?
Stevel's user avatar
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Issues upgrading from MongoDB version 3.6 to 4.0 on Debian 10 - Buster

Im running mongo 3.6.23 on Debian 10 and I'd like to upgrade it to 7.0. From what I've read online, mongo needs to be updated in release order to avoid errors. However, it seems like there is no ...
michael36345's user avatar
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mongoDb stays connected only as long as the user remains logged on the server

When I connect (ssh@..) to our server and run the mongoDb (mongod --dbPath..), all runs fine. But as soon as I close the powershell, mongoDb closes too. Why is that? Could it be related to a user, or ...
Tania's user avatar
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zsh: killed in Terminal

After trying to install mongoDB on macOS Ventura, I'm getting error zsh: killed. When I open Terminal, I see: zsh: killed mkdir -m 700 -p "$SHELL_SESSION_DIR" Whenever I try to run a ...
Диана Середа's user avatar
-1 votes
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MongoDB replicaset on docker swarm

I try to create a MongoDB replicaset in docker swarm services. So far so good. The problem im facing is, when a container stops or is moved to a other docker host, the cluster breaks and i cant ...
Marc's user avatar
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How to deploy Express.js MongoDB using .ejs to vercel

I want to deploy a node express app with mongoDB using .ejs to vercel. The structure of my folder is: -models -public -temp-uploads -uploads -views .env app.js db.js firebase.js package.json router.js ...
Khalif's user avatar
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how can I upgrade mongodb directly from 4.4 to 6.0?

After recent OS upgrade my mongodb is upgraded to 6.0. Then I have following error: "msg":"Wrong mongod version","attr":{"error":"UPGRADE PROBLEM: Found an ...
Wang's user avatar
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I forgot the VMs password, can I retrieve it from MongoDB Compass?

Hi, I have a VM that I forgot the password to. However, I store a database there (which unfortunately is not backed up) and it's no longer responding for some unknown reason. There is an agent that's ...
Ms01's user avatar
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Bash script doesn't work as expected for importing mongodb

host=localhost port=27017 db=cms for c in `mongo --quiet $host:$port/$db --eval 'db.getCollectionNames()' | sed 's/,/ /g'` do mongoexport --host $host --port $port -d $db -c $c > $c.json done ...
user avatar
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Is there a bandwidth/speed limitation with MongoDB?

Is there a bandwidth/speed limitation with MongoDB? Ideally the insert speeds should come near the file transfer speeds, but it’s 1/3 at best. Details below. Server: MongoDB v4.4 community edition, ...
Daniel Lyubin's user avatar
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I just cannot install Mongodb in my Ubuntu 20.04

First I used the documentation of Ubuntu. Step1: After that I ran commands according to documentation. wget -qO - https://www....
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Error: (InvalidBSON) incorrect BSON length in element with field name 'clone_class_metrics.CE' in object with _id: ObjectId

I have windows 10 on my system with enough storage. I have a database that is 208 GB in a file with the .agz extension. When I import the database into my MongoDB, I face the following error: 2021-09-...
Balive13's user avatar
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How to install mongodb on Debian 11 (bullseye)?

How should i install MongoDB on debian 11? There nothing about debian 11 on mongo docs what should i do?
hiwyn's user avatar
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High percentage of IO in iotop

I have a problem with a very slow process (mongod), so I downloaded iotop to see how is my drive going. I can see a very high percentage in the IO< column, constantly about 70-99%. Can someone ...
P. Paul's user avatar
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Set MongoDB 2.6 log without restarting

I am trying to set a new log destination without restarting. It is unclear to me what to set / how to set it. I am running localhost > db.version() 2.6.3 I want to change the system log to /var/...
user2763081's user avatar
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What is the best way to store and use big JSON data?

I have downloaded a bibliographic corpus that consists of 10,000 zipped JSON files with the total size of ~200GB (zipped, ~800GB unzip) I have no experience in dealing with this amount of data, and I ...
Tom Leung's user avatar
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mongodb-prebuilt hidden directory in my Mac home dir

I am cleaning up my mac to free up spaces and I found this .mongodb-prebuilt in my /Users/username directory. I did not know what installed this folder. I had installed these mongo related apps ...
addicted's user avatar
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NordVPN blocking Mongodb Atlas connection

When I try to connect to Mongodb Atlas cluster, NordVPN blocks it (connecting via the Mongo shell). When I turn off Nord it is able to connect. More Information: Database is on the cloud so it might ...
flyingCode's user avatar
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Expose MongoDB from docker container

I am trying to expose my mongodb that is running in a docker container to be accessible from the outside. I found out that it should be able with docker compose or the mongod.conf file to set the ...
Kai's user avatar
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how to connect to MongoDB deployed in Kubernetes from Studio3t?

I'm wondering on how do I connect to a Kubernetes deployed mongoldb instance, I have been using studio3t its fairly easy to use when DB hosted on AWS and all. I am finding it difficult to connect to ...
cross_handle's user avatar
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Mongodb, mongoimport, uncaught exception: SyntaxError: unexpected token: identifier : @(shell):1:15

Getting the below error while importing a csv file in MongoDB database. command: mongoimport -d test -c FAQ --drop --type csv --file C:\Users\KUMA\Desktop\FAQ.csv --headerline --host localhost:27017 --...
Kumar Sundaram's user avatar
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How to fix the mongoDB/node.js issue "MongoTimeoutError: Server selection timed out after 30000 ms"

Please help to fix the mongoDB/node.js events.js:174 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event ^ MongoTimeoutError: Server selection timed out after 30000 ms at Timeout.setTimeout (E:\Digital\...
user2323199's user avatar
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2 answers

Upgrade mongodb replicaset docker container using ansible

Trying to update mongodb in my docker container from 3.6 to 4.2 using ansible, but docker container keeps restarting. The reason it restarting is because the compatibility level is set to 3.6. More ...
rzar's user avatar
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Update the Rocketchat administrator password from mongoDB

I would like to change the password of a Rocketchat user from the mongo command prompt. I followed to the letter the documentation provided by Rocketchat at this address:
GotExx's user avatar
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Can't install mongodb on debian 10 using official instructions

Following the official documentation sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org returns The following packages have unmet dependencies: mongodb-org : Depends: mongodb-org-shell but it is not going to be ...
normad's user avatar
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Putty SSH Tunnel Portforwarding not working with remote MongDB database

I'm having trouble connecting to a remote database server. I'm on a Windows 10 client and can successfully connect to my Ubuntu 16 server with putty over SSH, including with a keypair. Now I have a ...
r .r's user avatar
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two mongoDB version commands returning different versions

when i am running mongo -version it showing a different version than when i am running db.version() from Mongo shell. how this is possible and which is the correct version.
Sharma_Abhinav's user avatar
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javascript in mongoshell

I want to make a join query in mongodb. Mongo doesn't have any join operator so i have to split the query in two parts. first: var a = db.articoli.find({_id: 4010}, {ordini:1}); var b = a[0].ordini; ...
Tiziano Pacifico's user avatar
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Mongodb 2.6 Packages Removed from Mongo Repo?

I am attempting to build Mongodb 2.6.7 from the Mongo repos and am now unable to download them, as I was able to last week... root@591d529e0497:/# echo 'deb
Smuggla's user avatar
36 votes
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Error: mongodb: unknown version :mountain_lion

I am running these simple commands on mac: brew upgrade mongodb or brew install mongodb I am getting this error below: Error: mongodb: unknown version :mountain_lion If i run the simple ...
Tray Fleary's user avatar
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Google Cloud Compute MongoDB Deployment security issue and keyFile issue

I've ran into this super annoying issue today. Basically, I have setup a MongoDB database using the GCP Marketplace offering. It sets up a primary node, secondary, and an arbiter. Which is super cool....
Dom Berk's user avatar
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how to login to mongodb in bigbluebutton html5

How do I connect to the installed mongodb? How many users are defined for mongodb when bbb is installed? root@srv53607:~# mongo mongo MongoDB shell version v3.4.22 connecting to: mongodb://127.0.0....
bijan behvandi's user avatar
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Cannot open MongoDB Compass 1.19.3

I recently updated MongoDB Compass to 1.19.3 from 1.16 on my system(Ubuntu 14.04 LTS)and now it does not open. Every time I launch the compass the window screen of the compass crashes and I cannot ...
Pratik Tayshete's user avatar
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What does config shard mean here?

I created a MongoDB sharded cluster with replica set rsa, rsb and rsc. Configuration server replica set is configRS. Initially shard status listed only these shards as primary shard for the sharded ...
abc's user avatar
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Upgrading OpenSSL to v1.1.0 broke mongo (SSL peer certificate validation failed)

I was trying to connect to a MongoDB Atlas cluster using the srv syntax, but it wasn't working. So I did the following: Update my mongo client to the latest version (v4.0.11). Then every time I ran ...
mightimaus's user avatar
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How to change MongoDB storage engine for replica set member from MMAPv1 to WiredTiger

I am running Mongodb-3.4x version in a Replica set environment (in all 3 different systems on AWS) i.e. One Primary, One secondary (replica) and an arbiter. Issue that I am seeing is for some reason; ...
sylvan-dee's user avatar
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Issues attempting to use MongoDB connector for BI

I am trying to add MongoDB as a linked server to MSSQL server but it is not working. I need to set up MongoDB connector for BI and then add it in the system DSN of the ODBC driver. I am following the ...
Shm3nt1's user avatar
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MongoDB Compass loading forever on start page

When I start MongoDB Compass 1.18, it loads forever and never starts.  It displays the word "LOADING..." under a logo consisting of two blue squares:
Tapors's user avatar
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Debian 10 and MongoDB

Has anyone successfully installed Mongo on Debian 10? I am new to working on Debian. I'm getting these messages when I try to install. I tried MySQL too and got similar messages. Are these databases ...
rosech27's user avatar
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Mongodb Replication primery high cpu usage during secondary stopped

We use mongo replicaSet version 4.0.6 on our environments. The replicaSet works with 3 nodes , one primary, one secondary and one arbiter. We do some test for failover,we stopped the secondary node, ...
周世涛's user avatar
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Trying to use old desktop tower as server for mongodb, but cant resolve a public IP

I am trying to bind to my public IP. However when editing the contents in nano /etc/mongod.conf It does not work. Now I think this might be the issue. Running ifconfig only shows my private ip address:...
Kyle's user avatar
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mongoDb connectivity issue with cluster

I am new to using Mongo DB data base and need help in establishing JDBC connection, I have followed instructions available online but some error is occurring. import com.mongodb.MongoClient; import ...
Sudhanva Paturkar's user avatar